yuyang 7061f7d791 Fix a resource race bug in PathCache
When enabled defer rendering, it will do precache for DrawPathOp.
The paint used for creating PathTask in precache just get the address
of mFilteredPaint of OpenGLRenderer. So for the following defer
operation like DrawTextOp has possibility change the mFilteredPaint
by getPaint while another WorkerThread in PathCache is using the paint
which pointed to the same address of mFilteredPaint to generate bitmap.
As a result, it will generate a wrong bitmap for generateTexture in
PathCache. To fix it, do a copy of paint when creating PathTask.

CRs-Fixed: 664244

Change-Id: I5516f5b143458b88d3573d15b7ebb34f688800c7
2014-05-30 08:26:37 +05:30

634 lines
20 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "OpenGLRenderer"
#include <SkBitmap.h>
#include <SkCanvas.h>
#include <SkPaint.h>
#include <SkPath.h>
#include <SkRect.h>
#include <utils/JenkinsHash.h>
#include <utils/Trace.h>
#include "Caches.h"
#include "PathCache.h"
#include "thread/Signal.h"
#include "thread/Task.h"
#include "thread/TaskProcessor.h"
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
// Cache entries
pathEffect(NULL) {
memset(&shape, 0, sizeof(Shape));
PathDescription::PathDescription(ShapeType type, SkPaint* paint):
pathEffect(paint->getPathEffect()) {
memset(&shape, 0, sizeof(Shape));
hash_t PathDescription::hash() const {
uint32_t hash = JenkinsHashMix(0, type);
hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, join);
hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, cap);
hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, style);
hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type(miter));
hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type(strokeWidth));
hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type(pathEffect));
hash = JenkinsHashMixBytes(hash, (uint8_t*) &shape, sizeof(Shape));
return JenkinsHashWhiten(hash);
int PathDescription::compare(const PathDescription& rhs) const {
return memcmp(this, &rhs, sizeof(PathDescription));
// Utilities
bool PathCache::canDrawAsConvexPath(SkPath* path, SkPaint* paint) {
// NOTE: This should only be used after PathTessellator handles joins properly
return paint->getPathEffect() == NULL && path->getConvexity() == SkPath::kConvex_Convexity;
void PathCache::computePathBounds(const SkPath* path, const SkPaint* paint,
float& left, float& top, float& offset, uint32_t& width, uint32_t& height) {
const SkRect& bounds = path->getBounds();
PathCache::computeBounds(bounds, paint, left, top, offset, width, height);
void PathCache::computeBounds(const SkRect& bounds, const SkPaint* paint,
float& left, float& top, float& offset, uint32_t& width, uint32_t& height) {
const float pathWidth = fmax(bounds.width(), 1.0f);
const float pathHeight = fmax(bounds.height(), 1.0f);
left = bounds.fLeft;
top = bounds.fTop;
offset = (int) floorf(fmax(paint->getStrokeWidth(), 1.0f) * 1.5f + 0.5f);
width = uint32_t(pathWidth + offset * 2.0 + 0.5);
height = uint32_t(pathHeight + offset * 2.0 + 0.5);
static void initBitmap(SkBitmap& bitmap, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
bitmap.setConfig(SkBitmap::kA8_Config, width, height);
static void initPaint(SkPaint& paint) {
// Make sure the paint is opaque, color, alpha, filter, etc.
// will be applied later when compositing the alpha8 texture
SkXfermode* mode = SkXfermode::Create(SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode);
static void drawPath(const SkPath *path, const SkPaint* paint, SkBitmap& bitmap,
float left, float top, float offset, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
initBitmap(bitmap, width, height);
SkPaint pathPaint(*paint);
SkCanvas canvas(bitmap);
canvas.translate(-left + offset, -top + offset);
canvas.drawPath(*path, pathPaint);
static PathTexture* createTexture(float left, float top, float offset,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t id) {
PathTexture* texture = new PathTexture(Caches::getInstance());
texture->left = left;
texture->top = top;
texture->offset = offset;
texture->width = width;
texture->height = height;
texture->generation = id;
return texture;
// Cache constructor/destructor
mCache(LruCache<PathDescription, PathTexture*>::kUnlimitedCapacity),
char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
if (property_get(PROPERTY_PATH_CACHE_SIZE, property, NULL) > 0) {
INIT_LOGD(" Setting %s cache size to %sMB", name, property);
} else {
INIT_LOGD(" Using default %s cache size of %.2fMB", name, DEFAULT_PATH_CACHE_SIZE);
PathCache::~PathCache() {
void PathCache::init() {
GLint maxTextureSize;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &maxTextureSize);
mMaxTextureSize = maxTextureSize;
mDebugEnabled = readDebugLevel() & kDebugCaches;
// Size management
uint32_t PathCache::getSize() {
return mSize;
uint32_t PathCache::getMaxSize() {
return mMaxSize;
void PathCache::setMaxSize(uint32_t maxSize) {
mMaxSize = maxSize;
while (mSize > mMaxSize) {
// Callbacks
void PathCache::operator()(PathDescription& entry, PathTexture*& texture) {
// Caching
void PathCache::removeTexture(PathTexture* texture) {
if (texture) {
const uint32_t size = texture->width * texture->height;
// If there is a pending task we must wait for it to return
// before attempting our cleanup
const sp<Task<SkBitmap*> >& task = texture->task();
if (task != NULL) {
SkBitmap* bitmap = task->getResult();
} else {
// If there is a pending task, the path was not added
// to the cache and the size wasn't increased
if (size > mSize) {
ALOGE("Removing path texture of size %d will leave "
"the cache in an inconsistent state", size);
mSize -= size;
PATH_LOGD("PathCache::delete name, size, mSize = %d, %d, %d",
texture->id, size, mSize);
if (mDebugEnabled) {
ALOGD("Shape deleted, size = %d", size);
if (texture->id) {
delete texture;
void PathCache::purgeCache(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
const uint32_t size = width * height;
// Don't even try to cache a bitmap that's bigger than the cache
if (size < mMaxSize) {
while (mSize + size > mMaxSize) {
void PathCache::trim() {
while (mSize > mMaxSize) {
PathTexture* PathCache::addTexture(const PathDescription& entry, const SkPath *path,
const SkPaint* paint) {
float left, top, offset;
uint32_t width, height;
computePathBounds(path, paint, left, top, offset, width, height);
if (!checkTextureSize(width, height)) return NULL;
purgeCache(width, height);
SkBitmap bitmap;
drawPath(path, paint, bitmap, left, top, offset, width, height);
PathTexture* texture = createTexture(left, top, offset, width, height,
generateTexture(entry, &bitmap, texture);
return texture;
void PathCache::generateTexture(const PathDescription& entry, SkBitmap* bitmap,
PathTexture* texture, bool addToCache) {
generateTexture(*bitmap, texture);
uint32_t size = texture->width * texture->height;
if (size < mMaxSize) {
mSize += size;
PATH_LOGD("PathCache::get/create: name, size, mSize = %d, %d, %d",
texture->id, size, mSize);
if (mDebugEnabled) {
ALOGD("Shape created, size = %d", size);
if (addToCache) {
mCache.put(entry, texture);
} else {
// It's okay to add a texture that's bigger than the cache since
// we'll trim the cache later when addToCache is set to false
if (!addToCache) {
mSize += size;
texture->cleanup = true;
void PathCache::clear() {
void PathCache::generateTexture(SkBitmap& bitmap, Texture* texture) {
SkAutoLockPixels alp(bitmap);
if (!bitmap.readyToDraw()) {
ALOGE("Cannot generate texture from bitmap");
glGenTextures(1, &texture->id);
// Textures are Alpha8
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
texture->blend = true;
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_ALPHA, texture->width, texture->height, 0,
GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bitmap.getPixels());
// Path precaching
PathCache::PathProcessor::PathProcessor(Caches& caches):
TaskProcessor<SkBitmap*>(&caches.tasks), mMaxTextureSize(caches.maxTextureSize) {
void PathCache::PathProcessor::onProcess(const sp<Task<SkBitmap*> >& task) {
sp<PathTask> t = static_cast<PathTask* >(task.get());
float left, top, offset;
uint32_t width, height;
PathCache::computePathBounds(t->path, &t->paint, left, top, offset, width, height);
PathTexture* texture = t->texture;
texture->left = left;
texture->top = top;
texture->offset = offset;
texture->width = width;
texture->height = height;
if (width <= mMaxTextureSize && height <= mMaxTextureSize) {
SkBitmap* bitmap = new SkBitmap();
drawPath(t->path, &t->paint, *bitmap, left, top, offset, width, height);
} else {
texture->width = 0;
texture->height = 0;
// Paths
void PathCache::remove(Vector<PathDescription>& pathsToRemove, const path_pair_t& pair) {
LruCache<PathDescription, PathTexture*>::Iterator i(mCache);
while (i.next()) {
const PathDescription& key = i.key();
if (key.type == kShapePath &&
(key.shape.path.mPath == pair.getFirst() ||
key.shape.path.mPath == pair.getSecond())) {
void PathCache::removeDeferred(SkPath* path) {
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
mGarbage.push(path_pair_t(path, const_cast<SkPath*>(path->getSourcePath())));
void PathCache::clearGarbage() {
Vector<PathDescription> pathsToRemove;
{ // scope for the mutex
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
size_t count = mGarbage.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const path_pair_t& pair = mGarbage.itemAt(i);
remove(pathsToRemove, pair);
delete pair.getFirst();
for (size_t i = 0; i < pathsToRemove.size(); i++) {
* To properly handle path mutations at draw time we always make a copy
* of paths objects when recording display lists. The source path points
* to the path we originally copied the path from. This ensures we use
* the original path as a cache key the first time a path is inserted
* in the cache. The source path is also used to reclaim garbage when a
* Dalvik Path object is collected.
static SkPath* getSourcePath(SkPath* path) {
const SkPath* sourcePath = path->getSourcePath();
if (sourcePath && sourcePath->getGenerationID() == path->getGenerationID()) {
return const_cast<SkPath*>(sourcePath);
return path;
PathTexture* PathCache::get(SkPath* path, SkPaint* paint) {
path = getSourcePath(path);
PathDescription entry(kShapePath, paint);
entry.shape.path.mPath = path;
PathTexture* texture = mCache.get(entry);
if (!texture) {
texture = addTexture(entry, path, paint);
} else {
// A bitmap is attached to the texture, this means we need to
// upload it as a GL texture
const sp<Task<SkBitmap*> >& task = texture->task();
if (task != NULL) {
// But we must first wait for the worker thread to be done
// producing the bitmap, so let's wait
SkBitmap* bitmap = task->getResult();
if (bitmap) {
generateTexture(entry, bitmap, texture, false);
} else {
ALOGW("Path too large to be rendered into a texture");
texture = NULL;
} else if (path->getGenerationID() != texture->generation) {
// The size of the path might have changed so we first
// remove the entry from the cache
texture = addTexture(entry, path, paint);
return texture;
void PathCache::precache(SkPath* path, SkPaint* paint) {
if (!Caches::getInstance().tasks.canRunTasks()) {
path = getSourcePath(path);
PathDescription entry(kShapePath, paint);
entry.shape.path.mPath = path;
PathTexture* texture = mCache.get(entry);
bool generate = false;
if (!texture) {
generate = true;
} else if (path->getGenerationID() != texture->generation) {
generate = true;
if (generate) {
// It is important to specify the generation ID so we do not
// attempt to precache the same path several times
texture = createTexture(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, 0, path->getGenerationID());
sp<PathTask> task = new PathTask(path, paint, texture);
// During the precaching phase we insert path texture objects into
// the cache that do not point to any GL texture. They are instead
// treated as a task for the precaching worker thread. This is why
// we do not check the cache limit when inserting these objects.
// The conversion into GL texture will happen in get(), when a client
// asks for a path texture. This is also when the cache limit will
// be enforced.
mCache.put(entry, texture);
if (mProcessor == NULL) {
mProcessor = new PathProcessor(Caches::getInstance());
// Rounded rects
PathTexture* PathCache::getRoundRect(float width, float height,
float rx, float ry, SkPaint* paint) {
PathDescription entry(kShapeRoundRect, paint);
entry.shape.roundRect.mWidth = width;
entry.shape.roundRect.mHeight = height;
entry.shape.roundRect.mRx = rx;
entry.shape.roundRect.mRy = ry;
PathTexture* texture = get(entry);
if (!texture) {
SkPath path;
SkRect r;
r.set(0.0f, 0.0f, width, height);
path.addRoundRect(r, rx, ry, SkPath::kCW_Direction);
texture = addTexture(entry, &path, paint);
return texture;
// Circles
PathTexture* PathCache::getCircle(float radius, SkPaint* paint) {
PathDescription entry(kShapeCircle, paint);
entry.shape.circle.mRadius = radius;
PathTexture* texture = get(entry);
if (!texture) {
SkPath path;
path.addCircle(radius, radius, radius, SkPath::kCW_Direction);
texture = addTexture(entry, &path, paint);
return texture;
// Ovals
PathTexture* PathCache::getOval(float width, float height, SkPaint* paint) {
PathDescription entry(kShapeOval, paint);
entry.shape.oval.mWidth = width;
entry.shape.oval.mHeight = height;
PathTexture* texture = get(entry);
if (!texture) {
SkPath path;
SkRect r;
r.set(0.0f, 0.0f, width, height);
path.addOval(r, SkPath::kCW_Direction);
texture = addTexture(entry, &path, paint);
return texture;
// Rects
PathTexture* PathCache::getRect(float width, float height, SkPaint* paint) {
PathDescription entry(kShapeRect, paint);
entry.shape.rect.mWidth = width;
entry.shape.rect.mHeight = height;
PathTexture* texture = get(entry);
if (!texture) {
SkPath path;
SkRect r;
r.set(0.0f, 0.0f, width, height);
path.addRect(r, SkPath::kCW_Direction);
texture = addTexture(entry, &path, paint);
return texture;
// Arcs
PathTexture* PathCache::getArc(float width, float height,
float startAngle, float sweepAngle, bool useCenter, SkPaint* paint) {
PathDescription entry(kShapeArc, paint);
entry.shape.arc.mWidth = width;
entry.shape.arc.mHeight = height;
entry.shape.arc.mStartAngle = startAngle;
entry.shape.arc.mSweepAngle = sweepAngle;
entry.shape.arc.mUseCenter = useCenter;
PathTexture* texture = get(entry);
if (!texture) {
SkPath path;
SkRect r;
r.set(0.0f, 0.0f, width, height);
if (useCenter) {
path.moveTo(r.centerX(), r.centerY());
path.arcTo(r, startAngle, sweepAngle, !useCenter);
if (useCenter) {
texture = addTexture(entry, &path, paint);
return texture;
}; // namespace uirenderer
}; // namespace android