Reintroduce a line of code which went missing during a global reformat for style reasons. Change-Id: I6ddc2f5b9ed6a272e79f28cb80227fd71675eb01
1103 lines
35 KiB
1103 lines
35 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* A service that exchanges time synchronization information between
* a master that defines a timeline and clients that follow the timeline.
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <linux/if_ether.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <net/if_arp.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#define LOG_TAG "aah_timesrv"
#include <aah_timesrv/local_clock.h>
#include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
#include <binder/ProcessState.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h>
#include "aah_common_clock_service.h"
#include "clock_recovery.h"
#include "common_clock.h"
namespace android {
/***** time sync protocol packets *****/
enum TimeServicePacketType {
struct TimeServicePacketHeader {
TimeServicePacketHeader(TimeServicePacketType type)
: magic(htonl(kMagic)),
kernelRxLocalTime(0) { }
TimeServicePacketType type() const {
return static_cast<TimeServicePacketType>(ntohl(packetType));
bool checkMagic() const {
return (ntohl(magic) == kMagic);
static const uint32_t kMagic;
// magic number identifying the protocol
uint32_t magic;
// TimeServicePacketType value
uint32_t packetType;
// placeholders for transmit/receive timestamps that can be filled in
// by a kernel netfilter driver
// local time (in the transmitter's domain) when this packet was sent
int64_t kernelTxLocalTime;
// common time when this packet was sent
int64_t kernelTxCommonTime;
// local time (in the receiver's domain) when this packet was received
int64_t kernelRxLocalTime;
} __attribute__((packed));
const uint32_t TimeServicePacketHeader::kMagic = 0x54756e67;
// packet querying for a suitable master
struct WhoIsMasterRequestPacket {
WhoIsMasterRequestPacket() : header(TIME_PACKET_WHO_IS_MASTER_REQUEST) {}
TimeServicePacketHeader header;
// device ID of the sender
uint64_t senderDeviceID;
// If this is kInvalidTimelineID, then any master can response to this
// request. If this is not kInvalidTimelineID, the only a master publishing
// the given timeline ID will respond.
uint32_t timelineID;
} __attribute__((packed));
// response to a WhoIsMaster request
struct WhoIsMasterResponsePacket {
WhoIsMasterResponsePacket() : header(TIME_PACKET_WHO_IS_MASTER_RESPONSE) {}
TimeServicePacketHeader header;
// the master's device ID
uint64_t deviceID;
// the timeline ID being published by this master
uint32_t timelineID;
} __attribute__((packed));
// packet sent by a client requesting correspondence between local
// and common time
struct SyncRequestPacket {
SyncRequestPacket() : header(TIME_PACKET_SYNC_REQUEST) {}
TimeServicePacketHeader header;
// timeline that the client is following
uint32_t timelineID;
// local time when this request was transmitted
int64_t clientTxLocalTime;
} __attribute__((packed));
// response to a sync request sent by the master
struct SyncResponsePacket {
SyncResponsePacket() : header(TIME_PACKET_SYNC_RESPONSE) {}
TimeServicePacketHeader header;
// flag that is set if the recipient of the sync request is not acting
// as a master for the requested timeline
uint32_t nak;
// local time when this request was transmitted by the client
int64_t clientTxLocalTime;
// common time when the master received the request
int64_t masterRxCommonTime;
// common time when the master transmitted the response
int64_t masterTxCommonTime;
} __attribute__((packed));
// announcement of the master's presence
struct MasterAnnouncementPacket {
MasterAnnouncementPacket() : header(TIME_PACKET_MASTER_ANNOUNCEMENT) {}
TimeServicePacketHeader header;
// the master's device ID
uint64_t deviceID;
// the timeline ID being published by this master
uint32_t timelineID;
} __attribute__((packed));
/***** time service implementation *****/
class AAHTimeService : public Thread {
bool threadLoop();
bool runStateMachine();
bool setup();
void assignTimelineID();
bool assignDeviceID();
static bool arbitrateMaster(uint64_t deviceID1, uint64_t deviceID2);
bool handlePacket();
bool handleWhoIsMasterRequest (const WhoIsMasterRequestPacket* request,
const sockaddr_in& srcAddr);
bool handleWhoIsMasterResponse(const WhoIsMasterResponsePacket* response,
const sockaddr_in& srcAddr);
bool handleSyncRequest (const SyncRequestPacket* request,
const sockaddr_in& srcAddr);
bool handleSyncResponse (const SyncResponsePacket* response,
const sockaddr_in& srcAddr);
bool handleMasterAnnouncement (const MasterAnnouncementPacket* packet,
const sockaddr_in& srcAddr);
bool handleTimeout();
bool handleTimeoutInitial();
bool handleTimeoutClient();
bool handleTimeoutMaster();
bool handleTimeoutRonin();
bool handleTimeoutWaitForElection();
bool sendWhoIsMasterRequest();
bool sendSyncRequest();
bool sendMasterAnnouncement();
bool becomeClient(const sockaddr_in& masterAddr,
uint64_t masterDeviceID,
uint32_t timelineID);
bool becomeMaster();
bool becomeRonin();
bool becomeWaitForElection();
bool becomeInitial();
void notifyClockSync();
void notifyClockSyncLoss();
enum State {
// the device just came up and is trying to discover the master
// the device is a client of a master
// the device is acting as master
// the device has lost contact with its master and needs to participate
// in the election of a new master
// the device is waiting for announcement of the newly elected master
State mState;
static const char* stateToString(State s);
void setState(State s);
// interval in milliseconds of the state machine's timeout
int mTimeoutMs;
// common clock, local clock abstraction, and clock recovery loop
CommonClock mCommonClock;
LocalClock mLocalClock;
ClockRecoveryLoop mClockRecovery;
// implementation of ICommonClock
sp<AAHCommonClock> mICommonClock;
// UDP socket for the time sync protocol
int mSocket;
// unique ID of this device
uint64_t mDeviceID;
// timestamp captured when a packet is received
int64_t mLastPacketRxLocalTime;
// multicast address used for master queries and announcements
struct sockaddr_in mMulticastAddr;
// ID of the timeline that this device is following
uint32_t mTimelineID;
// flag for whether the clock has been synced to a timeline
bool mClockSynced;
/*** status while in the Initial state ***/
int mInitial_WhoIsMasterRequestTimeouts;
static const int kInitial_NumWhoIsMasterRetries;
static const int kInitial_WhoIsMasterTimeoutMs;
/*** status while in the Client state ***/
struct sockaddr_in mClient_MasterAddr;
uint64_t mClient_MasterDeviceID;
bool mClient_SeenFirstSyncResponse;
bool mClient_SyncRequestPending;
int mClient_SyncRequestTimeouts;
static const int kClient_SyncRequestIntervalMs;
static const int kClient_SyncRequestTimeoutMs;
static const int kClient_NumSyncRequestRetries;
/*** status while in the Master state ***/
static const int kMaster_AnnouncementIntervalMs;
/*** status while in the Ronin state ***/
int mRonin_WhoIsMasterRequestTimeouts;
static const int kRonin_NumWhoIsMasterRetries;
static const int kRonin_WhoIsMasterTimeoutMs;
/*** status while in the WaitForElection state ***/
static const int kWaitForElection_TimeoutMs;
static const char* kServiceAddr;
static const uint16_t kServicePort;
static const int kInfiniteTimeout;
// multicast IP address used by this protocol
const char* AAHTimeService::kServiceAddr = "";
// UDP port used by this protocol
const uint16_t AAHTimeService::kServicePort = 8787;
// mTimeoutMs value representing an infinite timeout
const int AAHTimeService::kInfiniteTimeout = -1;
/*** Initial state constants ***/
// number of WhoIsMaster attempts sent before giving up
const int AAHTimeService::kInitial_NumWhoIsMasterRetries = 6;
// timeout used when waiting for a response to a WhoIsMaster request
const int AAHTimeService::kInitial_WhoIsMasterTimeoutMs = 500;
/*** Client state constants ***/
// interval between sync requests sent to the master
const int AAHTimeService::kClient_SyncRequestIntervalMs = 1000;
// timeout used when waiting for a response to a sync request
const int AAHTimeService::kClient_SyncRequestTimeoutMs = 400;
// number of sync requests that can fail before a client assumes its master
// is dead
const int AAHTimeService::kClient_NumSyncRequestRetries = 5;
/*** Master state constants ***/
// timeout between announcements by the master
const int AAHTimeService::kMaster_AnnouncementIntervalMs = 10000;
/*** Ronin state constants ***/
// number of WhoIsMaster attempts sent before declaring ourselves master
const int AAHTimeService::kRonin_NumWhoIsMasterRetries = 4;
// timeout used when waiting for a response to a WhoIsMaster request
const int AAHTimeService::kRonin_WhoIsMasterTimeoutMs = 500;
/*** WaitForElection state constants ***/
// how long do we wait for an announcement from a master before
// trying another election?
const int AAHTimeService::kWaitForElection_TimeoutMs = 5000;
: Thread(false)
, mTimeoutMs(kInfiniteTimeout)
, mClockRecovery(&mLocalClock, &mCommonClock)
, mSocket(-1)
, mDeviceID(0)
, mLastPacketRxLocalTime(0)
, mTimelineID(ICommonClock::kInvalidTimelineID)
, mClockSynced(false)
, mInitial_WhoIsMasterRequestTimeouts(0)
, mClient_MasterDeviceID(0)
, mClient_SeenFirstSyncResponse(false)
, mClient_SyncRequestPending(false)
, mClient_SyncRequestTimeouts(0)
, mRonin_WhoIsMasterRequestTimeouts(0) {
memset(&mMulticastAddr, 0, sizeof(mMulticastAddr));
memset(&mClient_MasterAddr, 0, sizeof(mClient_MasterAddr));
AAHTimeService::~AAHTimeService() {
if (mSocket != -1) {
mSocket = -1;
bool AAHTimeService::threadLoop() {
return false;
bool AAHTimeService::runStateMachine() {
if (!mLocalClock.initCheck())
return false;
if (!mCommonClock.init(mLocalClock.getLocalFreq()))
return false;
if (!setup())
return false;
// Enter the initial state; this will also send the first request to
// discover the master
// run the state machine
while (true) {
struct pollfd pfd = {mSocket, POLLIN, 0};
nsecs_t startNs = systemTime();
int rc = poll(&pfd, 1, mTimeoutMs);
int elapsedMs = ns2ms(systemTime() - startNs);
mLastPacketRxLocalTime = mLocalClock.getLocalTime();
if (rc == -1) {
LOGE("%s:%d poll failed", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return false;
if (rc == 0) {
mTimeoutMs = kInfiniteTimeout;
if (!handleTimeout()) {
LOGE("handleTimeout failed");
} else {
if (mTimeoutMs != kInfiniteTimeout) {
mTimeoutMs = (mTimeoutMs > elapsedMs)
? mTimeoutMs - elapsedMs
: 0;
if (pfd.revents & POLLIN) {
if (!handlePacket()) {
LOGE("handlePacket failed");
return true;
bool AAHTimeService::setup() {
int rc;
// seed the random number generator (used to generated timeline IDs)
srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(systemTime()));
// open a UDP socket for the timeline serivce
if (mSocket == -1) {
LOGE("%s:%d socket failed", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return false;
// initialize the multicast address
memset(&mMulticastAddr, 0, sizeof(mMulticastAddr));
mMulticastAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
inet_aton(kServiceAddr, &mMulticastAddr.sin_addr);
mMulticastAddr.sin_port = htons(kServicePort);
// bind the socket to the time service port on all interfaces
struct sockaddr_in bindAddr;
memset(&bindAddr, 0, sizeof(bindAddr));
bindAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
bindAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
bindAddr.sin_port = htons(kServicePort);
rc = bind(mSocket, reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr *>(&bindAddr),
if (rc) {
LOGE("%s:%d bind failed", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return false;
// add the socket to the multicast group
struct ip_mreq mreq;
mreq.imr_multiaddr = mMulticastAddr.sin_addr;
mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
rc = setsockopt(mSocket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP,
&mreq, sizeof(mreq));
if (rc == -1) {
LOGE("%s:%d setsockopt failed (err = %d)",
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, errno);
return false;
// disable loopback of multicast packets
const int zero = 0;
rc = setsockopt(mSocket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_LOOP,
&zero, sizeof(zero));
if (rc == -1) {
LOGE("%s:%d setsockopt failed", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return false;
// get the device's unique ID
if (!assignDeviceID())
return false;
// start the ICommonClock service
mICommonClock = AAHCommonClock::instantiate(&mCommonClock, &mLocalClock);
if (mICommonClock == NULL)
return false;
return true;
// generate a unique device ID that can be used for arbitration
bool AAHTimeService::assignDeviceID() {
// on the PandaBoard, derive the device ID from the MAC address of
// the eth0 interface
struct ifreq ifr;
memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
ifr.ifr_addr.sa_family = AF_INET;
strlcpy(ifr.ifr_name, "eth0", IFNAMSIZ);
int rc = ioctl(mSocket, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr);
if (rc) {
LOGE("%s:%d ioctl failed", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return false;
if (ifr.ifr_addr.sa_family != ARPHRD_ETHER) {
LOGE("%s:%d got non-Ethernet address", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return false;
mDeviceID = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) {
mDeviceID = (mDeviceID << 8) | ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[i];
return true;
// generate a new timeline ID
void AAHTimeService::assignTimelineID() {
do {
mTimelineID = rand();
} while (mTimelineID == ICommonClock::kInvalidTimelineID);
// Select a preference between the device IDs of two potential masters.
// Returns true if the first ID wins, or false if the second ID wins.
bool AAHTimeService::arbitrateMaster(uint64_t deviceID1,
uint64_t deviceID2) {
return (deviceID1 > deviceID2);
bool AAHTimeService::handlePacket() {
const int kMaxPacketSize = 100;
uint8_t buf[kMaxPacketSize];
struct sockaddr_in srcAddr;
socklen_t srcAddrLen = sizeof(srcAddr);
ssize_t recvBytes = recvfrom(
mSocket, buf, sizeof(buf), 0,
reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr *>(&srcAddr), &srcAddrLen);
if (recvBytes == -1) {
LOGE("%s:%d recvfrom failed", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return false;
if (recvBytes < static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(TimeServicePacketHeader)))
return false;
TimeServicePacketHeader* header =
if (!header->checkMagic())
return false;
bool result;
switch (header->type()) {
if (recvBytes <
static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(WhoIsMasterRequestPacket))) {
result = false;
} else {
result = handleWhoIsMasterRequest(
} break;
if (recvBytes <
static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(WhoIsMasterResponsePacket))) {
result = false;
} else {
result = handleWhoIsMasterResponse(
} break;
if (recvBytes < static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(SyncRequestPacket))) {
result = false;
} else {
result = handleSyncRequest(
} break;
if (recvBytes < static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(SyncResponsePacket))) {
result = false;
} else {
result = handleSyncResponse(
} break;
if (recvBytes <
static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(MasterAnnouncementPacket))) {
result = false;
} else {
result = handleMasterAnnouncement(
} break;
default: {
LOGD("%s:%d unknown packet type", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
result = false;
} break;
return result;
bool AAHTimeService::handleTimeout() {
switch (mState) {
return handleTimeoutInitial();
return handleTimeoutClient();
return handleTimeoutMaster();
return handleTimeoutRonin();
return handleTimeoutWaitForElection();
return false;
bool AAHTimeService::handleTimeoutInitial() {
if (++mInitial_WhoIsMasterRequestTimeouts ==
kInitial_NumWhoIsMasterRetries) {
// none of our attempts to discover a master succeeded, so make
// this device the master
return becomeMaster();
} else {
// retry the WhoIsMaster request
return sendWhoIsMasterRequest();
bool AAHTimeService::handleTimeoutClient() {
if (mClient_SyncRequestPending) {
mClient_SyncRequestPending = false;
if (++mClient_SyncRequestTimeouts < kClient_NumSyncRequestRetries) {
// a sync request has timed out, so retry
return sendSyncRequest();
} else {
// The master has failed to respond to a sync request for too many
// times in a row. Assume the master is dead and start electing
// a new master.
return becomeRonin();
} else {
// initiate the next sync request
return sendSyncRequest();
bool AAHTimeService::handleTimeoutMaster() {
// send another announcement from the master
return sendMasterAnnouncement();
bool AAHTimeService::handleTimeoutRonin() {
if (++mRonin_WhoIsMasterRequestTimeouts == kRonin_NumWhoIsMasterRetries) {
// no other master is out there, so we won the election
return becomeMaster();
} else {
return sendWhoIsMasterRequest();
bool AAHTimeService::handleTimeoutWaitForElection() {
return becomeRonin();
bool AAHTimeService::handleWhoIsMasterRequest(
const WhoIsMasterRequestPacket* request,
const sockaddr_in& srcAddr) {
if (mState == STATE_MASTER) {
// is this request related to this master's timeline?
if (ntohl(request->timelineID) != ICommonClock::kInvalidTimelineID &&
ntohl(request->timelineID) != mTimelineID)
return true;
WhoIsMasterResponsePacket response;
response.deviceID = htonq(mDeviceID);
response.timelineID = htonl(mTimelineID);
ssize_t sendBytes = sendto(
mSocket, &response, sizeof(response), 0,
reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr *>(&srcAddr),
if (sendBytes == -1) {
LOGE("%s:%d sendto failed", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return false;
} else if (mState == STATE_RONIN) {
// if we hear a WhoIsMaster request from another device following
// the same timeline and that device wins arbitration, then we will stop
// trying to elect ourselves master and will instead wait for an
// announcement from the election winner
if (ntohl(request->timelineID) != mTimelineID)
return true;
if (arbitrateMaster(ntohq(request->senderDeviceID), mDeviceID))
return becomeWaitForElection();
return true;
} else if (mState == STATE_INITIAL) {
// If a group of devices booted simultaneously (e.g. after a power
// outage) and all of them are in the initial state and there is no
// master, then each device may time out and declare itself master at
// the same time. To avoid this, listen for
// WhoIsMaster(InvalidTimeline) requests from peers. If we would lose
// arbitration against that peer, reset our timeout count so that the
// peer has a chance to become master before we time out.
if (ntohl(request->timelineID) == ICommonClock::kInvalidTimelineID &&
arbitrateMaster(ntohq(request->senderDeviceID), mDeviceID)) {
mInitial_WhoIsMasterRequestTimeouts = 0;
return true;
bool AAHTimeService::handleWhoIsMasterResponse(
const WhoIsMasterResponsePacket* response,
const sockaddr_in& srcAddr) {
if (mState == STATE_INITIAL || mState == STATE_RONIN) {
return becomeClient(srcAddr,
} else if (mState == STATE_CLIENT) {
// if we get multiple responses because there are multiple devices
// who believe that they are master, then follow the master that
// wins arbitration
if (arbitrateMaster(ntohq(response->deviceID),
mClient_MasterDeviceID)) {
return becomeClient(srcAddr,
return true;
bool AAHTimeService::handleSyncRequest(const SyncRequestPacket* request,
const sockaddr_in& srcAddr) {
SyncResponsePacket response;
if (mState == STATE_MASTER && ntohl(request->timelineID) == mTimelineID) {
int64_t rxLocalTime = (request->header.kernelRxLocalTime) ?
ntohq(request->header.kernelRxLocalTime) : mLastPacketRxLocalTime;
int64_t rxCommonTime;
if (OK != mCommonClock.localToCommon(rxLocalTime, &rxCommonTime)) {
return false;
// TODO(johngro) : now that common time has moved out of the kernel, in
// order to turn netfilter based timestamping of transmit and receive
// times, we will need to make some changes to the sync request/resposne
// packet structure. Currently masters send back to clients RX and TX
// times expressed in common time (since the master's local time is not
// useful to the client). Now that the netfilter driver has no access
// to common time, then netfilter driver should capture the master's rx
// local time as the packet comes in, and put the master's tx local time
// into the packet as the response goes out. The user mode code (this
// function) needs to add the master's local->common transformation to
// the packet so that the client can make use of the data.
int64_t txLocalTime = mLocalClock.getLocalTime();;
int64_t txCommonTime;
if (OK != mCommonClock.localToCommon(txLocalTime, &txCommonTime)) {
return false;
response.nak = htonl(0);
response.clientTxLocalTime = (request->header.kernelTxLocalTime) ?
request->header.kernelTxLocalTime : request->clientTxLocalTime;
response.masterRxCommonTime = htonq(rxCommonTime);
response.masterTxCommonTime = htonq(txCommonTime);
} else {
response.nak = htonl(1);
response.clientTxLocalTime = htonl(0);
response.masterRxCommonTime = htonl(0);
response.masterTxCommonTime = htonl(0);
ssize_t sendBytes = sendto(
mSocket, &response, sizeof(response), 0,
reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr *>(&srcAddr),
if (sendBytes == -1) {
LOGE("%s:%d sendto failed", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return false;
return true;
bool AAHTimeService::handleSyncResponse(
const SyncResponsePacket* response,
const sockaddr_in& srcAddr) {
if (mState != STATE_CLIENT)
return true;
if (ntohl(response->nak)) {
// if our master is no longer accepting requests, then we need to find
// a new master
return becomeRonin();
mClient_SyncRequestPending = 0;
mClient_SyncRequestTimeouts = 0;
bool result;
if (!mClient_SeenFirstSyncResponse) {
// the first request/response exchange between a client and a master
// may take unusually long due to ARP, so discard it.
mClient_SeenFirstSyncResponse = true;
result = true;
} else {
int64_t clientTxLocalTime = ntohq(response->clientTxLocalTime);
int64_t clientRxLocalTime = (response->header.kernelRxLocalTime)
? ntohq(response->header.kernelRxLocalTime)
: mLastPacketRxLocalTime;
int64_t masterTxCommonTime = (response->header.kernelTxCommonTime)
? ntohq(response->header.kernelTxCommonTime)
: ntohq(response->masterTxCommonTime);
int64_t masterRxCommonTime = ntohq(response->masterRxCommonTime);
int64_t rtt = (clientRxLocalTime - clientTxLocalTime);
int64_t avgLocal = (clientTxLocalTime + clientRxLocalTime) >> 1;
int64_t avgCommon = (masterTxCommonTime + masterRxCommonTime) >> 1;
result = mClockRecovery.pushDisciplineEvent(avgLocal, avgCommon, rtt);
if (result) {
// indicate to listeners that we've synced to the common timeline
} else {
LOGE("Panic! Observed clock sync error is too high to tolerate,"
" resetting state machine and starting over.");
return becomeInitial();
mTimeoutMs = kClient_SyncRequestIntervalMs;
return result;
bool AAHTimeService::handleMasterAnnouncement(
const MasterAnnouncementPacket* packet,
const sockaddr_in& srcAddr) {
uint64_t newDeviceID = ntohq(packet->deviceID);
uint32_t newTimelineID = ntohl(packet->timelineID);
if (mState == STATE_INITIAL ||
mState == STATE_RONIN ||
// if we aren't currently following a master, then start following
// this new master
return becomeClient(srcAddr, newDeviceID, newTimelineID);
} else if (mState == STATE_CLIENT) {
// if the new master wins arbitration against our current master,
// then become a client of the new master
if (arbitrateMaster(newDeviceID, mClient_MasterDeviceID))
return becomeClient(srcAddr, newDeviceID, newTimelineID);
} else if (mState == STATE_MASTER) {
// two masters are competing - if the new one wins arbitration, then
// cease acting as master
if (arbitrateMaster(newDeviceID, mDeviceID))
return becomeClient(srcAddr, newDeviceID, newTimelineID);
return true;
bool AAHTimeService::sendWhoIsMasterRequest() {
assert(mState == STATE_INITIAL || mState == STATE_RONIN);
WhoIsMasterRequestPacket request;
request.senderDeviceID = htonq(mDeviceID);
request.timelineID = htonl(mTimelineID);
ssize_t sendBytes = sendto(
mSocket, &request, sizeof(request), 0,
reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr *>(&mMulticastAddr),
if (sendBytes == -1) {
LOGE("%s:%d sendto failed", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
if (mState == STATE_INITIAL) {
mTimeoutMs = kInitial_WhoIsMasterTimeoutMs;
} else {
mTimeoutMs = kRonin_WhoIsMasterTimeoutMs;
return (sendBytes != -1);
bool AAHTimeService::sendSyncRequest() {
assert(mState == STATE_CLIENT);
SyncRequestPacket request;
request.timelineID = htonl(mTimelineID);
request.clientTxLocalTime = htonq(mLocalClock.getLocalTime());
ssize_t sendBytes = sendto(
mSocket, &request, sizeof(request), 0,
reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr *>(&mClient_MasterAddr),
if (sendBytes == -1) {
LOGE("%s:%d sendto failed", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
mTimeoutMs = kClient_SyncRequestTimeoutMs;
mClient_SyncRequestPending = true;
return (sendBytes != -1);
bool AAHTimeService::sendMasterAnnouncement() {
assert(mState == STATE_MASTER);
MasterAnnouncementPacket announce;
announce.deviceID = htonq(mDeviceID);
announce.timelineID = htonl(mTimelineID);
ssize_t sendBytes = sendto(
mSocket, &announce, sizeof(announce), 0,
reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr *>(&mMulticastAddr),
if (sendBytes == -1) {
LOGE("%s:%d sendto failed", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
mTimeoutMs = kMaster_AnnouncementIntervalMs;
return (sendBytes != -1);
bool AAHTimeService::becomeClient(const sockaddr_in& masterAddr,
uint64_t masterDeviceID,
uint32_t timelineID) {
mClient_MasterAddr = masterAddr;
mClient_MasterDeviceID = masterDeviceID;
if (mTimelineID != timelineID) {
// start following a new timeline
mTimelineID = timelineID;
mClockRecovery.reset(true, true);
} else {
// start following a new master on the existing timeline
mClockRecovery.reset(false, true);
mClient_SyncRequestPending = 0;
mClient_SyncRequestTimeouts = 0;
mClient_SeenFirstSyncResponse = false;
// add some jitter to when the various clients send their requests
// in order to reduce the likelihood that a group of clients overload
// the master after receiving a master announcement
usleep((rand() % 100) * 1000);
return sendSyncRequest();
bool AAHTimeService::becomeMaster() {
if (mTimelineID == ICommonClock::kInvalidTimelineID) {
// this device has not been following any existing timeline,
// so it will create a new timeline and declare itself master
// set the common time basis
mCommonClock.setBasis(mLocalClock.getLocalTime(), 0);
// assign an arbitrary timeline iD
// notify listeners that we've created a common timeline
mClockRecovery.reset(false, true);
return sendMasterAnnouncement();
bool AAHTimeService::becomeRonin() {
mRonin_WhoIsMasterRequestTimeouts = 0;
return sendWhoIsMasterRequest();
bool AAHTimeService::becomeWaitForElection() {
mTimeoutMs = kWaitForElection_TimeoutMs;
return true;
bool AAHTimeService::becomeInitial() {
// reset clock recovery
mClockRecovery.reset(true, true);
// reset internal state bookkeeping.
mTimeoutMs = kInfiniteTimeout;
mLastPacketRxLocalTime = 0;
mTimelineID = ICommonClock::kInvalidTimelineID;
mClockSynced = false;
mInitial_WhoIsMasterRequestTimeouts = 0;
mClient_MasterDeviceID = 0;
mClient_SeenFirstSyncResponse = false;
mClient_SyncRequestPending = false;
mClient_SyncRequestTimeouts = 0;
mRonin_WhoIsMasterRequestTimeouts = 0;
// send the first request to discover the master
return sendWhoIsMasterRequest();
void AAHTimeService::notifyClockSync() {
if (!mClockSynced) {
mClockSynced = true;
void AAHTimeService::notifyClockSyncLoss() {
if (mClockSynced) {
mClockSynced = false;
void AAHTimeService::setState(State s) {
mState = s;
LOGI("State transition; state is now %s", stateToString(s));
const char* AAHTimeService::stateToString(State s) {
switch(s) {
return "INITIAL";
return "CLIENT";
return "MASTER";
return "RONIN";
return "unknown";
} // namespace android
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
using namespace android;
sp<AAHTimeService> service = new AAHTimeService();
if (service == NULL)
return 1;
service->run("AAHTimeService", ANDROID_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
return 0;