audioplay is initialized with an example of the type of clip it will play. Also remove asserts and debug compile settings from BootAnimation. BUG:24800792 Change-Id: Icb78489417aee0549c340c746b25e57ccdb3427e
362 lines
11 KiB
362 lines
11 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// cribbed from samples/native-audio
#include "audioplay.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
// for native audio
#include <SLES/OpenSLES.h>
#include <SLES/OpenSLES_Android.h>
namespace audioplay {
namespace {
// engine interfaces
static SLObjectItf engineObject = NULL;
static SLEngineItf engineEngine;
// output mix interfaces
static SLObjectItf outputMixObject = NULL;
// buffer queue player interfaces
static SLObjectItf bqPlayerObject = NULL;
static SLPlayItf bqPlayerPlay;
static SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bqPlayerBufferQueue;
static SLMuteSoloItf bqPlayerMuteSolo;
static SLVolumeItf bqPlayerVolume;
// pointer and size of the next player buffer to enqueue, and number of remaining buffers
static const uint8_t* nextBuffer;
static unsigned nextSize;
static const uint32_t ID_RIFF = 0x46464952;
static const uint32_t ID_WAVE = 0x45564157;
static const uint32_t ID_FMT = 0x20746d66;
static const uint32_t ID_DATA = 0x61746164;
struct RiffWaveHeader {
uint32_t riff_id;
uint32_t riff_sz;
uint32_t wave_id;
struct ChunkHeader {
uint32_t id;
uint32_t sz;
struct ChunkFormat {
uint16_t audio_format;
uint16_t num_channels;
uint32_t sample_rate;
uint32_t byte_rate;
uint16_t block_align;
uint16_t bits_per_sample;
// this callback handler is called every time a buffer finishes playing
void bqPlayerCallback(SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bq, void *context) {
bool hasPlayer() {
return (engineObject != NULL && bqPlayerObject != NULL);
// create the engine and output mix objects
bool createEngine() {
SLresult result;
// create engine
result = slCreateEngine(&engineObject, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (result != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
ALOGE("slCreateEngine failed with result %d", result);
return false;
// realize the engine
result = (*engineObject)->Realize(engineObject, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
if (result != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
ALOGE("sl engine Realize failed with result %d", result);
return false;
// get the engine interface, which is needed in order to create other objects
result = (*engineObject)->GetInterface(engineObject, SL_IID_ENGINE, &engineEngine);
if (result != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
ALOGE("sl engine GetInterface failed with result %d", result);
return false;
// create output mix, with environmental reverb specified as a non-required interface
const SLInterfaceID ids[1] = {SL_IID_ENVIRONMENTALREVERB};
const SLboolean req[1] = {SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE};
result = (*engineEngine)->CreateOutputMix(engineEngine, &outputMixObject, 1, ids, req);
if (result != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
ALOGE("sl engine CreateOutputMix failed with result %d", result);
return false;
// realize the output mix
result = (*outputMixObject)->Realize(outputMixObject, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
if (result != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
ALOGE("sl outputMix Realize failed with result %d", result);
return false;
return true;
// create buffer queue audio player
bool createBufferQueueAudioPlayer(const ChunkFormat* chunkFormat) {
SLresult result;
// configure audio source
SLDataLocator_AndroidSimpleBufferQueue loc_bufq = {SL_DATALOCATOR_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE, 1};
SLDataFormat_PCM format_pcm = {
chunkFormat->sample_rate * 1000, // convert to milliHz
SLDataSource audioSrc = {&loc_bufq, &format_pcm};
// configure audio sink
SLDataLocator_OutputMix loc_outmix = {SL_DATALOCATOR_OUTPUTMIX, outputMixObject};
SLDataSink audioSnk = {&loc_outmix, NULL};
// create audio player
const SLInterfaceID ids[2] = {SL_IID_BUFFERQUEUE, SL_IID_VOLUME};
const SLboolean req[2] = {SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE, SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE};
result = (*engineEngine)->CreateAudioPlayer(engineEngine, &bqPlayerObject, &audioSrc, &audioSnk,
2, ids, req);
if (result != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
ALOGE("sl CreateAudioPlayer failed with result %d", result);
return false;
// realize the player
result = (*bqPlayerObject)->Realize(bqPlayerObject, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
if (result != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
ALOGE("sl player Realize failed with result %d", result);
return false;
// get the play interface
result = (*bqPlayerObject)->GetInterface(bqPlayerObject, SL_IID_PLAY, &bqPlayerPlay);
if (result != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
ALOGE("sl player GetInterface failed with result %d", result);
return false;
// get the buffer queue interface
result = (*bqPlayerObject)->GetInterface(bqPlayerObject, SL_IID_BUFFERQUEUE,
if (result != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
ALOGE("sl playberBufferQueue GetInterface failed with result %d", result);
return false;
// register callback on the buffer queue
result = (*bqPlayerBufferQueue)->RegisterCallback(bqPlayerBufferQueue, bqPlayerCallback, NULL);
if (result != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
ALOGE("sl bqPlayerBufferQueue RegisterCallback failed with result %d", result);
return false;
// get the volume interface
result = (*bqPlayerObject)->GetInterface(bqPlayerObject, SL_IID_VOLUME, &bqPlayerVolume);
if (result != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
ALOGE("sl volume GetInterface failed with result %d", result);
return false;
// set the player's state to playing
CHATTY("Created buffer queue player: %p", bqPlayerBufferQueue);
return true;
bool parseClipBuf(const uint8_t* clipBuf, int clipBufSize, const ChunkFormat** oChunkFormat,
const uint8_t** oSoundBuf, unsigned* oSoundBufSize) {
*oSoundBuf = clipBuf;
*oSoundBufSize = clipBufSize;
*oChunkFormat = NULL;
const RiffWaveHeader* wavHeader = (const RiffWaveHeader*)*oSoundBuf;
if (*oSoundBufSize < sizeof(*wavHeader) || (wavHeader->riff_id != ID_RIFF) ||
(wavHeader->wave_id != ID_WAVE)) {
ALOGE("Error: audio file is not a riff/wave file\n");
return false;
*oSoundBuf += sizeof(*wavHeader);
*oSoundBufSize -= sizeof(*wavHeader);
while (true) {
const ChunkHeader* chunkHeader = (const ChunkHeader*)*oSoundBuf;
if (*oSoundBufSize < sizeof(*chunkHeader)) {
ALOGE("EOF reading chunk headers");
return false;
*oSoundBuf += sizeof(*chunkHeader);
*oSoundBufSize -= sizeof(*chunkHeader);
bool endLoop = false;
switch (chunkHeader->id) {
case ID_FMT:
*oChunkFormat = (const ChunkFormat*)*oSoundBuf;
*oSoundBuf += chunkHeader->sz;
*oSoundBufSize -= chunkHeader->sz;
case ID_DATA:
/* Stop looking for chunks */
endLoop = true;
/* Unknown chunk, skip bytes */
*oSoundBuf += chunkHeader->sz;
*oSoundBufSize -= chunkHeader->sz;
if (endLoop) {
if (*oChunkFormat == NULL) {
ALOGE("format not found in WAV file");
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
bool create(const uint8_t* exampleClipBuf, int exampleClipBufSize) {
if (!createEngine()) {
return false;
// Parse the example clip.
const ChunkFormat* chunkFormat;
const uint8_t* soundBuf;
unsigned soundBufSize;
if (!parseClipBuf(exampleClipBuf, exampleClipBufSize, &chunkFormat, &soundBuf, &soundBufSize)) {
return false;
// Initialize the BufferQueue based on this clip's format.
if (!createBufferQueueAudioPlayer(chunkFormat)) {
return false;
return true;
bool playClip(const uint8_t* buf, int size) {
// Parse the WAV header
const ChunkFormat* chunkFormat;
if (!parseClipBuf(buf, size, &chunkFormat, &nextBuffer, &nextSize)) {
return false;
if (!hasPlayer()) {
ALOGD("cannot play clip %p without a player", buf);
return false;
CHATTY("playClip on player %p: buf=%p size=%d", bqPlayerBufferQueue, buf, size);
if (nextSize > 0) {
// here we only enqueue one buffer because it is a long clip,
// but for streaming playback we would typically enqueue at least 2 buffers to start
SLresult result;
result = (*bqPlayerBufferQueue)->Enqueue(bqPlayerBufferQueue, nextBuffer, nextSize);
if (SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
return false;
return true;
// set the playing state for the buffer queue audio player
void setPlaying(bool isPlaying) {
if (!hasPlayer()) return;
SLresult result;
if (NULL != bqPlayerPlay) {
// set the player's state
result = (*bqPlayerPlay)->SetPlayState(bqPlayerPlay,
void destroy() {
// destroy buffer queue audio player object, and invalidate all associated interfaces
if (bqPlayerObject != NULL) {
CHATTY("destroying audio player");
bqPlayerObject = NULL;
bqPlayerPlay = NULL;
bqPlayerBufferQueue = NULL;
bqPlayerMuteSolo = NULL;
bqPlayerVolume = NULL;
// destroy output mix object, and invalidate all associated interfaces
if (outputMixObject != NULL) {
outputMixObject = NULL;
// destroy engine object, and invalidate all associated interfaces
if (engineObject != NULL) {
CHATTY("destroying audio engine");
engineObject = NULL;
engineEngine = NULL;
} // namespace audioplay