Turning animations back on exposed this. The problem is that when the screen brightness changes, it initiates a brightness animation. When we force the screen to black as we wait for it to be ready to display, it sees that an animation is running so stops it and thinks this means it should now turn the display off. To fix this, don't modify the screen brightness while we are waiting to show the screen. This is good anyway because the whole point is to avoid showing the screen until ready, and modifying the brightness at that point would turn it on prematurely. Change-Id: I84b296f8ca5705c2d237ea7741cdeb95c5521df9
3169 lines
128 KiB
3169 lines
128 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.android.server;
import com.android.internal.app.IBatteryStats;
import com.android.internal.app.ShutdownThread;
import com.android.server.am.BatteryStatsService;
import android.app.ActivityManagerNative;
import android.app.IActivityManager;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.ContentQueryMap;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.database.ContentObserver;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.hardware.Sensor;
import android.hardware.SensorEvent;
import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;
import android.hardware.SensorManager;
import android.os.BatteryManager;
import android.os.BatteryStats;
import android.os.Binder;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.HandlerThread;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.IPowerManager;
import android.os.LocalPowerManager;
import android.os.Power;
import android.os.PowerManager;
import android.os.Process;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.os.WorkSource;
import android.provider.Settings.SettingNotFoundException;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.util.EventLog;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.view.WindowManagerPolicy;
import static android.provider.Settings.System.DIM_SCREEN;
import static android.provider.Settings.System.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS;
import static android.provider.Settings.System.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE;
import static android.provider.Settings.System.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE_AUTOMATIC;
import static android.provider.Settings.System.SCREEN_OFF_TIMEOUT;
import static android.provider.Settings.System.STAY_ON_WHILE_PLUGGED_IN;
import static android.provider.Settings.System.WINDOW_ANIMATION_SCALE;
import static android.provider.Settings.System.TRANSITION_ANIMATION_SCALE;
import java.io.FileDescriptor;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Observable;
import java.util.Observer;
public class PowerManagerService extends IPowerManager.Stub
implements LocalPowerManager, Watchdog.Monitor {
private static final String TAG = "PowerManagerService";
static final String PARTIAL_NAME = "PowerManagerService";
static final boolean DEBUG_SCREEN_ON = false;
private static final boolean LOG_PARTIAL_WL = false;
// Indicates whether touch-down cycles should be logged as part of the
private static final boolean LOG_TOUCH_DOWNS = true;
private static final int LOCK_MASK = PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK
| PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK
// time since last state: time since last event:
// The short keylight delay comes from secure settings; this is the default.
private static final int SHORT_KEYLIGHT_DELAY_DEFAULT = 6000; // t+6 sec
private static final int MEDIUM_KEYLIGHT_DELAY = 15000; // t+15 sec
private static final int LONG_KEYLIGHT_DELAY = 6000; // t+6 sec
private static final int LONG_DIM_TIME = 7000; // t+N-5 sec
// How long to wait to debounce light sensor changes in milliseconds
private static final int LIGHT_SENSOR_DELAY = 2000;
// light sensor events rate in microseconds
private static final int LIGHT_SENSOR_RATE = 1000000;
// For debouncing the proximity sensor in milliseconds
private static final int PROXIMITY_SENSOR_DELAY = 1000;
// trigger proximity if distance is less than 5 cm
private static final float PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD = 5.0f;
// Cached secure settings; see updateSettingsValues()
private int mShortKeylightDelay = SHORT_KEYLIGHT_DELAY_DEFAULT;
// Default timeout for screen off, if not found in settings database = 15 seconds.
private static final int DEFAULT_SCREEN_OFF_TIMEOUT = 15000;
// flags for setPowerState
private static final int SCREEN_ON_BIT = 0x00000001;
private static final int SCREEN_BRIGHT_BIT = 0x00000002;
private static final int BUTTON_BRIGHT_BIT = 0x00000004;
private static final int KEYBOARD_BRIGHT_BIT = 0x00000008;
private static final int BATTERY_LOW_BIT = 0x00000010;
// values for setPowerState
// SCREEN_OFF == everything off
private static final int SCREEN_OFF = 0x00000000;
// SCREEN_DIM == screen on, screen backlight dim
private static final int SCREEN_DIM = SCREEN_ON_BIT;
// SCREEN_BRIGHT == screen on, screen backlight bright
// SCREEN_BUTTON_BRIGHT == screen on, screen and button backlights bright
// SCREEN_BUTTON_BRIGHT == screen on, screen, button and keyboard backlights bright
// used for noChangeLights in setPowerState()
boolean mAnimateScreenLights = true;
static final int ANIM_STEPS = 60/4;
// Slower animation for autobrightness changes
static final int AUTOBRIGHTNESS_ANIM_STEPS = 60;
// These magic numbers are the initial state of the LEDs at boot. Ideally
// we should read them from the driver, but our current hardware returns 0
// for the initial value. Oops!
static final int INITIAL_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS = 255;
private final int MY_UID;
private final int MY_PID;
private boolean mDoneBooting = false;
private boolean mBootCompleted = false;
private int mStayOnConditions = 0;
private final int[] mBroadcastQueue = new int[] { -1, -1, -1 };
private final int[] mBroadcastWhy = new int[3];
private boolean mPreparingForScreenOn = false;
private boolean mSkippedScreenOn = false;
private boolean mInitialized = false;
private int mPartialCount = 0;
private int mPowerState;
// mScreenOffReason can be WindowManagerPolicy.OFF_BECAUSE_OF_USER,
// WindowManagerPolicy.OFF_BECAUSE_OF_TIMEOUT or WindowManagerPolicy.OFF_BECAUSE_OF_PROX_SENSOR
private int mScreenOffReason;
private int mUserState;
private boolean mKeyboardVisible = false;
private boolean mUserActivityAllowed = true;
private int mProximityWakeLockCount = 0;
private boolean mProximitySensorEnabled = false;
private boolean mProximitySensorActive = false;
private int mProximityPendingValue = -1; // -1 == nothing, 0 == inactive, 1 == active
private long mLastProximityEventTime;
private int mScreenOffTimeoutSetting;
private int mMaximumScreenOffTimeout = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private int mKeylightDelay;
private int mDimDelay;
private int mScreenOffDelay;
private int mWakeLockState;
private long mLastEventTime = 0;
private long mScreenOffTime;
private volatile WindowManagerPolicy mPolicy;
private final LockList mLocks = new LockList();
private Intent mScreenOffIntent;
private Intent mScreenOnIntent;
private LightsService mLightsService;
private Context mContext;
private LightsService.Light mLcdLight;
private LightsService.Light mButtonLight;
private LightsService.Light mKeyboardLight;
private LightsService.Light mAttentionLight;
private UnsynchronizedWakeLock mBroadcastWakeLock;
private UnsynchronizedWakeLock mStayOnWhilePluggedInScreenDimLock;
private UnsynchronizedWakeLock mStayOnWhilePluggedInPartialLock;
private UnsynchronizedWakeLock mPreventScreenOnPartialLock;
private UnsynchronizedWakeLock mProximityPartialLock;
private HandlerThread mHandlerThread;
private HandlerThread mScreenOffThread;
private Handler mScreenOffHandler;
private Handler mHandler;
private final TimeoutTask mTimeoutTask = new TimeoutTask();
private final BrightnessState mScreenBrightness
= new BrightnessState(SCREEN_BRIGHT_BIT);
private boolean mStillNeedSleepNotification;
private boolean mIsPowered = false;
private IActivityManager mActivityService;
private IBatteryStats mBatteryStats;
private BatteryService mBatteryService;
private SensorManager mSensorManager;
private Sensor mProximitySensor;
private Sensor mLightSensor;
private boolean mLightSensorEnabled;
private float mLightSensorValue = -1;
private boolean mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff = false;
private int mHighestLightSensorValue = -1;
private boolean mLightSensorPendingDecrease = false;
private boolean mLightSensorPendingIncrease = false;
private float mLightSensorPendingValue = -1;
private int mLightSensorScreenBrightness = -1;
private int mLightSensorButtonBrightness = -1;
private int mLightSensorKeyboardBrightness = -1;
private boolean mDimScreen = true;
private boolean mIsDocked = false;
private long mNextTimeout;
private volatile int mPokey = 0;
private volatile boolean mPokeAwakeOnSet = false;
private volatile boolean mInitComplete = false;
private final HashMap<IBinder,PokeLock> mPokeLocks = new HashMap<IBinder,PokeLock>();
// mLastScreenOnTime is the time the screen was last turned on
private long mLastScreenOnTime;
private boolean mPreventScreenOn;
private int mScreenBrightnessOverride = -1;
private int mButtonBrightnessOverride = -1;
private int mScreenBrightnessDim;
private boolean mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness;
private boolean mAutoBrightessEnabled;
private int[] mAutoBrightnessLevels;
private int[] mLcdBacklightValues;
private int[] mButtonBacklightValues;
private int[] mKeyboardBacklightValues;
private int mLightSensorWarmupTime;
boolean mUnplugTurnsOnScreen;
private int mWarningSpewThrottleCount;
private long mWarningSpewThrottleTime;
private int mAnimationSetting = ANIM_SETTING_OFF;
// Must match with the ISurfaceComposer constants in C++.
private static final int ANIM_SETTING_ON = 0x01;
private static final int ANIM_SETTING_OFF = 0x10;
// Used when logging number and duration of touch-down cycles
private long mTotalTouchDownTime;
private long mLastTouchDown;
private int mTouchCycles;
// could be either static or controllable at runtime
private static final boolean mSpew = false;
private static final boolean mDebugProximitySensor = (false || mSpew);
private static final boolean mDebugLightSensor = (false || mSpew);
private native void nativeInit();
private native void nativeSetPowerState(boolean screenOn, boolean screenBright);
private native void nativeStartSurfaceFlingerAnimation(int mode);
static PrintStream mLog;
static {
try {
mLog = new PrintStream("/data/power.log");
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
android.util.Slog.e(TAG, "Life is hard", e);
static class Log {
static void d(String tag, String s) {
android.util.Slog.d(tag, s);
static void i(String tag, String s) {
android.util.Slog.i(tag, s);
static void w(String tag, String s) {
android.util.Slog.w(tag, s);
static void e(String tag, String s) {
android.util.Slog.e(tag, s);
* This class works around a deadlock between the lock in PowerManager.WakeLock
* and our synchronizing on mLocks. PowerManager.WakeLock synchronizes on its
* mToken object so it can be accessed from any thread, but it calls into here
* with its lock held. This class is essentially a reimplementation of
* PowerManager.WakeLock, but without that extra synchronized block, because we'll
* only call it with our own locks held.
private class UnsynchronizedWakeLock {
int mFlags;
String mTag;
IBinder mToken;
int mCount = 0;
boolean mRefCounted;
boolean mHeld;
UnsynchronizedWakeLock(int flags, String tag, boolean refCounted) {
mFlags = flags;
mTag = tag;
mToken = new Binder();
mRefCounted = refCounted;
public void acquire() {
if (!mRefCounted || mCount++ == 0) {
long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
PowerManagerService.this.acquireWakeLockLocked(mFlags, mToken,
MY_UID, MY_PID, mTag, null);
mHeld = true;
} finally {
public void release() {
if (!mRefCounted || --mCount == 0) {
PowerManagerService.this.releaseWakeLockLocked(mToken, 0, false);
mHeld = false;
if (mCount < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("WakeLock under-locked " + mTag);
public boolean isHeld()
return mHeld;
public String toString() {
return "UnsynchronizedWakeLock(mFlags=0x" + Integer.toHexString(mFlags)
+ " mCount=" + mCount + " mHeld=" + mHeld + ")";
private final class BatteryReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
synchronized (mLocks) {
boolean wasPowered = mIsPowered;
mIsPowered = mBatteryService.isPowered();
if (mIsPowered != wasPowered) {
// update mStayOnWhilePluggedIn wake lock
// treat plugging and unplugging the devices as a user activity.
// users find it disconcerting when they unplug the device
// and it shuts off right away.
// to avoid turning on the screen when unplugging, we only trigger
// user activity when screen was already on.
// temporarily set mUserActivityAllowed to true so this will work
// even when the keyguard is on.
// However, you can also set config_unplugTurnsOnScreen to have it
// turn on. Some devices want this because they don't have a
// charging LED.
synchronized (mLocks) {
if (!wasPowered || (mPowerState & SCREEN_ON_BIT) != 0 ||
mUnplugTurnsOnScreen) {
private final class BootCompletedReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
private final class DockReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
int state = intent.getIntExtra(Intent.EXTRA_DOCK_STATE,
* Set the setting that determines whether the device stays on when plugged in.
* The argument is a bit string, with each bit specifying a power source that,
* when the device is connected to that source, causes the device to stay on.
* See {@link android.os.BatteryManager} for the list of power sources that
* can be specified. Current values include {@link android.os.BatteryManager#BATTERY_PLUGGED_AC}
* and {@link android.os.BatteryManager#BATTERY_PLUGGED_USB}
* @param val an {@code int} containing the bits that specify which power sources
* should cause the device to stay on.
public void setStayOnSetting(int val) {
mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS, null);
Settings.System.STAY_ON_WHILE_PLUGGED_IN, val);
public void setMaximumScreenOffTimeount(int timeMs) {
android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS, null);
synchronized (mLocks) {
mMaximumScreenOffTimeout = timeMs;
// recalculate everything
private class SettingsObserver implements Observer {
private int getInt(String name, int defValue) {
ContentValues values = mSettings.getValues(name);
Integer iVal = values != null ? values.getAsInteger(Settings.System.VALUE) : null;
return iVal != null ? iVal : defValue;
private float getFloat(String name, float defValue) {
ContentValues values = mSettings.getValues(name);
Float fVal = values != null ? values.getAsFloat(Settings.System.VALUE) : null;
return fVal != null ? fVal : defValue;
public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
synchronized (mLocks) {
// STAY_ON_WHILE_PLUGGED_IN, default to when plugged into AC
mStayOnConditions = getInt(STAY_ON_WHILE_PLUGGED_IN,
// SCREEN_OFF_TIMEOUT, default to 15 seconds
//mDimScreen = getInt(DIM_SCREEN) != 0;
// SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE, default to manual
// recalculate everything
final float windowScale = getFloat(WINDOW_ANIMATION_SCALE, 1.0f);
final float transitionScale = getFloat(TRANSITION_ANIMATION_SCALE, 1.0f);
mAnimationSetting = 0;
if (windowScale > 0.5f) {
mAnimationSetting |= ANIM_SETTING_OFF;
if (transitionScale > 0.5f) {
// Uncomment this if you want the screen-on animation.
// mAnimationSetting |= ANIM_SETTING_ON;
PowerManagerService() {
// Hack to get our uid... should have a func for this.
long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
MY_UID = Process.myUid();
MY_PID = Process.myPid();
// XXX remove this when the kernel doesn't timeout wake locks
Power.setLastUserActivityTimeout(7*24*3600*1000); // one week
// assume nothing is on yet
mUserState = mPowerState = 0;
// Add ourself to the Watchdog monitors.
private ContentQueryMap mSettings;
void init(Context context, LightsService lights, IActivityManager activity,
BatteryService battery) {
mLightsService = lights;
mContext = context;
mActivityService = activity;
mBatteryStats = BatteryStatsService.getService();
mBatteryService = battery;
mLcdLight = lights.getLight(LightsService.LIGHT_ID_BACKLIGHT);
mButtonLight = lights.getLight(LightsService.LIGHT_ID_BUTTONS);
mKeyboardLight = lights.getLight(LightsService.LIGHT_ID_KEYBOARD);
mAttentionLight = lights.getLight(LightsService.LIGHT_ID_ATTENTION);
synchronized (mLocks) {
mInitComplete = false;
mScreenOffThread = new HandlerThread("PowerManagerService.mScreenOffThread") {
protected void onLooperPrepared() {
mScreenOffHandler = new Handler();
synchronized (mScreenOffThread) {
mInitComplete = true;
synchronized (mScreenOffThread) {
while (!mInitComplete) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
mInitComplete = false;
mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread("PowerManagerService") {
protected void onLooperPrepared() {
synchronized (mHandlerThread) {
while (!mInitComplete) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
synchronized (mLocks) {
// We make sure to start out with the screen on due to user activity.
// (They did just boot their device, after all.)
mInitialized = true;
void initInThread() {
mHandler = new Handler();
mBroadcastWakeLock = new UnsynchronizedWakeLock(
PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "sleep_broadcast", true);
mStayOnWhilePluggedInScreenDimLock = new UnsynchronizedWakeLock(
PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK, "StayOnWhilePluggedIn Screen Dim", false);
mStayOnWhilePluggedInPartialLock = new UnsynchronizedWakeLock(
PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "StayOnWhilePluggedIn Partial", false);
mPreventScreenOnPartialLock = new UnsynchronizedWakeLock(
PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "PreventScreenOn Partial", false);
mProximityPartialLock = new UnsynchronizedWakeLock(
PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "Proximity Partial", false);
mScreenOnIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON);
mScreenOffIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF);
Resources resources = mContext.getResources();
mAnimateScreenLights = resources.getBoolean(
mUnplugTurnsOnScreen = resources.getBoolean(
mScreenBrightnessDim = resources.getInteger(
// read settings for auto-brightness
mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness = resources.getBoolean(
if (mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness) {
mAutoBrightnessLevels = resources.getIntArray(
mLcdBacklightValues = resources.getIntArray(
mButtonBacklightValues = resources.getIntArray(
mKeyboardBacklightValues = resources.getIntArray(
mLightSensorWarmupTime = resources.getInteger(
ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver();
Cursor settingsCursor = resolver.query(Settings.System.CONTENT_URI, null,
"(" + Settings.System.NAME + "=?) or ("
+ Settings.System.NAME + "=?) or ("
+ Settings.System.NAME + "=?) or ("
+ Settings.System.NAME + "=?) or ("
+ Settings.System.NAME + "=?) or ("
+ Settings.System.NAME + "=?)",
mSettings = new ContentQueryMap(settingsCursor, Settings.System.NAME, true, mHandler);
SettingsObserver settingsObserver = new SettingsObserver();
// pretend that the settings changed so we will get their initial state
settingsObserver.update(mSettings, null);
// register for the battery changed notifications
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
mContext.registerReceiver(new BatteryReceiver(), filter);
filter = new IntentFilter();
mContext.registerReceiver(new BootCompletedReceiver(), filter);
filter = new IntentFilter();
mContext.registerReceiver(new DockReceiver(), filter);
// Listen for secure settings changes
Settings.Secure.CONTENT_URI, true,
new ContentObserver(new Handler()) {
public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
synchronized (mHandlerThread) {
mInitComplete = true;
private class WakeLock implements IBinder.DeathRecipient
WakeLock(int f, IBinder b, String t, int u, int p) {
flags = f;
binder = b;
tag = t;
uid = u == MY_UID ? Process.SYSTEM_UID : u;
pid = p;
if (u != MY_UID || (
&& !"KeyInputQueue".equals(tag))) {
monitorType = (f & LOCK_MASK) == PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK
: BatteryStats.WAKE_TYPE_FULL;
} else {
monitorType = -1;
try {
b.linkToDeath(this, 0);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
public void binderDied() {
synchronized (mLocks) {
releaseWakeLockLocked(this.binder, 0, true);
final int flags;
final IBinder binder;
final String tag;
final int uid;
final int pid;
final int monitorType;
WorkSource ws;
boolean activated = true;
int minState;
private void updateWakeLockLocked() {
if (mStayOnConditions != 0 && mBatteryService.isPowered(mStayOnConditions)) {
// keep the device on if we're plugged in and mStayOnWhilePluggedIn is set.
} else {
private boolean isScreenLock(int flags)
int n = flags & LOCK_MASK;
return n == PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK
|| n == PowerManager.SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK
|| n == PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK
void enforceWakeSourcePermission(int uid, int pid) {
if (uid == Process.myUid()) {
pid, uid, null);
public void acquireWakeLock(int flags, IBinder lock, String tag, WorkSource ws) {
int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
int pid = Binder.getCallingPid();
if (uid != Process.myUid()) {
mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.WAKE_LOCK, null);
if (ws != null) {
enforceWakeSourcePermission(uid, pid);
long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
synchronized (mLocks) {
acquireWakeLockLocked(flags, lock, uid, pid, tag, ws);
} finally {
void noteStartWakeLocked(WakeLock wl, WorkSource ws) {
if (wl.monitorType >= 0) {
long origId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
if (ws != null) {
mBatteryStats.noteStartWakelockFromSource(ws, wl.pid, wl.tag,
} else {
mBatteryStats.noteStartWakelock(wl.uid, wl.pid, wl.tag, wl.monitorType);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Ignore
} finally {
void noteStopWakeLocked(WakeLock wl, WorkSource ws) {
if (wl.monitorType >= 0) {
long origId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
if (ws != null) {
mBatteryStats.noteStopWakelockFromSource(ws, wl.pid, wl.tag,
} else {
mBatteryStats.noteStopWakelock(wl.uid, wl.pid, wl.tag, wl.monitorType);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Ignore
} finally {
public void acquireWakeLockLocked(int flags, IBinder lock, int uid, int pid, String tag,
WorkSource ws) {
if (mSpew) {
Slog.d(TAG, "acquireWakeLock flags=0x" + Integer.toHexString(flags) + " tag=" + tag);
if (ws != null && ws.size() == 0) {
ws = null;
int index = mLocks.getIndex(lock);
WakeLock wl;
boolean newlock;
boolean diffsource;
WorkSource oldsource;
if (index < 0) {
wl = new WakeLock(flags, lock, tag, uid, pid);
switch (wl.flags & LOCK_MASK)
case PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK:
if (mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness) {
wl.minState = SCREEN_BRIGHT;
} else {
wl.minState = (mKeyboardVisible ? ALL_BRIGHT : SCREEN_BUTTON_BRIGHT);
wl.minState = SCREEN_BRIGHT;
case PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK:
wl.minState = SCREEN_DIM;
case PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK:
// just log and bail. we're in the server, so don't
// throw an exception.
Slog.e(TAG, "bad wakelock type for lock '" + tag + "' "
+ " flags=" + flags);
if (ws != null) {
wl.ws = new WorkSource(ws);
newlock = true;
diffsource = false;
oldsource = null;
} else {
wl = mLocks.get(index);
newlock = false;
oldsource = wl.ws;
if (oldsource != null) {
if (ws == null) {
wl.ws = null;
diffsource = true;
} else {
diffsource = oldsource.diff(ws);
} else if (ws != null) {
diffsource = true;
} else {
diffsource = false;
if (diffsource) {
wl.ws = new WorkSource(ws);
if (isScreenLock(flags)) {
// if this causes a wakeup, we reactivate all of the locks and
// set it to whatever they want. otherwise, we modulate that
// by the current state so we never turn it more on than
// it already is.
if ((flags & LOCK_MASK) == PowerManager.PROXIMITY_SCREEN_OFF_WAKE_LOCK) {
if (mProximityWakeLockCount == 1) {
} else {
if ((wl.flags & PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP) != 0) {
int oldWakeLockState = mWakeLockState;
mWakeLockState = mLocks.reactivateScreenLocksLocked();
// Disable proximity sensor if if user presses power key while we are in the
// "waiting for proximity sensor to go negative" state.
if ((mWakeLockState & SCREEN_ON_BIT) != 0
&& mProximitySensorActive && mProximityWakeLockCount == 0) {
mProximitySensorActive = false;
if (mSpew) {
Slog.d(TAG, "wakeup here mUserState=0x" + Integer.toHexString(mUserState)
+ " mWakeLockState=0x"
+ Integer.toHexString(mWakeLockState)
+ " previous wakeLockState=0x"
+ Integer.toHexString(oldWakeLockState));
} else {
if (mSpew) {
Slog.d(TAG, "here mUserState=0x" + Integer.toHexString(mUserState)
+ " mLocks.gatherState()=0x"
+ Integer.toHexString(mLocks.gatherState())
+ " mWakeLockState=0x" + Integer.toHexString(mWakeLockState));
mWakeLockState = (mUserState | mWakeLockState) & mLocks.gatherState();
setPowerState(mWakeLockState | mUserState);
else if ((flags & LOCK_MASK) == PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK) {
if (newlock) {
if (mPartialCount == 1) {
if (LOG_PARTIAL_WL) EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.POWER_PARTIAL_WAKE_STATE, 1, tag);
if (diffsource) {
// If the lock sources have changed, need to first release the
// old ones.
noteStopWakeLocked(wl, oldsource);
if (newlock || diffsource) {
noteStartWakeLocked(wl, ws);
public void updateWakeLockWorkSource(IBinder lock, WorkSource ws) {
int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
int pid = Binder.getCallingPid();
if (ws != null && ws.size() == 0) {
ws = null;
if (ws != null) {
enforceWakeSourcePermission(uid, pid);
synchronized (mLocks) {
int index = mLocks.getIndex(lock);
if (index < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wake lock not active");
WakeLock wl = mLocks.get(index);
WorkSource oldsource = wl.ws;
wl.ws = ws != null ? new WorkSource(ws) : null;
noteStopWakeLocked(wl, oldsource);
noteStartWakeLocked(wl, ws);
public void releaseWakeLock(IBinder lock, int flags) {
int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
if (uid != Process.myUid()) {
mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.WAKE_LOCK, null);
synchronized (mLocks) {
releaseWakeLockLocked(lock, flags, false);
private void releaseWakeLockLocked(IBinder lock, int flags, boolean death) {
WakeLock wl = mLocks.removeLock(lock);
if (wl == null) {
if (mSpew) {
Slog.d(TAG, "releaseWakeLock flags=0x"
+ Integer.toHexString(wl.flags) + " tag=" + wl.tag);
if (isScreenLock(wl.flags)) {
if ((wl.flags & LOCK_MASK) == PowerManager.PROXIMITY_SCREEN_OFF_WAKE_LOCK) {
if (mProximityWakeLockCount == 0) {
if (mProximitySensorActive &&
((flags & PowerManager.WAIT_FOR_PROXIMITY_NEGATIVE) != 0)) {
// wait for proximity sensor to go negative before disabling sensor
if (mDebugProximitySensor) {
Slog.d(TAG, "waiting for proximity sensor to go negative");
} else {
} else {
mWakeLockState = mLocks.gatherState();
// goes in the middle to reduce flicker
if ((wl.flags & PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE) != 0) {
userActivity(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), -1, false, OTHER_EVENT, false);
setPowerState(mWakeLockState | mUserState);
else if ((wl.flags & LOCK_MASK) == PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK) {
if (mPartialCount == 0) {
if (LOG_PARTIAL_WL) EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.POWER_PARTIAL_WAKE_STATE, 0, wl.tag);
// Unlink the lock from the binder.
wl.binder.unlinkToDeath(wl, 0);
noteStopWakeLocked(wl, wl.ws);
private class PokeLock implements IBinder.DeathRecipient
PokeLock(int p, IBinder b, String t) {
this.pokey = p;
this.binder = b;
this.tag = t;
try {
b.linkToDeath(this, 0);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
public void binderDied() {
setPokeLock(0, this.binder, this.tag);
int pokey;
IBinder binder;
String tag;
boolean awakeOnSet;
public void setPokeLock(int pokey, IBinder token, String tag) {
mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DEVICE_POWER, null);
if (token == null) {
Slog.e(TAG, "setPokeLock got null token for tag='" + tag + "'");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("setPokeLock can't have both POKE_LOCK_SHORT_TIMEOUT"
synchronized (mLocks) {
if (pokey != 0) {
PokeLock p = mPokeLocks.get(token);
int oldPokey = 0;
if (p != null) {
oldPokey = p.pokey;
p.pokey = pokey;
} else {
p = new PokeLock(pokey, token, tag);
mPokeLocks.put(token, p);
int oldTimeout = oldPokey & POKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT_MASK;
int newTimeout = pokey & POKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT_MASK;
if (((mPowerState & SCREEN_ON_BIT) == 0) && (oldTimeout != newTimeout)) {
p.awakeOnSet = true;
} else {
PokeLock rLock = mPokeLocks.remove(token);
if (rLock != null) {
token.unlinkToDeath(rLock, 0);
int oldPokey = mPokey;
int cumulative = 0;
boolean oldAwakeOnSet = mPokeAwakeOnSet;
boolean awakeOnSet = false;
for (PokeLock p: mPokeLocks.values()) {
cumulative |= p.pokey;
if (p.awakeOnSet) {
awakeOnSet = true;
mPokey = cumulative;
mPokeAwakeOnSet = awakeOnSet;
int oldCumulativeTimeout = oldPokey & POKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT_MASK;
int newCumulativeTimeout = pokey & POKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT_MASK;
if (oldCumulativeTimeout != newCumulativeTimeout) {
// reset the countdown timer, but use the existing nextState so it doesn't
// change anything
setTimeoutLocked(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), mTimeoutTask.nextState);
private static String lockType(int type)
switch (type)
case PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK:
return "FULL_WAKE_LOCK ";
case PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK:
case PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK:
return "??? ";
private static String dumpPowerState(int state) {
return (((state & KEYBOARD_BRIGHT_BIT) != 0)
+ (((state & SCREEN_BRIGHT_BIT) != 0)
+ (((state & SCREEN_ON_BIT) != 0)
? "SCREEN_ON_BIT " : "")
+ (((state & BATTERY_LOW_BIT) != 0)
? "BATTERY_LOW_BIT " : "");
public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) {
if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DUMP)
!= PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
pw.println("Permission Denial: can't dump PowerManager from from pid="
+ Binder.getCallingPid()
+ ", uid=" + Binder.getCallingUid());
long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
synchronized (mLocks) {
pw.println("Power Manager State:");
pw.println(" mIsPowered=" + mIsPowered
+ " mPowerState=" + mPowerState
+ " mScreenOffTime=" + (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()-mScreenOffTime)
+ " ms");
pw.println(" mPartialCount=" + mPartialCount);
pw.println(" mWakeLockState=" + dumpPowerState(mWakeLockState));
pw.println(" mUserState=" + dumpPowerState(mUserState));
pw.println(" mPowerState=" + dumpPowerState(mPowerState));
pw.println(" mLocks.gather=" + dumpPowerState(mLocks.gatherState()));
pw.println(" mNextTimeout=" + mNextTimeout + " now=" + now
+ " " + ((mNextTimeout-now)/1000) + "s from now");
pw.println(" mDimScreen=" + mDimScreen
+ " mStayOnConditions=" + mStayOnConditions
+ " mPreparingForScreenOn=" + mPreparingForScreenOn
+ " mSkippedScreenOn=" + mSkippedScreenOn);
pw.println(" mScreenOffReason=" + mScreenOffReason
+ " mUserState=" + mUserState);
pw.println(" mBroadcastQueue={" + mBroadcastQueue[0] + ',' + mBroadcastQueue[1]
+ ',' + mBroadcastQueue[2] + "}");
pw.println(" mBroadcastWhy={" + mBroadcastWhy[0] + ',' + mBroadcastWhy[1]
+ ',' + mBroadcastWhy[2] + "}");
pw.println(" mPokey=" + mPokey + " mPokeAwakeonSet=" + mPokeAwakeOnSet);
pw.println(" mKeyboardVisible=" + mKeyboardVisible
+ " mUserActivityAllowed=" + mUserActivityAllowed);
pw.println(" mKeylightDelay=" + mKeylightDelay + " mDimDelay=" + mDimDelay
+ " mScreenOffDelay=" + mScreenOffDelay);
pw.println(" mPreventScreenOn=" + mPreventScreenOn
+ " mScreenBrightnessOverride=" + mScreenBrightnessOverride
+ " mButtonBrightnessOverride=" + mButtonBrightnessOverride);
pw.println(" mScreenOffTimeoutSetting=" + mScreenOffTimeoutSetting
+ " mMaximumScreenOffTimeout=" + mMaximumScreenOffTimeout);
pw.println(" mLastScreenOnTime=" + mLastScreenOnTime);
pw.println(" mBroadcastWakeLock=" + mBroadcastWakeLock);
pw.println(" mStayOnWhilePluggedInScreenDimLock=" + mStayOnWhilePluggedInScreenDimLock);
pw.println(" mStayOnWhilePluggedInPartialLock=" + mStayOnWhilePluggedInPartialLock);
pw.println(" mPreventScreenOnPartialLock=" + mPreventScreenOnPartialLock);
pw.println(" mProximityPartialLock=" + mProximityPartialLock);
pw.println(" mProximityWakeLockCount=" + mProximityWakeLockCount);
pw.println(" mProximitySensorEnabled=" + mProximitySensorEnabled);
pw.println(" mProximitySensorActive=" + mProximitySensorActive);
pw.println(" mProximityPendingValue=" + mProximityPendingValue);
pw.println(" mLastProximityEventTime=" + mLastProximityEventTime);
pw.println(" mLightSensorEnabled=" + mLightSensorEnabled);
pw.println(" mLightSensorValue=" + mLightSensorValue
+ " mLightSensorPendingValue=" + mLightSensorPendingValue);
pw.println(" mLightSensorPendingDecrease=" + mLightSensorPendingDecrease
+ " mLightSensorPendingIncrease=" + mLightSensorPendingIncrease);
pw.println(" mLightSensorScreenBrightness=" + mLightSensorScreenBrightness
+ " mLightSensorButtonBrightness=" + mLightSensorButtonBrightness
+ " mLightSensorKeyboardBrightness=" + mLightSensorKeyboardBrightness);
pw.println(" mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness=" + mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness);
pw.println(" mAutoBrightessEnabled=" + mAutoBrightessEnabled);
mScreenBrightness.dump(pw, " mScreenBrightness: ");
int N = mLocks.size();
pw.println("mLocks.size=" + N + ":");
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
WakeLock wl = mLocks.get(i);
String type = lockType(wl.flags & LOCK_MASK);
String acquireCausesWakeup = "";
if ((wl.flags & PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP) != 0) {
acquireCausesWakeup = "ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP ";
String activated = "";
if (wl.activated) {
activated = " activated";
pw.println(" " + type + " '" + wl.tag + "'" + acquireCausesWakeup
+ activated + " (minState=" + wl.minState + ", uid=" + wl.uid
+ ", pid=" + wl.pid + ")");
pw.println("mPokeLocks.size=" + mPokeLocks.size() + ":");
for (PokeLock p: mPokeLocks.values()) {
pw.println(" poke lock '" + p.tag + "':"
+ ((p.pokey & POKE_LOCK_SHORT_TIMEOUT) != 0
+ ((p.pokey & POKE_LOCK_MEDIUM_TIMEOUT) != 0
private void setTimeoutLocked(long now, int nextState) {
setTimeoutLocked(now, -1, nextState);
// If they gave a timeoutOverride it is the number of seconds
// to screen-off. Figure out where in the countdown cycle we
// should jump to.
private void setTimeoutLocked(long now, final long originalTimeoutOverride, int nextState) {
long timeoutOverride = originalTimeoutOverride;
if (mBootCompleted) {
synchronized (mLocks) {
long when = 0;
if (timeoutOverride <= 0) {
switch (nextState)
when = now + mKeylightDelay;
if (mDimDelay >= 0) {
when = now + mDimDelay;
} else {
Slog.w(TAG, "mDimDelay=" + mDimDelay + " while trying to dim");
synchronized (mLocks) {
when = now + mScreenOffDelay;
when = now;
} else {
override: {
if (timeoutOverride <= mScreenOffDelay) {
when = now + timeoutOverride;
nextState = SCREEN_OFF;
break override;
timeoutOverride -= mScreenOffDelay;
if (mDimDelay >= 0) {
if (timeoutOverride <= mDimDelay) {
when = now + timeoutOverride;
nextState = SCREEN_DIM;
break override;
timeoutOverride -= mDimDelay;
when = now + timeoutOverride;
nextState = SCREEN_BRIGHT;
if (mSpew) {
Slog.d(TAG, "setTimeoutLocked now=" + now
+ " timeoutOverride=" + timeoutOverride
+ " nextState=" + nextState + " when=" + when);
mTimeoutTask.nextState = nextState;
mTimeoutTask.remainingTimeoutOverride = timeoutOverride > 0
? (originalTimeoutOverride - timeoutOverride)
: -1;
mHandler.postAtTime(mTimeoutTask, when);
mNextTimeout = when; // for debugging
private void cancelTimerLocked()
mTimeoutTask.nextState = -1;
private class TimeoutTask implements Runnable
int nextState; // access should be synchronized on mLocks
long remainingTimeoutOverride;
public void run()
synchronized (mLocks) {
if (mSpew) {
Slog.d(TAG, "user activity timeout timed out nextState=" + this.nextState);
if (nextState == -1) {
mUserState = this.nextState;
setPowerState(this.nextState | mWakeLockState);
long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
switch (this.nextState)
if (mDimDelay >= 0) {
setTimeoutLocked(now, remainingTimeoutOverride, SCREEN_DIM);
setTimeoutLocked(now, remainingTimeoutOverride, SCREEN_OFF);
private void sendNotificationLocked(boolean on, int why) {
if (!mInitialized) {
// No notifications sent until first initialization is done.
// This is so that when we are moving from our initial state
// which looks like the screen was off to it being on, we do not
// go through the process of waiting for the higher-level user
// space to be ready before turning up the display brightness.
// (And also do not send needless broadcasts about the screen.)
RuntimeException here = new RuntimeException("here");
Slog.i(TAG, "sendNotificationLocked: " + on, here);
if (!on) {
mStillNeedSleepNotification = false;
// Add to the queue.
int index = 0;
while (mBroadcastQueue[index] != -1) {
mBroadcastQueue[index] = on ? 1 : 0;
mBroadcastWhy[index] = why;
// If we added it position 2, then there is a pair that can be stripped.
// If we added it position 1 and we're turning the screen off, we can strip
// the pair and do nothing, because the screen is already off, and therefore
// keyguard has already been enabled.
// However, if we added it at position 1 and we're turning it on, then position
// 0 was to turn it off, and we can't strip that, because keyguard needs to come
// on, so have to run the queue then.
if (index == 2) {
// While we're collapsing them, if it's going off, and the new reason
// is more significant than the first, then use the new one.
if (!on && mBroadcastWhy[0] > why) {
mBroadcastWhy[0] = why;
mBroadcastQueue[0] = on ? 1 : 0;
mBroadcastQueue[1] = -1;
mBroadcastQueue[2] = -1;
EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.POWER_SCREEN_BROADCAST_STOP, 1, mBroadcastWakeLock.mCount);
EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.POWER_SCREEN_BROADCAST_STOP, 1, mBroadcastWakeLock.mCount);
index = 0;
if (index == 1 && !on) {
mBroadcastQueue[0] = -1;
mBroadcastQueue[1] = -1;
index = -1;
// The wake lock was being held, but we're not actually going to do any
// broadcasts, so release the wake lock.
EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.POWER_SCREEN_BROADCAST_STOP, 1, mBroadcastWakeLock.mCount);
// The broadcast queue has changed; make sure the screen is on if it
// is now possible for it to be.
if (mSkippedScreenOn) {
updateLightsLocked(mPowerState, SCREEN_ON_BIT);
// Now send the message.
if (index >= 0) {
// Acquire the broadcast wake lock before changing the power
// state. It will be release after the broadcast is sent.
// We always increment the ref count for each notification in the queue
// and always decrement when that notification is handled.
EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.POWER_SCREEN_BROADCAST_SEND, mBroadcastWakeLock.mCount);
private WindowManagerPolicy.ScreenOnListener mScreenOnListener =
new WindowManagerPolicy.ScreenOnListener() {
@Override public void onScreenOn() {
synchronized (mLocks) {
if (mPreparingForScreenOn) {
mPreparingForScreenOn = false;
updateLightsLocked(mPowerState, SCREEN_ON_BIT);
4, mBroadcastWakeLock.mCount);
private Runnable mNotificationTask = new Runnable()
public void run()
while (true) {
int value;
int why;
WindowManagerPolicy policy;
synchronized (mLocks) {
value = mBroadcastQueue[0];
why = mBroadcastWhy[0];
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
mBroadcastQueue[i] = mBroadcastQueue[i+1];
mBroadcastWhy[i] = mBroadcastWhy[i+1];
policy = getPolicyLocked();
if (value == 1 && !mPreparingForScreenOn) {
mPreparingForScreenOn = true;
if (value == 1) {
mScreenOnStart = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// ignore it
if (mSpew) {
Slog.d(TAG, "mBroadcastWakeLock=" + mBroadcastWakeLock);
if (mContext != null && ActivityManagerNative.isSystemReady()) {
mContext.sendOrderedBroadcast(mScreenOnIntent, null,
mScreenOnBroadcastDone, mHandler, 0, null, null);
} else {
synchronized (mLocks) {
EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.POWER_SCREEN_BROADCAST_STOP, 2,
else if (value == 0) {
mScreenOffStart = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// ignore it.
if (mContext != null && ActivityManagerNative.isSystemReady()) {
mContext.sendOrderedBroadcast(mScreenOffIntent, null,
mScreenOffBroadcastDone, mHandler, 0, null, null);
} else {
synchronized (mLocks) {
EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.POWER_SCREEN_BROADCAST_STOP, 3,
updateLightsLocked(mPowerState, SCREEN_ON_BIT);
else {
// If we're in this case, then this handler is running for a previous
// paired transaction. mBroadcastWakeLock will already have been released.
long mScreenOnStart;
private BroadcastReceiver mScreenOnBroadcastDone = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
synchronized (mLocks) {
EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.POWER_SCREEN_BROADCAST_DONE, 1,
SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mScreenOnStart, mBroadcastWakeLock.mCount);
long mScreenOffStart;
private BroadcastReceiver mScreenOffBroadcastDone = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
synchronized (mLocks) {
EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.POWER_SCREEN_BROADCAST_DONE, 0,
SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mScreenOffStart, mBroadcastWakeLock.mCount);
void logPointerUpEvent() {
mTotalTouchDownTime += SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mLastTouchDown;
mLastTouchDown = 0;
void logPointerDownEvent() {
// If we are not already timing a down/up sequence
if (mLastTouchDown == 0) {
mLastTouchDown = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
* Prevents the screen from turning on even if it *should* turn on due
* to a subsequent full wake lock being acquired.
* <p>
* This is a temporary hack that allows an activity to "cover up" any
* display glitches that happen during the activity's startup
* sequence. (Specifically, this API was added to work around a
* cosmetic bug in the "incoming call" sequence, where the lock screen
* would flicker briefly before the incoming call UI became visible.)
* TODO: There ought to be a more elegant way of doing this,
* probably by having the PowerManager and ActivityManager
* work together to let apps specify that the screen on/off
* state should be synchronized with the Activity lifecycle.
* <p>
* Note that calling preventScreenOn(true) will NOT turn the screen
* off if it's currently on. (This API only affects *future*
* acquisitions of full wake locks.)
* But calling preventScreenOn(false) WILL turn the screen on if
* it's currently off because of a prior preventScreenOn(true) call.
* <p>
* Any call to preventScreenOn(true) MUST be followed promptly by a call
* to preventScreenOn(false). In fact, if the preventScreenOn(false)
* call doesn't occur within 5 seconds, we'll turn the screen back on
* ourselves (and log a warning about it); this prevents a buggy app
* from disabling the screen forever.)
* <p>
* TODO: this feature should really be controlled by a new type of poke
* lock (rather than an IPowerManager call).
public void preventScreenOn(boolean prevent) {
mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DEVICE_POWER, null);
synchronized (mLocks) {
if (prevent) {
// First of all, grab a partial wake lock to
// make sure the CPU stays on during the entire
// preventScreenOn(true) -> preventScreenOn(false) sequence.
// Post a forceReenableScreen() call (for 5 seconds in the
// future) to make sure the matching preventScreenOn(false) call
// has happened by then.
mHandler.postDelayed(mForceReenableScreenTask, 5000);
// Finally, set the flag that prevents the screen from turning on.
// (Below, in setPowerState(), we'll check mPreventScreenOn and
// we *won't* call setScreenStateLocked(true) if it's set.)
mPreventScreenOn = true;
} else {
// (Re)enable the screen.
mPreventScreenOn = false;
// We're "undoing" a the prior preventScreenOn(true) call, so we
// no longer need the 5-second safeguard.
// Forcibly turn on the screen if it's supposed to be on. (This
// handles the case where the screen is currently off because of
// a prior preventScreenOn(true) call.)
if (!mProximitySensorActive && (mPowerState & SCREEN_ON_BIT) != 0) {
if (mSpew) {
"preventScreenOn: turning on after a prior preventScreenOn(true)!");
int err = setScreenStateLocked(true);
if (err != 0) {
Slog.w(TAG, "preventScreenOn: error from setScreenStateLocked(): " + err);
// Release the partial wake lock that we held during the
// preventScreenOn(true) -> preventScreenOn(false) sequence.
public void setScreenBrightnessOverride(int brightness) {
mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DEVICE_POWER, null);
if (mSpew) Slog.d(TAG, "setScreenBrightnessOverride " + brightness);
synchronized (mLocks) {
if (mScreenBrightnessOverride != brightness) {
mScreenBrightnessOverride = brightness;
if (isScreenOn()) {
updateLightsLocked(mPowerState, SCREEN_ON_BIT);
public void setButtonBrightnessOverride(int brightness) {
mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DEVICE_POWER, null);
if (mSpew) Slog.d(TAG, "setButtonBrightnessOverride " + brightness);
synchronized (mLocks) {
if (mButtonBrightnessOverride != brightness) {
mButtonBrightnessOverride = brightness;
if (isScreenOn()) {
updateLightsLocked(mPowerState, BUTTON_BRIGHT_BIT | KEYBOARD_BRIGHT_BIT);
* Sanity-check that gets called 5 seconds after any call to
* preventScreenOn(true). This ensures that the original call
* is followed promptly by a call to preventScreenOn(false).
private void forceReenableScreen() {
// We shouldn't get here at all if mPreventScreenOn is false, since
// we should have already removed any existing
// mForceReenableScreenTask messages...
if (!mPreventScreenOn) {
Slog.w(TAG, "forceReenableScreen: mPreventScreenOn is false, nothing to do");
// Uh oh. It's been 5 seconds since a call to
// preventScreenOn(true) and we haven't re-enabled the screen yet.
// This means the app that called preventScreenOn(true) is either
// slow (i.e. it took more than 5 seconds to call preventScreenOn(false)),
// or buggy (i.e. it forgot to call preventScreenOn(false), or
// crashed before doing so.)
// Log a warning, and forcibly turn the screen back on.
Slog.w(TAG, "App called preventScreenOn(true) but didn't promptly reenable the screen! "
+ "Forcing the screen back on...");
private Runnable mForceReenableScreenTask = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
private int setScreenStateLocked(boolean on) {
RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException("here");
Slog.i(TAG, "Set screen state: " + on, e);
if (on) {
if ((mPowerState & SCREEN_ON_BIT) == 0 || mSkippedScreenOn) {
// If we are turning the screen state on, but the screen
// light is currently off, then make sure that we set the
// light at this point to 0. This is the case where we are
// turning on the screen and waiting for the UI to be drawn
// before showing it to the user. We want the light off
// until it is ready to be shown to the user, not it using
// whatever the last value it had.
Slog.i(TAG, "Forcing brightness 0: mPowerState=0x"
+ Integer.toHexString(mPowerState)
+ " mSkippedScreenOn=" + mSkippedScreenOn);
int err = Power.setScreenState(on);
if (err == 0) {
mLastScreenOnTime = (on ? SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() : 0);
if (mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness) {
if (!on) {
// make sure button and key backlights are off too
// clear current value so we will update based on the new conditions
// when the sensor is reenabled.
mLightSensorValue = -1;
// reset our highest light sensor value when the screen turns off
mHighestLightSensorValue = -1;
return err;
private void setPowerState(int state)
setPowerState(state, false, WindowManagerPolicy.OFF_BECAUSE_OF_TIMEOUT);
private void setPowerState(int newState, boolean noChangeLights, int reason)
synchronized (mLocks) {
int err;
if (mSpew) {
Slog.d(TAG, "setPowerState: mPowerState=0x" + Integer.toHexString(mPowerState)
+ " newState=0x" + Integer.toHexString(newState)
+ " noChangeLights=" + noChangeLights
+ " reason=" + reason);
if (noChangeLights) {
newState = (newState & ~LIGHTS_MASK) | (mPowerState & LIGHTS_MASK);
if (mProximitySensorActive) {
// don't turn on the screen when the proximity sensor lock is held
newState = (newState & ~SCREEN_BRIGHT);
if (batteryIsLow()) {
newState |= BATTERY_LOW_BIT;
} else {
newState &= ~BATTERY_LOW_BIT;
if (newState == mPowerState && mInitialized) {
if (!mBootCompleted && !mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness) {
newState |= ALL_BRIGHT;
boolean oldScreenOn = (mPowerState & SCREEN_ON_BIT) != 0;
boolean newScreenOn = (newState & SCREEN_ON_BIT) != 0;
if (mSpew) {
Slog.d(TAG, "setPowerState: mPowerState=" + mPowerState
+ " newState=" + newState + " noChangeLights=" + noChangeLights);
Slog.d(TAG, " oldKeyboardBright=" + ((mPowerState & KEYBOARD_BRIGHT_BIT) != 0)
+ " newKeyboardBright=" + ((newState & KEYBOARD_BRIGHT_BIT) != 0));
Slog.d(TAG, " oldScreenBright=" + ((mPowerState & SCREEN_BRIGHT_BIT) != 0)
+ " newScreenBright=" + ((newState & SCREEN_BRIGHT_BIT) != 0));
Slog.d(TAG, " oldButtonBright=" + ((mPowerState & BUTTON_BRIGHT_BIT) != 0)
+ " newButtonBright=" + ((newState & BUTTON_BRIGHT_BIT) != 0));
Slog.d(TAG, " oldScreenOn=" + oldScreenOn
+ " newScreenOn=" + newScreenOn);
Slog.d(TAG, " oldBatteryLow=" + ((mPowerState & BATTERY_LOW_BIT) != 0)
+ " newBatteryLow=" + ((newState & BATTERY_LOW_BIT) != 0));
final boolean stateChanged = mPowerState != newState;
if (oldScreenOn != newScreenOn) {
if (newScreenOn) {
// When the user presses the power button, we need to always send out the
// notification that it's going to sleep so the keyguard goes on. But
// we can't do that until the screen fades out, so we don't show the keyguard
// too early.
if (mStillNeedSleepNotification) {
sendNotificationLocked(false, WindowManagerPolicy.OFF_BECAUSE_OF_USER);
// Turn on the screen UNLESS there was a prior
// preventScreenOn(true) request. (Note that the lifetime
// of a single preventScreenOn() request is limited to 5
// seconds to prevent a buggy app from disabling the
// screen forever; see forceReenableScreen().)
boolean reallyTurnScreenOn = true;
if (mSpew) {
Slog.d(TAG, "- turning screen on... mPreventScreenOn = "
+ mPreventScreenOn);
if (mPreventScreenOn) {
if (mSpew) {
Slog.d(TAG, "- PREVENTING screen from really turning on!");
reallyTurnScreenOn = false;
if (reallyTurnScreenOn) {
err = setScreenStateLocked(true);
long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.w(TAG, "RemoteException calling noteScreenOn on BatteryStatsService", e);
} finally {
} else {
// But continue as if we really did turn the screen on...
err = 0;
mLastTouchDown = 0;
mTotalTouchDownTime = 0;
mTouchCycles = 0;
EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.POWER_SCREEN_STATE, 1, reason,
mTotalTouchDownTime, mTouchCycles);
if (err == 0) {
sendNotificationLocked(true, -1);
// Update the lights *after* taking care of turning the
// screen on, so we do this after our notifications are
// enqueued and thus will delay turning on the screen light
// until the windows are correctly displayed.
if (stateChanged) {
updateLightsLocked(newState, 0);
mPowerState |= SCREEN_ON_BIT;
} else {
// Update the lights *before* taking care of turning the
// screen off, so we can initiate any animations that are desired.
if (stateChanged) {
updateLightsLocked(newState, 0);
// cancel light sensor task
mLightSensorPendingDecrease = false;
mLightSensorPendingIncrease = false;
mScreenOffTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.w(TAG, "RemoteException calling noteScreenOff on BatteryStatsService", e);
} finally {
mPowerState &= ~SCREEN_ON_BIT;
mScreenOffReason = reason;
if (!mScreenBrightness.animating) {
err = screenOffFinishedAnimatingLocked(reason);
} else {
err = 0;
mLastTouchDown = 0;
} else if (stateChanged) {
// Screen on/off didn't change, but lights may have.
updateLightsLocked(newState, 0);
mPowerState = (mPowerState & ~LIGHTS_MASK) | (newState & LIGHTS_MASK);
private void updateNativePowerStateLocked() {
(mPowerState & SCREEN_ON_BIT) != 0,
private int screenOffFinishedAnimatingLocked(int reason) {
// I don't think we need to check the current state here because all of these
// Power.setScreenState and sendNotificationLocked can both handle being
// called multiple times in the same state. -joeo
EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.POWER_SCREEN_STATE, 0, reason, mTotalTouchDownTime,
mLastTouchDown = 0;
int err = setScreenStateLocked(false);
if (err == 0) {
mScreenOffReason = reason;
sendNotificationLocked(false, reason);
return err;
private boolean batteryIsLow() {
return (!mIsPowered &&
mBatteryService.getBatteryLevel() <= Power.LOW_BATTERY_THRESHOLD);
private boolean shouldDeferScreenOnLocked() {
if (mPreparingForScreenOn) {
// Currently waiting for confirmation from the policy that it
// is okay to turn on the screen. Don't allow the screen to go
// on until that is done.
"updateLights: delaying screen on due to mPreparingForScreenOn");
return true;
} else {
// If there is a screen-on command in the notification queue, we
// can't turn the screen on until it has been processed (and we
// have set mPreparingForScreenOn) or it has been dropped.
for (int i=0; i<mBroadcastQueue.length; i++) {
if (mBroadcastQueue[i] == 1) {
"updateLights: delaying screen on due to notification queue");
return true;
return false;
private void updateLightsLocked(int newState, int forceState) {
final int oldState = mPowerState;
// If the screen is not currently on, we will want to delay actually
// turning the lights on if we are still getting the UI put up.
if ((oldState&SCREEN_ON_BIT) == 0 || mSkippedScreenOn) {
// Don't turn screen on until we know we are really ready to.
// This is to avoid letting the screen go on before things like the
// lock screen have been displayed.
if ((mSkippedScreenOn=shouldDeferScreenOnLocked())) {
if ((newState & SCREEN_ON_BIT) != 0) {
// Only turn on the buttons or keyboard if the screen is also on.
// We should never see the buttons on but not the screen.
newState = applyButtonState(newState);
newState = applyKeyboardState(newState);
final int realDifference = (newState ^ oldState);
final int difference = realDifference | forceState;
if (difference == 0) {
int offMask = 0;
int dimMask = 0;
int onMask = 0;
int preferredBrightness = getPreferredBrightness();
if ((difference & KEYBOARD_BRIGHT_BIT) != 0) {
if ((newState & KEYBOARD_BRIGHT_BIT) == 0) {
} else {
if ((difference & BUTTON_BRIGHT_BIT) != 0) {
if ((newState & BUTTON_BRIGHT_BIT) == 0) {
} else {
if ((difference & (SCREEN_ON_BIT | SCREEN_BRIGHT_BIT)) != 0) {
int nominalCurrentValue = -1;
// If there was an actual difference in the light state, then
// figure out the "ideal" current value based on the previous
// state. Otherwise, this is a change due to the brightness
// override, so we want to animate from whatever the current
// value is.
if ((realDifference & (SCREEN_ON_BIT | SCREEN_BRIGHT_BIT)) != 0) {
switch (oldState & (SCREEN_BRIGHT_BIT|SCREEN_ON_BIT)) {
nominalCurrentValue = preferredBrightness;
nominalCurrentValue = mScreenBrightnessDim;
case 0:
nominalCurrentValue = Power.BRIGHTNESS_OFF;
// not possible
nominalCurrentValue = (int)mScreenBrightness.curValue;
int brightness = preferredBrightness;
int steps = ANIM_STEPS;
if ((newState & SCREEN_BRIGHT_BIT) == 0) {
// dim or turn off backlight, depending on if the screen is on
// the scale is because the brightness ramp isn't linear and this biases
// it so the later parts take longer.
final float scale = 1.5f;
float ratio = (((float)mScreenBrightnessDim)/preferredBrightness);
if (ratio > 1.0f) ratio = 1.0f;
if ((newState & SCREEN_ON_BIT) == 0) {
if ((oldState & SCREEN_BRIGHT_BIT) != 0) {
// was bright
steps = ANIM_STEPS;
} else {
// was dim
steps = (int)(ANIM_STEPS*ratio*scale);
brightness = Power.BRIGHTNESS_OFF;
} else {
if ((oldState & SCREEN_ON_BIT) != 0) {
// was bright
steps = (int)(ANIM_STEPS*(1.0f-ratio)*scale);
} else {
// was dim
steps = (int)(ANIM_STEPS*ratio);
if (mStayOnConditions != 0 && mBatteryService.isPowered(mStayOnConditions)) {
// If the "stay on while plugged in" option is
// turned on, then the screen will often not
// automatically turn off while plugged in. To
// still have a sense of when it is inactive, we
// will then count going dim as turning off.
mScreenOffTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
brightness = mScreenBrightnessDim;
long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Nothing interesting to do.
} finally {
if (!mSkippedScreenOn) {
mScreenBrightness.setTargetLocked(brightness, steps,
RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException("here");
Slog.i(TAG, "Setting screen brightness: " + brightness, e);
if (mSpew) {
Slog.d(TAG, "offMask=0x" + Integer.toHexString(offMask)
+ " dimMask=0x" + Integer.toHexString(dimMask)
+ " onMask=0x" + Integer.toHexString(onMask)
+ " difference=0x" + Integer.toHexString(difference)
+ " realDifference=0x" + Integer.toHexString(realDifference)
+ " forceState=0x" + Integer.toHexString(forceState)
if (offMask != 0) {
if (mSpew) Slog.i(TAG, "Setting brightess off: " + offMask);
setLightBrightness(offMask, Power.BRIGHTNESS_OFF);
if (dimMask != 0) {
int brightness = mScreenBrightnessDim;
if ((newState & BATTERY_LOW_BIT) != 0 &&
brightness > Power.BRIGHTNESS_LOW_BATTERY) {
brightness = Power.BRIGHTNESS_LOW_BATTERY;
if (mSpew) Slog.i(TAG, "Setting brightess dim " + brightness + ": " + dimMask);
setLightBrightness(dimMask, brightness);
if (onMask != 0) {
int brightness = getPreferredBrightness();
if ((newState & BATTERY_LOW_BIT) != 0 &&
brightness > Power.BRIGHTNESS_LOW_BATTERY) {
brightness = Power.BRIGHTNESS_LOW_BATTERY;
if (mSpew) Slog.i(TAG, "Setting brightess on " + brightness + ": " + onMask);
setLightBrightness(onMask, brightness);
private void setLightBrightness(int mask, int value) {
int brightnessMode = (mAutoBrightessEnabled
if ((mask & SCREEN_BRIGHT_BIT) != 0) {
RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException("here");
Slog.i(TAG, "Set LCD brightness: " + value, e);
mLcdLight.setBrightness(value, brightnessMode);
if ((mask & BUTTON_BRIGHT_BIT) != 0) {
if ((mask & KEYBOARD_BRIGHT_BIT) != 0) {
class BrightnessState implements Runnable {
final int mask;
boolean initialized;
int targetValue;
float curValue;
float delta;
boolean animating;
BrightnessState(int m) {
mask = m;
public void dump(PrintWriter pw, String prefix) {
pw.println(prefix + "animating=" + animating
+ " targetValue=" + targetValue
+ " curValue=" + curValue
+ " delta=" + delta);
void forceValueLocked(int value) {
targetValue = -1;
curValue = value;
setLightBrightness(mask, value);
if (animating) {
finishAnimationLocked(false, value);
void setTargetLocked(int target, int stepsToTarget, int initialValue,
int nominalCurrentValue) {
if (!initialized) {
initialized = true;
curValue = (float)initialValue;
} else if (targetValue == target) {
targetValue = target;
delta = (targetValue -
(nominalCurrentValue >= 0 ? nominalCurrentValue : curValue))
/ stepsToTarget;
if (mSpew || DEBUG_SCREEN_ON) {
String noticeMe = nominalCurrentValue == curValue ? "" : " ******************";
Slog.i(TAG, "setTargetLocked mask=" + mask + " curValue=" + curValue
+ " target=" + target + " targetValue=" + targetValue + " delta=" + delta
+ " nominalCurrentValue=" + nominalCurrentValue
+ noticeMe);
animating = true;
if (mSpew) {
Slog.i(TAG, "scheduling light animator");
boolean stepLocked() {
if (!animating) return false;
if (false && mSpew) {
Slog.i(TAG, "Step target " + mask + ": cur=" + curValue
+ " target=" + targetValue + " delta=" + delta);
curValue += delta;
int curIntValue = (int)curValue;
boolean more = true;
if (delta == 0) {
curValue = curIntValue = targetValue;
more = false;
} else if (delta > 0) {
if (curIntValue >= targetValue) {
curValue = curIntValue = targetValue;
more = false;
} else {
if (curIntValue <= targetValue) {
curValue = curIntValue = targetValue;
more = false;
if (mSpew) Slog.d(TAG, "Animating curIntValue=" + curIntValue + ": " + mask);
setLightBrightness(mask, curIntValue);
finishAnimationLocked(more, curIntValue);
return more;
void jumpToTargetLocked() {
if (mSpew) Slog.d(TAG, "jumpToTargetLocked targetValue=" + targetValue + ": " + mask);
setLightBrightness(mask, targetValue);
final int tv = targetValue;
curValue = tv;
targetValue = -1;
finishAnimationLocked(false, tv);
private void finishAnimationLocked(boolean more, int curIntValue) {
animating = more;
if (!more) {
if (mask == SCREEN_BRIGHT_BIT && curIntValue == Power.BRIGHTNESS_OFF) {
public void run() {
synchronized (mLocks) {
// we're turning off
final boolean turningOff = animating && targetValue == Power.BRIGHTNESS_OFF;
if (mAnimateScreenLights || !turningOff) {
long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
boolean more = mScreenBrightness.stepLocked();
if (more) {
mScreenOffHandler.postAtTime(this, now+(1000/60));
} else {
// It's pretty scary to hold mLocks for this long, and we should
// redesign this, but it works for now.
mScreenOffReason == WindowManagerPolicy.OFF_BECAUSE_OF_PROX_SENSOR
? 0 : mAnimationSetting);
private int getPreferredBrightness() {
try {
if (mScreenBrightnessOverride >= 0) {
return mScreenBrightnessOverride;
} else if (mLightSensorScreenBrightness >= 0 && mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness
&& mAutoBrightessEnabled) {
return mLightSensorScreenBrightness;
final int brightness = Settings.System.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),
// Don't let applications turn the screen all the way off
return Math.max(brightness, mScreenBrightnessDim);
} catch (SettingNotFoundException snfe) {
return Power.BRIGHTNESS_ON;
private int applyButtonState(int state) {
int brightness = -1;
if ((state & BATTERY_LOW_BIT) != 0) {
// do not override brightness if the battery is low
return state;
if (mButtonBrightnessOverride >= 0) {
brightness = mButtonBrightnessOverride;
} else if (mLightSensorButtonBrightness >= 0 && mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness) {
brightness = mLightSensorButtonBrightness;
if (brightness > 0) {
return state | BUTTON_BRIGHT_BIT;
} else if (brightness == 0) {
return state & ~BUTTON_BRIGHT_BIT;
} else {
return state;
private int applyKeyboardState(int state) {
int brightness = -1;
if ((state & BATTERY_LOW_BIT) != 0) {
// do not override brightness if the battery is low
return state;
if (!mKeyboardVisible) {
brightness = 0;
} else if (mButtonBrightnessOverride >= 0) {
brightness = mButtonBrightnessOverride;
} else if (mLightSensorKeyboardBrightness >= 0 && mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness) {
brightness = mLightSensorKeyboardBrightness;
if (brightness > 0) {
return state | KEYBOARD_BRIGHT_BIT;
} else if (brightness == 0) {
return state & ~KEYBOARD_BRIGHT_BIT;
} else {
return state;
public boolean isScreenOn() {
synchronized (mLocks) {
return (mPowerState & SCREEN_ON_BIT) != 0;
boolean isScreenBright() {
synchronized (mLocks) {
return (mPowerState & SCREEN_BRIGHT) == SCREEN_BRIGHT;
private boolean isScreenTurningOffLocked() {
return (mScreenBrightness.animating && mScreenBrightness.targetValue == 0);
private boolean shouldLog(long time) {
synchronized (mLocks) {
if (time > (mWarningSpewThrottleTime + (60*60*1000))) {
mWarningSpewThrottleTime = time;
mWarningSpewThrottleCount = 0;
return true;
} else if (mWarningSpewThrottleCount < 30) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
private void forceUserActivityLocked() {
if (isScreenTurningOffLocked()) {
// cancel animation so userActivity will succeed
mScreenBrightness.animating = false;
boolean savedActivityAllowed = mUserActivityAllowed;
mUserActivityAllowed = true;
userActivity(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), false);
mUserActivityAllowed = savedActivityAllowed;
public void userActivityWithForce(long time, boolean noChangeLights, boolean force) {
mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DEVICE_POWER, null);
userActivity(time, -1, noChangeLights, OTHER_EVENT, force);
public void userActivity(long time, boolean noChangeLights) {
if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DEVICE_POWER)
!= PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
if (shouldLog(time)) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Caller does not have DEVICE_POWER permission. pid="
+ Binder.getCallingPid() + " uid=" + Binder.getCallingUid());
userActivity(time, -1, noChangeLights, OTHER_EVENT, false);
public void userActivity(long time, boolean noChangeLights, int eventType) {
userActivity(time, -1, noChangeLights, eventType, false);
public void userActivity(long time, boolean noChangeLights, int eventType, boolean force) {
userActivity(time, -1, noChangeLights, eventType, force);
* Reset the user activity timeout to now + timeout. This overrides whatever else is going
* on with user activity. Don't use this function.
public void clearUserActivityTimeout(long now, long timeout) {
mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DEVICE_POWER, null);
Slog.i(TAG, "clearUserActivity for " + timeout + "ms from now");
userActivity(now, timeout, false, OTHER_EVENT, false);
private void userActivity(long time, long timeoutOverride, boolean noChangeLights,
int eventType, boolean force) {
if (((mPokey & POKE_LOCK_IGNORE_TOUCH_EVENTS) != 0) && (eventType == TOUCH_EVENT)) {
if (false) {
Slog.d(TAG, "dropping touch mPokey=0x" + Integer.toHexString(mPokey));
synchronized (mLocks) {
if (mSpew) {
Slog.d(TAG, "userActivity mLastEventTime=" + mLastEventTime + " time=" + time
+ " mUserActivityAllowed=" + mUserActivityAllowed
+ " mUserState=0x" + Integer.toHexString(mUserState)
+ " mWakeLockState=0x" + Integer.toHexString(mWakeLockState)
+ " mProximitySensorActive=" + mProximitySensorActive
+ " timeoutOverride=" + timeoutOverride
+ " force=" + force);
// ignore user activity if we are in the process of turning off the screen
if (isScreenTurningOffLocked()) {
Slog.d(TAG, "ignoring user activity while turning off screen");
// Disable proximity sensor if if user presses power key while we are in the
// "waiting for proximity sensor to go negative" state.
if (mProximitySensorActive && mProximityWakeLockCount == 0) {
mProximitySensorActive = false;
if (mLastEventTime <= time || force) {
mLastEventTime = time;
if ((mUserActivityAllowed && !mProximitySensorActive) || force) {
// Only turn on button backlights if a button was pressed
// and auto brightness is disabled
if (eventType == BUTTON_EVENT && !mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness) {
mUserState = (mKeyboardVisible ? ALL_BRIGHT : SCREEN_BUTTON_BRIGHT);
} else {
// don't clear button/keyboard backlights when the screen is touched.
mUserState |= SCREEN_BRIGHT;
int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
mBatteryStats.noteUserActivity(uid, eventType);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Ignore
} finally {
mWakeLockState = mLocks.reactivateScreenLocksLocked();
setPowerState(mUserState | mWakeLockState, noChangeLights,
setTimeoutLocked(time, timeoutOverride, SCREEN_BRIGHT);
if (mPolicy != null) {
private int getAutoBrightnessValue(int sensorValue, int[] values) {
try {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < mAutoBrightnessLevels.length; i++) {
if (sensorValue < mAutoBrightnessLevels[i]) {
return values[i];
} catch (Exception e) {
// guard against null pointer or index out of bounds errors
Slog.e(TAG, "getAutoBrightnessValue", e);
return 255;
private Runnable mProximityTask = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
synchronized (mLocks) {
if (mProximityPendingValue != -1) {
proximityChangedLocked(mProximityPendingValue == 1);
mProximityPendingValue = -1;
if (mProximityPartialLock.isHeld()) {
private Runnable mAutoBrightnessTask = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
synchronized (mLocks) {
if (mLightSensorPendingDecrease || mLightSensorPendingIncrease) {
int value = (int)mLightSensorPendingValue;
mLightSensorPendingDecrease = false;
mLightSensorPendingIncrease = false;
private void dockStateChanged(int state) {
synchronized (mLocks) {
mIsDocked = (state != Intent.EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_UNDOCKED);
if (mIsDocked) {
mHighestLightSensorValue = -1;
if ((mPowerState & SCREEN_ON_BIT) != 0) {
// force lights recalculation
int value = (int)mLightSensorValue;
mLightSensorValue = -1;
private void lightSensorChangedLocked(int value) {
if (mDebugLightSensor) {
Slog.d(TAG, "lightSensorChangedLocked " + value);
// Don't do anything if the screen is off.
if ((mPowerState & SCREEN_ON_BIT) == 0) {
if (mDebugLightSensor) {
Slog.d(TAG, "dropping lightSensorChangedLocked because screen is off");
// do not allow light sensor value to decrease
if (mHighestLightSensorValue < value) {
mHighestLightSensorValue = value;
if (mLightSensorValue != value) {
mLightSensorValue = value;
if ((mPowerState & BATTERY_LOW_BIT) == 0) {
// use maximum light sensor value seen since screen went on for LCD to avoid flicker
// we only do this if we are undocked, since lighting should be stable when
// stationary in a dock.
int lcdValue = getAutoBrightnessValue(
(mIsDocked ? value : mHighestLightSensorValue),
int buttonValue = getAutoBrightnessValue(value, mButtonBacklightValues);
int keyboardValue;
if (mKeyboardVisible) {
keyboardValue = getAutoBrightnessValue(value, mKeyboardBacklightValues);
} else {
keyboardValue = 0;
mLightSensorScreenBrightness = lcdValue;
mLightSensorButtonBrightness = buttonValue;
mLightSensorKeyboardBrightness = keyboardValue;
if (mDebugLightSensor) {
Slog.d(TAG, "lcdValue " + lcdValue);
Slog.d(TAG, "buttonValue " + buttonValue);
Slog.d(TAG, "keyboardValue " + keyboardValue);
if (mAutoBrightessEnabled && mScreenBrightnessOverride < 0) {
if (!mSkippedScreenOn) {
mScreenBrightness.setTargetLocked(lcdValue, AUTOBRIGHTNESS_ANIM_STEPS,
INITIAL_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS, (int)mScreenBrightness.curValue);
if (mButtonBrightnessOverride < 0) {
if (mButtonBrightnessOverride < 0 || !mKeyboardVisible) {
* The user requested that we go to sleep (probably with the power button).
* This overrides all wake locks that are held.
public void goToSleep(long time)
goToSleepWithReason(time, WindowManagerPolicy.OFF_BECAUSE_OF_USER);
* The user requested that we go to sleep (probably with the power button).
* This overrides all wake locks that are held.
public void goToSleepWithReason(long time, int reason)
mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DEVICE_POWER, null);
synchronized (mLocks) {
goToSleepLocked(time, reason);
* Reboot the device immediately, passing 'reason' (may be null)
* to the underlying __reboot system call. Should not return.
public void reboot(String reason)
mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.REBOOT, null);
if (mHandler == null || !ActivityManagerNative.isSystemReady()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Too early to call reboot()");
final String finalReason = reason;
Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
synchronized (this) {
ShutdownThread.reboot(mContext, finalReason, false);
// ShutdownThread must run on a looper capable of displaying the UI.
// PowerManager.reboot() is documented not to return so just wait for the inevitable.
synchronized (runnable) {
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
* Crash the runtime (causing a complete restart of the Android framework).
* Requires REBOOT permission. Mostly for testing. Should not return.
public void crash(final String message)
mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.REBOOT, null);
Thread t = new Thread("PowerManagerService.crash()") {
public void run() { throw new RuntimeException(message); }
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.wtf(TAG, e);
private void goToSleepLocked(long time, int reason) {
if (mLastEventTime <= time) {
mLastEventTime = time;
// cancel all of the wake locks
mWakeLockState = SCREEN_OFF;
int N = mLocks.size();
int numCleared = 0;
boolean proxLock = false;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
WakeLock wl = mLocks.get(i);
if (isScreenLock(wl.flags)) {
if (((wl.flags & LOCK_MASK) == PowerManager.PROXIMITY_SCREEN_OFF_WAKE_LOCK)
&& reason == WindowManagerPolicy.OFF_BECAUSE_OF_PROX_SENSOR) {
proxLock = true;
} else {
mLocks.get(i).activated = false;
if (!proxLock) {
mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff = true;
if (mDebugProximitySensor) {
Slog.d(TAG, "setting mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff");
EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.POWER_SLEEP_REQUESTED, numCleared);
mStillNeedSleepNotification = true;
mUserState = SCREEN_OFF;
setPowerState(SCREEN_OFF, false, reason);
public long timeSinceScreenOn() {
synchronized (mLocks) {
if ((mPowerState & SCREEN_ON_BIT) != 0) {
return 0;
return SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mScreenOffTime;
public void setKeyboardVisibility(boolean visible) {
synchronized (mLocks) {
if (mSpew) {
Slog.d(TAG, "setKeyboardVisibility: " + visible);
if (mKeyboardVisible != visible) {
mKeyboardVisible = visible;
// don't signal user activity if the screen is off; other code
// will take care of turning on due to a true change to the lid
// switch and synchronized with the lock screen.
if ((mPowerState & SCREEN_ON_BIT) != 0) {
if (mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness) {
// force recompute of backlight values
if (mLightSensorValue >= 0) {
int value = (int)mLightSensorValue;
mLightSensorValue = -1;
userActivity(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), false, BUTTON_EVENT, true);
* When the keyguard is up, it manages the power state, and userActivity doesn't do anything.
* When disabling user activity we also reset user power state so the keyguard can reset its
* short screen timeout when keyguard is unhidden.
public void enableUserActivity(boolean enabled) {
if (mSpew) {
Slog.d(TAG, "enableUserActivity " + enabled);
synchronized (mLocks) {
mUserActivityAllowed = enabled;
if (!enabled) {
// cancel timeout and clear mUserState so the keyguard can set a short timeout
setTimeoutLocked(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), 0);
private void setScreenBrightnessMode(int mode) {
synchronized (mLocks) {
boolean enabled = (mode == SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE_AUTOMATIC);
if (mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness && mAutoBrightessEnabled != enabled) {
mAutoBrightessEnabled = enabled;
// This will get us a new value
enableLightSensorLocked(mAutoBrightessEnabled && isScreenOn());
/** Sets the screen off timeouts:
* mKeylightDelay
* mDimDelay
* mScreenOffDelay
* */
private void setScreenOffTimeoutsLocked() {
if ((mPokey & POKE_LOCK_SHORT_TIMEOUT) != 0) {
mKeylightDelay = mShortKeylightDelay; // Configurable via secure settings
mDimDelay = -1;
mScreenOffDelay = 0;
} else if ((mPokey & POKE_LOCK_MEDIUM_TIMEOUT) != 0) {
mDimDelay = -1;
mScreenOffDelay = 0;
} else {
int totalDelay = mScreenOffTimeoutSetting;
if (totalDelay > mMaximumScreenOffTimeout) {
totalDelay = mMaximumScreenOffTimeout;
if (totalDelay < 0) {
// negative number means stay on as long as possible.
mScreenOffDelay = mMaximumScreenOffTimeout;
} else if (mKeylightDelay < totalDelay) {
// subtract the time that the keylight delay. This will give us the
// remainder of the time that we need to sleep to get the accurate
// screen off timeout.
mScreenOffDelay = totalDelay - mKeylightDelay;
} else {
mScreenOffDelay = 0;
if (mDimScreen && totalDelay >= (LONG_KEYLIGHT_DELAY + LONG_DIM_TIME)) {
mDimDelay = mScreenOffDelay - LONG_DIM_TIME;
mScreenOffDelay = LONG_DIM_TIME;
} else {
mDimDelay = -1;
if (mSpew) {
Slog.d(TAG, "setScreenOffTimeouts mKeylightDelay=" + mKeylightDelay
+ " mDimDelay=" + mDimDelay + " mScreenOffDelay=" + mScreenOffDelay
+ " mDimScreen=" + mDimScreen);
* Refreshes cached secure settings. Called once on startup, and
* on subsequent changes to secure settings.
private void updateSettingsValues() {
mShortKeylightDelay = Settings.Secure.getInt(
// Slog.i(TAG, "updateSettingsValues(): mShortKeylightDelay now " + mShortKeylightDelay);
private class LockList extends ArrayList<WakeLock>
void addLock(WakeLock wl)
int index = getIndex(wl.binder);
if (index < 0) {
WakeLock removeLock(IBinder binder)
int index = getIndex(binder);
if (index >= 0) {
return this.remove(index);
} else {
return null;
int getIndex(IBinder binder)
int N = this.size();
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
if (this.get(i).binder == binder) {
return i;
return -1;
int gatherState()
int result = 0;
int N = this.size();
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
WakeLock wl = this.get(i);
if (wl.activated) {
if (isScreenLock(wl.flags)) {
result |= wl.minState;
return result;
int reactivateScreenLocksLocked()
int result = 0;
int N = this.size();
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
WakeLock wl = this.get(i);
if (isScreenLock(wl.flags)) {
wl.activated = true;
result |= wl.minState;
if (mDebugProximitySensor) {
Slog.d(TAG, "reactivateScreenLocksLocked mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff="
+ mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff);
mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff = false;
return result;
public void setPolicy(WindowManagerPolicy p) {
synchronized (mLocks) {
mPolicy = p;
WindowManagerPolicy getPolicyLocked() {
while (mPolicy == null || !mDoneBooting) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
return mPolicy;
void systemReady() {
mSensorManager = new SensorManager(mHandlerThread.getLooper());
mProximitySensor = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_PROXIMITY);
// don't bother with the light sensor if auto brightness is handled in hardware
if (mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness) {
mLightSensor = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT);
// wait until sensors are enabled before turning on screen.
// some devices will not activate the light sensor properly on boot
// unless we do this.
if (mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness) {
// turn the screen on
} else {
// turn everything on
synchronized (mLocks) {
Slog.d(TAG, "system ready!");
mDoneBooting = true;
enableLightSensorLocked(mUseSoftwareAutoBrightness && mAutoBrightessEnabled);
long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Nothing interesting to do.
} finally {
void bootCompleted() {
Slog.d(TAG, "bootCompleted");
synchronized (mLocks) {
mBootCompleted = true;
userActivity(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), false, BUTTON_EVENT, true);
// for watchdog
public void monitor() {
synchronized (mLocks) { }
public int getSupportedWakeLockFlags() {
int result = PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK
| PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK
if (mProximitySensor != null) {
return result;
public void setBacklightBrightness(int brightness) {
mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DEVICE_POWER, null);
// Don't let applications turn the screen all the way off
synchronized (mLocks) {
brightness = Math.max(brightness, mScreenBrightnessDim);
mKeyboardLight.setBrightness(mKeyboardVisible ? brightness : 0);
long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.w(TAG, "RemoteException calling noteScreenBrightness on BatteryStatsService", e);
} finally {
// update our animation state
synchronized (mLocks) {
mScreenBrightness.targetValue = brightness;
public void setAttentionLight(boolean on, int color) {
mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DEVICE_POWER, null);
mAttentionLight.setFlashing(color, LightsService.LIGHT_FLASH_HARDWARE, (on ? 3 : 0), 0);
private void enableProximityLockLocked() {
if (mDebugProximitySensor) {
Slog.d(TAG, "enableProximityLockLocked");
if (!mProximitySensorEnabled) {
// clear calling identity so sensor manager battery stats are accurate
long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
mSensorManager.registerListener(mProximityListener, mProximitySensor,
mProximitySensorEnabled = true;
} finally {
private void disableProximityLockLocked() {
if (mDebugProximitySensor) {
Slog.d(TAG, "disableProximityLockLocked");
if (mProximitySensorEnabled) {
// clear calling identity so sensor manager battery stats are accurate
long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
if (mProximityPartialLock.isHeld()) {
mProximitySensorEnabled = false;
} finally {
if (mProximitySensorActive) {
mProximitySensorActive = false;
if (mDebugProximitySensor) {
Slog.d(TAG, "disableProximityLockLocked mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff="
+ mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff);
if (!mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff) {
private void proximityChangedLocked(boolean active) {
if (mDebugProximitySensor) {
Slog.d(TAG, "proximityChangedLocked, active: " + active);
if (!mProximitySensorEnabled) {
Slog.d(TAG, "Ignoring proximity change after sensor is disabled");
if (active) {
if (mDebugProximitySensor) {
Slog.d(TAG, "b mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff="
+ mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff);
if (!mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff) {
mProximitySensorActive = true;
} else {
// proximity sensor negative events trigger as user activity.
// temporarily set mUserActivityAllowed to true so this will work
// even when the keyguard is on.
mProximitySensorActive = false;
if (mDebugProximitySensor) {
Slog.d(TAG, "b mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff="
+ mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff);
if (!mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff) {
if (mProximityWakeLockCount == 0) {
// disable sensor if we have no listeners left after proximity negative
private void enableLightSensorLocked(boolean enable) {
if (mDebugLightSensor) {
Slog.d(TAG, "enableLightSensorLocked enable=" + enable
+ " mAutoBrightessEnabled=" + mAutoBrightessEnabled);
if (!mAutoBrightessEnabled) {
enable = false;
if (mSensorManager != null && mLightSensorEnabled != enable) {
mLightSensorEnabled = enable;
// clear previous values so we will adjust to current brightness when
// auto-brightness is reenabled
mHighestLightSensorValue = -1;
mLightSensorValue = -1;
// clear calling identity so sensor manager battery stats are accurate
long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
if (enable) {
mSensorManager.registerListener(mLightListener, mLightSensor,
} else {
} finally {
SensorEventListener mProximityListener = new SensorEventListener() {
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
long milliseconds = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
synchronized (mLocks) {
float distance = event.values[0];
long timeSinceLastEvent = milliseconds - mLastProximityEventTime;
mLastProximityEventTime = milliseconds;
boolean proximityTaskQueued = false;
// compare against getMaximumRange to support sensors that only return 0 or 1
boolean active = (distance >= 0.0 && distance < PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD &&
distance < mProximitySensor.getMaximumRange());
if (mDebugProximitySensor) {
Slog.d(TAG, "mProximityListener.onSensorChanged active: " + active);
if (timeSinceLastEvent < PROXIMITY_SENSOR_DELAY) {
// enforce delaying atleast PROXIMITY_SENSOR_DELAY before processing
mProximityPendingValue = (active ? 1 : 0);
mHandler.postDelayed(mProximityTask, PROXIMITY_SENSOR_DELAY - timeSinceLastEvent);
proximityTaskQueued = true;
} else {
// process the value immediately
mProximityPendingValue = -1;
// update mProximityPartialLock state
boolean held = mProximityPartialLock.isHeld();
if (!held && proximityTaskQueued) {
// hold wakelock until mProximityTask runs
} else if (held && !proximityTaskQueued) {
public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {
// ignore
SensorEventListener mLightListener = new SensorEventListener() {
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
synchronized (mLocks) {
// ignore light sensor while screen is turning off
if (isScreenTurningOffLocked()) {
int value = (int)event.values[0];
long milliseconds = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
if (mDebugLightSensor) {
Slog.d(TAG, "onSensorChanged: light value: " + value);
if (mLightSensorValue == -1 ||
milliseconds < mLastScreenOnTime + mLightSensorWarmupTime) {
// process the value immediately if screen has just turned on
mLightSensorPendingDecrease = false;
mLightSensorPendingIncrease = false;
} else {
if ((value > mLightSensorValue && mLightSensorPendingDecrease) ||
(value < mLightSensorValue && mLightSensorPendingIncrease) ||
(value == mLightSensorValue) ||
(!mLightSensorPendingDecrease && !mLightSensorPendingIncrease)) {
// delay processing to debounce the sensor
mLightSensorPendingDecrease = (value < mLightSensorValue);
mLightSensorPendingIncrease = (value > mLightSensorValue);
if (mLightSensorPendingDecrease || mLightSensorPendingIncrease) {
mLightSensorPendingValue = value;
mHandler.postDelayed(mAutoBrightnessTask, LIGHT_SENSOR_DELAY);
} else {
mLightSensorPendingValue = value;
public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {
// ignore