The visualizer enables application to retrieve part of the currently playing audio for visualization purpose. It is not an audio recording interface and only returns partial and low quality audio content as a waveform or a frequency representation (FFT). Removed temporary hack made in MediaPlayer for animated wall papers based on audio visualization (snoop() method. This commit also includes a change in AudioEffect class: - the enable()/disable() methods have been replaced bya more standard setEnabled() method. - some fixes in javadoc Change-Id: Id092a1340e9e38dae68646ade7be054e3a36980e
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308 lines
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** Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/threads.h>
#include <utils/List.h>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
#include <utils/String8.h>
#include <utils/Vector.h>
#include <media/IMediaPlayerService.h>
#include <media/MediaPlayerInterface.h>
#include <media/Metadata.h>
namespace android {
class IMediaRecorder;
class IMediaMetadataRetriever;
class IOMX;
class MediaRecorderClient;
class Antagonizer {
Antagonizer(notify_callback_f cb, void* client);
void start() { mActive = true; }
void stop() { mActive = false; }
void kill();
static const int interval;
static int callbackThread(void* cookie);
Mutex mLock;
Condition mCondition;
bool mExit;
bool mActive;
void* mClient;
notify_callback_f mCb;
class MediaPlayerService : public BnMediaPlayerService
class Client;
class AudioOutput : public MediaPlayerBase::AudioSink
AudioOutput(int sessionId);
virtual ~AudioOutput();
virtual bool ready() const { return mTrack != NULL; }
virtual bool realtime() const { return true; }
virtual ssize_t bufferSize() const;
virtual ssize_t frameCount() const;
virtual ssize_t channelCount() const;
virtual ssize_t frameSize() const;
virtual uint32_t latency() const;
virtual float msecsPerFrame() const;
virtual status_t getPosition(uint32_t *position);
virtual status_t open(
uint32_t sampleRate, int channelCount,
int format, int bufferCount,
AudioCallback cb, void *cookie);
virtual void start();
virtual ssize_t write(const void* buffer, size_t size);
virtual void stop();
virtual void flush();
virtual void pause();
virtual void close();
void setAudioStreamType(int streamType) { mStreamType = streamType; }
void setVolume(float left, float right);
virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) const;
static bool isOnEmulator();
static int getMinBufferCount();
static void setMinBufferCount();
static void CallbackWrapper(
int event, void *me, void *info);
AudioTrack* mTrack;
AudioCallback mCallback;
void * mCallbackCookie;
int mStreamType;
float mLeftVolume;
float mRightVolume;
float mMsecsPerFrame;
uint32_t mLatency;
int mSessionId;
static bool mIsOnEmulator;
static int mMinBufferCount; // 12 for emulator; otherwise 4
class AudioCache : public MediaPlayerBase::AudioSink
AudioCache(const char* name);
virtual ~AudioCache() {}
virtual bool ready() const { return (mChannelCount > 0) && (mHeap->getHeapID() > 0); }
virtual bool realtime() const { return false; }
virtual ssize_t bufferSize() const { return frameSize() * mFrameCount; }
virtual ssize_t frameCount() const { return mFrameCount; }
virtual ssize_t channelCount() const { return (ssize_t)mChannelCount; }
virtual ssize_t frameSize() const { return ssize_t(mChannelCount * ((mFormat == AudioSystem::PCM_16_BIT)?sizeof(int16_t):sizeof(u_int8_t))); }
virtual uint32_t latency() const;
virtual float msecsPerFrame() const;
virtual status_t getPosition(uint32_t *position);
virtual status_t open(
uint32_t sampleRate, int channelCount, int format,
int bufferCount = 1,
AudioCallback cb = NULL, void *cookie = NULL);
virtual void start();
virtual ssize_t write(const void* buffer, size_t size);
virtual void stop();
virtual void flush() {}
virtual void pause() {}
virtual void close() {}
void setAudioStreamType(int streamType) {}
void setVolume(float left, float right) {}
uint32_t sampleRate() const { return mSampleRate; }
uint32_t format() const { return (uint32_t)mFormat; }
size_t size() const { return mSize; }
status_t wait();
sp<IMemoryHeap> getHeap() const { return mHeap; }
static void notify(void* cookie, int msg, int ext1, int ext2);
virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) const;
Mutex mLock;
Condition mSignal;
sp<MemoryHeapBase> mHeap;
float mMsecsPerFrame;
uint16_t mChannelCount;
uint16_t mFormat;
ssize_t mFrameCount;
uint32_t mSampleRate;
uint32_t mSize;
int mError;
bool mCommandComplete;
sp<Thread> mCallbackThread;
static void instantiate();
// IMediaPlayerService interface
virtual sp<IMediaRecorder> createMediaRecorder(pid_t pid);
void removeMediaRecorderClient(wp<MediaRecorderClient> client);
virtual sp<IMediaMetadataRetriever> createMetadataRetriever(pid_t pid);
// House keeping for media player clients
virtual sp<IMediaPlayer> create(
pid_t pid, const sp<IMediaPlayerClient>& client, const char* url,
const KeyedVector<String8, String8> *headers, int audioSessionId);
virtual sp<IMediaPlayer> create(pid_t pid, const sp<IMediaPlayerClient>& client, int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length, int audioSessionId);
virtual sp<IMemory> decode(const char* url, uint32_t *pSampleRate, int* pNumChannels, int* pFormat);
virtual sp<IMemory> decode(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length, uint32_t *pSampleRate, int* pNumChannels, int* pFormat);
virtual sp<IOMX> getOMX();
virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
void removeClient(wp<Client> client);
class Client : public BnMediaPlayer {
// IMediaPlayer interface
virtual void disconnect();
virtual status_t setVideoSurface(const sp<ISurface>& surface);
virtual status_t prepareAsync();
virtual status_t start();
virtual status_t stop();
virtual status_t pause();
virtual status_t isPlaying(bool* state);
virtual status_t seekTo(int msec);
virtual status_t getCurrentPosition(int* msec);
virtual status_t getDuration(int* msec);
virtual status_t reset();
virtual status_t setAudioStreamType(int type);
virtual status_t setLooping(int loop);
virtual status_t setVolume(float leftVolume, float rightVolume);
virtual status_t invoke(const Parcel& request, Parcel *reply);
virtual status_t setMetadataFilter(const Parcel& filter);
virtual status_t getMetadata(bool update_only,
bool apply_filter,
Parcel *reply);
virtual status_t suspend();
virtual status_t resume();
sp<MediaPlayerBase> createPlayer(player_type playerType);
status_t setDataSource(
const char *url,
const KeyedVector<String8, String8> *headers);
status_t setDataSource(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length);
static void notify(void* cookie, int msg, int ext1, int ext2);
pid_t pid() const { return mPid; }
virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) const;
int getAudioSessionId() { return mAudioSessionId; }
friend class MediaPlayerService;
Client( const sp<MediaPlayerService>& service,
pid_t pid,
int32_t connId,
const sp<IMediaPlayerClient>& client,
int audioSessionId);
virtual ~Client();
void deletePlayer();
sp<MediaPlayerBase> getPlayer() const { Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock); return mPlayer; }
// @param type Of the metadata to be tested.
// @return true if the metadata should be dropped according to
// the filters.
bool shouldDropMetadata(media::Metadata::Type type) const;
// Add a new element to the set of metadata updated. Noop if
// the element exists already.
// @param type Of the metadata to be recorded.
void addNewMetadataUpdate(media::Metadata::Type type);
mutable Mutex mLock;
sp<MediaPlayerBase> mPlayer;
sp<MediaPlayerService> mService;
sp<IMediaPlayerClient> mClient;
sp<AudioOutput> mAudioOutput;
pid_t mPid;
status_t mStatus;
bool mLoop;
int32_t mConnId;
int mAudioSessionId;
// Metadata filters.
media::Metadata::Filter mMetadataAllow; // protected by mLock
media::Metadata::Filter mMetadataDrop; // protected by mLock
// Metadata updated. For each MEDIA_INFO_METADATA_UPDATE
// notification we try to update mMetadataUpdated which is a
// set: no duplicate.
// getMetadata clears this set.
media::Metadata::Filter mMetadataUpdated; // protected by mLock
Antagonizer* mAntagonizer;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ~MediaPlayerService();
mutable Mutex mLock;
SortedVector< wp<Client> > mClients;
SortedVector< wp<MediaRecorderClient> > mMediaRecorderClients;
int32_t mNextConnId;
sp<IOMX> mOMX;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
}; // namespace android