Elliott Hughes 24ce5fb2cc Kill the global references in the OpenGL wrappers.
Just use jniThrowException instead. Note that it would be trivial to throw
seemingly more appropriate exceptions (NullPointerException and
OutOfMemoryException in particular), but I'm only attempting to preserve
existing behavior here.

I also found shadowing bugs in some of the special-case functions, which
would previously always have leaked memory.

This also moves an accidental change to a generated file (ActivityThread ->
AppGlobals) into the generator, so it won't be overwritten in future.

Change-Id: Iab570310b568cb406c60dd0e2b8211f8a36ae590
2011-04-11 15:31:20 -07:00

1127 lines
35 KiB

** Copyright 2009, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
// This source file is automatically generated
package android.opengl;
import java.nio.Buffer;
public class GLES11Ext {
public static final int GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB_OES = 0x8009;
public static final int GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA_OES = 0x883D;
public static final int GL_BLEND_DST_RGB_OES = 0x80C8;
public static final int GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB_OES = 0x80C9;
public static final int GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA_OES = 0x80CA;
public static final int GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA_OES = 0x80CB;
public static final int GL_BLEND_EQUATION_OES = 0x8009;
public static final int GL_FUNC_ADD_OES = 0x8006;
public static final int GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT_OES = 0x800A;
public static final int GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT_OES = 0x800B;
public static final int GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES = 0x8D64;
public static final int GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24_OES = 0x81A6;
public static final int GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32_OES = 0x81A7;
public static final int GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES = 0x8B9D;
public static final int GL_FIXED_OES = 0x140C;
public static final int GL_NONE_OES = 0;
public static final int GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES = 0x8D40;
public static final int GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES = 0x8D41;
public static final int GL_RGBA4_OES = 0x8056;
public static final int GL_RGB5_A1_OES = 0x8057;
public static final int GL_RGB565_OES = 0x8D62;
public static final int GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16_OES = 0x81A5;
public static final int GL_RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH_OES = 0x8D42;
public static final int GL_RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT_OES = 0x8D43;
public static final int GL_RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT_OES = 0x8D44;
public static final int GL_RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE_OES = 0x8D50;
public static final int GL_RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE_OES = 0x8D51;
public static final int GL_RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE_OES = 0x8D52;
public static final int GL_RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE_OES = 0x8D53;
public static final int GL_RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE_OES = 0x8D54;
public static final int GL_RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE_OES = 0x8D55;
public static final int GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_OES = 0x8CE0;
public static final int GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_OES = 0x8D00;
public static final int GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OES = 0x8D20;
public static final int GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_OES = 0x8CD5;
public static final int GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_OES = 0x8CDD;
public static final int GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_OES = 0x8CA6;
public static final int GL_RENDERBUFFER_BINDING_OES = 0x8CA7;
public static final int GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE_OES = 0x84E8;
public static final int GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_OES = 0x0506;
public static final int GL_WRITE_ONLY_OES = 0x88B9;
public static final int GL_BUFFER_ACCESS_OES = 0x88BB;
public static final int GL_BUFFER_MAPPED_OES = 0x88BC;
public static final int GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_OES = 0x88BD;
public static final int GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX_FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS_OES = 0x898D;
public static final int GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX_FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS_OES = 0x898E;
public static final int GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX_FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS_OES = 0x898F;
public static final int GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_OES = 0x86A4;
public static final int GL_MAX_PALETTE_MATRICES_OES = 0x8842;
public static final int GL_MATRIX_PALETTE_OES = 0x8840;
public static final int GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_OES = 0x8844;
public static final int GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_OES = 0x86AD;
public static final int GL_CURRENT_PALETTE_MATRIX_OES = 0x8843;
public static final int GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_SIZE_OES = 0x8846;
public static final int GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE_OES = 0x8847;
public static final int GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE_OES = 0x8848;
public static final int GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER_OES = 0x8849;
public static final int GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_OES = 0x8B9E;
public static final int GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_SIZE_OES = 0x86AB;
public static final int GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_TYPE_OES = 0x86A9;
public static final int GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_STRIDE_OES = 0x86AA;
public static final int GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_POINTER_OES = 0x86AC;
public static final int GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_OES = 0x889E;
public static final int GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_OES = 0x84F9;
public static final int GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_OES = 0x84FA;
public static final int GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_OES = 0x88F0;
public static final int GL_RGB8_OES = 0x8051;
public static final int GL_RGBA8_OES = 0x8058;
public static final int GL_STENCIL_INDEX1_OES = 0x8D46;
public static final int GL_STENCIL_INDEX4_OES = 0x8D47;
public static final int GL_STENCIL_INDEX8_OES = 0x8D48;
public static final int GL_INCR_WRAP_OES = 0x8507;
public static final int GL_DECR_WRAP_OES = 0x8508;
public static final int GL_NORMAL_MAP_OES = 0x8511;
public static final int GL_REFLECTION_MAP_OES = 0x8512;
public static final int GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_OES = 0x8513;
public static final int GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP_OES = 0x8514;
public static final int GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_OES = 0x8515;
public static final int GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_OES = 0x8516;
public static final int GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_OES = 0x8517;
public static final int GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_OES = 0x8518;
public static final int GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_OES = 0x8519;
public static final int GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_OES = 0x851A;
public static final int GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE_OES = 0x851C;
public static final int GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE_OES = 0x2500;
public static final int GL_TEXTURE_GEN_STR_OES = 0x8D60;
public static final int GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT_OES = 0x8370;
public static final int GL_3DC_X_AMD = 0x87F9;
public static final int GL_3DC_XY_AMD = 0x87FA;
public static final int GL_ATC_RGB_AMD = 0x8C92;
public static final int GL_ATC_RGBA_EXPLICIT_ALPHA_AMD = 0x8C93;
public static final int GL_ATC_RGBA_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA_AMD = 0x87EE;
public static final int GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT = 0x84FE;
public static final int GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT = 0x84FF;
public static final int GL_BGRA = 0x80E1;
native private static void _nativeClassInit();
static {
private static final int GL_BYTE = GLES10.GL_BYTE;
private static final int GL_FIXED = GLES10.GL_FIXED;
private static final int GL_FLOAT = GLES10.GL_FLOAT;
private static final int GL_SHORT = GLES10.GL_SHORT;
private static Buffer _matrixIndexPointerOES;
// C function void glBlendEquationSeparateOES ( GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha )
public static native void glBlendEquationSeparateOES(
int modeRGB,
int modeAlpha
// C function void glBlendFuncSeparateOES ( GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcAlpha, GLenum dstAlpha )
public static native void glBlendFuncSeparateOES(
int srcRGB,
int dstRGB,
int srcAlpha,
int dstAlpha
// C function void glBlendEquationOES ( GLenum mode )
public static native void glBlendEquationOES(
int mode
// C function void glDrawTexsOES ( GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort width, GLshort height )
public static native void glDrawTexsOES(
short x,
short y,
short z,
short width,
short height
// C function void glDrawTexiOES ( GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint width, GLint height )
public static native void glDrawTexiOES(
int x,
int y,
int z,
int width,
int height
// C function void glDrawTexxOES ( GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z, GLfixed width, GLfixed height )
public static native void glDrawTexxOES(
int x,
int y,
int z,
int width,
int height
// C function void glDrawTexsvOES ( const GLshort *coords )
public static native void glDrawTexsvOES(
short[] coords,
int offset
// C function void glDrawTexsvOES ( const GLshort *coords )
public static native void glDrawTexsvOES(
java.nio.ShortBuffer coords
// C function void glDrawTexivOES ( const GLint *coords )
public static native void glDrawTexivOES(
int[] coords,
int offset
// C function void glDrawTexivOES ( const GLint *coords )
public static native void glDrawTexivOES(
java.nio.IntBuffer coords
// C function void glDrawTexxvOES ( const GLfixed *coords )
public static native void glDrawTexxvOES(
int[] coords,
int offset
// C function void glDrawTexxvOES ( const GLfixed *coords )
public static native void glDrawTexxvOES(
java.nio.IntBuffer coords
// C function void glDrawTexfOES ( GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat width, GLfloat height )
public static native void glDrawTexfOES(
float x,
float y,
float z,
float width,
float height
// C function void glDrawTexfvOES ( const GLfloat *coords )
public static native void glDrawTexfvOES(
float[] coords,
int offset
// C function void glDrawTexfvOES ( const GLfloat *coords )
public static native void glDrawTexfvOES(
java.nio.FloatBuffer coords
// C function void glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES ( GLenum target, GLeglImageOES image )
public static native void glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(
int target,
java.nio.Buffer image
// C function void glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES ( GLenum target, GLeglImageOES image )
public static native void glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(
int target,
java.nio.Buffer image
// C function void glAlphaFuncxOES ( GLenum func, GLclampx ref )
public static native void glAlphaFuncxOES(
int func,
int ref
// C function void glClearColorxOES ( GLclampx red, GLclampx green, GLclampx blue, GLclampx alpha )
public static native void glClearColorxOES(
int red,
int green,
int blue,
int alpha
// C function void glClearDepthxOES ( GLclampx depth )
public static native void glClearDepthxOES(
int depth
// C function void glClipPlanexOES ( GLenum plane, const GLfixed *equation )
public static native void glClipPlanexOES(
int plane,
int[] equation,
int offset
// C function void glClipPlanexOES ( GLenum plane, const GLfixed *equation )
public static native void glClipPlanexOES(
int plane,
java.nio.IntBuffer equation
// C function void glColor4xOES ( GLfixed red, GLfixed green, GLfixed blue, GLfixed alpha )
public static native void glColor4xOES(
int red,
int green,
int blue,
int alpha
// C function void glDepthRangexOES ( GLclampx zNear, GLclampx zFar )
public static native void glDepthRangexOES(
int zNear,
int zFar
// C function void glFogxOES ( GLenum pname, GLfixed param )
public static native void glFogxOES(
int pname,
int param
// C function void glFogxvOES ( GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params )
public static native void glFogxvOES(
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glFogxvOES ( GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params )
public static native void glFogxvOES(
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function void glFrustumxOES ( GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar )
public static native void glFrustumxOES(
int left,
int right,
int bottom,
int top,
int zNear,
int zFar
// C function void glGetClipPlanexOES ( GLenum pname, GLfixed *eqn )
public static native void glGetClipPlanexOES(
int pname,
int[] eqn,
int offset
// C function void glGetClipPlanexOES ( GLenum pname, GLfixed *eqn )
public static native void glGetClipPlanexOES(
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer eqn
// C function void glGetFixedvOES ( GLenum pname, GLfixed *params )
public static native void glGetFixedvOES(
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glGetFixedvOES ( GLenum pname, GLfixed *params )
public static native void glGetFixedvOES(
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function void glGetLightxvOES ( GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params )
public static native void glGetLightxvOES(
int light,
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glGetLightxvOES ( GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params )
public static native void glGetLightxvOES(
int light,
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function void glGetMaterialxvOES ( GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params )
public static native void glGetMaterialxvOES(
int face,
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glGetMaterialxvOES ( GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params )
public static native void glGetMaterialxvOES(
int face,
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function void glGetTexEnvxvOES ( GLenum env, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params )
public static native void glGetTexEnvxvOES(
int env,
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glGetTexEnvxvOES ( GLenum env, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params )
public static native void glGetTexEnvxvOES(
int env,
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function void glGetTexParameterxvOES ( GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params )
public static native void glGetTexParameterxvOES(
int target,
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glGetTexParameterxvOES ( GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params )
public static native void glGetTexParameterxvOES(
int target,
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function void glLightModelxOES ( GLenum pname, GLfixed param )
public static native void glLightModelxOES(
int pname,
int param
// C function void glLightModelxvOES ( GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params )
public static native void glLightModelxvOES(
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glLightModelxvOES ( GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params )
public static native void glLightModelxvOES(
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function void glLightxOES ( GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed param )
public static native void glLightxOES(
int light,
int pname,
int param
// C function void glLightxvOES ( GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params )
public static native void glLightxvOES(
int light,
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glLightxvOES ( GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params )
public static native void glLightxvOES(
int light,
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function void glLineWidthxOES ( GLfixed width )
public static native void glLineWidthxOES(
int width
// C function void glLoadMatrixxOES ( const GLfixed *m )
public static native void glLoadMatrixxOES(
int[] m,
int offset
// C function void glLoadMatrixxOES ( const GLfixed *m )
public static native void glLoadMatrixxOES(
java.nio.IntBuffer m
// C function void glMaterialxOES ( GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed param )
public static native void glMaterialxOES(
int face,
int pname,
int param
// C function void glMaterialxvOES ( GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params )
public static native void glMaterialxvOES(
int face,
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glMaterialxvOES ( GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params )
public static native void glMaterialxvOES(
int face,
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function void glMultMatrixxOES ( const GLfixed *m )
public static native void glMultMatrixxOES(
int[] m,
int offset
// C function void glMultMatrixxOES ( const GLfixed *m )
public static native void glMultMatrixxOES(
java.nio.IntBuffer m
// C function void glMultiTexCoord4xOES ( GLenum target, GLfixed s, GLfixed t, GLfixed r, GLfixed q )
public static native void glMultiTexCoord4xOES(
int target,
int s,
int t,
int r,
int q
// C function void glNormal3xOES ( GLfixed nx, GLfixed ny, GLfixed nz )
public static native void glNormal3xOES(
int nx,
int ny,
int nz
// C function void glOrthoxOES ( GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar )
public static native void glOrthoxOES(
int left,
int right,
int bottom,
int top,
int zNear,
int zFar
// C function void glPointParameterxOES ( GLenum pname, GLfixed param )
public static native void glPointParameterxOES(
int pname,
int param
// C function void glPointParameterxvOES ( GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params )
public static native void glPointParameterxvOES(
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glPointParameterxvOES ( GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params )
public static native void glPointParameterxvOES(
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function void glPointSizexOES ( GLfixed size )
public static native void glPointSizexOES(
int size
// C function void glPolygonOffsetxOES ( GLfixed factor, GLfixed units )
public static native void glPolygonOffsetxOES(
int factor,
int units
// C function void glRotatexOES ( GLfixed angle, GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z )
public static native void glRotatexOES(
int angle,
int x,
int y,
int z
// C function void glSampleCoveragexOES ( GLclampx value, GLboolean invert )
public static native void glSampleCoveragexOES(
int value,
boolean invert
// C function void glScalexOES ( GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z )
public static native void glScalexOES(
int x,
int y,
int z
// C function void glTexEnvxOES ( GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed param )
public static native void glTexEnvxOES(
int target,
int pname,
int param
// C function void glTexEnvxvOES ( GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params )
public static native void glTexEnvxvOES(
int target,
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glTexEnvxvOES ( GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params )
public static native void glTexEnvxvOES(
int target,
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function void glTexParameterxOES ( GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed param )
public static native void glTexParameterxOES(
int target,
int pname,
int param
// C function void glTexParameterxvOES ( GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params )
public static native void glTexParameterxvOES(
int target,
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glTexParameterxvOES ( GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params )
public static native void glTexParameterxvOES(
int target,
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function void glTranslatexOES ( GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z )
public static native void glTranslatexOES(
int x,
int y,
int z
// C function GLboolean glIsRenderbufferOES ( GLuint renderbuffer )
public static native boolean glIsRenderbufferOES(
int renderbuffer
// C function void glBindRenderbufferOES ( GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer )
public static native void glBindRenderbufferOES(
int target,
int renderbuffer
// C function void glDeleteRenderbuffersOES ( GLsizei n, const GLuint *renderbuffers )
public static native void glDeleteRenderbuffersOES(
int n,
int[] renderbuffers,
int offset
// C function void glDeleteRenderbuffersOES ( GLsizei n, const GLuint *renderbuffers )
public static native void glDeleteRenderbuffersOES(
int n,
java.nio.IntBuffer renderbuffers
// C function void glGenRenderbuffersOES ( GLsizei n, GLuint *renderbuffers )
public static native void glGenRenderbuffersOES(
int n,
int[] renderbuffers,
int offset
// C function void glGenRenderbuffersOES ( GLsizei n, GLuint *renderbuffers )
public static native void glGenRenderbuffersOES(
int n,
java.nio.IntBuffer renderbuffers
// C function void glRenderbufferStorageOES ( GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height )
public static native void glRenderbufferStorageOES(
int target,
int internalformat,
int width,
int height
// C function void glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES ( GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params )
public static native void glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES(
int target,
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES ( GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params )
public static native void glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES(
int target,
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function GLboolean glIsFramebufferOES ( GLuint framebuffer )
public static native boolean glIsFramebufferOES(
int framebuffer
// C function void glBindFramebufferOES ( GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer )
public static native void glBindFramebufferOES(
int target,
int framebuffer
// C function void glDeleteFramebuffersOES ( GLsizei n, const GLuint *framebuffers )
public static native void glDeleteFramebuffersOES(
int n,
int[] framebuffers,
int offset
// C function void glDeleteFramebuffersOES ( GLsizei n, const GLuint *framebuffers )
public static native void glDeleteFramebuffersOES(
int n,
java.nio.IntBuffer framebuffers
// C function void glGenFramebuffersOES ( GLsizei n, GLuint *framebuffers )
public static native void glGenFramebuffersOES(
int n,
int[] framebuffers,
int offset
// C function void glGenFramebuffersOES ( GLsizei n, GLuint *framebuffers )
public static native void glGenFramebuffersOES(
int n,
java.nio.IntBuffer framebuffers
// C function GLenum glCheckFramebufferStatusOES ( GLenum target )
public static native int glCheckFramebufferStatusOES(
int target
// C function void glFramebufferRenderbufferOES ( GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer )
public static native void glFramebufferRenderbufferOES(
int target,
int attachment,
int renderbuffertarget,
int renderbuffer
// C function void glFramebufferTexture2DOES ( GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level )
public static native void glFramebufferTexture2DOES(
int target,
int attachment,
int textarget,
int texture,
int level
// C function void glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES ( GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint *params )
public static native void glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES(
int target,
int attachment,
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES ( GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint *params )
public static native void glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES(
int target,
int attachment,
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function void glGenerateMipmapOES ( GLenum target )
public static native void glGenerateMipmapOES(
int target
// C function void glCurrentPaletteMatrixOES ( GLuint matrixpaletteindex )
public static native void glCurrentPaletteMatrixOES(
int matrixpaletteindex
// C function void glLoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES ( void )
public static native void glLoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES(
// C function void glMatrixIndexPointerOES ( GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer )
private static native void glMatrixIndexPointerOESBounds(
int size,
int type,
int stride,
java.nio.Buffer pointer,
int remaining
public static void glMatrixIndexPointerOES(
int size,
int type,
int stride,
java.nio.Buffer pointer
) {
if (((size == 2) ||
(size == 3) ||
(size == 4)) &&
((type == GL_FLOAT) ||
(type == GL_BYTE) ||
(type == GL_SHORT) ||
(type == GL_FIXED)) &&
(stride >= 0)) {
_matrixIndexPointerOES = pointer;
// C function void glWeightPointerOES ( GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer )
private static native void glWeightPointerOESBounds(
int size,
int type,
int stride,
java.nio.Buffer pointer,
int remaining
public static void glWeightPointerOES(
int size,
int type,
int stride,
java.nio.Buffer pointer
) {
// C function void glDepthRangefOES ( GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar )
public static native void glDepthRangefOES(
float zNear,
float zFar
// C function void glFrustumfOES ( GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar )
public static native void glFrustumfOES(
float left,
float right,
float bottom,
float top,
float zNear,
float zFar
// C function void glOrthofOES ( GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar )
public static native void glOrthofOES(
float left,
float right,
float bottom,
float top,
float zNear,
float zFar
// C function void glClipPlanefOES ( GLenum plane, const GLfloat *equation )
public static native void glClipPlanefOES(
int plane,
float[] equation,
int offset
// C function void glClipPlanefOES ( GLenum plane, const GLfloat *equation )
public static native void glClipPlanefOES(
int plane,
java.nio.FloatBuffer equation
// C function void glGetClipPlanefOES ( GLenum pname, GLfloat *eqn )
public static native void glGetClipPlanefOES(
int pname,
float[] eqn,
int offset
// C function void glGetClipPlanefOES ( GLenum pname, GLfloat *eqn )
public static native void glGetClipPlanefOES(
int pname,
java.nio.FloatBuffer eqn
// C function void glClearDepthfOES ( GLclampf depth )
public static native void glClearDepthfOES(
float depth
// C function void glTexGenfOES ( GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat param )
public static native void glTexGenfOES(
int coord,
int pname,
float param
// C function void glTexGenfvOES ( GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params )
public static native void glTexGenfvOES(
int coord,
int pname,
float[] params,
int offset
// C function void glTexGenfvOES ( GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params )
public static native void glTexGenfvOES(
int coord,
int pname,
java.nio.FloatBuffer params
// C function void glTexGeniOES ( GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param )
public static native void glTexGeniOES(
int coord,
int pname,
int param
// C function void glTexGenivOES ( GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLint *params )
public static native void glTexGenivOES(
int coord,
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glTexGenivOES ( GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLint *params )
public static native void glTexGenivOES(
int coord,
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function void glTexGenxOES ( GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfixed param )
public static native void glTexGenxOES(
int coord,
int pname,
int param
// C function void glTexGenxvOES ( GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params )
public static native void glTexGenxvOES(
int coord,
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glTexGenxvOES ( GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params )
public static native void glTexGenxvOES(
int coord,
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function void glGetTexGenfvOES ( GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params )
public static native void glGetTexGenfvOES(
int coord,
int pname,
float[] params,
int offset
// C function void glGetTexGenfvOES ( GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params )
public static native void glGetTexGenfvOES(
int coord,
int pname,
java.nio.FloatBuffer params
// C function void glGetTexGenivOES ( GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint *params )
public static native void glGetTexGenivOES(
int coord,
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glGetTexGenivOES ( GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint *params )
public static native void glGetTexGenivOES(
int coord,
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params
// C function void glGetTexGenxvOES ( GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params )
public static native void glGetTexGenxvOES(
int coord,
int pname,
int[] params,
int offset
// C function void glGetTexGenxvOES ( GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params )
public static native void glGetTexGenxvOES(
int coord,
int pname,
java.nio.IntBuffer params