ztenghui 512e643ce8 Re-triangulate the spot shadow.
Fix the valid umbra detection.

This looks better b/c every vertex will have one ray shooting at it, such that
we don't miss the corner.

This performs better too, due to the polygon intersection is removed and less ray
intersection. 2x performance for rect and circle for spot shadow in test app.


Change-Id: I4a5ee397b9e192e93c8e35e6260b499e3e38a6f4
2014-09-10 17:05:59 -07:00

114 lines
4.1 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "Debug.h"
#include "Matrix.h"
#include "OpenGLRenderer.h"
#include "VertexBuffer.h"
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
// All SHADOW_* are used to define all the geometry property of shadows.
// Use a simplified example to illustrate the geometry setup here.
// Assuming we use 6 rays and only 1 layer, Then we will have 2 hexagons, which
// are 0 to 5 and 6 to 11. The area between them will be the penumbra area, and
// the area inside the 2nd hexagon is the umbra.
// Ambient shadow is using only 1 layer for opaque caster, otherwise, spot
// shadow and ambient shadow are using 2 layers.
// Triange strip indices for penumbra area: (0, 6, 1, 7, 2, 8, 3, 9, 4, 10, 5, 11, 0, 6)
// 0
// 5 6 1
// 11 7
// 10 8
// 4 9 2
// 3
// The total number of rays starting from the centroid of shadow area, in order
// to generate the shadow geometry.
#define SHADOW_RAY_COUNT 128
// The total number of all the vertices representing the shadow.
// For the case we only have 1 layer, then we will just fill only 2/3 of it.
// The total number of indices used for drawing the shadow geometry as triangle strips.
// Depending on the mode we are drawing, we can have 1 layer or 2 layers.
// Therefore, we only build the longer index buffer.
#define SHADOW_MIN_CASTER_Z 0.001f
#define MINIMAL_DELTA_THETA (M_PI / 180 / 1000)
class ShadowTessellator {
static void tessellateAmbientShadow(bool isCasterOpaque,
const Vector3* casterPolygon, int casterVertexCount,
const Vector3& centroid3d, const Rect& casterBounds,
const Rect& localClip, float maxZ, VertexBuffer& shadowVertexBuffer);
static void tessellateSpotShadow(bool isCasterOpaque,
const Vector3* casterPolygon, int casterVertexCount, const Vector3& casterCentroid,
const mat4& receiverTransform, const Vector3& lightCenter, int lightRadius,
const Rect& casterBounds, const Rect& localClip, VertexBuffer& shadowVertexBuffer);
static void generateShadowIndices(uint16_t* shadowIndices);
static Vector2 centroid2d(const Vector2* poly, int polyLength);
static bool isClockwise(const Vector2* polygon, int len);
static Vector2 calculateNormal(const Vector2& p1, const Vector2& p2);
* Determine whether the path is clockwise, using the control points.
* TODO: Given the skia is using inverted Y coordinate, shadow system needs
* to convert to the same coordinate to avoid the extra reverse.
* @param path The path to be examined.
static bool isClockwisePath(const SkPath &path);
* Reverse the vertex array.
* @param polygon The vertex array to be reversed.
* @param len The length of the vertex array.
static void reverseVertexArray(Vertex* polygon, int len);
static int getExtraVertexNumber(const Vector2& vector1, const Vector2& vector2,
float divisor);
static void checkOverflow(int used, int total, const char* bufferName);
}; // ShadowTessellator
}; // namespace uirenderer
}; // namespace android