/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "PropertyValuesAnimatorSet.h" #include "RenderNode.h" #include <algorithm> namespace android { namespace uirenderer { void PropertyValuesAnimatorSet::addPropertyAnimator(PropertyValuesHolder* propertyValuesHolder, Interpolator* interpolator, nsecs_t startDelay, nsecs_t duration, int repeatCount) { PropertyAnimator* animator = new PropertyAnimator(propertyValuesHolder, interpolator, startDelay, duration, repeatCount); mAnimators.emplace_back(animator); setListener(new PropertyAnimatorSetListener(this)); } PropertyValuesAnimatorSet::PropertyValuesAnimatorSet() : BaseRenderNodeAnimator(1.0f) { setStartValue(0); mLastFraction = 0.0f; setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator()); } void PropertyValuesAnimatorSet::onFinished(BaseRenderNodeAnimator* animator) { if (mOneShotListener.get()) { mOneShotListener->onAnimationFinished(animator); mOneShotListener = nullptr; } } float PropertyValuesAnimatorSet::getValue(RenderNode* target) const { return mLastFraction; } void PropertyValuesAnimatorSet::setValue(RenderNode* target, float value) { mLastFraction = value; } void PropertyValuesAnimatorSet::onPlayTimeChanged(nsecs_t playTime) { if (playTime == 0 && mDuration > 0) { // Reset all the animators for (auto it = mAnimators.rbegin(); it != mAnimators.rend(); it++) { // Note that this set may containing animators modifying the same property, so when we // reset the animators, we need to make sure the animators that end the first will // have the final say on what the property value should be. (*it)->setFraction(0); } } else if (playTime >= mDuration) { // Skip all the animators to end for (auto& anim : mAnimators) { anim->setFraction(1); } } else { for (auto& anim : mAnimators) { anim->setCurrentPlayTime(playTime); } } } void PropertyValuesAnimatorSet::start(AnimationListener* listener) { init(); mOneShotListener = listener; BaseRenderNodeAnimator::start(); } void PropertyValuesAnimatorSet::reverse(AnimationListener* listener) { init(); mOneShotListener = listener; BaseRenderNodeAnimator::reverse(); } void PropertyValuesAnimatorSet::init() { if (mInitialized) { return; } // Sort the animators by their total duration. Note that all the animators in the set start at // the same time, so the ones with longer total duration (which includes start delay) will // be the ones that end later. std::sort(mAnimators.begin(), mAnimators.end(), [](auto& a, auto&b) { return a->getTotalDuration() < b->getTotalDuration(); }); mDuration = mAnimators[mAnimators.size() - 1]->getTotalDuration(); mInitialized = true; } uint32_t PropertyValuesAnimatorSet::dirtyMask() { return RenderNode::DISPLAY_LIST; } PropertyAnimator::PropertyAnimator(PropertyValuesHolder* holder, Interpolator* interpolator, nsecs_t startDelay, nsecs_t duration, int repeatCount) : mPropertyValuesHolder(holder), mInterpolator(interpolator), mStartDelay(startDelay), mDuration(duration) { if (repeatCount < 0) { mRepeatCount = UINT32_MAX; } else { mRepeatCount = repeatCount; } mTotalDuration = ((nsecs_t) mRepeatCount + 1) * mDuration + mStartDelay; } void PropertyAnimator::setCurrentPlayTime(nsecs_t playTime) { if (playTime >= mStartDelay && playTime < mTotalDuration) { nsecs_t currentIterationPlayTime = (playTime - mStartDelay) % mDuration; float fraction = currentIterationPlayTime / (float) mDuration; setFraction(fraction); } else if (mLatestFraction < 1.0f && playTime >= mTotalDuration) { // This makes sure we only set the fraction = 1 once. It is needed because there might // be another animator modifying the same property after this animator finishes, we need // to make sure we don't set conflicting values on the same property within one frame. setFraction(1.0f); } } void PropertyAnimator::setFraction(float fraction) { mLatestFraction = fraction; float interpolatedFraction = mInterpolator->interpolate(fraction); mPropertyValuesHolder->setFraction(interpolatedFraction); } void PropertyAnimatorSetListener::onAnimationFinished(BaseRenderNodeAnimator* animator) { mSet->onFinished(animator); } } }