/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "RecordingCanvas.h" #include "DeferredLayerUpdater.h" #include "RecordedOp.h" #include "RenderNode.h" #include "VectorDrawable.h" #include "hwui/MinikinUtils.h" namespace android { namespace uirenderer { RecordingCanvas::RecordingCanvas(size_t width, size_t height) : mState(*this) , mResourceCache(ResourceCache::getInstance()) { resetRecording(width, height); } RecordingCanvas::~RecordingCanvas() { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mDisplayList, "Destroyed a RecordingCanvas during a record!"); } void RecordingCanvas::resetRecording(int width, int height, RenderNode* node) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mDisplayList, "prepareDirty called a second time during a recording!"); mDisplayList = new DisplayList(); mState.initializeRecordingSaveStack(width, height); mDeferredBarrierType = DeferredBarrierType::InOrder; } DisplayList* RecordingCanvas::finishRecording() { restoreToCount(1); mPaintMap.clear(); mRegionMap.clear(); mPathMap.clear(); DisplayList* displayList = mDisplayList; mDisplayList = nullptr; mSkiaCanvasProxy.reset(nullptr); return displayList; } void RecordingCanvas::insertReorderBarrier(bool enableReorder) { if (enableReorder) { mDeferredBarrierType = DeferredBarrierType::OutOfOrder; mDeferredBarrierClip = getRecordedClip(); } else { mDeferredBarrierType = DeferredBarrierType::InOrder; mDeferredBarrierClip = nullptr; } } SkCanvas* RecordingCanvas::asSkCanvas() { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!mDisplayList, "attempting to get an SkCanvas when we are not recording!"); if (!mSkiaCanvasProxy) { mSkiaCanvasProxy.reset(new SkiaCanvasProxy(this)); } // SkCanvas instances default to identity transform, but should inherit // the state of this Canvas; if this code was in the SkiaCanvasProxy // constructor, we couldn't cache mSkiaCanvasProxy. SkMatrix parentTransform; getMatrix(&parentTransform); mSkiaCanvasProxy.get()->setMatrix(parentTransform); return mSkiaCanvasProxy.get(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CanvasStateClient implementation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RecordingCanvas::onViewportInitialized() { } void RecordingCanvas::onSnapshotRestored(const Snapshot& removed, const Snapshot& restored) { if (removed.flags & Snapshot::kFlagIsFboLayer) { addOp(alloc().create_trivial<EndLayerOp>()); } else if (removed.flags & Snapshot::kFlagIsLayer) { addOp(alloc().create_trivial<EndUnclippedLayerOp>()); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // android/graphics/Canvas state operations // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Save (layer) int RecordingCanvas::save(SaveFlags::Flags flags) { return mState.save((int) flags); } void RecordingCanvas::RecordingCanvas::restore() { mState.restore(); } void RecordingCanvas::restoreToCount(int saveCount) { mState.restoreToCount(saveCount); } int RecordingCanvas::saveLayer(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, const SkPaint* paint, SaveFlags::Flags flags) { // force matrix/clip isolation for layer flags |= SaveFlags::MatrixClip; bool clippedLayer = flags & SaveFlags::ClipToLayer; const Snapshot& previous = *mState.currentSnapshot(); // initialize the snapshot as though it almost represents an FBO layer so deferred draw // operations will be able to store and restore the current clip and transform info, and // quick rejection will be correct (for display lists) Rect unmappedBounds(left, top, right, bottom); unmappedBounds.roundOut(); // determine clipped bounds relative to previous viewport. Rect visibleBounds = unmappedBounds; previous.transform->mapRect(visibleBounds); if (CC_UNLIKELY(!clippedLayer && previous.transform->rectToRect() && visibleBounds.contains(previous.getRenderTargetClip()))) { // unlikely case where an unclipped savelayer is recorded with a clip it can use, // as none of its unaffected/unclipped area is visible clippedLayer = true; flags |= SaveFlags::ClipToLayer; } visibleBounds.doIntersect(previous.getRenderTargetClip()); visibleBounds.snapToPixelBoundaries(); visibleBounds.doIntersect(Rect(previous.getViewportWidth(), previous.getViewportHeight())); // Map visible bounds back to layer space, and intersect with parameter bounds Rect layerBounds = visibleBounds; if (CC_LIKELY(!layerBounds.isEmpty())) { // if non-empty, can safely map by the inverse transform Matrix4 inverse; inverse.loadInverse(*previous.transform); inverse.mapRect(layerBounds); layerBounds.doIntersect(unmappedBounds); } int saveValue = mState.save((int) flags); Snapshot& snapshot = *mState.writableSnapshot(); // layerBounds is in original bounds space, but clipped by current recording clip if (!layerBounds.isEmpty() && !unmappedBounds.isEmpty()) { if (CC_LIKELY(clippedLayer)) { auto previousClip = getRecordedClip(); // capture before new snapshot clip has changed if (addOp(alloc().create_trivial<BeginLayerOp>( unmappedBounds, *previous.transform, // transform to *draw* with previousClip, // clip to *draw* with refPaint(paint))) >= 0) { snapshot.flags |= Snapshot::kFlagIsLayer | Snapshot::kFlagIsFboLayer; snapshot.initializeViewport(unmappedBounds.getWidth(), unmappedBounds.getHeight()); snapshot.transform->loadTranslate(-unmappedBounds.left, -unmappedBounds.top, 0.0f); Rect clip = layerBounds; clip.translate(-unmappedBounds.left, -unmappedBounds.top); snapshot.resetClip(clip.left, clip.top, clip.right, clip.bottom); snapshot.roundRectClipState = nullptr; return saveValue; } } else { if (addOp(alloc().create_trivial<BeginUnclippedLayerOp>( unmappedBounds, *mState.currentSnapshot()->transform, getRecordedClip(), refPaint(paint))) >= 0) { snapshot.flags |= Snapshot::kFlagIsLayer; return saveValue; } } } // Layer not needed, so skip recording it... if (CC_LIKELY(clippedLayer)) { // ... and set empty clip to reject inner content, if possible snapshot.resetClip(0, 0, 0, 0); } return saveValue; } // Matrix void RecordingCanvas::rotate(float degrees) { if (degrees == 0) return; mState.rotate(degrees); } void RecordingCanvas::scale(float sx, float sy) { if (sx == 1 && sy == 1) return; mState.scale(sx, sy); } void RecordingCanvas::skew(float sx, float sy) { mState.skew(sx, sy); } void RecordingCanvas::translate(float dx, float dy) { if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) return; mState.translate(dx, dy, 0); } // Clip bool RecordingCanvas::getClipBounds(SkRect* outRect) const { *outRect = mState.getLocalClipBounds().toSkRect(); return !(outRect->isEmpty()); } bool RecordingCanvas::quickRejectRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) const { return mState.quickRejectConservative(left, top, right, bottom); } bool RecordingCanvas::quickRejectPath(const SkPath& path) const { SkRect bounds = path.getBounds(); return mState.quickRejectConservative(bounds.fLeft, bounds.fTop, bounds.fRight, bounds.fBottom); } bool RecordingCanvas::clipRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, SkClipOp op) { return mState.clipRect(left, top, right, bottom, op); } bool RecordingCanvas::clipPath(const SkPath* path, SkClipOp op) { return mState.clipPath(path, op); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // android/graphics/Canvas draw operations // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RecordingCanvas::drawColor(int color, SkBlendMode mode) { addOp(alloc().create_trivial<ColorOp>( getRecordedClip(), color, mode)); } void RecordingCanvas::drawPaint(const SkPaint& paint) { SkRect bounds; if (getClipBounds(&bounds)) { drawRect(bounds.fLeft, bounds.fTop, bounds.fRight, bounds.fBottom, paint); } } static Rect calcBoundsOfPoints(const float* points, int floatCount) { Rect unmappedBounds(points[0], points[1], points[0], points[1]); for (int i = 2; i < floatCount; i += 2) { unmappedBounds.expandToCover(points[i], points[i + 1]); } return unmappedBounds; } // Geometry void RecordingCanvas::drawPoints(const float* points, int floatCount, const SkPaint& paint) { if (CC_UNLIKELY(floatCount < 2 || PaintUtils::paintWillNotDraw(paint))) return; floatCount &= ~0x1; // round down to nearest two addOp(alloc().create_trivial<PointsOp>( calcBoundsOfPoints(points, floatCount), *mState.currentSnapshot()->transform, getRecordedClip(), refPaint(&paint), refBuffer<float>(points, floatCount), floatCount)); } void RecordingCanvas::drawLines(const float* points, int floatCount, const SkPaint& paint) { if (CC_UNLIKELY(floatCount < 4 || PaintUtils::paintWillNotDraw(paint))) return; floatCount &= ~0x3; // round down to nearest four addOp(alloc().create_trivial<LinesOp>( calcBoundsOfPoints(points, floatCount), *mState.currentSnapshot()->transform, getRecordedClip(), refPaint(&paint), refBuffer<float>(points, floatCount), floatCount)); } void RecordingCanvas::drawRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, const SkPaint& paint) { if (CC_UNLIKELY(PaintUtils::paintWillNotDraw(paint))) return; addOp(alloc().create_trivial<RectOp>( Rect(left, top, right, bottom), *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), refPaint(&paint))); } void RecordingCanvas::drawSimpleRects(const float* rects, int vertexCount, const SkPaint* paint) { if (rects == nullptr) return; Vertex* rectData = (Vertex*) mDisplayList->allocator.create_trivial_array<Vertex>(vertexCount); Vertex* vertex = rectData; float left = FLT_MAX; float top = FLT_MAX; float right = FLT_MIN; float bottom = FLT_MIN; for (int index = 0; index < vertexCount; index += 4) { float l = rects[index + 0]; float t = rects[index + 1]; float r = rects[index + 2]; float b = rects[index + 3]; Vertex::set(vertex++, l, t); Vertex::set(vertex++, r, t); Vertex::set(vertex++, l, b); Vertex::set(vertex++, r, b); left = std::min(left, l); top = std::min(top, t); right = std::max(right, r); bottom = std::max(bottom, b); } addOp(alloc().create_trivial<SimpleRectsOp>( Rect(left, top, right, bottom), *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), refPaint(paint), rectData, vertexCount)); } void RecordingCanvas::drawRegion(const SkRegion& region, const SkPaint& paint) { if (CC_UNLIKELY(PaintUtils::paintWillNotDraw(paint))) return; if (paint.getStyle() == SkPaint::kFill_Style && (!paint.isAntiAlias() || mState.currentTransform()->isSimple())) { int count = 0; Vector<float> rects; SkRegion::Iterator it(region); while (!it.done()) { const SkIRect& r = it.rect(); rects.push(r.fLeft); rects.push(r.fTop); rects.push(r.fRight); rects.push(r.fBottom); count += 4; it.next(); } drawSimpleRects(rects.array(), count, &paint); } else { SkRegion::Iterator it(region); while (!it.done()) { const SkIRect& r = it.rect(); drawRect(r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom, paint); it.next(); } } } void RecordingCanvas::drawRoundRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float rx, float ry, const SkPaint& paint) { if (CC_UNLIKELY(PaintUtils::paintWillNotDraw(paint))) return; if (CC_LIKELY(MathUtils::isPositive(rx) || MathUtils::isPositive(ry))) { addOp(alloc().create_trivial<RoundRectOp>( Rect(left, top, right, bottom), *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), refPaint(&paint), rx, ry)); } else { drawRect(left, top, right, bottom, paint); } } void RecordingCanvas::drawRoundRect( CanvasPropertyPrimitive* left, CanvasPropertyPrimitive* top, CanvasPropertyPrimitive* right, CanvasPropertyPrimitive* bottom, CanvasPropertyPrimitive* rx, CanvasPropertyPrimitive* ry, CanvasPropertyPaint* paint) { mDisplayList->ref(left); mDisplayList->ref(top); mDisplayList->ref(right); mDisplayList->ref(bottom); mDisplayList->ref(rx); mDisplayList->ref(ry); mDisplayList->ref(paint); refBitmapsInShader(paint->value.getShader()); addOp(alloc().create_trivial<RoundRectPropsOp>( *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), &paint->value, &left->value, &top->value, &right->value, &bottom->value, &rx->value, &ry->value)); } void RecordingCanvas::drawCircle(float x, float y, float radius, const SkPaint& paint) { // TODO: move to Canvas.h if (CC_UNLIKELY(radius <= 0 || PaintUtils::paintWillNotDraw(paint))) return; drawOval(x - radius, y - radius, x + radius, y + radius, paint); } void RecordingCanvas::drawCircle( CanvasPropertyPrimitive* x, CanvasPropertyPrimitive* y, CanvasPropertyPrimitive* radius, CanvasPropertyPaint* paint) { mDisplayList->ref(x); mDisplayList->ref(y); mDisplayList->ref(radius); mDisplayList->ref(paint); refBitmapsInShader(paint->value.getShader()); addOp(alloc().create_trivial<CirclePropsOp>( *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), &paint->value, &x->value, &y->value, &radius->value)); } void RecordingCanvas::drawOval(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, const SkPaint& paint) { if (CC_UNLIKELY(PaintUtils::paintWillNotDraw(paint))) return; addOp(alloc().create_trivial<OvalOp>( Rect(left, top, right, bottom), *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), refPaint(&paint))); } void RecordingCanvas::drawArc(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, bool useCenter, const SkPaint& paint) { if (CC_UNLIKELY(PaintUtils::paintWillNotDraw(paint))) return; if (fabs(sweepAngle) >= 360.0f) { drawOval(left, top, right, bottom, paint); } else { addOp(alloc().create_trivial<ArcOp>( Rect(left, top, right, bottom), *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), refPaint(&paint), startAngle, sweepAngle, useCenter)); } } void RecordingCanvas::drawPath(const SkPath& path, const SkPaint& paint) { if (CC_UNLIKELY(PaintUtils::paintWillNotDraw(paint))) return; addOp(alloc().create_trivial<PathOp>( Rect(path.getBounds()), *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), refPaint(&paint), refPath(&path))); } void RecordingCanvas::drawVectorDrawable(VectorDrawableRoot* tree) { mDisplayList->ref(tree); mDisplayList->vectorDrawables.push_back(tree); addOp(alloc().create_trivial<VectorDrawableOp>( tree, Rect(tree->stagingProperties()->getBounds()), *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip())); } // Bitmap-based void RecordingCanvas::drawBitmap(Bitmap& bitmap, float left, float top, const SkPaint* paint) { save(SaveFlags::Matrix); translate(left, top); drawBitmap(bitmap, paint); restore(); } void RecordingCanvas::drawBitmap(Bitmap& bitmap, const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkPaint* paint) { if (matrix.isIdentity()) { drawBitmap(bitmap, paint); } else if (!(matrix.getType() & ~(SkMatrix::kScale_Mask | SkMatrix::kTranslate_Mask)) && MathUtils::isPositive(matrix.getScaleX()) && MathUtils::isPositive(matrix.getScaleY())) { // SkMatrix::isScaleTranslate() not available in L SkRect src; SkRect dst; bitmap.getBounds(&src); matrix.mapRect(&dst, src); drawBitmap(bitmap, src.fLeft, src.fTop, src.fRight, src.fBottom, dst.fLeft, dst.fTop, dst.fRight, dst.fBottom, paint); } else { save(SaveFlags::Matrix); concat(matrix); drawBitmap(bitmap, paint); restore(); } } void RecordingCanvas::drawBitmap(Bitmap& bitmap, float srcLeft, float srcTop, float srcRight, float srcBottom, float dstLeft, float dstTop, float dstRight, float dstBottom, const SkPaint* paint) { if (srcLeft == 0 && srcTop == 0 && srcRight == bitmap.width() && srcBottom == bitmap.height() && (srcBottom - srcTop == dstBottom - dstTop) && (srcRight - srcLeft == dstRight - dstLeft)) { // transform simple rect to rect drawing case into position bitmap ops, since they merge save(SaveFlags::Matrix); translate(dstLeft, dstTop); drawBitmap(bitmap, paint); restore(); } else { addOp(alloc().create_trivial<BitmapRectOp>( Rect(dstLeft, dstTop, dstRight, dstBottom), *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), refPaint(paint), refBitmap(bitmap), Rect(srcLeft, srcTop, srcRight, srcBottom))); } } void RecordingCanvas::drawBitmapMesh(Bitmap& bitmap, int meshWidth, int meshHeight, const float* vertices, const int* colors, const SkPaint* paint) { int vertexCount = (meshWidth + 1) * (meshHeight + 1); addOp(alloc().create_trivial<BitmapMeshOp>( calcBoundsOfPoints(vertices, vertexCount * 2), *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), refPaint(paint), refBitmap(bitmap), meshWidth, meshHeight, refBuffer<float>(vertices, vertexCount * 2), // 2 floats per vertex refBuffer<int>(colors, vertexCount))); // 1 color per vertex } void RecordingCanvas::drawNinePatch(Bitmap& bitmap, const android::Res_png_9patch& patch, float dstLeft, float dstTop, float dstRight, float dstBottom, const SkPaint* paint) { addOp(alloc().create_trivial<PatchOp>( Rect(dstLeft, dstTop, dstRight, dstBottom), *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), refPaint(paint), refBitmap(bitmap), refPatch(&patch))); } // Text void RecordingCanvas::drawGlyphs(const uint16_t* glyphs, const float* positions, int glyphCount, const SkPaint& paint, float x, float y, float boundsLeft, float boundsTop, float boundsRight, float boundsBottom, float totalAdvance) { if (!glyphs || !positions || glyphCount <= 0 || PaintUtils::paintWillNotDrawText(paint)) return; glyphs = refBuffer<glyph_t>(glyphs, glyphCount); positions = refBuffer<float>(positions, glyphCount * 2); // TODO: either must account for text shadow in bounds, or record separate ops for text shadows addOp(alloc().create_trivial<TextOp>( Rect(boundsLeft, boundsTop, boundsRight, boundsBottom), *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), refPaint(&paint), glyphs, positions, glyphCount, x, y)); drawTextDecorations(x, y, totalAdvance, paint); } void RecordingCanvas::drawLayoutOnPath(const minikin::Layout& layout, float hOffset, float vOffset, const SkPaint& paint, const SkPath& path, size_t start, size_t end) { uint16_t glyphs[1]; for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++) { glyphs[0] = layout.getGlyphId(i); float x = hOffset + layout.getX(i); float y = vOffset + layout.getY(i); if (PaintUtils::paintWillNotDrawText(paint)) return; const uint16_t* tempGlyphs = refBuffer<glyph_t>(glyphs, 1); addOp(alloc().create_trivial<TextOnPathOp>( *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), refPaint(&paint), tempGlyphs, 1, refPath(&path), x, y)); } } void RecordingCanvas::drawBitmap(Bitmap& bitmap, const SkPaint* paint) { addOp(alloc().create_trivial<BitmapOp>( Rect(bitmap.width(), bitmap.height()), *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), refPaint(paint), refBitmap(bitmap))); } void RecordingCanvas::drawRenderNode(RenderNode* renderNode) { auto&& stagingProps = renderNode->stagingProperties(); RenderNodeOp* op = alloc().create_trivial<RenderNodeOp>( Rect(stagingProps.getWidth(), stagingProps.getHeight()), *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), renderNode); int opIndex = addOp(op); if (CC_LIKELY(opIndex >= 0)) { int childIndex = mDisplayList->addChild(op); // update the chunk's child indices DisplayList::Chunk& chunk = mDisplayList->chunks.back(); chunk.endChildIndex = childIndex + 1; if (renderNode->stagingProperties().isProjectionReceiver()) { // use staging property, since recording on UI thread mDisplayList->projectionReceiveIndex = opIndex; } } } void RecordingCanvas::drawLayer(DeferredLayerUpdater* layerHandle) { // We ref the DeferredLayerUpdater due to its thread-safe ref-counting semantics. mDisplayList->ref(layerHandle); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(layerHandle->getBackingLayerApi() != Layer::Api::OpenGL); // Note that the backing layer has *not* yet been updated, so don't trust // its width, height, transform, etc...! addOp(alloc().create_trivial<TextureLayerOp>( Rect(layerHandle->getWidth(), layerHandle->getHeight()), *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), layerHandle)); } void RecordingCanvas::callDrawGLFunction(Functor* functor, GlFunctorLifecycleListener* listener) { mDisplayList->functors.push_back({functor, listener}); mDisplayList->ref(listener); addOp(alloc().create_trivial<FunctorOp>( *(mState.currentSnapshot()->transform), getRecordedClip(), functor)); } int RecordingCanvas::addOp(RecordedOp* op) { // skip op with empty clip if (op->localClip && op->localClip->rect.isEmpty()) { // NOTE: this rejection happens after op construction/content ref-ing, so content ref'd // and held by renderthread isn't affected by clip rejection. // Could rewind alloc here if desired, but callers would have to not touch op afterwards. return -1; } int insertIndex = mDisplayList->ops.size(); mDisplayList->ops.push_back(op); if (mDeferredBarrierType != DeferredBarrierType::None) { // op is first in new chunk mDisplayList->chunks.emplace_back(); DisplayList::Chunk& newChunk = mDisplayList->chunks.back(); newChunk.beginOpIndex = insertIndex; newChunk.endOpIndex = insertIndex + 1; newChunk.reorderChildren = (mDeferredBarrierType == DeferredBarrierType::OutOfOrder); newChunk.reorderClip = mDeferredBarrierClip; int nextChildIndex = mDisplayList->children.size(); newChunk.beginChildIndex = newChunk.endChildIndex = nextChildIndex; mDeferredBarrierType = DeferredBarrierType::None; } else { // standard case - append to existing chunk mDisplayList->chunks.back().endOpIndex = insertIndex + 1; } return insertIndex; } void RecordingCanvas::refBitmapsInShader(const SkShader* shader) { if (!shader) return; // If this paint has an SkShader that has an SkBitmap add // it to the bitmap pile SkBitmap bitmap; SkShader::TileMode xy[2]; if (shader->isABitmap(&bitmap, nullptr, xy)) { Bitmap* hwuiBitmap = static_cast<Bitmap*>(bitmap.pixelRef()); refBitmap(*hwuiBitmap); return; } SkShader::ComposeRec rec; if (shader->asACompose(&rec)) { refBitmapsInShader(rec.fShaderA); refBitmapsInShader(rec.fShaderB); return; } } }; // namespace uirenderer }; // namespace android