/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "rsdCore.h" #include "rsdBcc.h" #include "rsdRuntime.h" #include "rsdAllocation.h" #include "rsdFrameBufferObj.h" #include "rsAllocation.h" #include #include #include using namespace android; using namespace android::renderscript; const static GLenum gFaceOrder[] = { GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z }; GLenum rsdTypeToGLType(RsDataType t) { switch (t) { case RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_5_6_5: return GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5; case RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_5_5_5_1: return GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1; case RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_4_4_4_4: return GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4; //case RS_TYPE_FLOAT_16: return GL_HALF_FLOAT; case RS_TYPE_FLOAT_32: return GL_FLOAT; case RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_8: return GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; case RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_16: return GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT; case RS_TYPE_SIGNED_8: return GL_BYTE; case RS_TYPE_SIGNED_16: return GL_SHORT; default: break; } return 0; } GLenum rsdKindToGLFormat(RsDataKind k) { switch (k) { case RS_KIND_PIXEL_L: return GL_LUMINANCE; case RS_KIND_PIXEL_A: return GL_ALPHA; case RS_KIND_PIXEL_LA: return GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; case RS_KIND_PIXEL_RGB: return GL_RGB; case RS_KIND_PIXEL_RGBA: return GL_RGBA; case RS_KIND_PIXEL_DEPTH: return GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16; default: break; } return 0; } static void Update2DTexture(const Allocation *alloc, const void *ptr, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t lod, RsAllocationCubemapFace face, uint32_t w, uint32_t h) { DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)alloc->mHal.drv; rsAssert(drv->textureID); glBindTexture(drv->glTarget, drv->textureID); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); GLenum t = GL_TEXTURE_2D; if (alloc->mHal.state.hasFaces) { t = gFaceOrder[face]; } glTexSubImage2D(t, lod, xoff, yoff, w, h, drv->glFormat, drv->glType, ptr); } static void Upload2DTexture(const Context *rsc, const Allocation *alloc, bool isFirstUpload) { DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)alloc->mHal.drv; glBindTexture(drv->glTarget, drv->textureID); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); uint32_t faceCount = 1; if (alloc->mHal.state.hasFaces) { faceCount = 6; } rsdGLCheckError(rsc, "Upload2DTexture 1 "); for (uint32_t face = 0; face < faceCount; face ++) { for (uint32_t lod = 0; lod < alloc->mHal.state.type->getLODCount(); lod++) { const uint8_t *p = (const uint8_t *)drv->mallocPtr; p += alloc->mHal.state.type->getLODFaceOffset(lod, (RsAllocationCubemapFace)face, 0, 0); GLenum t = GL_TEXTURE_2D; if (alloc->mHal.state.hasFaces) { t = gFaceOrder[face]; } if (isFirstUpload) { glTexImage2D(t, lod, drv->glFormat, alloc->mHal.state.type->getLODDimX(lod), alloc->mHal.state.type->getLODDimY(lod), 0, drv->glFormat, drv->glType, p); } else { glTexSubImage2D(t, lod, 0, 0, alloc->mHal.state.type->getLODDimX(lod), alloc->mHal.state.type->getLODDimY(lod), drv->glFormat, drv->glType, p); } } } if (alloc->mHal.state.mipmapControl == RS_ALLOCATION_MIPMAP_ON_SYNC_TO_TEXTURE) { glGenerateMipmap(drv->glTarget); } rsdGLCheckError(rsc, "Upload2DTexture"); } static void UploadToTexture(const Context *rsc, const Allocation *alloc) { DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)alloc->mHal.drv; if (!drv->glType || !drv->glFormat) { return; } if (!alloc->getPtr()) { return; } bool isFirstUpload = false; if (!drv->textureID) { glGenTextures(1, &drv->textureID); isFirstUpload = true; } Upload2DTexture(rsc, alloc, isFirstUpload); if (!(alloc->mHal.state.usageFlags & RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_SCRIPT)) { if (drv->mallocPtr) { free(drv->mallocPtr); drv->mallocPtr = NULL; } } rsdGLCheckError(rsc, "UploadToTexture"); } static void AllocateRenderTarget(const Context *rsc, const Allocation *alloc) { DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)alloc->mHal.drv; if (!drv->glFormat) { return; } if (!drv->renderTargetID) { glGenRenderbuffers(1, &drv->renderTargetID); if (!drv->renderTargetID) { // This should generally not happen LOGE("allocateRenderTarget failed to gen mRenderTargetID"); rsc->dumpDebug(); return; } glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, drv->renderTargetID); glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, drv->glFormat, alloc->mHal.state.dimensionX, alloc->mHal.state.dimensionY); } rsdGLCheckError(rsc, "AllocateRenderTarget"); } static void UploadToBufferObject(const Context *rsc, const Allocation *alloc) { DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)alloc->mHal.drv; rsAssert(!alloc->mHal.state.type->getDimY()); rsAssert(!alloc->mHal.state.type->getDimZ()); //alloc->mHal.state.usageFlags |= RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_GRAPHICS_VERTEX; if (!drv->bufferID) { glGenBuffers(1, &drv->bufferID); } if (!drv->bufferID) { LOGE("Upload to buffer object failed"); drv->uploadDeferred = true; return; } glBindBuffer(drv->glTarget, drv->bufferID); glBufferData(drv->glTarget, alloc->mHal.state.type->getSizeBytes(), drv->mallocPtr, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); glBindBuffer(drv->glTarget, 0); rsdGLCheckError(rsc, "UploadToBufferObject"); } bool rsdAllocationInit(const Context *rsc, Allocation *alloc, bool forceZero) { DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)calloc(1, sizeof(DrvAllocation)); if (!drv) { return false; } void * ptr = malloc(alloc->mHal.state.type->getSizeBytes()); if (!ptr) { free(drv); return false; } drv->glTarget = GL_NONE; if (alloc->mHal.state.usageFlags & RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_GRAPHICS_TEXTURE) { if (alloc->mHal.state.hasFaces) { drv->glTarget = GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP; } else { drv->glTarget = GL_TEXTURE_2D; } } else { if (alloc->mHal.state.usageFlags & RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_GRAPHICS_VERTEX) { drv->glTarget = GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; } } drv->glType = rsdTypeToGLType(alloc->mHal.state.type->getElement()->getComponent().getType()); drv->glFormat = rsdKindToGLFormat(alloc->mHal.state.type->getElement()->getComponent().getKind()); alloc->mHal.drvState.mallocPtr = ptr; drv->mallocPtr = (uint8_t *)ptr; alloc->mHal.drv = drv; if (forceZero) { memset(ptr, 0, alloc->mHal.state.type->getSizeBytes()); } if (alloc->mHal.state.usageFlags & ~RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_SCRIPT) { drv->uploadDeferred = true; } drv->readBackFBO = NULL; return true; } void rsdAllocationDestroy(const Context *rsc, Allocation *alloc) { DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)alloc->mHal.drv; if (drv->bufferID) { // Causes a SW crash.... //LOGV(" mBufferID %i", mBufferID); //glDeleteBuffers(1, &mBufferID); //mBufferID = 0; } if (drv->textureID) { glDeleteTextures(1, &drv->textureID); drv->textureID = 0; } if (drv->renderTargetID) { glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, &drv->renderTargetID); drv->renderTargetID = 0; } if (drv->mallocPtr) { free(drv->mallocPtr); drv->mallocPtr = NULL; } if (drv->readBackFBO != NULL) { delete drv->readBackFBO; drv->readBackFBO = NULL; } free(drv); alloc->mHal.drv = NULL; } void rsdAllocationResize(const Context *rsc, const Allocation *alloc, const Type *newType, bool zeroNew) { DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)alloc->mHal.drv; drv->mallocPtr = (uint8_t *)realloc(drv->mallocPtr, newType->getSizeBytes()); // fixme ((Allocation *)alloc)->mHal.drvState.mallocPtr = drv->mallocPtr; const uint32_t oldDimX = alloc->mHal.state.dimensionX; const uint32_t dimX = newType->getDimX(); if (dimX > oldDimX) { const Element *e = alloc->mHal.state.type->getElement(); uint32_t stride = e->getSizeBytes(); memset(((uint8_t *)drv->mallocPtr) + stride * oldDimX, 0, stride * (dimX - oldDimX)); } } static void rsdAllocationSyncFromFBO(const Context *rsc, const Allocation *alloc) { if (!alloc->getIsScript()) { return; // nothing to sync } RsdHal *dc = (RsdHal *)rsc->mHal.drv; RsdFrameBufferObj *lastFbo = dc->gl.currentFrameBuffer; DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)alloc->mHal.drv; if (!drv->textureID && !drv->renderTargetID) { return; // nothing was rendered here yet, so nothing to sync } if (drv->readBackFBO == NULL) { drv->readBackFBO = new RsdFrameBufferObj(); drv->readBackFBO->setColorTarget(drv, 0); drv->readBackFBO->setDimensions(alloc->getType()->getDimX(), alloc->getType()->getDimY()); } // Bind the framebuffer object so we can read back from it drv->readBackFBO->setActive(rsc); // Do the readback glReadPixels(0, 0, alloc->getType()->getDimX(), alloc->getType()->getDimY(), drv->glFormat, drv->glType, alloc->getPtr()); // Revert framebuffer to its original lastFbo->setActive(rsc); } void rsdAllocationSyncAll(const Context *rsc, const Allocation *alloc, RsAllocationUsageType src) { DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)alloc->mHal.drv; if (src == RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_GRAPHICS_RENDER_TARGET) { if(!alloc->getIsRenderTarget()) { rsc->setError(RS_ERROR_FATAL_DRIVER, "Attempting to sync allocation from render target, " "for non-render target allocation"); } else if (alloc->getType()->getElement()->getKind() != RS_KIND_PIXEL_RGBA) { rsc->setError(RS_ERROR_FATAL_DRIVER, "Cannot only sync from RGBA" "render target"); } else { rsdAllocationSyncFromFBO(rsc, alloc); } return; } rsAssert(src == RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_SCRIPT); if (alloc->mHal.state.usageFlags & RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_GRAPHICS_TEXTURE) { UploadToTexture(rsc, alloc); } else { if (alloc->mHal.state.usageFlags & RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_GRAPHICS_RENDER_TARGET) { AllocateRenderTarget(rsc, alloc); } } if (alloc->mHal.state.usageFlags & RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_GRAPHICS_VERTEX) { UploadToBufferObject(rsc, alloc); } drv->uploadDeferred = false; } void rsdAllocationMarkDirty(const Context *rsc, const Allocation *alloc) { DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)alloc->mHal.drv; drv->uploadDeferred = true; } void rsdAllocationData1D(const Context *rsc, const Allocation *alloc, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t lod, uint32_t count, const void *data, uint32_t sizeBytes) { DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)alloc->mHal.drv; const uint32_t eSize = alloc->mHal.state.type->getElementSizeBytes(); uint8_t * ptr = drv->mallocPtr; ptr += eSize * xoff; uint32_t size = count * eSize; if (alloc->mHal.state.hasReferences) { alloc->incRefs(data, count); alloc->decRefs(ptr, count); } memcpy(ptr, data, size); drv->uploadDeferred = true; } void rsdAllocationData2D(const Context *rsc, const Allocation *alloc, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t lod, RsAllocationCubemapFace face, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, const void *data, uint32_t sizeBytes) { DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)alloc->mHal.drv; uint32_t eSize = alloc->mHal.state.elementSizeBytes; uint32_t lineSize = eSize * w; uint32_t destW = alloc->mHal.state.dimensionX; if (drv->mallocPtr) { const uint8_t *src = static_cast(data); uint8_t *dst = drv->mallocPtr; dst += alloc->mHal.state.type->getLODFaceOffset(lod, face, xoff, yoff); for (uint32_t line=yoff; line < (yoff+h); line++) { if (alloc->mHal.state.hasReferences) { alloc->incRefs(src, w); alloc->decRefs(dst, w); } memcpy(dst, src, lineSize); src += lineSize; dst += destW * eSize; } drv->uploadDeferred = true; } else { Update2DTexture(alloc, data, xoff, yoff, lod, face, w, h); } } void rsdAllocationData3D(const Context *rsc, const Allocation *alloc, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t zoff, uint32_t lod, RsAllocationCubemapFace face, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t d, const void *data, uint32_t sizeBytes) { } void rsdAllocationData1D_alloc(const android::renderscript::Context *rsc, const android::renderscript::Allocation *dstAlloc, uint32_t dstXoff, uint32_t dstLod, uint32_t count, const android::renderscript::Allocation *srcAlloc, uint32_t srcXoff, uint32_t srcLod) { } uint8_t *getOffsetPtr(const android::renderscript::Allocation *alloc, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t lod, RsAllocationCubemapFace face) { uint8_t *ptr = static_cast(alloc->getPtr()); ptr += alloc->getType()->getLODOffset(lod, xoff, yoff); if (face != 0) { uint32_t totalSizeBytes = alloc->getType()->getSizeBytes(); uint32_t faceOffset = totalSizeBytes / 6; ptr += faceOffset * (uint32_t)face; } return ptr; } void rsdAllocationData2D_alloc_script(const android::renderscript::Context *rsc, const android::renderscript::Allocation *dstAlloc, uint32_t dstXoff, uint32_t dstYoff, uint32_t dstLod, RsAllocationCubemapFace dstFace, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, const android::renderscript::Allocation *srcAlloc, uint32_t srcXoff, uint32_t srcYoff, uint32_t srcLod, RsAllocationCubemapFace srcFace) { uint32_t elementSize = dstAlloc->getType()->getElementSizeBytes(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < h; i ++) { uint8_t *dstPtr = getOffsetPtr(dstAlloc, dstXoff, dstYoff + i, dstLod, dstFace); uint8_t *srcPtr = getOffsetPtr(srcAlloc, srcXoff, srcYoff + i, srcLod, srcFace); memcpy(dstPtr, srcPtr, w * elementSize); //LOGE("COPIED dstXoff(%u), dstYoff(%u), dstLod(%u), dstFace(%u), w(%u), h(%u), srcXoff(%u), srcYoff(%u), srcLod(%u), srcFace(%u)", // dstXoff, dstYoff, dstLod, dstFace, w, h, srcXoff, srcYoff, srcLod, srcFace); } } void rsdAllocationData2D_alloc(const android::renderscript::Context *rsc, const android::renderscript::Allocation *dstAlloc, uint32_t dstXoff, uint32_t dstYoff, uint32_t dstLod, RsAllocationCubemapFace dstFace, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, const android::renderscript::Allocation *srcAlloc, uint32_t srcXoff, uint32_t srcYoff, uint32_t srcLod, RsAllocationCubemapFace srcFace) { if (!dstAlloc->getIsScript() && !srcAlloc->getIsScript()) { rsc->setError(RS_ERROR_FATAL_DRIVER, "Non-script allocation copies not " "yet implemented."); return; } rsdAllocationData2D_alloc_script(rsc, dstAlloc, dstXoff, dstYoff, dstLod, dstFace, w, h, srcAlloc, srcXoff, srcYoff, srcLod, srcFace); } void rsdAllocationData3D_alloc(const android::renderscript::Context *rsc, const android::renderscript::Allocation *dstAlloc, uint32_t dstXoff, uint32_t dstYoff, uint32_t dstZoff, uint32_t dstLod, RsAllocationCubemapFace dstFace, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t d, const android::renderscript::Allocation *srcAlloc, uint32_t srcXoff, uint32_t srcYoff, uint32_t srcZoff, uint32_t srcLod, RsAllocationCubemapFace srcFace) { } void rsdAllocationElementData1D(const Context *rsc, const Allocation *alloc, uint32_t x, const void *data, uint32_t cIdx, uint32_t sizeBytes) { DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)alloc->mHal.drv; uint32_t eSize = alloc->mHal.state.elementSizeBytes; uint8_t * ptr = drv->mallocPtr; ptr += eSize * x; const Element * e = alloc->mHal.state.type->getElement()->getField(cIdx); ptr += alloc->mHal.state.type->getElement()->getFieldOffsetBytes(cIdx); if (alloc->mHal.state.hasReferences) { e->incRefs(data); e->decRefs(ptr); } memcpy(ptr, data, sizeBytes); drv->uploadDeferred = true; } void rsdAllocationElementData2D(const Context *rsc, const Allocation *alloc, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, const void *data, uint32_t cIdx, uint32_t sizeBytes) { DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)alloc->mHal.drv; uint32_t eSize = alloc->mHal.state.elementSizeBytes; uint8_t * ptr = drv->mallocPtr; ptr += eSize * (x + y * alloc->mHal.state.dimensionX); const Element * e = alloc->mHal.state.type->getElement()->getField(cIdx); ptr += alloc->mHal.state.type->getElement()->getFieldOffsetBytes(cIdx); if (alloc->mHal.state.hasReferences) { e->incRefs(data); e->decRefs(ptr); } memcpy(ptr, data, sizeBytes); drv->uploadDeferred = true; }