page.title=Legal Notice fullpage=1 @jd:body <div class="wrap" style="width:940px;"> <h1>Legal Notice</h1> <p>Android is an open platform that's freely available to you as an app developer. You can immediately download the Android SDK, develop apps, and distribute them to the world without any registration or fees.</p> <p>Android is developed by Google Inc. and the <a href="">Open Handset Alliance</a>. We've made it available to you as a development platform pursuant to our commitment to openness, freedom, and innovation in mobile.</p> <p>To start developing apps for Android, <a href="{@docRoot}sdk/index.html">download the free Android SDK</a>.</p> <h2 id="Brands">Android Brands</h2> <p>The "Android" name, the <img src="images/android-logo.png" alt="Android" style="margin:0;padding:0 2px;vertical-align:baseline" /> logo, and <a href="">other trademarks</a> are property of Google Inc. You may not use the logo or the logo's custom typeface.</p> <p>You may use the word "Android" in a product name only as a descriptor, such as "for Android" and the first instance should be followed by a TM symbol, "for Android™." In other messaging, the word "Android" may be used in text as a descriptor, as long as it is followed by a proper generic term (for example, "Android™ application"). Any use of the Android name must include footer attribution in your communications: "Android is a trademark of Google Inc."</p> <p>The Android Robot logo <img src="images/robot-tiny.png" alt="" style="margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline" /> can be used, reproduced, and modified freely in marketing communications. Our standard color value for print is PMS 376C. Our online hex color is #A4C639. The Android Robot logo is licensed under the terms of the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution</a> license and any use of it must be attributed as such.</p> <p>For more information about Android brands, see the <a href="{@docRoot}distribute/googleplay/promote/brand.html">Brand Guidelines</a>.</p> <p>All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.</p> <h2 id="WebSite">Web Site Content</h2> <p>We are pleased to license the Android documentation and sample code on this web site under terms that encourage you to take, modify, reuse, re-purpose, and remix the content as you see fit. The documentation content on this web site is made available to you as part of the <a href="">Android Open Source Project</a>. This documentation, including any code shown in it, is licensed under the <a href="">Apache 2.0 license</a>. All other content on this site, except the license documents themselves and as otherwise noted, is licensed under the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 2.5</a> license. </p> <p>For more information about licenses provided for the content of this web site and the restrictions for re-use, read the complete <a href="license.html">Content License</a>.</p> <p>Your use of this site is subject to <a href="">Google's Privacy Policy & Terms of Service</a>.</p> <h2 id="Other">Other Android Services</h2> <p>Google provides other optional services for your Android apps that have their own legal terms and restrictions. Such services include:</p> <dl> <dt>Eclipse Android Developer Tools Plugin</dt> <dd>If you're developing apps with the Eclipse IDE, we offer a free plugin called the <a href="{@docRoot}tools/sdk/eclipse-adt.html">Android Developer Tools</a> (ADT) to speed up your development and debugging. Certain code within the ADT plugin and other packages available from the SDK Manager require that you agree to terms and conditions for use, reproduction and distribution upon installation.</dd> <dt>Google Play</dt> <dd>Google Play is a publicly available service through which you can distribute your apps for Android-powered devices. Google Play not only makes your app available to millions of devices, but also offers your app powerful services such as in-app billing and license verification. In order to distribute your apps on Google Play and use the associated services, you must agree to the Developer Distribution Agreement and acquire a valid Developer Account. <p><a href="">Developer Distribution Agreement</a>, <a href="">Developer Program Policies</a></p></dd> <dt>Google Maps Android API</dt> <dd>The Google Maps Android API is a collection of services that allow you to include maps, geocoding, geolocation, and other content from Google and its content providers in your Android apps. If you want to develop an Android app that makes use of this API you must agree to the terms of service and obtain an API Key. <p><a href="" >Google Maps Android API Getting Started</a>, <a href="">Mobile Legal Notices</a></p> </dd> <dt>Android Cloud to Device Messaging</dt> <dd>Android Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM) is a service that helps you send data from your servers to your users' Android devices. The service provides a simple, lightweight mechanism that your servers can use to tell your Android app to contact your server directly to fetch updated app or user data. Before you can sign up for Android Cloud to Device Messaging, you must agree to the terms of a legal agreement between you and Google. Registration is free. <p><a href="">Android Cloud to Device Messaging Terms of Service</a></p> </dd> <dt>Android Backup Service</dt> <dd>Android Backup Service is integrated with Android's data backup framework to perform data backup and restore for most devices running Android 2.2 or greater, using Google servers and a backup transport on the device. Before you can sign up for Android Backup Service, you must agree to the terms of a legal agreement between you and Google. Registration is free. <p><a href="">Android Backup Service Terms of Service</a></p> </dd> </dl> <p>Any and all other services available for Android but not documented on <a href=""></a> are subject to their own terms, as documented on their respective web sites. </p> </div>