/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <cutils/compiler.h> #include <SkUtils.h> #include "Debug.h" #include "FontUtil.h" #include "Font.h" #include "FontRenderer.h" #include "Properties.h" namespace android { namespace uirenderer { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Font /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Font::Font(FontRenderer* state, uint32_t fontId, float fontSize, int flags, uint32_t italicStyle, uint32_t scaleX, SkPaint::Style style, uint32_t strokeWidth) : mState(state), mFontId(fontId), mFontSize(fontSize), mFlags(flags), mItalicStyle(italicStyle), mScaleX(scaleX), mStyle(style), mStrokeWidth(mStrokeWidth) { } Font::~Font() { mState->removeFont(this); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mCachedGlyphs.size(); i++) { delete mCachedGlyphs.valueAt(i); } } void Font::invalidateTextureCache(CacheTexture* cacheTexture) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mCachedGlyphs.size(); i++) { CachedGlyphInfo* cachedGlyph = mCachedGlyphs.valueAt(i); if (!cacheTexture || cachedGlyph->mCacheTexture == cacheTexture) { cachedGlyph->mIsValid = false; } } } void Font::measureCachedGlyph(CachedGlyphInfo *glyph, int x, int y, uint8_t* bitmap, uint32_t bitmapW, uint32_t bitmapH, Rect* bounds, const float* pos) { int nPenX = x + glyph->mBitmapLeft; int nPenY = y + glyph->mBitmapTop; int width = (int) glyph->mBitmapWidth; int height = (int) glyph->mBitmapHeight; if (bounds->bottom > nPenY) { bounds->bottom = nPenY; } if (bounds->left > nPenX) { bounds->left = nPenX; } if (bounds->right < nPenX + width) { bounds->right = nPenX + width; } if (bounds->top < nPenY + height) { bounds->top = nPenY + height; } } void Font::drawCachedGlyph(CachedGlyphInfo* glyph, int x, int y, uint8_t* bitmap, uint32_t bitmapW, uint32_t bitmapH, Rect* bounds, const float* pos) { int nPenX = x + glyph->mBitmapLeft; int nPenY = y + glyph->mBitmapTop + glyph->mBitmapHeight; float u1 = glyph->mBitmapMinU; float u2 = glyph->mBitmapMaxU; float v1 = glyph->mBitmapMinV; float v2 = glyph->mBitmapMaxV; int width = (int) glyph->mBitmapWidth; int height = (int) glyph->mBitmapHeight; mState->appendMeshQuad(nPenX, nPenY, u1, v2, nPenX + width, nPenY, u2, v2, nPenX + width, nPenY - height, u2, v1, nPenX, nPenY - height, u1, v1, glyph->mCacheTexture); } void Font::drawCachedGlyphBitmap(CachedGlyphInfo* glyph, int x, int y, uint8_t* bitmap, uint32_t bitmapW, uint32_t bitmapH, Rect* bounds, const float* pos) { int nPenX = x + glyph->mBitmapLeft; int nPenY = y + glyph->mBitmapTop; uint32_t endX = glyph->mStartX + glyph->mBitmapWidth; uint32_t endY = glyph->mStartY + glyph->mBitmapHeight; CacheTexture* cacheTexture = glyph->mCacheTexture; uint32_t cacheWidth = cacheTexture->getWidth(); const uint8_t* cacheBuffer = cacheTexture->getTexture(); uint32_t cacheX = 0, cacheY = 0; int32_t bX = 0, bY = 0; for (cacheX = glyph->mStartX, bX = nPenX; cacheX < endX; cacheX++, bX++) { for (cacheY = glyph->mStartY, bY = nPenY; cacheY < endY; cacheY++, bY++) { #if DEBUG_FONT_RENDERER if (bX < 0 || bY < 0 || bX >= (int32_t) bitmapW || bY >= (int32_t) bitmapH) { ALOGE("Skipping invalid index"); continue; } #endif uint8_t tempCol = cacheBuffer[cacheY * cacheWidth + cacheX]; bitmap[bY * bitmapW + bX] = tempCol; } } } void Font::drawCachedGlyph(CachedGlyphInfo* glyph, float x, float hOffset, float vOffset, SkPathMeasure& measure, SkPoint* position, SkVector* tangent) { const float halfWidth = glyph->mBitmapWidth * 0.5f; const float height = glyph->mBitmapHeight; vOffset += glyph->mBitmapTop + height; SkPoint destination[4]; measure.getPosTan(x + hOffset + glyph->mBitmapLeft + halfWidth, position, tangent); // Move along the tangent and offset by the normal destination[0].set(-tangent->fX * halfWidth - tangent->fY * vOffset, -tangent->fY * halfWidth + tangent->fX * vOffset); destination[1].set(tangent->fX * halfWidth - tangent->fY * vOffset, tangent->fY * halfWidth + tangent->fX * vOffset); destination[2].set(destination[1].fX + tangent->fY * height, destination[1].fY - tangent->fX * height); destination[3].set(destination[0].fX + tangent->fY * height, destination[0].fY - tangent->fX * height); const float u1 = glyph->mBitmapMinU; const float u2 = glyph->mBitmapMaxU; const float v1 = glyph->mBitmapMinV; const float v2 = glyph->mBitmapMaxV; mState->appendRotatedMeshQuad( position->fX + destination[0].fX, position->fY + destination[0].fY, u1, v2, position->fX + destination[1].fX, position->fY + destination[1].fY, u2, v2, position->fX + destination[2].fX, position->fY + destination[2].fY, u2, v1, position->fX + destination[3].fX, position->fY + destination[3].fY, u1, v1, glyph->mCacheTexture); } CachedGlyphInfo* Font::getCachedGlyph(SkPaint* paint, glyph_t textUnit, bool precaching) { CachedGlyphInfo* cachedGlyph = NULL; ssize_t index = mCachedGlyphs.indexOfKey(textUnit); if (index >= 0) { cachedGlyph = mCachedGlyphs.valueAt(index); } else { cachedGlyph = cacheGlyph(paint, textUnit, precaching); } // Is the glyph still in texture cache? if (!cachedGlyph->mIsValid) { const SkGlyph& skiaGlyph = GET_METRICS(paint, textUnit); updateGlyphCache(paint, skiaGlyph, cachedGlyph, precaching); } return cachedGlyph; } void Font::render(SkPaint* paint, const char* text, uint32_t start, uint32_t len, int numGlyphs, int x, int y, uint8_t *bitmap, uint32_t bitmapW, uint32_t bitmapH) { if (bitmap != NULL && bitmapW > 0 && bitmapH > 0) { render(paint, text, start, len, numGlyphs, x, y, BITMAP, bitmap, bitmapW, bitmapH, NULL, NULL); } else { render(paint, text, start, len, numGlyphs, x, y, FRAMEBUFFER, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); } } void Font::render(SkPaint* paint, const char *text, uint32_t start, uint32_t len, int numGlyphs, int x, int y, const float* positions) { render(paint, text, start, len, numGlyphs, x, y, FRAMEBUFFER, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, positions); } void Font::render(SkPaint* paint, const char *text, uint32_t start, uint32_t len, int numGlyphs, SkPath* path, float hOffset, float vOffset) { if (numGlyphs == 0 || text == NULL || len == 0) { return; } text += start; int glyphsCount = 0; SkFixed prevRsbDelta = 0; float penX = 0.0f; SkPoint position; SkVector tangent; SkPathMeasure measure(*path, false); float pathLength = SkScalarToFloat(measure.getLength()); if (paint->getTextAlign() != SkPaint::kLeft_Align) { float textWidth = SkScalarToFloat(paint->measureText(text, len)); float pathOffset = pathLength; if (paint->getTextAlign() == SkPaint::kCenter_Align) { textWidth *= 0.5f; pathOffset *= 0.5f; } penX += pathOffset - textWidth; } while (glyphsCount < numGlyphs && penX < pathLength) { glyph_t glyph = GET_GLYPH(text); if (IS_END_OF_STRING(glyph)) { break; } CachedGlyphInfo* cachedGlyph = getCachedGlyph(paint, glyph); penX += SkFixedToFloat(AUTO_KERN(prevRsbDelta, cachedGlyph->mLsbDelta)); prevRsbDelta = cachedGlyph->mRsbDelta; if (cachedGlyph->mIsValid) { drawCachedGlyph(cachedGlyph, penX, hOffset, vOffset, measure, &position, &tangent); } penX += SkFixedToFloat(cachedGlyph->mAdvanceX); glyphsCount++; } } void Font::measure(SkPaint* paint, const char* text, uint32_t start, uint32_t len, int numGlyphs, Rect *bounds, const float* positions) { if (bounds == NULL) { ALOGE("No return rectangle provided to measure text"); return; } bounds->set(1e6, -1e6, -1e6, 1e6); render(paint, text, start, len, numGlyphs, 0, 0, MEASURE, NULL, 0, 0, bounds, positions); } void Font::precache(SkPaint* paint, const char* text, int numGlyphs) { if (numGlyphs == 0 || text == NULL) { return; } int glyphsCount = 0; while (glyphsCount < numGlyphs) { glyph_t glyph = GET_GLYPH(text); // Reached the end of the string if (IS_END_OF_STRING(glyph)) { break; } CachedGlyphInfo* cachedGlyph = getCachedGlyph(paint, glyph, true); glyphsCount++; } } void Font::render(SkPaint* paint, const char* text, uint32_t start, uint32_t len, int numGlyphs, int x, int y, RenderMode mode, uint8_t *bitmap, uint32_t bitmapW, uint32_t bitmapH, Rect* bounds, const float* positions) { if (numGlyphs == 0 || text == NULL || len == 0) { return; } static RenderGlyph gRenderGlyph[] = { &android::uirenderer::Font::drawCachedGlyph, &android::uirenderer::Font::drawCachedGlyphBitmap, &android::uirenderer::Font::measureCachedGlyph }; RenderGlyph render = gRenderGlyph[mode]; text += start; int glyphsCount = 0; if (CC_LIKELY(positions == NULL)) { SkFixed prevRsbDelta = 0; float penX = x + 0.5f; int penY = y; while (glyphsCount < numGlyphs) { glyph_t glyph = GET_GLYPH(text); // Reached the end of the string if (IS_END_OF_STRING(glyph)) { break; } CachedGlyphInfo* cachedGlyph = getCachedGlyph(paint, glyph); penX += SkFixedToFloat(AUTO_KERN(prevRsbDelta, cachedGlyph->mLsbDelta)); prevRsbDelta = cachedGlyph->mRsbDelta; // If it's still not valid, we couldn't cache it, so we shouldn't draw garbage if (cachedGlyph->mIsValid) { (*this.*render)(cachedGlyph, (int) floorf(penX), penY, bitmap, bitmapW, bitmapH, bounds, positions); } penX += SkFixedToFloat(cachedGlyph->mAdvanceX); glyphsCount++; } } else { const SkPaint::Align align = paint->getTextAlign(); // This is for renderPosText() while (glyphsCount < numGlyphs) { glyph_t glyph = GET_GLYPH(text); // Reached the end of the string if (IS_END_OF_STRING(glyph)) { break; } CachedGlyphInfo* cachedGlyph = getCachedGlyph(paint, glyph); // If it's still not valid, we couldn't cache it, so we shouldn't draw garbage if (cachedGlyph->mIsValid) { int penX = x + positions[(glyphsCount << 1)]; int penY = y + positions[(glyphsCount << 1) + 1]; switch (align) { case SkPaint::kRight_Align: penX -= SkFixedToFloat(cachedGlyph->mAdvanceX); penY -= SkFixedToFloat(cachedGlyph->mAdvanceY); break; case SkPaint::kCenter_Align: penX -= SkFixedToFloat(cachedGlyph->mAdvanceX >> 1); penY -= SkFixedToFloat(cachedGlyph->mAdvanceY >> 1); default: break; } (*this.*render)(cachedGlyph, penX, penY, bitmap, bitmapW, bitmapH, bounds, positions); } glyphsCount++; } } } void Font::updateGlyphCache(SkPaint* paint, const SkGlyph& skiaGlyph, CachedGlyphInfo* glyph, bool precaching) { glyph->mAdvanceX = skiaGlyph.fAdvanceX; glyph->mAdvanceY = skiaGlyph.fAdvanceY; glyph->mBitmapLeft = skiaGlyph.fLeft; glyph->mBitmapTop = skiaGlyph.fTop; glyph->mLsbDelta = skiaGlyph.fLsbDelta; glyph->mRsbDelta = skiaGlyph.fRsbDelta; uint32_t startX = 0; uint32_t startY = 0; // Get the bitmap for the glyph paint->findImage(skiaGlyph); mState->cacheBitmap(skiaGlyph, glyph, &startX, &startY, precaching); if (!glyph->mIsValid) { return; } uint32_t endX = startX + skiaGlyph.fWidth; uint32_t endY = startY + skiaGlyph.fHeight; glyph->mStartX = startX; glyph->mStartY = startY; glyph->mBitmapWidth = skiaGlyph.fWidth; glyph->mBitmapHeight = skiaGlyph.fHeight; uint32_t cacheWidth = glyph->mCacheTexture->getWidth(); uint32_t cacheHeight = glyph->mCacheTexture->getHeight(); glyph->mBitmapMinU = startX / (float) cacheWidth; glyph->mBitmapMinV = startY / (float) cacheHeight; glyph->mBitmapMaxU = endX / (float) cacheWidth; glyph->mBitmapMaxV = endY / (float) cacheHeight; mState->setTextureDirty(); } CachedGlyphInfo* Font::cacheGlyph(SkPaint* paint, glyph_t glyph, bool precaching) { CachedGlyphInfo* newGlyph = new CachedGlyphInfo(); mCachedGlyphs.add(glyph, newGlyph); const SkGlyph& skiaGlyph = GET_METRICS(paint, glyph); newGlyph->mGlyphIndex = skiaGlyph.fID; newGlyph->mIsValid = false; updateGlyphCache(paint, skiaGlyph, newGlyph, precaching); return newGlyph; } Font* Font::create(FontRenderer* state, uint32_t fontId, float fontSize, int flags, uint32_t italicStyle, uint32_t scaleX, SkPaint::Style style, uint32_t strokeWidth) { Vector<Font*> &activeFonts = state->mActiveFonts; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < activeFonts.size(); i++) { Font* font = activeFonts[i]; if (font->mFontId == fontId && font->mFontSize == fontSize && font->mFlags == flags && font->mItalicStyle == italicStyle && font->mScaleX == scaleX && font->mStyle == style && (style == SkPaint::kFill_Style || font->mStrokeWidth == strokeWidth)) { return font; } } Font* newFont = new Font(state, fontId, fontSize, flags, italicStyle, scaleX, style, strokeWidth); activeFonts.push(newFont); return newFont; } }; // namespace uirenderer }; // namespace android