/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "JavaClassGenerator.h" #include "NameMangler.h" #include "Resource.h" #include "ResourceTable.h" #include "ResourceValues.h" #include "StringPiece.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace aapt { // The number of attributes to emit per line in a Styleable array. constexpr size_t kAttribsPerLine = 4; JavaClassGenerator::JavaClassGenerator(const std::shared_ptr& table, Options options) : mTable(table), mOptions(options) { } static void generateHeader(std::ostream& out, const StringPiece16& package) { out << "/* AUTO-GENERATED FILE. DO NOT MODIFY.\n" " *\n" " * This class was automatically generated by the\n" " * aapt tool from the resource data it found. It\n" " * should not be modified by hand.\n" " */\n\n"; out << "package " << package << ";" << std::endl << std::endl; } static const std::set sJavaIdentifiers = { u"abstract", u"assert", u"boolean", u"break", u"byte", u"case", u"catch", u"char", u"class", u"const", u"continue", u"default", u"do", u"double", u"else", u"enum", u"extends", u"final", u"finally", u"float", u"for", u"goto", u"if", u"implements", u"import", u"instanceof", u"int", u"interface", u"long", u"native", u"new", u"package", u"private", u"protected", u"public", u"return", u"short", u"static", u"strictfp", u"super", u"switch", u"synchronized", u"this", u"throw", u"throws", u"transient", u"try", u"void", u"volatile", u"while", u"true", u"false", u"null" }; static bool isValidSymbol(const StringPiece16& symbol) { return sJavaIdentifiers.find(symbol) == sJavaIdentifiers.end(); } /* * Java symbols can not contain . or -, but those are valid in a resource name. * Replace those with '_'. */ static std::u16string transform(const StringPiece16& symbol) { std::u16string output = symbol.toString(); for (char16_t& c : output) { if (c == u'.' || c == u'-') { c = u'_'; } } return output; } struct GenArgs : ValueVisitorArgs { GenArgs(std::ostream* o, std::u16string* e) : out(o), entryName(e) { } std::ostream* out; std::u16string* entryName; }; void JavaClassGenerator::visit(const Styleable& styleable, ValueVisitorArgs& a) { const StringPiece finalModifier = mOptions.useFinal ? " final" : ""; std::ostream* out = static_cast(a).out; std::u16string* entryName = static_cast(a).entryName; // This must be sorted by resource ID. std::vector> sortedAttributes; sortedAttributes.reserve(styleable.entries.size()); for (const auto& attr : styleable.entries) { assert(attr.id.isValid() && "no ID set for Styleable entry"); assert(attr.name.isValid() && "no name set for Styleable entry"); sortedAttributes.emplace_back(attr.id, attr.name); } std::sort(sortedAttributes.begin(), sortedAttributes.end()); // First we emit the array containing the IDs of each attribute. *out << " " << "public static final int[] " << transform(*entryName) << " = {"; const size_t attrCount = sortedAttributes.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) { if (i % kAttribsPerLine == 0) { *out << std::endl << " "; } *out << sortedAttributes[i].first; if (i != attrCount - 1) { *out << ", "; } } *out << std::endl << " };" << std::endl; // Now we emit the indices into the array. for (size_t i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) { *out << " " << "public static" << finalModifier << " int " << transform(*entryName); // We may reference IDs from other packages, so prefix the entry name with // the package. const ResourceNameRef& itemName = sortedAttributes[i].second; if (itemName.package != mTable->getPackage()) { *out << "_" << transform(itemName.package); } *out << "_" << transform(itemName.entry) << " = " << i << ";" << std::endl; } } bool JavaClassGenerator::generateType(const std::u16string& package, size_t packageId, const ResourceTableType& type, std::ostream& out) { const StringPiece finalModifier = mOptions.useFinal ? " final" : ""; std::u16string unmangledPackage; std::u16string unmangledName; for (const auto& entry : type.entries) { ResourceId id = { packageId, type.typeId, entry->entryId }; assert(id.isValid()); unmangledName = entry->name; if (NameMangler::unmangle(&unmangledName, &unmangledPackage)) { // The entry name was mangled, and we successfully unmangled it. // Check that we want to emit this symbol. if (package != unmangledPackage) { // Skip the entry if it doesn't belong to the package we're writing. continue; } } else { if (package != mTable->getPackage()) { // We are processing a mangled package name, // but this is a non-mangled resource. continue; } } if (!isValidSymbol(unmangledName)) { ResourceNameRef resourceName = { package, type.type, unmangledName }; std::stringstream err; err << "invalid symbol name '" << resourceName << "'"; mError = err.str(); return false; } if (type.type == ResourceType::kStyleable) { assert(!entry->values.empty()); entry->values.front().value->accept(*this, GenArgs{ &out, &unmangledName }); } else { out << " " << "public static" << finalModifier << " int " << transform(unmangledName) << " = " << id << ";" << std::endl; } } return true; } bool JavaClassGenerator::generate(const std::u16string& package, std::ostream& out) { const size_t packageId = mTable->getPackageId(); generateHeader(out, package); out << "public final class R {" << std::endl; for (const auto& type : *mTable) { out << " public static final class " << type->type << " {" << std::endl; if (!generateType(package, packageId, *type, out)) { return false; } out << " }" << std::endl; } out << "}" << std::endl; return true; } } // namespace aapt