/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define ATRACE_TAG ATRACE_TAG_RESOURCES #include "androidfw/AssetManager2.h" #include "android-base/logging.h" #include "android-base/stringprintf.h" #include "utils/ByteOrder.h" #include "utils/Trace.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef ERROR #undef ERROR #endif #endif namespace android { AssetManager2::AssetManager2() { memset(&configuration_, 0, sizeof(configuration_)); } bool AssetManager2::SetApkAssets(const std::vector& apk_assets, bool invalidate_caches) { apk_assets_ = apk_assets; if (invalidate_caches) { InvalidateCaches(static_cast(-1)); } return true; } const std::vector AssetManager2::GetApkAssets() const { return apk_assets_; } const ResStringPool* AssetManager2::GetStringPoolForCookie(ApkAssetsCookie cookie) const { if (cookie < 0 || static_cast(cookie) >= apk_assets_.size()) { return nullptr; } return apk_assets_[cookie]->GetLoadedArsc()->GetStringPool(); } void AssetManager2::SetConfiguration(const ResTable_config& configuration) { const int diff = configuration_.diff(configuration); configuration_ = configuration; if (diff) { InvalidateCaches(static_cast(diff)); } } const ResTable_config& AssetManager2::GetConfiguration() const { return configuration_; } std::unique_ptr AssetManager2::Open(const std::string& filename, Asset::AccessMode mode) { const std::string new_path = "assets/" + filename; return OpenNonAsset(new_path, mode); } std::unique_ptr AssetManager2::Open(const std::string& filename, ApkAssetsCookie cookie, Asset::AccessMode mode) { const std::string new_path = "assets/" + filename; return OpenNonAsset(new_path, cookie, mode); } // Search in reverse because that's how we used to do it and we need to preserve behaviour. // This is unfortunate, because ClassLoaders delegate to the parent first, so the order // is inconsistent for split APKs. std::unique_ptr AssetManager2::OpenNonAsset(const std::string& filename, Asset::AccessMode mode, ApkAssetsCookie* out_cookie) { ATRACE_CALL(); for (int32_t i = apk_assets_.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { std::unique_ptr asset = apk_assets_[i]->Open(filename, mode); if (asset) { if (out_cookie != nullptr) { *out_cookie = i; } return asset; } } if (out_cookie != nullptr) { *out_cookie = kInvalidCookie; } return {}; } std::unique_ptr AssetManager2::OpenNonAsset(const std::string& filename, ApkAssetsCookie cookie, Asset::AccessMode mode) { ATRACE_CALL(); if (cookie < 0 || static_cast(cookie) >= apk_assets_.size()) { return {}; } return apk_assets_[cookie]->Open(filename, mode); } ApkAssetsCookie AssetManager2::FindEntry(uint32_t resid, uint16_t density_override, bool stop_at_first_match, LoadedArsc::Entry* out_entry, ResTable_config* out_selected_config, uint32_t* out_flags) { ATRACE_CALL(); // Might use this if density_override != 0. ResTable_config density_override_config; // Select our configuration or generate a density override configuration. ResTable_config* desired_config = &configuration_; if (density_override != 0 && density_override != configuration_.density) { density_override_config = configuration_; density_override_config.density = density_override; desired_config = &density_override_config; } LoadedArsc::Entry best_entry; ResTable_config best_config; int32_t best_index = -1; uint32_t cumulated_flags = 0; const size_t apk_asset_count = apk_assets_.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < apk_asset_count; i++) { const LoadedArsc* loaded_arsc = apk_assets_[i]->GetLoadedArsc(); LoadedArsc::Entry current_entry; ResTable_config current_config; uint32_t flags = 0; if (!loaded_arsc->FindEntry(resid, *desired_config, ¤t_entry, ¤t_config, &flags)) { continue; } cumulated_flags |= flags; if (best_index == -1 || current_config.isBetterThan(best_config, desired_config)) { best_entry = current_entry; best_config = current_config; best_index = static_cast(i); if (stop_at_first_match) { break; } } } if (best_index == -1) { return kInvalidCookie; } *out_entry = best_entry; *out_selected_config = best_config; *out_flags = cumulated_flags; return best_index; } bool AssetManager2::GetResourceName(uint32_t resid, ResourceName* out_name) { ATRACE_CALL(); LoadedArsc::Entry entry; ResTable_config config; uint32_t flags = 0u; ApkAssetsCookie cookie = FindEntry(resid, 0u /* density_override */, true /* stop_at_first_match */, &entry, &config, &flags); if (cookie == kInvalidCookie) { return false; } const std::string* package_name = apk_assets_[cookie]->GetLoadedArsc()->GetPackageNameForId(resid); if (package_name == nullptr) { return false; } out_name->package = package_name->data(); out_name->package_len = package_name->size(); out_name->type = entry.type_string_ref.string8(&out_name->type_len); out_name->type16 = nullptr; if (out_name->type == nullptr) { out_name->type16 = entry.type_string_ref.string16(&out_name->type_len); if (out_name->type16 == nullptr) { return false; } } out_name->entry = entry.entry_string_ref.string8(&out_name->entry_len); out_name->entry16 = nullptr; if (out_name->entry == nullptr) { out_name->entry16 = entry.entry_string_ref.string16(&out_name->entry_len); if (out_name->entry16 == nullptr) { return false; } } return true; } bool AssetManager2::GetResourceFlags(uint32_t resid, uint32_t* out_flags) { LoadedArsc::Entry entry; ResTable_config config; ApkAssetsCookie cookie = FindEntry(resid, 0u /* density_override */, false /* stop_at_first_match */, &entry, &config, out_flags); return cookie != kInvalidCookie; } ApkAssetsCookie AssetManager2::GetResource(uint32_t resid, bool may_be_bag, uint16_t density_override, Res_value* out_value, ResTable_config* out_selected_config, uint32_t* out_flags) { ATRACE_CALL(); LoadedArsc::Entry entry; ResTable_config config; uint32_t flags = 0u; ApkAssetsCookie cookie = FindEntry(resid, density_override, false /* stop_at_first_match */, &entry, &config, &flags); if (cookie == kInvalidCookie) { return kInvalidCookie; } if (dtohl(entry.entry->flags) & ResTable_entry::FLAG_COMPLEX) { if (!may_be_bag) { LOG(ERROR) << base::StringPrintf("Resource %08x is a complex map type.", resid); } return kInvalidCookie; } const Res_value* device_value = reinterpret_cast( reinterpret_cast(entry.entry) + dtohs(entry.entry->size)); out_value->copyFrom_dtoh(*device_value); *out_selected_config = config; *out_flags = flags; return cookie; } const ResolvedBag* AssetManager2::GetBag(uint32_t resid) { ATRACE_CALL(); auto cached_iter = cached_bags_.find(resid); if (cached_iter != cached_bags_.end()) { return cached_iter->second.get(); } LoadedArsc::Entry entry; ResTable_config config; uint32_t flags = 0u; ApkAssetsCookie cookie = FindEntry(resid, 0u /* density_override */, false /* stop_at_first_match */, &entry, &config, &flags); if (cookie == kInvalidCookie) { return nullptr; } // Check that the size of the entry header is at least as big as // the desired ResTable_map_entry. Also verify that the entry // was intended to be a map. if (dtohs(entry.entry->size) < sizeof(ResTable_map_entry) || (dtohs(entry.entry->flags) & ResTable_entry::FLAG_COMPLEX) == 0) { // Not a bag, nothing to do. return nullptr; } const ResTable_map_entry* map = reinterpret_cast(entry.entry); const ResTable_map* map_entry = reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(map) + map->size); const ResTable_map* const map_entry_end = map_entry + dtohl(map->count); const uint32_t parent = dtohl(map->parent.ident); if (parent == 0) { // There is no parent, meaning there is nothing to inherit and we can do a simple // copy of the entries in the map. const size_t entry_count = map_entry_end - map_entry; util::unique_cptr new_bag{reinterpret_cast( malloc(sizeof(ResolvedBag) + (entry_count * sizeof(ResolvedBag::Entry))))}; ResolvedBag::Entry* new_entry = new_bag->entries; for (; map_entry != map_entry_end; ++map_entry) { new_entry->cookie = cookie; new_entry->value.copyFrom_dtoh(map_entry->value); new_entry->key = dtohl(map_entry->name.ident); new_entry->key_pool = nullptr; new_entry->type_pool = nullptr; ++new_entry; } new_bag->type_spec_flags = flags; new_bag->entry_count = static_cast(entry_count); ResolvedBag* result = new_bag.get(); cached_bags_[resid] = std::move(new_bag); return result; } // Get the parent and do a merge of the keys. const ResolvedBag* parent_bag = GetBag(parent); if (parent_bag == nullptr) { // Failed to get the parent that should exist. return nullptr; } // Combine flags from the parent and our own bag. flags |= parent_bag->type_spec_flags; // Create the max possible entries we can make. Once we construct the bag, // we will realloc to fit to size. const size_t max_count = parent_bag->entry_count + dtohl(map->count); ResolvedBag* new_bag = reinterpret_cast( malloc(sizeof(ResolvedBag) + (max_count * sizeof(ResolvedBag::Entry)))); ResolvedBag::Entry* new_entry = new_bag->entries; const ResolvedBag::Entry* parent_entry = parent_bag->entries; const ResolvedBag::Entry* const parent_entry_end = parent_entry + parent_bag->entry_count; // The keys are expected to be in sorted order. Merge the two bags. while (map_entry != map_entry_end && parent_entry != parent_entry_end) { const uint32_t child_key = dtohl(map_entry->name.ident); if (child_key <= parent_entry->key) { // Use the child key if it comes before the parent // or is equal to the parent (overrides). new_entry->cookie = cookie; new_entry->value.copyFrom_dtoh(map_entry->value); new_entry->key = child_key; new_entry->key_pool = nullptr; new_entry->type_pool = nullptr; ++map_entry; } else { // Take the parent entry as-is. memcpy(new_entry, parent_entry, sizeof(*new_entry)); } if (child_key >= parent_entry->key) { // Move to the next parent entry if we used it or it was overridden. ++parent_entry; } // Increment to the next entry to fill. ++new_entry; } // Finish the child entries if they exist. while (map_entry != map_entry_end) { new_entry->cookie = cookie; new_entry->value.copyFrom_dtoh(map_entry->value); new_entry->key = dtohl(map_entry->name.ident); new_entry->key_pool = nullptr; new_entry->type_pool = nullptr; ++map_entry; ++new_entry; } // Finish the parent entries if they exist. if (parent_entry != parent_entry_end) { // Take the rest of the parent entries as-is. const size_t num_entries_to_copy = parent_entry_end - parent_entry; memcpy(new_entry, parent_entry, num_entries_to_copy * sizeof(*new_entry)); new_entry += num_entries_to_copy; } // Resize the resulting array to fit. const size_t actual_count = new_entry - new_bag->entries; if (actual_count != max_count) { new_bag = reinterpret_cast( realloc(new_bag, sizeof(ResolvedBag) + (actual_count * sizeof(ResolvedBag::Entry)))); } util::unique_cptr final_bag{new_bag}; final_bag->type_spec_flags = flags; final_bag->entry_count = static_cast(actual_count); ResolvedBag* result = final_bag.get(); cached_bags_[resid] = std::move(final_bag); return result; } void AssetManager2::InvalidateCaches(uint32_t diff) { if (diff == 0xffffffffu) { // Everything must go. cached_bags_.clear(); return; } // Be more conservative with what gets purged. Only if the bag has other possible // variations with respect to what changed (diff) should we remove it. for (auto iter = cached_bags_.cbegin(); iter != cached_bags_.cend();) { if (diff & iter->second->type_spec_flags) { iter = cached_bags_.erase(iter); } else { ++iter; } } } std::unique_ptr AssetManager2::NewTheme() { return std::unique_ptr(new Theme(this)); } bool Theme::ApplyStyle(uint32_t resid, bool force) { ATRACE_CALL(); const ResolvedBag* bag = asset_manager_->GetBag(resid); if (bag == nullptr) { return false; } // Merge the flags from this style. type_spec_flags_ |= bag->type_spec_flags; // On the first iteration, verify the attribute IDs and // update the entry count in each type. const auto bag_iter_end = end(bag); for (auto bag_iter = begin(bag); bag_iter != bag_iter_end; ++bag_iter) { const uint32_t attr_resid = bag_iter->key; // If the resource ID passed in is not a style, the key can be // some other identifier that is not a resource ID. if (!util::is_valid_resid(attr_resid)) { return false; } const uint32_t package_idx = util::get_package_id(attr_resid); // The type ID is 1-based, so subtract 1 to get an index. const uint32_t type_idx = util::get_type_id(attr_resid) - 1; const uint32_t entry_idx = util::get_entry_id(attr_resid); std::unique_ptr& package = packages_[package_idx]; if (package == nullptr) { package.reset(new Package()); } util::unique_cptr& type = package->types[type_idx]; if (type == nullptr) { // Set the initial capacity to take up a total amount of 1024 bytes. constexpr uint32_t kInitialCapacity = (1024u - sizeof(Type)) / sizeof(Entry); const uint32_t initial_capacity = std::max(entry_idx, kInitialCapacity); type.reset( reinterpret_cast(calloc(sizeof(Type) + (initial_capacity * sizeof(Entry)), 1))); type->entry_capacity = initial_capacity; } // Set the entry_count to include this entry. We will populate // and resize the array as necessary in the next pass. if (entry_idx + 1 > type->entry_count) { // Increase the entry count to include this. type->entry_count = entry_idx + 1; } } // On the second pass, we will realloc to fit the entry counts // and populate the structures. for (auto bag_iter = begin(bag); bag_iter != bag_iter_end; ++bag_iter) { const uint32_t attr_resid = bag_iter->key; const uint32_t package_idx = util::get_package_id(attr_resid); const uint32_t type_idx = util::get_type_id(attr_resid) - 1; const uint32_t entry_idx = util::get_entry_id(attr_resid); Package* package = packages_[package_idx].get(); util::unique_cptr& type = package->types[type_idx]; if (type->entry_count != type->entry_capacity) { // Resize to fit the actual entries that will be included. Type* type_ptr = type.release(); type.reset(reinterpret_cast( realloc(type_ptr, sizeof(Type) + (type_ptr->entry_count * sizeof(Entry))))); if (type->entry_capacity < type->entry_count) { // Clear the newly allocated memory (which does not get zero initialized). // We need to do this because we |= type_spec_flags. memset(type->entries + type->entry_capacity, 0, sizeof(Entry) * (type->entry_count - type->entry_capacity)); } type->entry_capacity = type->entry_count; } Entry& entry = type->entries[entry_idx]; if (force || entry.value.dataType == Res_value::TYPE_NULL) { entry.cookie = bag_iter->cookie; entry.type_spec_flags |= bag->type_spec_flags; entry.value = bag_iter->value; } } return true; } ApkAssetsCookie Theme::GetAttribute(uint32_t resid, Res_value* out_value, uint32_t* out_flags) const { constexpr const int kMaxIterations = 20; uint32_t type_spec_flags = 0u; for (int iterations_left = kMaxIterations; iterations_left > 0; iterations_left--) { if (!util::is_valid_resid(resid)) { return kInvalidCookie; } const uint32_t package_idx = util::get_package_id(resid); // Type ID is 1-based, subtract 1 to get the index. const uint32_t type_idx = util::get_type_id(resid) - 1; const uint32_t entry_idx = util::get_entry_id(resid); const Package* package = packages_[package_idx].get(); if (package == nullptr) { return kInvalidCookie; } const Type* type = package->types[type_idx].get(); if (type == nullptr) { return kInvalidCookie; } if (entry_idx >= type->entry_count) { return kInvalidCookie; } const Entry& entry = type->entries[entry_idx]; type_spec_flags |= entry.type_spec_flags; switch (entry.value.dataType) { case Res_value::TYPE_ATTRIBUTE: resid = entry.value.data; break; case Res_value::TYPE_NULL: return kInvalidCookie; default: *out_value = entry.value; if (out_flags != nullptr) { *out_flags = type_spec_flags; } return entry.cookie; } } LOG(WARNING) << base::StringPrintf("Too many (%d) attribute references, stopped at: 0x%08x", kMaxIterations, resid); return kInvalidCookie; } void Theme::Clear() { type_spec_flags_ = 0u; for (std::unique_ptr& package : packages_) { package.reset(); } } bool Theme::SetTo(const Theme& o) { if (this == &o) { return true; } if (asset_manager_ != o.asset_manager_) { return false; } type_spec_flags_ = o.type_spec_flags_; for (size_t p = 0; p < arraysize(packages_); p++) { const Package* package = o.packages_[p].get(); if (package == nullptr) { packages_[p].reset(); continue; } for (size_t t = 0; t < arraysize(package->types); t++) { const Type* type = package->types[t].get(); if (type == nullptr) { packages_[p]->types[t].reset(); continue; } const size_t type_alloc_size = sizeof(Type) + (type->entry_capacity * sizeof(Entry)); void* copied_data = malloc(type_alloc_size); memcpy(copied_data, type, type_alloc_size); packages_[p]->types[t].reset(reinterpret_cast(copied_data)); } } return true; } } // namespace android