/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "RenderNodeDrawable.h" #include "RenderNode.h" #include "SkiaDisplayList.h" #include "SkiaPipeline.h" #include "utils/TraceUtils.h" namespace android { namespace uirenderer { namespace skiapipeline { void RenderNodeDrawable::drawBackwardsProjectedNodes(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkiaDisplayList& displayList, int nestLevel) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(0 == nestLevel && !displayList.mProjectionReceiver); for (auto& child : displayList.mChildNodes) { const RenderProperties& childProperties = child.getNodeProperties(); //immediate children cannot be projected on their parent if (childProperties.getProjectBackwards() && nestLevel > 0) { SkAutoCanvasRestore acr2(canvas, true); //Apply recorded matrix, which is a total matrix saved at recording time to avoid //replaying all DL commands. canvas->concat(child.getRecordedMatrix()); child.drawContent(canvas); } //skip walking sub-nodes if current display list contains a receiver with exception of //level 0, which is a known receiver if (0 == nestLevel || !displayList.containsProjectionReceiver()) { SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true); SkMatrix nodeMatrix; mat4 hwuiMatrix(child.getRecordedMatrix()); auto childNode = child.getRenderNode(); childNode->applyViewPropertyTransforms(hwuiMatrix); hwuiMatrix.copyTo(nodeMatrix); canvas->concat(nodeMatrix); SkiaDisplayList* childDisplayList = static_cast( (const_cast(childNode->getDisplayList()))); if (childDisplayList) { drawBackwardsProjectedNodes(canvas, *childDisplayList, nestLevel+1); } } } } static void clipOutline(const Outline& outline, SkCanvas* canvas, const SkRect* pendingClip) { Rect possibleRect; float radius; LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!outline.getAsRoundRect(&possibleRect, &radius), "clipping outlines should be at most roundedRects"); SkRect rect = possibleRect.toSkRect(); if (radius != 0.0f) { if (pendingClip && !pendingClip->contains(rect)) { canvas->clipRect(*pendingClip); } canvas->clipRRect(SkRRect::MakeRectXY(rect, radius, radius), SkClipOp::kIntersect, true); } else { if (pendingClip) { (void)rect.intersect(*pendingClip); } canvas->clipRect(rect); } } const RenderProperties& RenderNodeDrawable::getNodeProperties() const { return mRenderNode->properties(); } void RenderNodeDrawable::onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) { //negative and positive Z order are drawn out of order, if this render node drawable is in //a reordering section if ((!mInReorderingSection) || MathUtils::isZero(mRenderNode->properties().getZ())) { this->forceDraw(canvas); } } void RenderNodeDrawable::forceDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) { RenderNode* renderNode = mRenderNode.get(); if (SkiaPipeline::skpCaptureEnabled()) { SkRect dimensions = SkRect::MakeWH(renderNode->getWidth(), renderNode->getHeight()); canvas->drawAnnotation(dimensions, renderNode->getName(), nullptr); } // We only respect the nothingToDraw check when we are composing a layer. This // ensures that we paint the layer even if it is not currently visible in the // event that the properties change and it becomes visible. if (!renderNode->isRenderable() || (renderNode->nothingToDraw() && mComposeLayer)) { return; } SkASSERT(renderNode->getDisplayList()->isSkiaDL()); SkiaDisplayList* displayList = (SkiaDisplayList*)renderNode->getDisplayList(); SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true); const RenderProperties& properties = this->getNodeProperties(); //pass this outline to the children that may clip backward projected nodes displayList->mProjectedOutline = displayList->containsProjectionReceiver() ? &properties.getOutline() : nullptr; if (!properties.getProjectBackwards()) { drawContent(canvas); if (mProjectedDisplayList) { acr.restore(); //draw projected children using parent matrix LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!mProjectedDisplayList->mProjectedOutline); const bool shouldClip = mProjectedDisplayList->mProjectedOutline->getPath(); SkAutoCanvasRestore acr2(canvas, shouldClip); canvas->setMatrix(mProjectedDisplayList->mProjectedReceiverParentMatrix); if (shouldClip) { clipOutline(*mProjectedDisplayList->mProjectedOutline, canvas, nullptr); } drawBackwardsProjectedNodes(canvas, *mProjectedDisplayList); } } displayList->mProjectedOutline = nullptr; } static bool layerNeedsPaint(const LayerProperties& properties, float alphaMultiplier, SkPaint* paint) { if (alphaMultiplier < 1.0f || properties.alpha() < 255 || properties.xferMode() != SkBlendMode::kSrcOver || properties.colorFilter() != nullptr) { paint->setAlpha(properties.alpha() * alphaMultiplier); paint->setBlendMode(properties.xferMode()); paint->setColorFilter(sk_ref_sp(properties.colorFilter())); return true; } return false; } void RenderNodeDrawable::drawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) const { RenderNode* renderNode = mRenderNode.get(); float alphaMultiplier = 1.0f; const RenderProperties& properties = renderNode->properties(); // If we are drawing the contents of layer, we don't want to apply any of // the RenderNode's properties during this pass. Those will all be applied // when the layer is composited. if (mComposeLayer) { setViewProperties(properties, canvas, &alphaMultiplier); } SkiaDisplayList* displayList = (SkiaDisplayList*)mRenderNode->getDisplayList(); if (displayList->containsProjectionReceiver()) { displayList->mProjectedReceiverParentMatrix = canvas->getTotalMatrix(); } //TODO should we let the bound of the drawable do this for us? const SkRect bounds = SkRect::MakeWH(properties.getWidth(), properties.getHeight()); bool quickRejected = properties.getClipToBounds() && canvas->quickReject(bounds); if (!quickRejected) { SkiaDisplayList* displayList = (SkiaDisplayList*)renderNode->getDisplayList(); const LayerProperties& layerProperties = properties.layerProperties(); // composing a hardware layer if (renderNode->getLayerSurface() && mComposeLayer) { SkASSERT(properties.effectiveLayerType() == LayerType::RenderLayer); SkPaint* paint = nullptr; SkPaint tmpPaint; if (layerNeedsPaint(layerProperties, alphaMultiplier, &tmpPaint)) { paint = &tmpPaint; } renderNode->getLayerSurface()->draw(canvas, 0, 0, paint); if (!renderNode->getSkiaLayer()->hasRenderedSinceRepaint) { renderNode->getSkiaLayer()->hasRenderedSinceRepaint = true; if (CC_UNLIKELY(Properties::debugLayersUpdates)) { SkPaint layerPaint; layerPaint.setColor(0x7f00ff00); canvas->drawRect(bounds, layerPaint); } else if (CC_UNLIKELY(Properties::debugOverdraw)) { // Render transparent rect to increment overdraw for repaint area. // This can be "else if" because flashing green on layer updates // will also increment the overdraw if it happens to be turned on. SkPaint transparentPaint; transparentPaint.setColor(SK_ColorTRANSPARENT); canvas->drawRect(bounds, transparentPaint); } } // composing a software layer with alpha } else if (properties.effectiveLayerType() == LayerType::Software) { SkPaint paint; bool needsLayer = layerNeedsPaint(layerProperties, alphaMultiplier, &paint); if (needsLayer) { canvas->saveLayer(bounds, &paint); } displayList->draw(canvas); if (needsLayer) { canvas->restore(); } } else { displayList->draw(canvas); } } } void RenderNodeDrawable::setViewProperties(const RenderProperties& properties, SkCanvas* canvas, float* alphaMultiplier) { if (properties.getLeft() != 0 || properties.getTop() != 0) { canvas->translate(properties.getLeft(), properties.getTop()); } if (properties.getStaticMatrix()) { canvas->concat(*properties.getStaticMatrix()); } else if (properties.getAnimationMatrix()) { canvas->concat(*properties.getAnimationMatrix()); } if (properties.hasTransformMatrix()) { if (properties.isTransformTranslateOnly()) { canvas->translate(properties.getTranslationX(), properties.getTranslationY()); } else { canvas->concat(*properties.getTransformMatrix()); } } const bool isLayer = properties.effectiveLayerType() != LayerType::None; int clipFlags = properties.getClippingFlags(); if (properties.getAlpha() < 1) { if (isLayer) { clipFlags &= ~CLIP_TO_BOUNDS; // bounds clipping done by layer } if (CC_LIKELY(isLayer || !properties.getHasOverlappingRendering())) { *alphaMultiplier = properties.getAlpha(); } else { // savelayer needed to create an offscreen buffer Rect layerBounds(0, 0, properties.getWidth(), properties.getHeight()); if (clipFlags) { properties.getClippingRectForFlags(clipFlags, &layerBounds); clipFlags = 0; // all clipping done by savelayer } SkRect bounds = SkRect::MakeLTRB(layerBounds.left, layerBounds.top, layerBounds.right, layerBounds.bottom); canvas->saveLayerAlpha(&bounds, (int) (properties.getAlpha() * 255)); } if (CC_UNLIKELY(ATRACE_ENABLED() && properties.promotedToLayer())) { // pretend alpha always causes savelayer to warn about // performance problem affecting old versions ATRACE_FORMAT("alpha caused saveLayer %dx%d", properties.getWidth(), properties.getHeight()); } } const SkRect* pendingClip = nullptr; SkRect clipRect; if (clipFlags) { Rect tmpRect; properties.getClippingRectForFlags(clipFlags, &tmpRect); clipRect = tmpRect.toSkRect(); pendingClip = &clipRect; } if (properties.getRevealClip().willClip()) { canvas->clipPath(*properties.getRevealClip().getPath(), SkClipOp::kIntersect, true); } else if (properties.getOutline().willClip()) { clipOutline(properties.getOutline(), canvas, pendingClip); pendingClip = nullptr; } if (pendingClip) { canvas->clipRect(*pendingClip); } } }; // namespace skiapipeline }; // namespace uirenderer }; // namespace android