/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "LightsService" #include "jni.h" #include "JNIHelp.h" #include "android_runtime/AndroidRuntime.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { // These values must correspond with the LIGHT_ID constants in // LightsService.java enum { LIGHT_INDEX_BACKLIGHT = 0, LIGHT_INDEX_KEYBOARD = 1, LIGHT_INDEX_BUTTONS = 2, LIGHT_INDEX_BATTERY = 3, LIGHT_INDEX_NOTIFICATIONS = 4, LIGHT_INDEX_ATTENTION = 5, LIGHT_INDEX_BLUETOOTH = 6, LIGHT_INDEX_WIFI = 7, LIGHT_COUNT }; struct Devices { light_device_t* lights[LIGHT_COUNT]; }; static light_device_t* get_device(hw_module_t* module, char const* name) { int err; hw_device_t* device; err = module->methods->open(module, name, &device); if (err == 0) { return (light_device_t*)device; } else { return NULL; } } static jlong init_native(JNIEnv *env, jobject clazz) { int err; hw_module_t* module; Devices* devices; devices = (Devices*)malloc(sizeof(Devices)); err = hw_get_module(LIGHTS_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, (hw_module_t const**)&module); if (err == 0) { devices->lights[LIGHT_INDEX_BACKLIGHT] = get_device(module, LIGHT_ID_BACKLIGHT); devices->lights[LIGHT_INDEX_KEYBOARD] = get_device(module, LIGHT_ID_KEYBOARD); devices->lights[LIGHT_INDEX_BUTTONS] = get_device(module, LIGHT_ID_BUTTONS); devices->lights[LIGHT_INDEX_BATTERY] = get_device(module, LIGHT_ID_BATTERY); devices->lights[LIGHT_INDEX_NOTIFICATIONS] = get_device(module, LIGHT_ID_NOTIFICATIONS); devices->lights[LIGHT_INDEX_ATTENTION] = get_device(module, LIGHT_ID_ATTENTION); devices->lights[LIGHT_INDEX_BLUETOOTH] = get_device(module, LIGHT_ID_BLUETOOTH); devices->lights[LIGHT_INDEX_WIFI] = get_device(module, LIGHT_ID_WIFI); } else { memset(devices, 0, sizeof(Devices)); } return (jlong)devices; } static void finalize_native(JNIEnv *env, jobject clazz, jlong ptr) { Devices* devices = (Devices*)ptr; if (devices == NULL) { return; } free(devices); } static void setLight_native(JNIEnv *env, jobject clazz, jlong ptr, jint light, jint colorARGB, jint flashMode, jint onMS, jint offMS, jint brightnessMode) { Devices* devices = (Devices*)ptr; light_state_t state; if (light < 0 || light >= LIGHT_COUNT || devices->lights[light] == NULL) { return ; } memset(&state, 0, sizeof(light_state_t)); state.color = colorARGB; state.flashMode = flashMode; state.flashOnMS = onMS; state.flashOffMS = offMS; state.brightnessMode = brightnessMode; { ALOGD_IF_SLOW(50, "Excessive delay setting light"); devices->lights[light]->set_light(devices->lights[light], &state); } } static JNINativeMethod method_table[] = { { "init_native", "()J", (void*)init_native }, { "finalize_native", "(J)V", (void*)finalize_native }, { "setLight_native", "(JIIIIII)V", (void*)setLight_native }, }; int register_android_server_LightsService(JNIEnv *env) { return jniRegisterNativeMethods(env, "com/android/server/LightsService", method_table, NELEM(method_table)); } };