/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "optimize/VersionCollapser.h" #include #include #include "ResourceTable.h" namespace aapt { template class FilterIterator { public: FilterIterator(Iterator begin, Iterator end, Pred pred = Pred()) : current_(begin), end_(end), pred_(pred) { Advance(); } bool HasNext() { return current_ != end_; } Iterator NextIter() { Iterator iter = current_; ++current_; Advance(); return iter; } typename Iterator::reference Next() { return *NextIter(); } private: void Advance() { for (; current_ != end_; ++current_) { if (pred_(*current_)) { return; } } } Iterator current_, end_; Pred pred_; }; template FilterIterator make_filter_iterator(Iterator begin, Iterator end = Iterator(), Pred pred = Pred()) { return FilterIterator(begin, end, pred); } /** * Every Configuration with an SDK version specified that is less than minSdk * will be removed. * The exception is when there is no exact matching resource for the minSdk. The * next smallest * one will be kept. */ static void CollapseVersions(int min_sdk, ResourceEntry* entry) { // First look for all sdks less than minSdk. for (auto iter = entry->values.rbegin(); iter != entry->values.rend(); ++iter) { // Check if the item was already marked for removal. if (!(*iter)) { continue; } const ConfigDescription& config = (*iter)->config; if (config.sdkVersion <= min_sdk) { // This is the first configuration we've found with a smaller or equal SDK // level // to the minimum. We MUST keep this one, but remove all others we find, // which get // overridden by this one. ConfigDescription config_without_sdk = config.CopyWithoutSdkVersion(); auto pred = [&](const std::unique_ptr& val) -> bool { // Check that the value hasn't already been marked for removal. if (!val) { return false; } // Only return Configs that differ in SDK version. config_without_sdk.sdkVersion = val->config.sdkVersion; return config_without_sdk == val->config && val->config.sdkVersion <= min_sdk; }; // Remove the rest that match. auto filter_iter = make_filter_iterator(iter + 1, entry->values.rend(), pred); while (filter_iter.HasNext()) { filter_iter.Next() = {}; } } } // Now erase the nullptr values. entry->values.erase( std::remove_if(entry->values.begin(), entry->values.end(), [](const std::unique_ptr& val) -> bool { return val == nullptr; }), entry->values.end()); // Strip the version qualifiers for every resource with version <= minSdk. // This will ensure // that the resource entries are all packed together in the same ResTable_type // struct // and take up less space in the resources.arsc table. bool modified = false; for (std::unique_ptr& config_value : entry->values) { if (config_value->config.sdkVersion != 0 && config_value->config.sdkVersion <= min_sdk) { // Override the resource with a Configuration without an SDK. std::unique_ptr new_value = util::make_unique( config_value->config.CopyWithoutSdkVersion(), config_value->product); new_value->value = std::move(config_value->value); config_value = std::move(new_value); modified = true; } } if (modified) { // We've modified the keys (ConfigDescription) by changing the sdkVersion to // 0. We MUST re-sort to ensure ordering guarantees hold. std::sort(entry->values.begin(), entry->values.end(), [](const std::unique_ptr& a, const std::unique_ptr& b) -> bool { return a->config.compare(b->config) < 0; }); } } bool VersionCollapser::Consume(IAaptContext* context, ResourceTable* table) { const int min_sdk = context->GetMinSdkVersion(); for (auto& package : table->packages) { for (auto& type : package->types) { for (auto& entry : type->entries) { CollapseVersions(min_sdk, entry.get()); } } } return true; } } // namespace aapt