/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "flatten/TableFlattener.h" #include <algorithm> #include <numeric> #include <sstream> #include <type_traits> #include "android-base/logging.h" #include "android-base/macros.h" #include "ResourceTable.h" #include "ResourceValues.h" #include "SdkConstants.h" #include "ValueVisitor.h" #include "flatten/ChunkWriter.h" #include "flatten/ResourceTypeExtensions.h" #include "util/BigBuffer.h" using namespace android; namespace aapt { namespace { template <typename T> static bool cmp_ids(const T* a, const T* b) { return a->id.value() < b->id.value(); } static void strcpy16_htod(uint16_t* dst, size_t len, const StringPiece16& src) { if (len == 0) { return; } size_t i; const char16_t* src_data = src.data(); for (i = 0; i < len - 1 && i < src.size(); i++) { dst[i] = util::HostToDevice16((uint16_t)src_data[i]); } dst[i] = 0; } static bool cmp_style_entries(const Style::Entry& a, const Style::Entry& b) { if (a.key.id) { if (b.key.id) { return a.key.id.value() < b.key.id.value(); } return true; } else if (!b.key.id) { return a.key.name.value() < b.key.name.value(); } return false; } struct FlatEntry { ResourceEntry* entry; Value* value; // The entry string pool index to the entry's name. uint32_t entry_key; }; class MapFlattenVisitor : public RawValueVisitor { public: using RawValueVisitor::Visit; MapFlattenVisitor(ResTable_entry_ext* out_entry, BigBuffer* buffer) : out_entry_(out_entry), buffer_(buffer) {} void Visit(Attribute* attr) override { { Reference key = Reference(ResourceId(ResTable_map::ATTR_TYPE)); BinaryPrimitive val(Res_value::TYPE_INT_DEC, attr->type_mask); FlattenEntry(&key, &val); } if (attr->min_int != std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()) { Reference key = Reference(ResourceId(ResTable_map::ATTR_MIN)); BinaryPrimitive val(Res_value::TYPE_INT_DEC, static_cast<uint32_t>(attr->min_int)); FlattenEntry(&key, &val); } if (attr->max_int != std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()) { Reference key = Reference(ResourceId(ResTable_map::ATTR_MAX)); BinaryPrimitive val(Res_value::TYPE_INT_DEC, static_cast<uint32_t>(attr->max_int)); FlattenEntry(&key, &val); } for (Attribute::Symbol& s : attr->symbols) { BinaryPrimitive val(Res_value::TYPE_INT_DEC, s.value); FlattenEntry(&s.symbol, &val); } } void Visit(Style* style) override { if (style->parent) { const Reference& parent_ref = style->parent.value(); CHECK(bool(parent_ref.id)) << "parent has no ID"; out_entry_->parent.ident = util::HostToDevice32(parent_ref.id.value().id); } // Sort the style. std::sort(style->entries.begin(), style->entries.end(), cmp_style_entries); for (Style::Entry& entry : style->entries) { FlattenEntry(&entry.key, entry.value.get()); } } void Visit(Styleable* styleable) override { for (auto& attr_ref : styleable->entries) { BinaryPrimitive val(Res_value{}); FlattenEntry(&attr_ref, &val); } } void Visit(Array* array) override { for (auto& item : array->items) { ResTable_map* out_entry = buffer_->NextBlock<ResTable_map>(); FlattenValue(item.get(), out_entry); out_entry->value.size = util::HostToDevice16(sizeof(out_entry->value)); entry_count_++; } } void Visit(Plural* plural) override { const size_t count = plural->values.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!plural->values[i]) { continue; } ResourceId q; switch (i) { case Plural::Zero: q.id = android::ResTable_map::ATTR_ZERO; break; case Plural::One: q.id = android::ResTable_map::ATTR_ONE; break; case Plural::Two: q.id = android::ResTable_map::ATTR_TWO; break; case Plural::Few: q.id = android::ResTable_map::ATTR_FEW; break; case Plural::Many: q.id = android::ResTable_map::ATTR_MANY; break; case Plural::Other: q.id = android::ResTable_map::ATTR_OTHER; break; default: LOG(FATAL) << "unhandled plural type"; break; } Reference key(q); FlattenEntry(&key, plural->values[i].get()); } } /** * Call this after visiting a Value. This will finish any work that * needs to be done to prepare the entry. */ void Finish() { out_entry_->count = util::HostToDevice32(entry_count_); } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MapFlattenVisitor); void FlattenKey(Reference* key, ResTable_map* out_entry) { CHECK(bool(key->id)) << "key has no ID"; out_entry->name.ident = util::HostToDevice32(key->id.value().id); } void FlattenValue(Item* value, ResTable_map* out_entry) { CHECK(value->Flatten(&out_entry->value)) << "flatten failed"; } void FlattenEntry(Reference* key, Item* value) { ResTable_map* out_entry = buffer_->NextBlock<ResTable_map>(); FlattenKey(key, out_entry); FlattenValue(value, out_entry); out_entry->value.size = util::HostToDevice16(sizeof(out_entry->value)); entry_count_++; } ResTable_entry_ext* out_entry_; BigBuffer* buffer_; size_t entry_count_ = 0; }; class PackageFlattener { public: PackageFlattener(IAaptContext* context, ResourceTablePackage* package, const std::map<size_t, std::string>* shared_libs, bool use_sparse_entries) : context_(context), diag_(context->GetDiagnostics()), package_(package), shared_libs_(shared_libs), use_sparse_entries_(use_sparse_entries) {} bool FlattenPackage(BigBuffer* buffer) { ChunkWriter pkg_writer(buffer); ResTable_package* pkg_header = pkg_writer.StartChunk<ResTable_package>(RES_TABLE_PACKAGE_TYPE); pkg_header->id = util::HostToDevice32(package_->id.value()); if (package_->name.size() >= arraysize(pkg_header->name)) { diag_->Error(DiagMessage() << "package name '" << package_->name << "' is too long"); return false; } // Copy the package name in device endianness. strcpy16_htod(pkg_header->name, arraysize(pkg_header->name), util::Utf8ToUtf16(package_->name)); // Serialize the types. We do this now so that our type and key strings // are populated. We write those first. BigBuffer type_buffer(1024); FlattenTypes(&type_buffer); pkg_header->typeStrings = util::HostToDevice32(pkg_writer.size()); StringPool::FlattenUtf16(pkg_writer.buffer(), type_pool_); pkg_header->keyStrings = util::HostToDevice32(pkg_writer.size()); StringPool::FlattenUtf8(pkg_writer.buffer(), key_pool_); // Append the types. buffer->AppendBuffer(std::move(type_buffer)); // If there are libraries (or if the package ID is 0x00), encode a library chunk. if (package_->id.value() == 0x00 || !shared_libs_->empty()) { FlattenLibrarySpec(buffer); } pkg_writer.Finish(); return true; } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PackageFlattener); template <typename T, bool IsItem> T* WriteEntry(FlatEntry* entry, BigBuffer* buffer) { static_assert(std::is_same<ResTable_entry, T>::value || std::is_same<ResTable_entry_ext, T>::value, "T must be ResTable_entry or ResTable_entry_ext"); T* result = buffer->NextBlock<T>(); ResTable_entry* out_entry = (ResTable_entry*)result; if (entry->entry->symbol_status.state == SymbolState::kPublic) { out_entry->flags |= ResTable_entry::FLAG_PUBLIC; } if (entry->value->IsWeak()) { out_entry->flags |= ResTable_entry::FLAG_WEAK; } if (!IsItem) { out_entry->flags |= ResTable_entry::FLAG_COMPLEX; } out_entry->flags = util::HostToDevice16(out_entry->flags); out_entry->key.index = util::HostToDevice32(entry->entry_key); out_entry->size = util::HostToDevice16(sizeof(T)); return result; } bool FlattenValue(FlatEntry* entry, BigBuffer* buffer) { if (Item* item = ValueCast<Item>(entry->value)) { WriteEntry<ResTable_entry, true>(entry, buffer); Res_value* outValue = buffer->NextBlock<Res_value>(); CHECK(item->Flatten(outValue)) << "flatten failed"; outValue->size = util::HostToDevice16(sizeof(*outValue)); } else { ResTable_entry_ext* out_entry = WriteEntry<ResTable_entry_ext, false>(entry, buffer); MapFlattenVisitor visitor(out_entry, buffer); entry->value->Accept(&visitor); visitor.Finish(); } return true; } bool FlattenConfig(const ResourceTableType* type, const ConfigDescription& config, const size_t num_total_entries, std::vector<FlatEntry>* entries, BigBuffer* buffer) { CHECK(num_total_entries != 0); CHECK(num_total_entries <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()); ChunkWriter type_writer(buffer); ResTable_type* type_header = type_writer.StartChunk<ResTable_type>(RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE); type_header->id = type->id.value(); type_header->config = config; type_header->config.swapHtoD(); std::vector<uint32_t> offsets; offsets.resize(num_total_entries, 0xffffffffu); BigBuffer values_buffer(512); for (FlatEntry& flat_entry : *entries) { CHECK(static_cast<size_t>(flat_entry.entry->id.value()) < num_total_entries); offsets[flat_entry.entry->id.value()] = values_buffer.size(); if (!FlattenValue(&flat_entry, &values_buffer)) { diag_->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to flatten resource '" << ResourceNameRef(package_->name, type->type, flat_entry.entry->name) << "' for configuration '" << config << "'"); return false; } } bool sparse_encode = use_sparse_entries_; // Only sparse encode if the entries will be read on platforms O+. sparse_encode = sparse_encode && (context_->GetMinSdkVersion() >= SDK_O || config.sdkVersion >= SDK_O); // Only sparse encode if the offsets are representable in 2 bytes. sparse_encode = sparse_encode && (values_buffer.size() / 4u) <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max(); // Only sparse encode if the ratio of populated entries to total entries is below some // threshold. sparse_encode = sparse_encode && ((100 * entries->size()) / num_total_entries) < kSparseEncodingThreshold; if (sparse_encode) { type_header->entryCount = util::HostToDevice32(entries->size()); type_header->flags |= ResTable_type::FLAG_SPARSE; ResTable_sparseTypeEntry* indices = type_writer.NextBlock<ResTable_sparseTypeEntry>(entries->size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_total_entries; i++) { if (offsets[i] != ResTable_type::NO_ENTRY) { CHECK((offsets[i] & 0x03) == 0); indices->idx = util::HostToDevice16(i); indices->offset = util::HostToDevice16(offsets[i] / 4u); indices++; } } } else { type_header->entryCount = util::HostToDevice32(num_total_entries); uint32_t* indices = type_writer.NextBlock<uint32_t>(num_total_entries); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_total_entries; i++) { indices[i] = util::HostToDevice32(offsets[i]); } } type_header->entriesStart = util::HostToDevice32(type_writer.size()); type_writer.buffer()->AppendBuffer(std::move(values_buffer)); type_writer.Finish(); return true; } std::vector<ResourceTableType*> CollectAndSortTypes() { std::vector<ResourceTableType*> sorted_types; for (auto& type : package_->types) { if (type->type == ResourceType::kStyleable) { // Styleables aren't real Resource Types, they are represented in the // R.java file. continue; } CHECK(bool(type->id)) << "type must have an ID set"; sorted_types.push_back(type.get()); } std::sort(sorted_types.begin(), sorted_types.end(), cmp_ids<ResourceTableType>); return sorted_types; } std::vector<ResourceEntry*> CollectAndSortEntries(ResourceTableType* type) { // Sort the entries by entry ID. std::vector<ResourceEntry*> sorted_entries; for (auto& entry : type->entries) { CHECK(bool(entry->id)) << "entry must have an ID set"; sorted_entries.push_back(entry.get()); } std::sort(sorted_entries.begin(), sorted_entries.end(), cmp_ids<ResourceEntry>); return sorted_entries; } bool FlattenTypeSpec(ResourceTableType* type, std::vector<ResourceEntry*>* sorted_entries, BigBuffer* buffer) { ChunkWriter type_spec_writer(buffer); ResTable_typeSpec* spec_header = type_spec_writer.StartChunk<ResTable_typeSpec>( RES_TABLE_TYPE_SPEC_TYPE); spec_header->id = type->id.value(); if (sorted_entries->empty()) { type_spec_writer.Finish(); return true; } // We can't just take the size of the vector. There may be holes in the // entry ID space. // Since the entries are sorted by ID, the last one will be the biggest. const size_t num_entries = sorted_entries->back()->id.value() + 1; spec_header->entryCount = util::HostToDevice32(num_entries); // Reserve space for the masks of each resource in this type. These // show for which configuration axis the resource changes. uint32_t* config_masks = type_spec_writer.NextBlock<uint32_t>(num_entries); const size_t actual_num_entries = sorted_entries->size(); for (size_t entryIndex = 0; entryIndex < actual_num_entries; entryIndex++) { ResourceEntry* entry = sorted_entries->at(entryIndex); // Populate the config masks for this entry. if (entry->symbol_status.state == SymbolState::kPublic) { config_masks[entry->id.value()] |= util::HostToDevice32(ResTable_typeSpec::SPEC_PUBLIC); } const size_t config_count = entry->values.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < config_count; i++) { const ConfigDescription& config = entry->values[i]->config; for (size_t j = i + 1; j < config_count; j++) { config_masks[entry->id.value()] |= util::HostToDevice32(config.diff(entry->values[j]->config)); } } } type_spec_writer.Finish(); return true; } bool FlattenTypes(BigBuffer* buffer) { // Sort the types by their IDs. They will be inserted into the StringPool in // this order. std::vector<ResourceTableType*> sorted_types = CollectAndSortTypes(); size_t expected_type_id = 1; for (ResourceTableType* type : sorted_types) { // If there is a gap in the type IDs, fill in the StringPool // with empty values until we reach the ID we expect. while (type->id.value() > expected_type_id) { std::stringstream type_name; type_name << "?" << expected_type_id; type_pool_.MakeRef(type_name.str()); expected_type_id++; } expected_type_id++; type_pool_.MakeRef(ToString(type->type)); std::vector<ResourceEntry*> sorted_entries = CollectAndSortEntries(type); if (sorted_entries.empty()) { continue; } if (!FlattenTypeSpec(type, &sorted_entries, buffer)) { return false; } // Since the entries are sorted by ID, the last ID will be the largest. const size_t num_entries = sorted_entries.back()->id.value() + 1; // The binary resource table lists resource entries for each // configuration. // We store them inverted, where a resource entry lists the values for // each // configuration available. Here we reverse this to match the binary // table. std::map<ConfigDescription, std::vector<FlatEntry>> config_to_entry_list_map; for (ResourceEntry* entry : sorted_entries) { const uint32_t key_index = (uint32_t)key_pool_.MakeRef(entry->name).index(); // Group values by configuration. for (auto& config_value : entry->values) { config_to_entry_list_map[config_value->config].push_back( FlatEntry{entry, config_value->value.get(), key_index}); } } // Flatten a configuration value. for (auto& entry : config_to_entry_list_map) { if (!FlattenConfig(type, entry.first, num_entries, &entry.second, buffer)) { return false; } } } return true; } void FlattenLibrarySpec(BigBuffer* buffer) { ChunkWriter lib_writer(buffer); ResTable_lib_header* lib_header = lib_writer.StartChunk<ResTable_lib_header>(RES_TABLE_LIBRARY_TYPE); const size_t num_entries = (package_->id.value() == 0x00 ? 1 : 0) + shared_libs_->size(); CHECK(num_entries > 0); lib_header->count = util::HostToDevice32(num_entries); ResTable_lib_entry* lib_entry = buffer->NextBlock<ResTable_lib_entry>(num_entries); if (package_->id.value() == 0x00) { // Add this package lib_entry->packageId = util::HostToDevice32(0x00); strcpy16_htod(lib_entry->packageName, arraysize(lib_entry->packageName), util::Utf8ToUtf16(package_->name)); ++lib_entry; } for (auto& map_entry : *shared_libs_) { lib_entry->packageId = util::HostToDevice32(map_entry.first); strcpy16_htod(lib_entry->packageName, arraysize(lib_entry->packageName), util::Utf8ToUtf16(map_entry.second)); ++lib_entry; } lib_writer.Finish(); } IAaptContext* context_; IDiagnostics* diag_; ResourceTablePackage* package_; const std::map<size_t, std::string>* shared_libs_; bool use_sparse_entries_; StringPool type_pool_; StringPool key_pool_; }; } // namespace bool TableFlattener::Consume(IAaptContext* context, ResourceTable* table) { // We must do this before writing the resources, since the string pool IDs may // change. table->string_pool.Sort( [](const StringPool::Entry& a, const StringPool::Entry& b) -> bool { int diff = a.context.priority - b.context.priority; if (diff < 0) return true; if (diff > 0) return false; diff = a.context.config.compare(b.context.config); if (diff < 0) return true; if (diff > 0) return false; return a.value < b.value; }); table->string_pool.Prune(); // Write the ResTable header. ChunkWriter table_writer(buffer_); ResTable_header* table_header = table_writer.StartChunk<ResTable_header>(RES_TABLE_TYPE); table_header->packageCount = util::HostToDevice32(table->packages.size()); // Flatten the values string pool. StringPool::FlattenUtf8(table_writer.buffer(), table->string_pool); BigBuffer package_buffer(1024); // Flatten each package. for (auto& package : table->packages) { PackageFlattener flattener(context, package.get(), &table->included_packages_, options_.use_sparse_entries); if (!flattener.FlattenPackage(&package_buffer)) { return false; } } // Finally merge all the packages into the main buffer. table_writer.buffer()->AppendBuffer(std::move(package_buffer)); table_writer.Finish(); return true; } } // namespace aapt