page.title=Implementing App Restrictions page.metaDescription=Learn how to implement app restrictions and configuration settings that can be changed by other apps on the same device. @jd:body
If you are developing apps for the enterprise market, you may need to satisfy particular requirements set by a company's policies. Application restrictions allow the enterprise administrator to remotely specify settings for apps. This capability is particularly useful for enterprise-approved apps deployed to a managed profile.
For example, an enterprise might require that approved apps allow the enterprise administrator to:
This guide shows how to implement these configuration settings in your app.
Note: For historical reasons, these configuration settings are known as restrictions, and are implemented with files and classes that use this term (such as {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager}). However, these restrictions can actually implement a wide range of configuration options, not just restrictions on app functionality.
Apps define the restrictions and configuration options that can be remotely set by an administrator. These restrictions are arbitrary configuration settings that can be changed by a restrictions provider. If your app is running on an enterprise device's managed profile, the enterprise administrator can change your app's restrictions.
The restrictions provider is another app running on the same device. This app is typically controlled by the enterprise administrator. The enterprise administrator communicates restriction changes to the restrictions provider app. That app, in turn, changes the restrictions on your app.
To provide externally configurable restrictions:
Your app can support any restrictions you want to define. You declare the app's restrictions in a restrictions file, and declare the restrictions file in the manifest. Creating a restrictions file allows other apps to examine the restrictions your app provides. Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) partners can read your app's restrictions by using Google Play APIs.
To define your app's remote configuration options, put the following element
in your manifest's
<meta-data android:name="android.content.APP_RESTRICTIONS" android:resource="@xml/app_restrictions" />
Create a file named app_restrictions.xml
in your app's
directory. The structure of that file is described in
the reference for {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager}. The file has a
single top-level <restrictions>
element, which contains
one <restriction>
child element for every configuration
option the app has.
Note: Do not create localized versions of the restrictions file. Your app is only allowed to have a single restrictions file, so restrictions will be consistent for your app in all locales.
In an enterprise environment, an EMM will typically use the restrictions schema to generate a remote console for IT administrators, so the administrators can remotely configure your application.
For example, suppose your app can be remotely configured to allow or forbid
it to download data over a cellular connection. Your app could have a
element like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <restrictions xmlns:android="" > <restriction android:key="download_on_cell" android:title="@string/download_on_cell_title" android:restrictionType="bool" android:description="@string/download_on_cell_description" android:defaultValue="true" /> </restrictions>
The supported types for the android:restrictionType
element are
documented in the reference for {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager}.
Note: bundle
restriction types are not supported by Google Play
for Work.
You use each restriction's android:key
attribute to read its
value from a restrictions bundle. For this reason, each restriction must have
a unique key string, and the string cannot be localized. It must be
specified with a string literal.
Note: In a production app, android:title
should be drawn from a localized resource
file, as described in Localizing with
The restrictions provider can query the app to find details on the app's available restrictions, including their description text. Restrictions providers and enterprise administrators can change your app's restrictions at any time, even when the app is not running.
Your app is not automatically notified when other apps change its restriction settings. Instead, you need to check what the restrictions are when your app starts or resumes, and listen for a system intent to find out if the restrictions change while your app is running.
To find out the current restriction settings, your app uses a {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager} object. Your app should check for the current restrictions at the following times:
To get a {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager} object, get the current activity with {@link getActivity()}, then call that activity's {@link Activity.getSystemService()} method:
RestrictionsManager myRestrictionsMgr = (RestrictionsManager) getActivity() .getSystemService(Context.RESTRICTIONS_SERVICE);
Once you have a {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager}, you can get the current restrictions settings by calling its {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager#getApplicationRestrictions getApplicationRestrictions()} method:
Bundle appRestrictions = myRestrictionsMgr.getApplicationRestrictions();
Note: For convenience, you can also fetch the current restrictions with a {@link android.os.UserManager}, by calling {@link android.os.UserManager#getApplicationRestrictions UserManager.getApplicationRestrictions()}. This method behaves exactly the same as {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager#getApplicationRestrictions RestrictionsManager.getApplicationRestrictions()}.
The {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager#getApplicationRestrictions getApplicationRestrictions()} method requires reading from data storage, so it should be done sparingly. Do not call this method every time you need to know the current restrictions. Instead, you should call it once when your app starts or resumes, and cache the fetched restrictions bundle. Then listen for the {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_APPLICATION_RESTRICTIONS_CHANGED ACTION_APPLICATION_RESTRICTIONS_CHANGED} intent to find out if restrictions change while your app is active, as described in Listen for App Restriction Changes.
When your app checks for restrictions using {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager#getApplicationRestrictions RestrictionsManager.getApplicationRestrictions()}, we recommend that you check to see if the enterprise administrator has set the key-value pair {@link android.os.UserManager#KEY_RESTRICTIONS_PENDING} to true. If so, you should block the user from using the app, and prompt them to contact their enterprise administrator. The app should then proceed as normal, registering for the {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_APPLICATION_RESTRICTIONS_CHANGED ACTION_APPLICATION_RESTRICTIONS_CHANGED} broadcast.
Figure 1. Checking whether restrictions are pending before registering for the broadcast.
The {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager#getApplicationRestrictions
getApplicationRestrictions()} method returns a {@link android.os.Bundle}
containing a key-value pair for each restriction that has been set. The
values are all of type Boolean
, int
, String[]
, Bundle
, and
. Once you have the restrictions {@link android.os.Bundle},
you can check the current restrictions settings with the standard
{@link android.os.Bundle} methods for those data types, such as
{@link android.os.Bundle#getBoolean getBoolean()} or
{@link android.os.Bundle#getString getString()}.
Note: The restrictions {@link android.os.Bundle} contains one item for every restriction that has been explicitly set by a restrictions provider. However, you cannot assume that a restriction will be present in the bundle just because you defined a default value in the restrictions XML file.
It is up to your app to take appropriate action based on the current restrictions settings. For example, if your app has a restriction schema to specify whether it can download over a cellular connection (like the example in Define App Restrictions), and you find that the restriction is set to false, you would have to disable data download except when the device has a Wi-Fi connection, as shown in the following example code:
boolean appCanUseCellular; if appRestrictions.containsKey("downloadOnCellular") { appCanUseCellular = appRestrictions.getBoolean("downloadOnCellular"); } else { // here, cellularDefault is a boolean set with the restriction's // default value appCanUseCellular = cellularDefault; } if (!appCanUseCellular) { // ...turn off app's cellular-download functionality // appropriate notices to user }
Note: The restrictions schema should be backward and forward compatible, since Google Play for Work gives the EMM only one version of the App Restrictions Schema per app.
Whenever an app's restrictions are changed, the system fires the {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_APPLICATION_RESTRICTIONS_CHANGED ACTION_APPLICATION_RESTRICTIONS_CHANGED} intent. Your app has to listen for this intent so you can change the app's behavior when the restriction settings change.
Note: The {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_APPLICATION_RESTRICTIONS_CHANGED ACTION_APPLICATION_RESTRICTIONS_CHANGED} intent is sent only to listeners that are dynamically registered, not to listeners that are declared in the app manifest.
The following code shows how to dynamically register a broadcast receiver for this intent:
IntentFilter restrictionsFilter =
BroadcastReceiver restrictionsReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
@Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
// Get the current restrictions bundle
Bundle appRestrictions
// Check current restrictions settings, change your app's UI and
// functionality as necessary.
registerReceiver(restrictionsReceiver, restrictionsFilter);
Note: Ordinarily, your app does not need to be notified about restriction changes when it is paused. Instead, you should unregister your broadcast receiver when the app is paused. When the app resumes, you first check for the current restrictions (as discussed in Check App Restrictions), then register your broadcast receiver to make sure you're notified about restriction changes that happen while the app is active.