/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.telecom; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.IBinder.DeathRecipient; import android.os.RemoteException; import com.android.internal.telecom.IConnectionServiceAdapter; import com.android.internal.telecom.RemoteServiceCallback; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * Provides methods for IConnectionService implementations to interact with the system phone app. * * @hide */ final class ConnectionServiceAdapter implements DeathRecipient { /** * ConcurrentHashMap constructor params: 8 is initial table size, 0.9f is * load factor before resizing, 1 means we only expect a single thread to * access the map so make only a single shard */ private final Set mAdapters = Collections.newSetFromMap( new ConcurrentHashMap(8, 0.9f, 1)); ConnectionServiceAdapter() { } void addAdapter(IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter it : mAdapters) { if (it.asBinder() == adapter.asBinder()) { Log.w(this, "Ignoring duplicate adapter addition."); return; } } if (mAdapters.add(adapter)) { try { adapter.asBinder().linkToDeath(this, 0); } catch (RemoteException e) { mAdapters.remove(adapter); } } } void removeAdapter(IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter) { if (adapter != null) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter it : mAdapters) { if (it.asBinder() == adapter.asBinder() && mAdapters.remove(it)) { adapter.asBinder().unlinkToDeath(this, 0); break; } } } } /** ${inheritDoc} */ @Override public void binderDied() { Iterator it = mAdapters.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter = it.next(); if (!adapter.asBinder().isBinderAlive()) { it.remove(); adapter.asBinder().unlinkToDeath(this, 0); } } } void handleCreateConnectionComplete( String id, ConnectionRequest request, ParcelableConnection connection) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.handleCreateConnectionComplete(id, request, connection); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } /** * Sets a call's state to active (e.g., an ongoing call where two parties can actively * communicate). * * @param callId The unique ID of the call whose state is changing to active. */ void setActive(String callId) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.setActive(callId); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } /** * Sets a call's state to ringing (e.g., an inbound ringing call). * * @param callId The unique ID of the call whose state is changing to ringing. */ void setRinging(String callId) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.setRinging(callId); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } /** * Sets a call's state to dialing (e.g., dialing an outbound call). * * @param callId The unique ID of the call whose state is changing to dialing. */ void setDialing(String callId) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.setDialing(callId); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } /** * Sets a call's state to disconnected. * * @param callId The unique ID of the call whose state is changing to disconnected. * @param disconnectCause The reason for the disconnection, as described by * {@link android.telecomm.DisconnectCause}. */ void setDisconnected(String callId, DisconnectCause disconnectCause) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.setDisconnected(callId, disconnectCause); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } /** * Sets a call's state to be on hold. * * @param callId - The unique ID of the call whose state is changing to be on hold. */ void setOnHold(String callId) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.setOnHold(callId); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } /** * Asks Telecom to start or stop a ringback tone for a call. * * @param callId The unique ID of the call whose ringback is being changed. * @param ringback Whether Telecom should start playing a ringback tone. */ void setRingbackRequested(String callId, boolean ringback) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.setRingbackRequested(callId, ringback); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } void setConnectionCapabilities(String callId, int capabilities) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.setConnectionCapabilities(callId, capabilities); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } void setConnectionProperties(String callId, int properties) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.setConnectionProperties(callId, properties); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } /** * Indicates whether or not the specified call is currently conferenced into the specified * conference call. * * @param callId The unique ID of the call being conferenced. * @param conferenceCallId The unique ID of the conference call. Null if call is not * conferenced. */ void setIsConferenced(String callId, String conferenceCallId) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { Log.d(this, "sending connection %s with conference %s", callId, conferenceCallId); adapter.setIsConferenced(callId, conferenceCallId); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } /** * Indicates that the merge request on this call has failed. * * @param callId The unique ID of the call being conferenced. */ void onConferenceMergeFailed(String callId) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { Log.d(this, "merge failed for call %s", callId); adapter.setConferenceMergeFailed(callId); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } /** * Indicates that the call no longer exists. Can be used with either a call or a conference * call. * * @param callId The unique ID of the call. */ void removeCall(String callId) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.removeCall(callId); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } void onPostDialWait(String callId, String remaining) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.onPostDialWait(callId, remaining); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } void onPostDialChar(String callId, char nextChar) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.onPostDialChar(callId, nextChar); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } /** * Indicates that a new conference call has been created. * * @param callId The unique ID of the conference call. */ void addConferenceCall(String callId, ParcelableConference parcelableConference) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.addConferenceCall(callId, parcelableConference); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } /** * Retrieves a list of remote connection services usable to place calls. */ void queryRemoteConnectionServices(RemoteServiceCallback callback) { // Only supported when there is only one adapter. if (mAdapters.size() == 1) { try { mAdapters.iterator().next().queryRemoteConnectionServices(callback); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(this, e, "Exception trying to query for remote CSs"); } } } /** * Sets the call video provider for a call. * * @param callId The unique ID of the call to set with the given call video provider. * @param videoProvider The call video provider instance to set on the call. */ void setVideoProvider( String callId, Connection.VideoProvider videoProvider) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.setVideoProvider( callId, videoProvider == null ? null : videoProvider.getInterface()); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } /** * Requests that the framework use VOIP audio mode for this connection. * * @param callId The unique ID of the call to set with the given call video provider. * @param isVoip True if the audio mode is VOIP. */ void setIsVoipAudioMode(String callId, boolean isVoip) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.setIsVoipAudioMode(callId, isVoip); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } void setStatusHints(String callId, StatusHints statusHints) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.setStatusHints(callId, statusHints); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } void setAddress(String callId, Uri address, int presentation) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.setAddress(callId, address, presentation); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } void setCallerDisplayName(String callId, String callerDisplayName, int presentation) { for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.setCallerDisplayName(callId, callerDisplayName, presentation); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } /** * Sets the video state associated with a call. * * Valid values: {@link VideoProfile#STATE_BIDIRECTIONAL}, * {@link VideoProfile#STATE_AUDIO_ONLY}, * {@link VideoProfile#STATE_TX_ENABLED}, * {@link VideoProfile#STATE_RX_ENABLED}. * * @param callId The unique ID of the call to set the video state for. * @param videoState The video state. */ void setVideoState(String callId, int videoState) { Log.v(this, "setVideoState: %d", videoState); for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.setVideoState(callId, videoState); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } void setConferenceableConnections(String callId, List conferenceableCallIds) { Log.v(this, "setConferenceableConnections: %s, %s", callId, conferenceableCallIds); for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.setConferenceableConnections(callId, conferenceableCallIds); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } /** * Informs telecom of an existing connection which was added by the {@link ConnectionService}. * * @param callId The unique ID of the call being added. * @param connection The connection. */ void addExistingConnection(String callId, ParcelableConnection connection) { Log.v(this, "addExistingConnection: %s", callId); for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.addExistingConnection(callId, connection); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } /** * Adds some extras associated with a {@code Connection}. * * @param callId The unique ID of the call. * @param extras The extras to add. */ void putExtras(String callId, Bundle extras) { Log.v(this, "putExtras: %s", callId); for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.putExtras(callId, extras); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } /** * Adds an extra associated with a {@code Connection}. * * @param callId The unique ID of the call. * @param key The extra key. * @param value The extra value. */ void putExtra(String callId, String key, boolean value) { Log.v(this, "putExtra: %s %s=%b", callId, key, value); for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putBoolean(key, value); adapter.putExtras(callId, bundle); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } /** * Adds an extra associated with a {@code Connection}. * * @param callId The unique ID of the call. * @param key The extra key. * @param value The extra value. */ void putExtra(String callId, String key, int value) { Log.v(this, "putExtra: %s %s=%d", callId, key, value); for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt(key, value); adapter.putExtras(callId, bundle); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } /** * Adds an extra associated with a {@code Connection}. * * @param callId The unique ID of the call. * @param key The extra key. * @param value The extra value. */ void putExtra(String callId, String key, String value) { Log.v(this, "putExtra: %s %s=%s", callId, key, value); for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString(key, value); adapter.putExtras(callId, bundle); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } /** * Removes extras associated with a {@code Connection}. * @param callId The unique ID of the call. * @param keys The extra keys to remove. */ void removeExtras(String callId, List keys) { Log.v(this, "removeExtras: %s %s", callId, keys); for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.removeExtras(callId, keys); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } /** * Informs Telecom of a connection level event. * * @param callId The unique ID of the call. * @param event The event. * @param extras Extras associated with the event. */ void onConnectionEvent(String callId, String event, Bundle extras) { Log.v(this, "onConnectionEvent: %s", event); for (IConnectionServiceAdapter adapter : mAdapters) { try { adapter.onConnectionEvent(callId, event, extras); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } } } }