/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server; import static android.Manifest.permission.MANAGE_NETWORK_POLICY; import static android.Manifest.permission.RECEIVE_DATA_ACTIVITY_CHANGE; import static android.net.ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION; import static android.net.ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION_IMMEDIATE; import static android.net.ConnectivityManager.TYPE_BLUETOOTH; import static android.net.ConnectivityManager.TYPE_DUMMY; import static android.net.ConnectivityManager.TYPE_ETHERNET; import static android.net.ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE; import static android.net.ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI; import static android.net.ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIMAX; import static android.net.ConnectivityManager.getNetworkTypeName; import static android.net.ConnectivityManager.isNetworkTypeValid; import static android.net.NetworkPolicyManager.RULE_ALLOW_ALL; import static android.net.NetworkPolicyManager.RULE_REJECT_METERED; import android.app.Notification; import android.app.NotificationManager; import android.app.PendingIntent; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothTetheringDataTracker; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.ContextWrapper; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.ContentObserver; import android.net.CaptivePortalTracker; import android.net.ConnectivityManager; import android.net.DummyDataStateTracker; import android.net.EthernetDataTracker; import android.net.IConnectivityManager; import android.net.INetworkManagementEventObserver; import android.net.INetworkPolicyListener; import android.net.INetworkPolicyManager; import android.net.INetworkStatsService; import android.net.LinkAddress; import android.net.LinkProperties; import android.net.Uri; import android.net.LinkProperties.CompareResult; import android.net.MobileDataStateTracker; import android.net.NetworkConfig; import android.net.NetworkInfo; import android.net.NetworkInfo.DetailedState; import android.net.NetworkInfo.State; import android.net.NetworkQuotaInfo; import android.net.NetworkState; import android.net.NetworkStateTracker; import android.net.NetworkUtils; import android.net.Proxy; import android.net.ProxyProperties; import android.net.RouteInfo; import android.net.wifi.WifiStateTracker; import android.net.wimax.WimaxManagerConstants; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.FileUtils; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.INetworkManagementService; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.Messenger; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.os.Process; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.ResultReceiver; import android.os.ServiceManager; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.SystemProperties; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.provider.Settings; import android.security.Credentials; import android.security.KeyStore; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Slog; import android.util.SparseIntArray; import android.util.Xml; import com.android.internal.R; import com.android.internal.net.LegacyVpnInfo; import com.android.internal.net.VpnConfig; import com.android.internal.net.VpnProfile; import com.android.internal.telephony.DctConstants; import com.android.internal.telephony.Phone; import com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneConstants; import com.android.internal.util.IndentingPrintWriter; import com.android.internal.util.XmlUtils; import com.android.server.am.BatteryStatsService; import com.android.server.connectivity.Nat464Xlat; import com.android.server.connectivity.Tethering; import com.android.server.connectivity.Vpn; import com.android.server.net.BaseNetworkObserver; import com.android.server.net.LockdownVpnTracker; import com.google.android.collect.Lists; import com.google.android.collect.Sets; import dalvik.system.DexClassLoader; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.Inet4Address; import java.net.Inet6Address; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.URL; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * @hide */ public class ConnectivityService extends IConnectivityManager.Stub { private static final String TAG = "ConnectivityService"; private static final boolean DBG = true; private static final boolean VDBG = false; private static final boolean LOGD_RULES = false; // TODO: create better separation between radio types and network types // how long to wait before switching back to a radio's default network private static final int RESTORE_DEFAULT_NETWORK_DELAY = 1 * 60 * 1000; // system property that can override the above value private static final String NETWORK_RESTORE_DELAY_PROP_NAME = "android.telephony.apn-restore"; // Default value if FAIL_FAST_TIME_MS is not set private static final int DEFAULT_FAIL_FAST_TIME_MS = 1 * 60 * 1000; // system property that can override DEFAULT_FAIL_FAST_TIME_MS private static final String FAIL_FAST_TIME_MS = "persist.radio.fail_fast_time_ms"; // used in recursive route setting to add gateways for the host for which // a host route was requested. private static final int MAX_HOSTROUTE_CYCLE_COUNT = 10; private Tethering mTethering; private KeyStore mKeyStore; private Vpn mVpn; private VpnCallback mVpnCallback = new VpnCallback(); private boolean mLockdownEnabled; private LockdownVpnTracker mLockdownTracker; private Nat464Xlat mClat; /** Lock around {@link #mUidRules} and {@link #mMeteredIfaces}. */ private Object mRulesLock = new Object(); /** Currently active network rules by UID. */ private SparseIntArray mUidRules = new SparseIntArray(); /** Set of ifaces that are costly. */ private HashSet mMeteredIfaces = Sets.newHashSet(); /** * Sometimes we want to refer to the individual network state * trackers separately, and sometimes we just want to treat them * abstractly. */ private NetworkStateTracker mNetTrackers[]; /* Handles captive portal check on a network */ private CaptivePortalTracker mCaptivePortalTracker; /** * The link properties that define the current links */ private LinkProperties mCurrentLinkProperties[]; /** * A per Net list of the PID's that requested access to the net * used both as a refcount and for per-PID DNS selection */ private List mNetRequestersPids[]; // priority order of the nettrackers // (excluding dynamically set mNetworkPreference) // TODO - move mNetworkTypePreference into this private int[] mPriorityList; private Context mContext; private int mNetworkPreference; private int mActiveDefaultNetwork = -1; // 0 is full bad, 100 is full good private int mDefaultInetCondition = 0; private int mDefaultInetConditionPublished = 0; private boolean mInetConditionChangeInFlight = false; private int mDefaultConnectionSequence = 0; private Object mDnsLock = new Object(); private int mNumDnsEntries; private boolean mDnsOverridden = false; private boolean mTestMode; private static ConnectivityService sServiceInstance; private INetworkManagementService mNetd; private INetworkPolicyManager mPolicyManager; private static final int ENABLED = 1; private static final int DISABLED = 0; private static final boolean ADD = true; private static final boolean REMOVE = false; private static final boolean TO_DEFAULT_TABLE = true; private static final boolean TO_SECONDARY_TABLE = false; /** * used internally as a delayed event to make us switch back to the * default network */ private static final int EVENT_RESTORE_DEFAULT_NETWORK = 1; /** * used internally to change our mobile data enabled flag */ private static final int EVENT_CHANGE_MOBILE_DATA_ENABLED = 2; /** * used internally to change our network preference setting * arg1 = networkType to prefer */ private static final int EVENT_SET_NETWORK_PREFERENCE = 3; /** * used internally to synchronize inet condition reports * arg1 = networkType * arg2 = condition (0 bad, 100 good) */ private static final int EVENT_INET_CONDITION_CHANGE = 4; /** * used internally to mark the end of inet condition hold periods * arg1 = networkType */ private static final int EVENT_INET_CONDITION_HOLD_END = 5; /** * used internally to set enable/disable cellular data * arg1 = ENBALED or DISABLED */ private static final int EVENT_SET_MOBILE_DATA = 7; /** * used internally to clear a wakelock when transitioning * from one net to another */ private static final int EVENT_CLEAR_NET_TRANSITION_WAKELOCK = 8; /** * used internally to reload global proxy settings */ private static final int EVENT_APPLY_GLOBAL_HTTP_PROXY = 9; /** * used internally to set external dependency met/unmet * arg1 = ENABLED (met) or DISABLED (unmet) * arg2 = NetworkType */ private static final int EVENT_SET_DEPENDENCY_MET = 10; /** * used internally to restore DNS properties back to the * default network */ private static final int EVENT_RESTORE_DNS = 11; /** * used internally to send a sticky broadcast delayed. */ private static final int EVENT_SEND_STICKY_BROADCAST_INTENT = 12; /** * Used internally to * {@link NetworkStateTracker#setPolicyDataEnable(boolean)}. */ private static final int EVENT_SET_POLICY_DATA_ENABLE = 13; private static final int EVENT_VPN_STATE_CHANGED = 14; /** * Used internally to disable fail fast of mobile data */ private static final int EVENT_ENABLE_FAIL_FAST_MOBILE_DATA = 15; /** Handler used for internal events. */ private InternalHandler mHandler; /** Handler used for incoming {@link NetworkStateTracker} events. */ private NetworkStateTrackerHandler mTrackerHandler; // list of DeathRecipients used to make sure features are turned off when // a process dies private List mFeatureUsers; private boolean mSystemReady; private Intent mInitialBroadcast; private PowerManager.WakeLock mNetTransitionWakeLock; private String mNetTransitionWakeLockCausedBy = ""; private int mNetTransitionWakeLockSerialNumber; private int mNetTransitionWakeLockTimeout; private InetAddress mDefaultDns; // this collection is used to refcount the added routes - if there are none left // it's time to remove the route from the route table private Collection mAddedRoutes = new ArrayList(); // used in DBG mode to track inet condition reports private static final int INET_CONDITION_LOG_MAX_SIZE = 15; private ArrayList mInetLog; // track the current default http proxy - tell the world if we get a new one (real change) private ProxyProperties mDefaultProxy = null; private Object mProxyLock = new Object(); private boolean mDefaultProxyDisabled = false; // track the global proxy. private ProxyProperties mGlobalProxy = null; private SettingsObserver mSettingsObserver; NetworkConfig[] mNetConfigs; int mNetworksDefined; private static class RadioAttributes { public int mSimultaneity; public int mType; public RadioAttributes(String init) { String fragments[] = init.split(","); mType = Integer.parseInt(fragments[0]); mSimultaneity = Integer.parseInt(fragments[1]); } } RadioAttributes[] mRadioAttributes; // the set of network types that can only be enabled by system/sig apps List mProtectedNetworks; private AtomicInteger mEnableFailFastMobileDataTag = new AtomicInteger(0); TelephonyManager mTelephonyManager; public ConnectivityService(Context context, INetworkManagementService netd, INetworkStatsService statsService, INetworkPolicyManager policyManager) { // Currently, omitting a NetworkFactory will create one internally // TODO: create here when we have cleaner WiMAX support this(context, netd, statsService, policyManager, null); } public ConnectivityService(Context context, INetworkManagementService netManager, INetworkStatsService statsService, INetworkPolicyManager policyManager, NetworkFactory netFactory) { if (DBG) log("ConnectivityService starting up"); HandlerThread handlerThread = new HandlerThread("ConnectivityServiceThread"); handlerThread.start(); mHandler = new InternalHandler(handlerThread.getLooper()); mTrackerHandler = new NetworkStateTrackerHandler(handlerThread.getLooper()); if (netFactory == null) { netFactory = new DefaultNetworkFactory(context, mTrackerHandler); } // setup our unique device name if (TextUtils.isEmpty(SystemProperties.get("net.hostname"))) { String id = Settings.Secure.getString(context.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID); if (id != null && id.length() > 0) { String name = new String("android-").concat(id); SystemProperties.set("net.hostname", name); } } // read our default dns server ip String dns = Settings.Global.getString(context.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.DEFAULT_DNS_SERVER); if (dns == null || dns.length() == 0) { dns = context.getResources().getString( com.android.internal.R.string.config_default_dns_server); } try { mDefaultDns = NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress(dns); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { loge("Error setting defaultDns using " + dns); } mContext = checkNotNull(context, "missing Context"); mNetd = checkNotNull(netManager, "missing INetworkManagementService"); mPolicyManager = checkNotNull(policyManager, "missing INetworkPolicyManager"); mKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(); mTelephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); try { mPolicyManager.registerListener(mPolicyListener); } catch (RemoteException e) { // ouch, no rules updates means some processes may never get network loge("unable to register INetworkPolicyListener" + e.toString()); } final PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService( Context.POWER_SERVICE); mNetTransitionWakeLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, TAG); mNetTransitionWakeLockTimeout = mContext.getResources().getInteger( com.android.internal.R.integer.config_networkTransitionTimeout); mNetTrackers = new NetworkStateTracker[ ConnectivityManager.MAX_NETWORK_TYPE+1]; mCurrentLinkProperties = new LinkProperties[ConnectivityManager.MAX_NETWORK_TYPE+1]; mRadioAttributes = new RadioAttributes[ConnectivityManager.MAX_RADIO_TYPE+1]; mNetConfigs = new NetworkConfig[ConnectivityManager.MAX_NETWORK_TYPE+1]; // Load device network attributes from resources String[] raStrings = context.getResources().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.radioAttributes); for (String raString : raStrings) { RadioAttributes r = new RadioAttributes(raString); if (r.mType > ConnectivityManager.MAX_RADIO_TYPE) { loge("Error in radioAttributes - ignoring attempt to define type " + r.mType); continue; } if (mRadioAttributes[r.mType] != null) { loge("Error in radioAttributes - ignoring attempt to redefine type " + r.mType); continue; } mRadioAttributes[r.mType] = r; } // TODO: What is the "correct" way to do determine if this is a wifi only device? boolean wifiOnly = SystemProperties.getBoolean("ro.radio.noril", false); log("wifiOnly=" + wifiOnly); String[] naStrings = context.getResources().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.networkAttributes); for (String naString : naStrings) { try { NetworkConfig n = new NetworkConfig(naString); if (n.type > ConnectivityManager.MAX_NETWORK_TYPE) { loge("Error in networkAttributes - ignoring attempt to define type " + n.type); continue; } if (wifiOnly && ConnectivityManager.isNetworkTypeMobile(n.type)) { log("networkAttributes - ignoring mobile as this dev is wifiOnly " + n.type); continue; } if (mNetConfigs[n.type] != null) { loge("Error in networkAttributes - ignoring attempt to redefine type " + n.type); continue; } if (mRadioAttributes[n.radio] == null) { loge("Error in networkAttributes - ignoring attempt to use undefined " + "radio " + n.radio + " in network type " + n.type); continue; } mNetConfigs[n.type] = n; mNetworksDefined++; } catch(Exception e) { // ignore it - leave the entry null } } mProtectedNetworks = new ArrayList(); int[] protectedNetworks = context.getResources().getIntArray( com.android.internal.R.array.config_protectedNetworks); for (int p : protectedNetworks) { if ((mNetConfigs[p] != null) && (mProtectedNetworks.contains(p) == false)) { mProtectedNetworks.add(p); } else { if (DBG) loge("Ignoring protectedNetwork " + p); } } // high priority first mPriorityList = new int[mNetworksDefined]; { int insertionPoint = mNetworksDefined-1; int currentLowest = 0; int nextLowest = 0; while (insertionPoint > -1) { for (NetworkConfig na : mNetConfigs) { if (na == null) continue; if (na.priority < currentLowest) continue; if (na.priority > currentLowest) { if (na.priority < nextLowest || nextLowest == 0) { nextLowest = na.priority; } continue; } mPriorityList[insertionPoint--] = na.type; } currentLowest = nextLowest; nextLowest = 0; } } // Update mNetworkPreference according to user mannually first then overlay config.xml mNetworkPreference = getPersistedNetworkPreference(); if (mNetworkPreference == -1) { for (int n : mPriorityList) { if (mNetConfigs[n].isDefault() && ConnectivityManager.isNetworkTypeValid(n)) { mNetworkPreference = n; break; } } if (mNetworkPreference == -1) { throw new IllegalStateException( "You should set at least one default Network in config.xml!"); } } mNetRequestersPids = (List [])new ArrayList[ConnectivityManager.MAX_NETWORK_TYPE+1]; for (int i : mPriorityList) { mNetRequestersPids[i] = new ArrayList(); } mFeatureUsers = new ArrayList(); mTestMode = SystemProperties.get("cm.test.mode").equals("true") && SystemProperties.get("ro.build.type").equals("eng"); // Create and start trackers for hard-coded networks for (int targetNetworkType : mPriorityList) { final NetworkConfig config = mNetConfigs[targetNetworkType]; final NetworkStateTracker tracker; try { tracker = netFactory.createTracker(targetNetworkType, config); mNetTrackers[targetNetworkType] = tracker; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "Problem creating " + getNetworkTypeName(targetNetworkType) + " tracker: " + e); continue; } tracker.startMonitoring(context, mTrackerHandler); if (config.isDefault()) { tracker.reconnect(); } } mTethering = new Tethering(mContext, mNetd, statsService, this, mHandler.getLooper()); mVpn = new Vpn(mContext, mVpnCallback, mNetd, this); mVpn.startMonitoring(mContext, mTrackerHandler); mClat = new Nat464Xlat(mContext, mNetd, this, mTrackerHandler); try { mNetd.registerObserver(mTethering); mNetd.registerObserver(mDataActivityObserver); mNetd.registerObserver(mClat); } catch (RemoteException e) { loge("Error registering observer :" + e); } if (DBG) { mInetLog = new ArrayList(); } mSettingsObserver = new SettingsObserver(mHandler, EVENT_APPLY_GLOBAL_HTTP_PROXY); mSettingsObserver.observe(mContext); IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(); filter.addAction(CONNECTED_TO_PROVISIONING_NETWORK_ACTION); mContext.registerReceiver(mProvisioningReceiver, filter); } /** * Factory that creates {@link NetworkStateTracker} instances using given * {@link NetworkConfig}. */ public interface NetworkFactory { public NetworkStateTracker createTracker(int targetNetworkType, NetworkConfig config); } private static class DefaultNetworkFactory implements NetworkFactory { private final Context mContext; private final Handler mTrackerHandler; public DefaultNetworkFactory(Context context, Handler trackerHandler) { mContext = context; mTrackerHandler = trackerHandler; } @Override public NetworkStateTracker createTracker(int targetNetworkType, NetworkConfig config) { switch (config.radio) { case TYPE_WIFI: return new WifiStateTracker(targetNetworkType, config.name); case TYPE_MOBILE: return new MobileDataStateTracker(targetNetworkType, config.name); case TYPE_DUMMY: return new DummyDataStateTracker(targetNetworkType, config.name); case TYPE_BLUETOOTH: return BluetoothTetheringDataTracker.getInstance(); case TYPE_WIMAX: return makeWimaxStateTracker(mContext, mTrackerHandler); case TYPE_ETHERNET: return EthernetDataTracker.getInstance(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Trying to create a NetworkStateTracker for an unknown radio type: " + config.radio); } } } /** * Loads external WiMAX library and registers as system service, returning a * {@link NetworkStateTracker} for WiMAX. Caller is still responsible for * invoking {@link NetworkStateTracker#startMonitoring(Context, Handler)}. */ private static NetworkStateTracker makeWimaxStateTracker( Context context, Handler trackerHandler) { // Initialize Wimax DexClassLoader wimaxClassLoader; Class wimaxStateTrackerClass = null; Class wimaxServiceClass = null; Class wimaxManagerClass; String wimaxJarLocation; String wimaxLibLocation; String wimaxManagerClassName; String wimaxServiceClassName; String wimaxStateTrackerClassName; NetworkStateTracker wimaxStateTracker = null; boolean isWimaxEnabled = context.getResources().getBoolean( com.android.internal.R.bool.config_wimaxEnabled); if (isWimaxEnabled) { try { wimaxJarLocation = context.getResources().getString( com.android.internal.R.string.config_wimaxServiceJarLocation); wimaxLibLocation = context.getResources().getString( com.android.internal.R.string.config_wimaxNativeLibLocation); wimaxManagerClassName = context.getResources().getString( com.android.internal.R.string.config_wimaxManagerClassname); wimaxServiceClassName = context.getResources().getString( com.android.internal.R.string.config_wimaxServiceClassname); wimaxStateTrackerClassName = context.getResources().getString( com.android.internal.R.string.config_wimaxStateTrackerClassname); if (DBG) log("wimaxJarLocation: " + wimaxJarLocation); wimaxClassLoader = new DexClassLoader(wimaxJarLocation, new ContextWrapper(context).getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath(), wimaxLibLocation, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); try { wimaxManagerClass = wimaxClassLoader.loadClass(wimaxManagerClassName); wimaxStateTrackerClass = wimaxClassLoader.loadClass(wimaxStateTrackerClassName); wimaxServiceClass = wimaxClassLoader.loadClass(wimaxServiceClassName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { loge("Exception finding Wimax classes: " + ex.toString()); return null; } } catch(Resources.NotFoundException ex) { loge("Wimax Resources does not exist!!! "); return null; } try { if (DBG) log("Starting Wimax Service... "); Constructor wmxStTrkrConst = wimaxStateTrackerClass.getConstructor (new Class[] {Context.class, Handler.class}); wimaxStateTracker = (NetworkStateTracker) wmxStTrkrConst.newInstance( context, trackerHandler); Constructor wmxSrvConst = wimaxServiceClass.getDeclaredConstructor (new Class[] {Context.class, wimaxStateTrackerClass}); wmxSrvConst.setAccessible(true); IBinder svcInvoker = (IBinder)wmxSrvConst.newInstance(context, wimaxStateTracker); wmxSrvConst.setAccessible(false); ServiceManager.addService(WimaxManagerConstants.WIMAX_SERVICE, svcInvoker); } catch(Exception ex) { loge("Exception creating Wimax classes: " + ex.toString()); return null; } } else { loge("Wimax is not enabled or not added to the network attributes!!! "); return null; } return wimaxStateTracker; } /** * Sets the preferred network. * @param preference the new preference */ public void setNetworkPreference(int preference) { enforceChangePermission(); mHandler.sendMessage( mHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_SET_NETWORK_PREFERENCE, preference, 0)); } public int getNetworkPreference() { enforceAccessPermission(); int preference; synchronized(this) { preference = mNetworkPreference; } return preference; } private void handleSetNetworkPreference(int preference) { if (ConnectivityManager.isNetworkTypeValid(preference) && mNetConfigs[preference] != null && mNetConfigs[preference].isDefault()) { if (mNetworkPreference != preference) { final ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); Settings.Global.putInt(cr, Settings.Global.NETWORK_PREFERENCE, preference); synchronized(this) { mNetworkPreference = preference; } enforcePreference(); } } } private int getConnectivityChangeDelay() { final ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); /** Check system properties for the default value then use secure settings value, if any. */ int defaultDelay = SystemProperties.getInt( "conn." + Settings.Global.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE_DELAY, ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE_DELAY_DEFAULT); return Settings.Global.getInt(cr, Settings.Global.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE_DELAY, defaultDelay); } private int getPersistedNetworkPreference() { final ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); final int networkPrefSetting = Settings.Global .getInt(cr, Settings.Global.NETWORK_PREFERENCE, -1); return networkPrefSetting; } /** * Make the state of network connectivity conform to the preference settings * In this method, we only tear down a non-preferred network. Establishing * a connection to the preferred network is taken care of when we handle * the disconnect event from the non-preferred network * (see {@link #handleDisconnect(NetworkInfo)}). */ private void enforcePreference() { if (mNetTrackers[mNetworkPreference].getNetworkInfo().isConnected()) return; if (!mNetTrackers[mNetworkPreference].isAvailable()) return; for (int t=0; t <= ConnectivityManager.MAX_RADIO_TYPE; t++) { if (t != mNetworkPreference && mNetTrackers[t] != null && mNetTrackers[t].getNetworkInfo().isConnected()) { if (DBG) { log("tearing down " + mNetTrackers[t].getNetworkInfo() + " in enforcePreference"); } teardown(mNetTrackers[t]); } } } private boolean teardown(NetworkStateTracker netTracker) { if (netTracker.teardown()) { netTracker.setTeardownRequested(true); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Check if UID should be blocked from using the network represented by the * given {@link NetworkStateTracker}. */ private boolean isNetworkBlocked(NetworkStateTracker tracker, int uid) { final String iface = tracker.getLinkProperties().getInterfaceName(); final boolean networkCostly; final int uidRules; synchronized (mRulesLock) { networkCostly = mMeteredIfaces.contains(iface); uidRules = mUidRules.get(uid, RULE_ALLOW_ALL); } if (networkCostly && (uidRules & RULE_REJECT_METERED) != 0) { return true; } // no restrictive rules; network is visible return false; } /** * Return a filtered {@link NetworkInfo}, potentially marked * {@link DetailedState#BLOCKED} based on * {@link #isNetworkBlocked(NetworkStateTracker, int)}. */ private NetworkInfo getFilteredNetworkInfo(NetworkStateTracker tracker, int uid) { NetworkInfo info = tracker.getNetworkInfo(); if (isNetworkBlocked(tracker, uid)) { // network is blocked; clone and override state info = new NetworkInfo(info); info.setDetailedState(DetailedState.BLOCKED, null, null); } if (mLockdownTracker != null) { info = mLockdownTracker.augmentNetworkInfo(info); } return info; } /** * Return NetworkInfo for the active (i.e., connected) network interface. * It is assumed that at most one network is active at a time. If more * than one is active, it is indeterminate which will be returned. * @return the info for the active network, or {@code null} if none is * active */ @Override public NetworkInfo getActiveNetworkInfo() { enforceAccessPermission(); final int uid = Binder.getCallingUid(); return getNetworkInfo(mActiveDefaultNetwork, uid); } /** * Find the first Provisioning network. * * @return NetworkInfo or null if none. */ private NetworkInfo getProvisioningNetworkInfo() { enforceAccessPermission(); // Find the first Provisioning Network NetworkInfo provNi = null; for (NetworkInfo ni : getAllNetworkInfo()) { if (ni.getDetailedState() == NetworkInfo.DetailedState.CONNECTED_TO_PROVISIONING_NETWORK) { provNi = ni; break; } } if (DBG) log("getProvisioningNetworkInfo: X provNi=" + provNi); return provNi; } /** * Find the first Provisioning network or the ActiveDefaultNetwork * if there is no Provisioning network * * @return NetworkInfo or null if none. */ @Override public NetworkInfo getProvisioningOrActiveNetworkInfo() { enforceAccessPermission(); NetworkInfo provNi = getProvisioningNetworkInfo(); if (provNi == null) { final int uid = Binder.getCallingUid(); provNi = getNetworkInfo(mActiveDefaultNetwork, uid); } if (DBG) log("getProvisioningOrActiveNetworkInfo: X provNi=" + provNi); return provNi; } public NetworkInfo getActiveNetworkInfoUnfiltered() { enforceAccessPermission(); if (isNetworkTypeValid(mActiveDefaultNetwork)) { final NetworkStateTracker tracker = mNetTrackers[mActiveDefaultNetwork]; if (tracker != null) { return tracker.getNetworkInfo(); } } return null; } @Override public NetworkInfo getActiveNetworkInfoForUid(int uid) { enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); return getNetworkInfo(mActiveDefaultNetwork, uid); } @Override public NetworkInfo getNetworkInfo(int networkType) { enforceAccessPermission(); final int uid = Binder.getCallingUid(); return getNetworkInfo(networkType, uid); } private NetworkInfo getNetworkInfo(int networkType, int uid) { NetworkInfo info = null; if (isNetworkTypeValid(networkType)) { final NetworkStateTracker tracker = mNetTrackers[networkType]; if (tracker != null) { info = getFilteredNetworkInfo(tracker, uid); } } return info; } @Override public NetworkInfo[] getAllNetworkInfo() { enforceAccessPermission(); final int uid = Binder.getCallingUid(); final ArrayList result = Lists.newArrayList(); synchronized (mRulesLock) { for (NetworkStateTracker tracker : mNetTrackers) { if (tracker != null) { result.add(getFilteredNetworkInfo(tracker, uid)); } } } return result.toArray(new NetworkInfo[result.size()]); } @Override public boolean isNetworkSupported(int networkType) { enforceAccessPermission(); return (isNetworkTypeValid(networkType) && (mNetTrackers[networkType] != null)); } /** * Return LinkProperties for the active (i.e., connected) default * network interface. It is assumed that at most one default network * is active at a time. If more than one is active, it is indeterminate * which will be returned. * @return the ip properties for the active network, or {@code null} if * none is active */ @Override public LinkProperties getActiveLinkProperties() { return getLinkProperties(mActiveDefaultNetwork); } @Override public LinkProperties getLinkProperties(int networkType) { enforceAccessPermission(); if (isNetworkTypeValid(networkType)) { final NetworkStateTracker tracker = mNetTrackers[networkType]; if (tracker != null) { return tracker.getLinkProperties(); } } return null; } @Override public NetworkState[] getAllNetworkState() { enforceAccessPermission(); final int uid = Binder.getCallingUid(); final ArrayList result = Lists.newArrayList(); synchronized (mRulesLock) { for (NetworkStateTracker tracker : mNetTrackers) { if (tracker != null) { final NetworkInfo info = getFilteredNetworkInfo(tracker, uid); result.add(new NetworkState( info, tracker.getLinkProperties(), tracker.getLinkCapabilities())); } } } return result.toArray(new NetworkState[result.size()]); } private NetworkState getNetworkStateUnchecked(int networkType) { if (isNetworkTypeValid(networkType)) { final NetworkStateTracker tracker = mNetTrackers[networkType]; if (tracker != null) { return new NetworkState(tracker.getNetworkInfo(), tracker.getLinkProperties(), tracker.getLinkCapabilities()); } } return null; } @Override public NetworkQuotaInfo getActiveNetworkQuotaInfo() { enforceAccessPermission(); final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { final NetworkState state = getNetworkStateUnchecked(mActiveDefaultNetwork); if (state != null) { try { return mPolicyManager.getNetworkQuotaInfo(state); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } return null; } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token); } } @Override public boolean isActiveNetworkMetered() { enforceAccessPermission(); final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { return isNetworkMeteredUnchecked(mActiveDefaultNetwork); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token); } } private boolean isNetworkMeteredUnchecked(int networkType) { final NetworkState state = getNetworkStateUnchecked(networkType); if (state != null) { try { return mPolicyManager.isNetworkMetered(state); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } return false; } public boolean setRadios(boolean turnOn) { boolean result = true; enforceChangePermission(); for (NetworkStateTracker t : mNetTrackers) { if (t != null) result = t.setRadio(turnOn) && result; } return result; } public boolean setRadio(int netType, boolean turnOn) { enforceChangePermission(); if (!ConnectivityManager.isNetworkTypeValid(netType)) { return false; } NetworkStateTracker tracker = mNetTrackers[netType]; return tracker != null && tracker.setRadio(turnOn); } private INetworkManagementEventObserver mDataActivityObserver = new BaseNetworkObserver() { @Override public void interfaceClassDataActivityChanged(String label, boolean active) { int deviceType = Integer.parseInt(label); sendDataActivityBroadcast(deviceType, active); } }; /** * Used to notice when the calling process dies so we can self-expire * * Also used to know if the process has cleaned up after itself when * our auto-expire timer goes off. The timer has a link to an object. * */ private class FeatureUser implements IBinder.DeathRecipient { int mNetworkType; String mFeature; IBinder mBinder; int mPid; int mUid; long mCreateTime; FeatureUser(int type, String feature, IBinder binder) { super(); mNetworkType = type; mFeature = feature; mBinder = binder; mPid = getCallingPid(); mUid = getCallingUid(); mCreateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { mBinder.linkToDeath(this, 0); } catch (RemoteException e) { binderDied(); } } void unlinkDeathRecipient() { mBinder.unlinkToDeath(this, 0); } public void binderDied() { log("ConnectivityService FeatureUser binderDied(" + mNetworkType + ", " + mFeature + ", " + mBinder + "), created " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - mCreateTime) + " mSec ago"); stopUsingNetworkFeature(this, false); } public void expire() { if (VDBG) { log("ConnectivityService FeatureUser expire(" + mNetworkType + ", " + mFeature + ", " + mBinder +"), created " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - mCreateTime) + " mSec ago"); } stopUsingNetworkFeature(this, false); } public boolean isSameUser(FeatureUser u) { if (u == null) return false; return isSameUser(u.mPid, u.mUid, u.mNetworkType, u.mFeature); } public boolean isSameUser(int pid, int uid, int networkType, String feature) { if ((mPid == pid) && (mUid == uid) && (mNetworkType == networkType) && TextUtils.equals(mFeature, feature)) { return true; } return false; } public String toString() { return "FeatureUser("+mNetworkType+","+mFeature+","+mPid+","+mUid+"), created " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - mCreateTime) + " mSec ago"; } } // javadoc from interface public int startUsingNetworkFeature(int networkType, String feature, IBinder binder) { long startTime = 0; if (DBG) { startTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); } if (VDBG) { log("startUsingNetworkFeature for net " + networkType + ": " + feature + ", uid=" + Binder.getCallingUid()); } enforceChangePermission(); try { if (!ConnectivityManager.isNetworkTypeValid(networkType) || mNetConfigs[networkType] == null) { return PhoneConstants.APN_REQUEST_FAILED; } FeatureUser f = new FeatureUser(networkType, feature, binder); // TODO - move this into individual networktrackers int usedNetworkType = convertFeatureToNetworkType(networkType, feature); if (mLockdownEnabled) { // Since carrier APNs usually aren't available from VPN // endpoint, mark them as unavailable. return PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } if (mProtectedNetworks.contains(usedNetworkType)) { enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); } // if UID is restricted, don't allow them to bring up metered APNs final boolean networkMetered = isNetworkMeteredUnchecked(usedNetworkType); final int uidRules; synchronized (mRulesLock) { uidRules = mUidRules.get(Binder.getCallingUid(), RULE_ALLOW_ALL); } if (networkMetered && (uidRules & RULE_REJECT_METERED) != 0) { return PhoneConstants.APN_REQUEST_FAILED; } NetworkStateTracker network = mNetTrackers[usedNetworkType]; if (network != null) { Integer currentPid = new Integer(getCallingPid()); if (usedNetworkType != networkType) { NetworkInfo ni = network.getNetworkInfo(); if (ni.isAvailable() == false) { if (!TextUtils.equals(feature,Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_DUN_ALWAYS)) { if (DBG) log("special network not available ni=" + ni.getTypeName()); return PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } else { // else make the attempt anyway - probably giving REQUEST_STARTED below if (DBG) { log("special network not available, but try anyway ni=" + ni.getTypeName()); } } } int restoreTimer = getRestoreDefaultNetworkDelay(usedNetworkType); synchronized(this) { boolean addToList = true; if (restoreTimer < 0) { // In case there is no timer is specified for the feature, // make sure we don't add duplicate entry with the same request. for (FeatureUser u : mFeatureUsers) { if (u.isSameUser(f)) { // Duplicate user is found. Do not add. addToList = false; break; } } } if (addToList) mFeatureUsers.add(f); if (!mNetRequestersPids[usedNetworkType].contains(currentPid)) { // this gets used for per-pid dns when connected mNetRequestersPids[usedNetworkType].add(currentPid); } } if (restoreTimer >= 0) { mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler.obtainMessage( EVENT_RESTORE_DEFAULT_NETWORK, f), restoreTimer); } if ((ni.isConnectedOrConnecting() == true) && !network.isTeardownRequested()) { if (ni.isConnected() == true) { final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { // add the pid-specific dns handleDnsConfigurationChange(usedNetworkType); if (VDBG) log("special network already active"); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token); } return PhoneConstants.APN_ALREADY_ACTIVE; } if (VDBG) log("special network already connecting"); return PhoneConstants.APN_REQUEST_STARTED; } // check if the radio in play can make another contact // assume if cannot for now if (DBG) { log("startUsingNetworkFeature reconnecting to " + networkType + ": " + feature); } if (network.reconnect()) { if (DBG) log("startUsingNetworkFeature X: return APN_REQUEST_STARTED"); return PhoneConstants.APN_REQUEST_STARTED; } else { if (DBG) log("startUsingNetworkFeature X: return APN_REQUEST_FAILED"); return PhoneConstants.APN_REQUEST_FAILED; } } else { // need to remember this unsupported request so we respond appropriately on stop synchronized(this) { mFeatureUsers.add(f); if (!mNetRequestersPids[usedNetworkType].contains(currentPid)) { // this gets used for per-pid dns when connected mNetRequestersPids[usedNetworkType].add(currentPid); } } if (DBG) log("startUsingNetworkFeature X: return -1 unsupported feature."); return -1; } } if (DBG) log("startUsingNetworkFeature X: return APN_TYPE_NOT_AVAILABLE"); return PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } finally { if (DBG) { final long execTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - startTime; if (execTime > 250) { loge("startUsingNetworkFeature took too long: " + execTime + "ms"); } else { if (VDBG) log("startUsingNetworkFeature took " + execTime + "ms"); } } } } // javadoc from interface public int stopUsingNetworkFeature(int networkType, String feature) { enforceChangePermission(); int pid = getCallingPid(); int uid = getCallingUid(); FeatureUser u = null; boolean found = false; synchronized(this) { for (FeatureUser x : mFeatureUsers) { if (x.isSameUser(pid, uid, networkType, feature)) { u = x; found = true; break; } } } if (found && u != null) { if (VDBG) log("stopUsingNetworkFeature: X"); // stop regardless of how many other time this proc had called start return stopUsingNetworkFeature(u, true); } else { // none found! if (VDBG) log("stopUsingNetworkFeature: X not a live request, ignoring"); return 1; } } private int stopUsingNetworkFeature(FeatureUser u, boolean ignoreDups) { int networkType = u.mNetworkType; String feature = u.mFeature; int pid = u.mPid; int uid = u.mUid; NetworkStateTracker tracker = null; boolean callTeardown = false; // used to carry our decision outside of sync block if (VDBG) { log("stopUsingNetworkFeature: net " + networkType + ": " + feature); } if (!ConnectivityManager.isNetworkTypeValid(networkType)) { if (DBG) { log("stopUsingNetworkFeature: net " + networkType + ": " + feature + ", net is invalid"); } return -1; } // need to link the mFeatureUsers list with the mNetRequestersPids state in this // sync block synchronized(this) { // check if this process still has an outstanding start request if (!mFeatureUsers.contains(u)) { if (VDBG) { log("stopUsingNetworkFeature: this process has no outstanding requests" + ", ignoring"); } return 1; } u.unlinkDeathRecipient(); mFeatureUsers.remove(mFeatureUsers.indexOf(u)); // If we care about duplicate requests, check for that here. // // This is done to support the extension of a request - the app // can request we start the network feature again and renew the // auto-shutoff delay. Normal "stop" calls from the app though // do not pay attention to duplicate requests - in effect the // API does not refcount and a single stop will counter multiple starts. if (ignoreDups == false) { for (FeatureUser x : mFeatureUsers) { if (x.isSameUser(u)) { if (VDBG) log("stopUsingNetworkFeature: dup is found, ignoring"); return 1; } } } // TODO - move to individual network trackers int usedNetworkType = convertFeatureToNetworkType(networkType, feature); tracker = mNetTrackers[usedNetworkType]; if (tracker == null) { if (DBG) { log("stopUsingNetworkFeature: net " + networkType + ": " + feature + " no known tracker for used net type " + usedNetworkType); } return -1; } if (usedNetworkType != networkType) { Integer currentPid = new Integer(pid); mNetRequestersPids[usedNetworkType].remove(currentPid); final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { reassessPidDns(pid, true); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token); } flushVmDnsCache(); if (mNetRequestersPids[usedNetworkType].size() != 0) { if (VDBG) { log("stopUsingNetworkFeature: net " + networkType + ": " + feature + " others still using it"); } return 1; } callTeardown = true; } else { if (DBG) { log("stopUsingNetworkFeature: net " + networkType + ": " + feature + " not a known feature - dropping"); } } } if (callTeardown) { if (DBG) { log("stopUsingNetworkFeature: teardown net " + networkType + ": " + feature); } tracker.teardown(); return 1; } else { return -1; } } /** * @deprecated use requestRouteToHostAddress instead * * Ensure that a network route exists to deliver traffic to the specified * host via the specified network interface. * @param networkType the type of the network over which traffic to the * specified host is to be routed * @param hostAddress the IP address of the host to which the route is * desired * @return {@code true} on success, {@code false} on failure */ public boolean requestRouteToHost(int networkType, int hostAddress) { InetAddress inetAddress = NetworkUtils.intToInetAddress(hostAddress); if (inetAddress == null) { return false; } return requestRouteToHostAddress(networkType, inetAddress.getAddress()); } /** * Ensure that a network route exists to deliver traffic to the specified * host via the specified network interface. * @param networkType the type of the network over which traffic to the * specified host is to be routed * @param hostAddress the IP address of the host to which the route is * desired * @return {@code true} on success, {@code false} on failure */ public boolean requestRouteToHostAddress(int networkType, byte[] hostAddress) { enforceChangePermission(); if (mProtectedNetworks.contains(networkType)) { enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); } if (!ConnectivityManager.isNetworkTypeValid(networkType)) { if (DBG) log("requestRouteToHostAddress on invalid network: " + networkType); return false; } NetworkStateTracker tracker = mNetTrackers[networkType]; DetailedState netState = tracker.getNetworkInfo().getDetailedState(); if (tracker == null || (netState != DetailedState.CONNECTED && netState != DetailedState.CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK) || tracker.isTeardownRequested()) { if (VDBG) { log("requestRouteToHostAddress on down network " + "(" + networkType + ") - dropped" + " tracker=" + tracker + " netState=" + netState + " isTeardownRequested=" + ((tracker != null) ? tracker.isTeardownRequested() : "tracker:null")); } return false; } final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByAddress(hostAddress); LinkProperties lp = tracker.getLinkProperties(); boolean ok = addRouteToAddress(lp, addr); if (DBG) log("requestRouteToHostAddress ok=" + ok); return ok; } catch (UnknownHostException e) { if (DBG) log("requestRouteToHostAddress got " + e.toString()); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token); } if (DBG) log("requestRouteToHostAddress X bottom return false"); return false; } private boolean addRoute(LinkProperties p, RouteInfo r, boolean toDefaultTable) { return modifyRoute(p, r, 0, ADD, toDefaultTable); } private boolean removeRoute(LinkProperties p, RouteInfo r, boolean toDefaultTable) { return modifyRoute(p, r, 0, REMOVE, toDefaultTable); } private boolean addRouteToAddress(LinkProperties lp, InetAddress addr) { return modifyRouteToAddress(lp, addr, ADD, TO_DEFAULT_TABLE); } private boolean removeRouteToAddress(LinkProperties lp, InetAddress addr) { return modifyRouteToAddress(lp, addr, REMOVE, TO_DEFAULT_TABLE); } private boolean modifyRouteToAddress(LinkProperties lp, InetAddress addr, boolean doAdd, boolean toDefaultTable) { RouteInfo bestRoute = RouteInfo.selectBestRoute(lp.getAllRoutes(), addr); if (bestRoute == null) { bestRoute = RouteInfo.makeHostRoute(addr, lp.getInterfaceName()); } else { String iface = bestRoute.getInterface(); if (bestRoute.getGateway().equals(addr)) { // if there is no better route, add the implied hostroute for our gateway bestRoute = RouteInfo.makeHostRoute(addr, iface); } else { // if we will connect to this through another route, add a direct route // to it's gateway bestRoute = RouteInfo.makeHostRoute(addr, bestRoute.getGateway(), iface); } } return modifyRoute(lp, bestRoute, 0, doAdd, toDefaultTable); } private boolean modifyRoute(LinkProperties lp, RouteInfo r, int cycleCount, boolean doAdd, boolean toDefaultTable) { if ((lp == null) || (r == null)) { if (DBG) log("modifyRoute got unexpected null: " + lp + ", " + r); return false; } if (cycleCount > MAX_HOSTROUTE_CYCLE_COUNT) { loge("Error modifying route - too much recursion"); return false; } String ifaceName = r.getInterface(); if(ifaceName == null) { loge("Error modifying route - no interface name"); return false; } if (r.hasGateway()) { RouteInfo bestRoute = RouteInfo.selectBestRoute(lp.getAllRoutes(), r.getGateway()); if (bestRoute != null) { if (bestRoute.getGateway().equals(r.getGateway())) { // if there is no better route, add the implied hostroute for our gateway bestRoute = RouteInfo.makeHostRoute(r.getGateway(), ifaceName); } else { // if we will connect to our gateway through another route, add a direct // route to it's gateway bestRoute = RouteInfo.makeHostRoute(r.getGateway(), bestRoute.getGateway(), ifaceName); } modifyRoute(lp, bestRoute, cycleCount+1, doAdd, toDefaultTable); } } if (doAdd) { if (VDBG) log("Adding " + r + " for interface " + ifaceName); try { if (toDefaultTable) { mAddedRoutes.add(r); // only track default table - only one apps can effect mNetd.addRoute(ifaceName, r); } else { mNetd.addSecondaryRoute(ifaceName, r); } } catch (Exception e) { // never crash - catch them all if (DBG) loge("Exception trying to add a route: " + e); return false; } } else { // if we remove this one and there are no more like it, then refcount==0 and // we can remove it from the table if (toDefaultTable) { mAddedRoutes.remove(r); if (mAddedRoutes.contains(r) == false) { if (VDBG) log("Removing " + r + " for interface " + ifaceName); try { mNetd.removeRoute(ifaceName, r); } catch (Exception e) { // never crash - catch them all if (VDBG) loge("Exception trying to remove a route: " + e); return false; } } else { if (VDBG) log("not removing " + r + " as it's still in use"); } } else { if (VDBG) log("Removing " + r + " for interface " + ifaceName); try { mNetd.removeSecondaryRoute(ifaceName, r); } catch (Exception e) { // never crash - catch them all if (VDBG) loge("Exception trying to remove a route: " + e); return false; } } } return true; } /** * @see ConnectivityManager#getMobileDataEnabled() */ public boolean getMobileDataEnabled() { // TODO: This detail should probably be in DataConnectionTracker's // which is where we store the value and maybe make this // asynchronous. enforceAccessPermission(); boolean retVal = Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.MOBILE_DATA, 1) == 1; if (VDBG) log("getMobileDataEnabled returning " + retVal); return retVal; } public void setDataDependency(int networkType, boolean met) { enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_SET_DEPENDENCY_MET, (met ? ENABLED : DISABLED), networkType)); } private void handleSetDependencyMet(int networkType, boolean met) { if (mNetTrackers[networkType] != null) { if (DBG) { log("handleSetDependencyMet(" + networkType + ", " + met + ")"); } mNetTrackers[networkType].setDependencyMet(met); } } private INetworkPolicyListener mPolicyListener = new INetworkPolicyListener.Stub() { @Override public void onUidRulesChanged(int uid, int uidRules) { // caller is NPMS, since we only register with them if (LOGD_RULES) { log("onUidRulesChanged(uid=" + uid + ", uidRules=" + uidRules + ")"); } synchronized (mRulesLock) { // skip update when we've already applied rules final int oldRules = mUidRules.get(uid, RULE_ALLOW_ALL); if (oldRules == uidRules) return; mUidRules.put(uid, uidRules); } // TODO: notify UID when it has requested targeted updates } @Override public void onMeteredIfacesChanged(String[] meteredIfaces) { // caller is NPMS, since we only register with them if (LOGD_RULES) { log("onMeteredIfacesChanged(ifaces=" + Arrays.toString(meteredIfaces) + ")"); } synchronized (mRulesLock) { mMeteredIfaces.clear(); for (String iface : meteredIfaces) { mMeteredIfaces.add(iface); } } } @Override public void onRestrictBackgroundChanged(boolean restrictBackground) { // caller is NPMS, since we only register with them if (LOGD_RULES) { log("onRestrictBackgroundChanged(restrictBackground=" + restrictBackground + ")"); } // kick off connectivity change broadcast for active network, since // global background policy change is radical. final int networkType = mActiveDefaultNetwork; if (isNetworkTypeValid(networkType)) { final NetworkStateTracker tracker = mNetTrackers[networkType]; if (tracker != null) { final NetworkInfo info = tracker.getNetworkInfo(); if (info != null && info.isConnected()) { sendConnectedBroadcast(info); } } } } }; /** * @see ConnectivityManager#setMobileDataEnabled(boolean) */ public void setMobileDataEnabled(boolean enabled) { enforceChangePermission(); if (DBG) log("setMobileDataEnabled(" + enabled + ")"); mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_SET_MOBILE_DATA, (enabled ? ENABLED : DISABLED), 0)); } private void handleSetMobileData(boolean enabled) { if (mNetTrackers[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE] != null) { if (VDBG) { log(mNetTrackers[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE].toString() + enabled); } mNetTrackers[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE].setUserDataEnable(enabled); } if (mNetTrackers[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIMAX] != null) { if (VDBG) { log(mNetTrackers[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIMAX].toString() + enabled); } mNetTrackers[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIMAX].setUserDataEnable(enabled); } } @Override public void setPolicyDataEnable(int networkType, boolean enabled) { // only someone like NPMS should only be calling us mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(MANAGE_NETWORK_POLICY, TAG); mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage( EVENT_SET_POLICY_DATA_ENABLE, networkType, (enabled ? ENABLED : DISABLED))); } private void handleSetPolicyDataEnable(int networkType, boolean enabled) { if (isNetworkTypeValid(networkType)) { final NetworkStateTracker tracker = mNetTrackers[networkType]; if (tracker != null) { tracker.setPolicyDataEnable(enabled); } } } private void enforceAccessPermission() { mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission( android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, "ConnectivityService"); } private void enforceChangePermission() { mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission( android.Manifest.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE, "ConnectivityService"); } // TODO Make this a special check when it goes public private void enforceTetherChangePermission() { mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission( android.Manifest.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE, "ConnectivityService"); } private void enforceTetherAccessPermission() { mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission( android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, "ConnectivityService"); } private void enforceConnectivityInternalPermission() { mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission( android.Manifest.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL, "ConnectivityService"); } /** * Handle a {@code DISCONNECTED} event. If this pertains to the non-active * network, we ignore it. If it is for the active network, we send out a * broadcast. But first, we check whether it might be possible to connect * to a different network. * @param info the {@code NetworkInfo} for the network */ private void handleDisconnect(NetworkInfo info) { int prevNetType = info.getType(); mNetTrackers[prevNetType].setTeardownRequested(false); // Remove idletimer previously setup in {@code handleConnect} removeDataActivityTracking(prevNetType); /* * If the disconnected network is not the active one, then don't report * this as a loss of connectivity. What probably happened is that we're * getting the disconnect for a network that we explicitly disabled * in accordance with network preference policies. */ if (!mNetConfigs[prevNetType].isDefault()) { List pids = mNetRequestersPids[prevNetType]; for (Integer pid : pids) { // will remove them because the net's no longer connected // need to do this now as only now do we know the pids and // can properly null things that are no longer referenced. reassessPidDns(pid.intValue(), false); } } Intent intent = new Intent(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION); intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO, new NetworkInfo(info)); intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_TYPE, info.getType()); if (info.isFailover()) { intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_IS_FAILOVER, true); info.setFailover(false); } if (info.getReason() != null) { intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_REASON, info.getReason()); } if (info.getExtraInfo() != null) { intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_EXTRA_INFO, info.getExtraInfo()); } if (mNetConfigs[prevNetType].isDefault()) { tryFailover(prevNetType); if (mActiveDefaultNetwork != -1) { NetworkInfo switchTo = mNetTrackers[mActiveDefaultNetwork].getNetworkInfo(); intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_OTHER_NETWORK_INFO, switchTo); } else { mDefaultInetConditionPublished = 0; // we're not connected anymore intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NO_CONNECTIVITY, true); } } intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_INET_CONDITION, mDefaultInetConditionPublished); // Reset interface if no other connections are using the same interface boolean doReset = true; LinkProperties linkProperties = mNetTrackers[prevNetType].getLinkProperties(); if (linkProperties != null) { String oldIface = linkProperties.getInterfaceName(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(oldIface) == false) { for (NetworkStateTracker networkStateTracker : mNetTrackers) { if (networkStateTracker == null) continue; NetworkInfo networkInfo = networkStateTracker.getNetworkInfo(); if (networkInfo.isConnected() && networkInfo.getType() != prevNetType) { LinkProperties l = networkStateTracker.getLinkProperties(); if (l == null) continue; if (oldIface.equals(l.getInterfaceName())) { doReset = false; break; } } } } } // do this before we broadcast the change handleConnectivityChange(prevNetType, doReset); final Intent immediateIntent = new Intent(intent); immediateIntent.setAction(CONNECTIVITY_ACTION_IMMEDIATE); sendStickyBroadcast(immediateIntent); sendStickyBroadcastDelayed(intent, getConnectivityChangeDelay()); /* * If the failover network is already connected, then immediately send * out a followup broadcast indicating successful failover */ if (mActiveDefaultNetwork != -1) { sendConnectedBroadcastDelayed(mNetTrackers[mActiveDefaultNetwork].getNetworkInfo(), getConnectivityChangeDelay()); } } private void tryFailover(int prevNetType) { /* * If this is a default network, check if other defaults are available. * Try to reconnect on all available and let them hash it out when * more than one connects. */ if (mNetConfigs[prevNetType].isDefault()) { if (mActiveDefaultNetwork == prevNetType) { if (DBG) { log("tryFailover: set mActiveDefaultNetwork=-1, prevNetType=" + prevNetType); } mActiveDefaultNetwork = -1; } // don't signal a reconnect for anything lower or equal priority than our // current connected default // TODO - don't filter by priority now - nice optimization but risky // int currentPriority = -1; // if (mActiveDefaultNetwork != -1) { // currentPriority = mNetConfigs[mActiveDefaultNetwork].mPriority; // } for (int checkType=0; checkType <= ConnectivityManager.MAX_NETWORK_TYPE; checkType++) { if (checkType == prevNetType) continue; if (mNetConfigs[checkType] == null) continue; if (!mNetConfigs[checkType].isDefault()) continue; if (mNetTrackers[checkType] == null) continue; // Enabling the isAvailable() optimization caused mobile to not get // selected if it was in the middle of error handling. Specifically // a moble connection that took 30 seconds to complete the DEACTIVATE_DATA_CALL // would not be available and we wouldn't get connected to anything. // So removing the isAvailable() optimization below for now. TODO: This // optimization should work and we need to investigate why it doesn't work. // This could be related to how DEACTIVATE_DATA_CALL is reporting its // complete before it is really complete. // if (!mNetTrackers[checkType].isAvailable()) continue; // if (currentPriority >= mNetConfigs[checkType].mPriority) continue; NetworkStateTracker checkTracker = mNetTrackers[checkType]; NetworkInfo checkInfo = checkTracker.getNetworkInfo(); if (!checkInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting() || checkTracker.isTeardownRequested()) { checkInfo.setFailover(true); checkTracker.reconnect(); } if (DBG) log("Attempting to switch to " + checkInfo.getTypeName()); } } } public void sendConnectedBroadcast(NetworkInfo info) { enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); sendGeneralBroadcast(info, CONNECTIVITY_ACTION_IMMEDIATE); sendGeneralBroadcast(info, CONNECTIVITY_ACTION); } private void sendConnectedBroadcastDelayed(NetworkInfo info, int delayMs) { sendGeneralBroadcast(info, CONNECTIVITY_ACTION_IMMEDIATE); sendGeneralBroadcastDelayed(info, CONNECTIVITY_ACTION, delayMs); } private void sendInetConditionBroadcast(NetworkInfo info) { sendGeneralBroadcast(info, ConnectivityManager.INET_CONDITION_ACTION); } private Intent makeGeneralIntent(NetworkInfo info, String bcastType) { if (mLockdownTracker != null) { info = mLockdownTracker.augmentNetworkInfo(info); } Intent intent = new Intent(bcastType); intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO, new NetworkInfo(info)); intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_TYPE, info.getType()); if (info.isFailover()) { intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_IS_FAILOVER, true); info.setFailover(false); } if (info.getReason() != null) { intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_REASON, info.getReason()); } if (info.getExtraInfo() != null) { intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_EXTRA_INFO, info.getExtraInfo()); } intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_INET_CONDITION, mDefaultInetConditionPublished); return intent; } private void sendGeneralBroadcast(NetworkInfo info, String bcastType) { sendStickyBroadcast(makeGeneralIntent(info, bcastType)); } private void sendGeneralBroadcastDelayed(NetworkInfo info, String bcastType, int delayMs) { sendStickyBroadcastDelayed(makeGeneralIntent(info, bcastType), delayMs); } private void sendDataActivityBroadcast(int deviceType, boolean active) { Intent intent = new Intent(ConnectivityManager.ACTION_DATA_ACTIVITY_CHANGE); intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_DEVICE_TYPE, deviceType); intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_IS_ACTIVE, active); final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { mContext.sendOrderedBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.ALL, RECEIVE_DATA_ACTIVITY_CHANGE, null, null, 0, null, null); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident); } } /** * Called when an attempt to fail over to another network has failed. * @param info the {@link NetworkInfo} for the failed network */ private void handleConnectionFailure(NetworkInfo info) { mNetTrackers[info.getType()].setTeardownRequested(false); String reason = info.getReason(); String extraInfo = info.getExtraInfo(); String reasonText; if (reason == null) { reasonText = "."; } else { reasonText = " (" + reason + ")."; } loge("Attempt to connect to " + info.getTypeName() + " failed" + reasonText); Intent intent = new Intent(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION); intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO, new NetworkInfo(info)); intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_TYPE, info.getType()); if (getActiveNetworkInfo() == null) { intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NO_CONNECTIVITY, true); } if (reason != null) { intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_REASON, reason); } if (extraInfo != null) { intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_EXTRA_INFO, extraInfo); } if (info.isFailover()) { intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_IS_FAILOVER, true); info.setFailover(false); } if (mNetConfigs[info.getType()].isDefault()) { tryFailover(info.getType()); if (mActiveDefaultNetwork != -1) { NetworkInfo switchTo = mNetTrackers[mActiveDefaultNetwork].getNetworkInfo(); intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_OTHER_NETWORK_INFO, switchTo); } else { mDefaultInetConditionPublished = 0; intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NO_CONNECTIVITY, true); } } intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_INET_CONDITION, mDefaultInetConditionPublished); final Intent immediateIntent = new Intent(intent); immediateIntent.setAction(CONNECTIVITY_ACTION_IMMEDIATE); sendStickyBroadcast(immediateIntent); sendStickyBroadcast(intent); /* * If the failover network is already connected, then immediately send * out a followup broadcast indicating successful failover */ if (mActiveDefaultNetwork != -1) { sendConnectedBroadcast(mNetTrackers[mActiveDefaultNetwork].getNetworkInfo()); } } private void sendStickyBroadcast(Intent intent) { synchronized(this) { if (!mSystemReady) { mInitialBroadcast = new Intent(intent); } intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT); if (VDBG) { log("sendStickyBroadcast: action=" + intent.getAction()); } final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { mContext.sendStickyBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.ALL); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident); } } } private void sendStickyBroadcastDelayed(Intent intent, int delayMs) { if (delayMs <= 0) { sendStickyBroadcast(intent); } else { if (VDBG) { log("sendStickyBroadcastDelayed: delayMs=" + delayMs + ", action=" + intent.getAction()); } mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler.obtainMessage( EVENT_SEND_STICKY_BROADCAST_INTENT, intent), delayMs); } } void systemReady() { mCaptivePortalTracker = CaptivePortalTracker.makeCaptivePortalTracker(mContext, this); loadGlobalProxy(); synchronized(this) { mSystemReady = true; if (mInitialBroadcast != null) { mContext.sendStickyBroadcastAsUser(mInitialBroadcast, UserHandle.ALL); mInitialBroadcast = null; } } // load the global proxy at startup mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_APPLY_GLOBAL_HTTP_PROXY)); // Try bringing up tracker, but if KeyStore isn't ready yet, wait // for user to unlock device. if (!updateLockdownVpn()) { final IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_USER_PRESENT); mContext.registerReceiver(mUserPresentReceiver, filter); } } private BroadcastReceiver mUserPresentReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { // Try creating lockdown tracker, since user present usually means // unlocked keystore. if (updateLockdownVpn()) { mContext.unregisterReceiver(this); } } }; private boolean isNewNetTypePreferredOverCurrentNetType(int type) { if (((type != mNetworkPreference) && (mNetConfigs[mActiveDefaultNetwork].priority > mNetConfigs[type].priority)) || (mNetworkPreference == mActiveDefaultNetwork)) { return false; } return true; } private void handleConnect(NetworkInfo info) { final int newNetType = info.getType(); setupDataActivityTracking(newNetType); // snapshot isFailover, because sendConnectedBroadcast() resets it boolean isFailover = info.isFailover(); final NetworkStateTracker thisNet = mNetTrackers[newNetType]; final String thisIface = thisNet.getLinkProperties().getInterfaceName(); if (VDBG) { log("handleConnect: E newNetType=" + newNetType + " thisIface=" + thisIface + " isFailover" + isFailover); } // if this is a default net and other default is running // kill the one not preferred if (mNetConfigs[newNetType].isDefault()) { if (mActiveDefaultNetwork != -1 && mActiveDefaultNetwork != newNetType) { if (isNewNetTypePreferredOverCurrentNetType(newNetType)) { // tear down the other NetworkStateTracker otherNet = mNetTrackers[mActiveDefaultNetwork]; if (DBG) { log("Policy requires " + otherNet.getNetworkInfo().getTypeName() + " teardown"); } if (!teardown(otherNet)) { loge("Network declined teardown request"); teardown(thisNet); return; } } else { // don't accept this one if (VDBG) { log("Not broadcasting CONNECT_ACTION " + "to torn down network " + info.getTypeName()); } teardown(thisNet); return; } } synchronized (ConnectivityService.this) { // have a new default network, release the transition wakelock in a second // if it's held. The second pause is to allow apps to reconnect over the // new network if (mNetTransitionWakeLock.isHeld()) { mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler.obtainMessage( EVENT_CLEAR_NET_TRANSITION_WAKELOCK, mNetTransitionWakeLockSerialNumber, 0), 1000); } } mActiveDefaultNetwork = newNetType; // this will cause us to come up initially as unconnected and switching // to connected after our normal pause unless somebody reports us as reall // disconnected mDefaultInetConditionPublished = 0; mDefaultConnectionSequence++; mInetConditionChangeInFlight = false; // Don't do this - if we never sign in stay, grey //reportNetworkCondition(mActiveDefaultNetwork, 100); } thisNet.setTeardownRequested(false); updateNetworkSettings(thisNet); handleConnectivityChange(newNetType, false); sendConnectedBroadcastDelayed(info, getConnectivityChangeDelay()); // notify battery stats service about this network if (thisIface != null) { try { BatteryStatsService.getService().noteNetworkInterfaceType(thisIface, newNetType); } catch (RemoteException e) { // ignored; service lives in system_server } } } private void handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck(NetworkInfo info) { if (DBG) log("Captive portal check " + info); int type = info.getType(); final NetworkStateTracker thisNet = mNetTrackers[type]; if (mNetConfigs[type].isDefault()) { if (mActiveDefaultNetwork != -1 && mActiveDefaultNetwork != type) { if (isNewNetTypePreferredOverCurrentNetType(type)) { if (DBG) log("Captive check on " + info.getTypeName()); mCaptivePortalTracker.detectCaptivePortal(new NetworkInfo(info)); return; } else { if (DBG) log("Tear down low priority net " + info.getTypeName()); teardown(thisNet); return; } } } if (DBG) log("handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck: call captivePortalCheckComplete ni=" + info); thisNet.captivePortalCheckComplete(); } /** @hide */ @Override public void captivePortalCheckComplete(NetworkInfo info) { enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); if (DBG) log("captivePortalCheckComplete: ni=" + info); mNetTrackers[info.getType()].captivePortalCheckComplete(); } /** @hide */ @Override public void captivePortalCheckCompleted(NetworkInfo info, boolean isCaptivePortal) { enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); if (DBG) log("captivePortalCheckCompleted: ni=" + info + " captive=" + isCaptivePortal); mNetTrackers[info.getType()].captivePortalCheckCompleted(isCaptivePortal); } /** * Setup data activity tracking for the given network interface. * * Every {@code setupDataActivityTracking} should be paired with a * {@link removeDataActivityTracking} for cleanup. */ private void setupDataActivityTracking(int type) { final NetworkStateTracker thisNet = mNetTrackers[type]; final String iface = thisNet.getLinkProperties().getInterfaceName(); final int timeout; if (ConnectivityManager.isNetworkTypeMobile(type)) { timeout = Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.DATA_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_MOBILE, 0); // Canonicalize mobile network type type = ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE; } else if (ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI == type) { timeout = Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.DATA_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_WIFI, 0); } else { // do not track any other networks timeout = 0; } if (timeout > 0 && iface != null) { try { mNetd.addIdleTimer(iface, timeout, Integer.toString(type)); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } /** * Remove data activity tracking when network disconnects. */ private void removeDataActivityTracking(int type) { final NetworkStateTracker net = mNetTrackers[type]; final String iface = net.getLinkProperties().getInterfaceName(); if (iface != null && (ConnectivityManager.isNetworkTypeMobile(type) || ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI == type)) { try { // the call fails silently if no idletimer setup for this interface mNetd.removeIdleTimer(iface); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } /** * After a change in the connectivity state of a network. We're mainly * concerned with making sure that the list of DNS servers is set up * according to which networks are connected, and ensuring that the * right routing table entries exist. */ private void handleConnectivityChange(int netType, boolean doReset) { int resetMask = doReset ? NetworkUtils.RESET_ALL_ADDRESSES : 0; if (VDBG) { log("handleConnectivityChange: netType=" + netType + " doReset=" + doReset + " resetMask=" + resetMask); } /* * If a non-default network is enabled, add the host routes that * will allow it's DNS servers to be accessed. */ handleDnsConfigurationChange(netType); LinkProperties curLp = mCurrentLinkProperties[netType]; LinkProperties newLp = null; if (mNetTrackers[netType].getNetworkInfo().isConnected()) { newLp = mNetTrackers[netType].getLinkProperties(); if (VDBG) { log("handleConnectivityChange: changed linkProperty[" + netType + "]:" + " doReset=" + doReset + " resetMask=" + resetMask + "\n curLp=" + curLp + "\n newLp=" + newLp); } if (curLp != null) { if (curLp.isIdenticalInterfaceName(newLp)) { CompareResult car = curLp.compareAddresses(newLp); if ((car.removed.size() != 0) || (car.added.size() != 0)) { for (LinkAddress linkAddr : car.removed) { if (linkAddr.getAddress() instanceof Inet4Address) { resetMask |= NetworkUtils.RESET_IPV4_ADDRESSES; } if (linkAddr.getAddress() instanceof Inet6Address) { resetMask |= NetworkUtils.RESET_IPV6_ADDRESSES; } } if (DBG) { log("handleConnectivityChange: addresses changed" + " linkProperty[" + netType + "]:" + " resetMask=" + resetMask + "\n car=" + car); } } else { if (DBG) { log("handleConnectivityChange: address are the same reset per doReset" + " linkProperty[" + netType + "]:" + " resetMask=" + resetMask); } } } else { resetMask = NetworkUtils.RESET_ALL_ADDRESSES; if (DBG) { log("handleConnectivityChange: interface not not equivalent reset both" + " linkProperty[" + netType + "]:" + " resetMask=" + resetMask); } } } if (mNetConfigs[netType].isDefault()) { handleApplyDefaultProxy(newLp.getHttpProxy()); } } else { if (VDBG) { log("handleConnectivityChange: changed linkProperty[" + netType + "]:" + " doReset=" + doReset + " resetMask=" + resetMask + "\n curLp=" + curLp + "\n newLp= null"); } } mCurrentLinkProperties[netType] = newLp; boolean resetDns = updateRoutes(newLp, curLp, mNetConfigs[netType].isDefault()); if (resetMask != 0 || resetDns) { if (VDBG) log("handleConnectivityChange: resetting"); if (curLp != null) { if (VDBG) log("handleConnectivityChange: resetting curLp=" + curLp); for (String iface : curLp.getAllInterfaceNames()) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(iface) == false) { if (resetMask != 0) { if (DBG) log("resetConnections(" + iface + ", " + resetMask + ")"); NetworkUtils.resetConnections(iface, resetMask); // Tell VPN the interface is down. It is a temporary // but effective fix to make VPN aware of the change. if ((resetMask & NetworkUtils.RESET_IPV4_ADDRESSES) != 0) { mVpn.interfaceStatusChanged(iface, false); } } if (resetDns) { flushVmDnsCache(); if (VDBG) log("resetting DNS cache for " + iface); try { mNetd.flushInterfaceDnsCache(iface); } catch (Exception e) { // never crash - catch them all if (DBG) loge("Exception resetting dns cache: " + e); } } } else { loge("Can't reset connection for type "+netType); } } } } // Update 464xlat state. NetworkStateTracker tracker = mNetTrackers[netType]; if (mClat.requiresClat(netType, tracker)) { // If the connection was previously using clat, but is not using it now, stop the clat // daemon. Normally, this happens automatically when the connection disconnects, but if // the disconnect is not reported, or if the connection's LinkProperties changed for // some other reason (e.g., handoff changes the IP addresses on the link), it would // still be running. If it's not running, then stopping it is a no-op. if (Nat464Xlat.isRunningClat(curLp) && !Nat464Xlat.isRunningClat(newLp)) { mClat.stopClat(); } // If the link requires clat to be running, then start the daemon now. if (mNetTrackers[netType].getNetworkInfo().isConnected()) { mClat.startClat(tracker); } else { mClat.stopClat(); } } // TODO: Temporary notifying upstread change to Tethering. // @see bug/4455071 /** Notify TetheringService if interface name has been changed. */ if (TextUtils.equals(mNetTrackers[netType].getNetworkInfo().getReason(), PhoneConstants.REASON_LINK_PROPERTIES_CHANGED)) { if (isTetheringSupported()) { mTethering.handleTetherIfaceChange(); } } } /** * Add and remove routes using the old properties (null if not previously connected), * new properties (null if becoming disconnected). May even be double null, which * is a noop. * Uses isLinkDefault to determine if default routes should be set or conversely if * host routes should be set to the dns servers * returns a boolean indicating the routes changed */ private boolean updateRoutes(LinkProperties newLp, LinkProperties curLp, boolean isLinkDefault) { Collection routesToAdd = null; CompareResult dnsDiff = new CompareResult(); CompareResult routeDiff = new CompareResult(); if (curLp != null) { // check for the delta between the current set and the new routeDiff = curLp.compareRoutes(newLp); dnsDiff = curLp.compareDnses(newLp); } else if (newLp != null) { routeDiff.added = newLp.getAllRoutes(); dnsDiff.added = newLp.getDnses(); } boolean routesChanged = (routeDiff.removed.size() != 0 || routeDiff.added.size() != 0); for (RouteInfo r : routeDiff.removed) { if (isLinkDefault || ! r.isDefaultRoute()) { if (VDBG) log("updateRoutes: default remove route r=" + r); removeRoute(curLp, r, TO_DEFAULT_TABLE); } if (isLinkDefault == false) { // remove from a secondary route table removeRoute(curLp, r, TO_SECONDARY_TABLE); } } if (!isLinkDefault) { // handle DNS routes if (routesChanged) { // routes changed - remove all old dns entries and add new if (curLp != null) { for (InetAddress oldDns : curLp.getDnses()) { removeRouteToAddress(curLp, oldDns); } } if (newLp != null) { for (InetAddress newDns : newLp.getDnses()) { addRouteToAddress(newLp, newDns); } } } else { // no change in routes, check for change in dns themselves for (InetAddress oldDns : dnsDiff.removed) { removeRouteToAddress(curLp, oldDns); } for (InetAddress newDns : dnsDiff.added) { addRouteToAddress(newLp, newDns); } } } for (RouteInfo r : routeDiff.added) { if (isLinkDefault || ! r.isDefaultRoute()) { addRoute(newLp, r, TO_DEFAULT_TABLE); } else { // add to a secondary route table addRoute(newLp, r, TO_SECONDARY_TABLE); // many radios add a default route even when we don't want one. // remove the default route unless somebody else has asked for it String ifaceName = newLp.getInterfaceName(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(ifaceName) == false && mAddedRoutes.contains(r) == false) { try { mNetd.removeRoute(ifaceName, r); } catch (Exception e) { // never crash - catch them all if (DBG) loge("Exception trying to remove a route: " + e); } } } } return routesChanged; } /** * Reads the network specific TCP buffer sizes from SystemProperties * net.tcp.buffersize.[default|wifi|umts|edge|gprs] and set them for system * wide use */ private void updateNetworkSettings(NetworkStateTracker nt) { String key = nt.getTcpBufferSizesPropName(); String bufferSizes = key == null ? null : SystemProperties.get(key); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(bufferSizes)) { if (VDBG) log(key + " not found in system properties. Using defaults"); // Setting to default values so we won't be stuck to previous values key = "net.tcp.buffersize.default"; bufferSizes = SystemProperties.get(key); } // Set values in kernel if (bufferSizes.length() != 0) { if (VDBG) { log("Setting TCP values: [" + bufferSizes + "] which comes from [" + key + "]"); } setBufferSize(bufferSizes); } } /** * Writes TCP buffer sizes to /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_[r/w]mem_[min/def/max] * which maps to /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem and tcpwmem * * @param bufferSizes in the format of "readMin, readInitial, readMax, * writeMin, writeInitial, writeMax" */ private void setBufferSize(String bufferSizes) { try { String[] values = bufferSizes.split(","); if (values.length == 6) { final String prefix = "/sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_"; FileUtils.stringToFile(prefix + "rmem_min", values[0]); FileUtils.stringToFile(prefix + "rmem_def", values[1]); FileUtils.stringToFile(prefix + "rmem_max", values[2]); FileUtils.stringToFile(prefix + "wmem_min", values[3]); FileUtils.stringToFile(prefix + "wmem_def", values[4]); FileUtils.stringToFile(prefix + "wmem_max", values[5]); } else { loge("Invalid buffersize string: " + bufferSizes); } } catch (IOException e) { loge("Can't set tcp buffer sizes:" + e); } } /** * Adjust the per-process dns entries (net.dns.) based * on the highest priority active net which this process requested. * If there aren't any, clear it out */ private void reassessPidDns(int pid, boolean doBump) { if (VDBG) log("reassessPidDns for pid " + pid); Integer myPid = new Integer(pid); for(int i : mPriorityList) { if (mNetConfigs[i].isDefault()) { continue; } NetworkStateTracker nt = mNetTrackers[i]; if (nt.getNetworkInfo().isConnected() && !nt.isTeardownRequested()) { LinkProperties p = nt.getLinkProperties(); if (p == null) continue; if (mNetRequestersPids[i].contains(myPid)) { try { mNetd.setDnsInterfaceForPid(p.getInterfaceName(), pid); } catch (Exception e) { Slog.e(TAG, "exception reasseses pid dns: " + e); } return; } } } // nothing found - delete try { mNetd.clearDnsInterfaceForPid(pid); } catch (Exception e) { Slog.e(TAG, "exception clear interface from pid: " + e); } } private void flushVmDnsCache() { /* * Tell the VMs to toss their DNS caches */ Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CLEAR_DNS_CACHE); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING); /* * Connectivity events can happen before boot has completed ... */ intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT); final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { mContext.sendBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.ALL); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident); } } // Caller must grab mDnsLock. private void updateDnsLocked(String network, String iface, Collection dnses, String domains) { int last = 0; if (dnses.size() == 0 && mDefaultDns != null) { dnses = new ArrayList(); dnses.add(mDefaultDns); if (DBG) { loge("no dns provided for " + network + " - using " + mDefaultDns.getHostAddress()); } } try { mNetd.setDnsServersForInterface(iface, NetworkUtils.makeStrings(dnses), domains); mNetd.setDefaultInterfaceForDns(iface); for (InetAddress dns : dnses) { ++last; String key = "net.dns" + last; String value = dns.getHostAddress(); SystemProperties.set(key, value); } for (int i = last + 1; i <= mNumDnsEntries; ++i) { String key = "net.dns" + i; SystemProperties.set(key, ""); } mNumDnsEntries = last; } catch (Exception e) { if (DBG) loge("exception setting default dns interface: " + e); } } private void handleDnsConfigurationChange(int netType) { // add default net's dns entries NetworkStateTracker nt = mNetTrackers[netType]; if (nt != null && nt.getNetworkInfo().isConnected() && !nt.isTeardownRequested()) { LinkProperties p = nt.getLinkProperties(); if (p == null) return; Collection dnses = p.getDnses(); if (mNetConfigs[netType].isDefault()) { String network = nt.getNetworkInfo().getTypeName(); synchronized (mDnsLock) { if (!mDnsOverridden) { updateDnsLocked(network, p.getInterfaceName(), dnses, p.getDomains()); } } } else { try { mNetd.setDnsServersForInterface(p.getInterfaceName(), NetworkUtils.makeStrings(dnses), p.getDomains()); } catch (Exception e) { if (DBG) loge("exception setting dns servers: " + e); } // set per-pid dns for attached secondary nets List pids = mNetRequestersPids[netType]; for (Integer pid : pids) { try { mNetd.setDnsInterfaceForPid(p.getInterfaceName(), pid); } catch (Exception e) { Slog.e(TAG, "exception setting interface for pid: " + e); } } } flushVmDnsCache(); } } private int getRestoreDefaultNetworkDelay(int networkType) { String restoreDefaultNetworkDelayStr = SystemProperties.get( NETWORK_RESTORE_DELAY_PROP_NAME); if(restoreDefaultNetworkDelayStr != null && restoreDefaultNetworkDelayStr.length() != 0) { try { return Integer.valueOf(restoreDefaultNetworkDelayStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } // if the system property isn't set, use the value for the apn type int ret = RESTORE_DEFAULT_NETWORK_DELAY; if ((networkType <= ConnectivityManager.MAX_NETWORK_TYPE) && (mNetConfigs[networkType] != null)) { ret = mNetConfigs[networkType].restoreTime; } return ret; } @Override protected void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) { final IndentingPrintWriter pw = new IndentingPrintWriter(writer, " "); if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission( android.Manifest.permission.DUMP) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { pw.println("Permission Denial: can't dump ConnectivityService " + "from from pid=" + Binder.getCallingPid() + ", uid=" + Binder.getCallingUid()); return; } // TODO: add locking to get atomic snapshot pw.println(); for (int i = 0; i < mNetTrackers.length; i++) { final NetworkStateTracker nst = mNetTrackers[i]; if (nst != null) { pw.println("NetworkStateTracker for " + getNetworkTypeName(i) + ":"); pw.increaseIndent(); if (nst.getNetworkInfo().isConnected()) { pw.println("Active network: " + nst.getNetworkInfo(). getTypeName()); } pw.println(nst.getNetworkInfo()); pw.println(nst.getLinkProperties()); pw.println(nst); pw.println(); pw.decreaseIndent(); } } pw.println("Network Requester Pids:"); pw.increaseIndent(); for (int net : mPriorityList) { String pidString = net + ": "; for (Integer pid : mNetRequestersPids[net]) { pidString = pidString + pid.toString() + ", "; } pw.println(pidString); } pw.println(); pw.decreaseIndent(); pw.println("FeatureUsers:"); pw.increaseIndent(); for (Object requester : mFeatureUsers) { pw.println(requester.toString()); } pw.println(); pw.decreaseIndent(); synchronized (this) { pw.println("NetworkTranstionWakeLock is currently " + (mNetTransitionWakeLock.isHeld() ? "" : "not ") + "held."); pw.println("It was last requested for "+mNetTransitionWakeLockCausedBy); } pw.println(); mTethering.dump(fd, pw, args); if (mInetLog != null) { pw.println(); pw.println("Inet condition reports:"); pw.increaseIndent(); for(int i = 0; i < mInetLog.size(); i++) { pw.println(mInetLog.get(i)); } pw.decreaseIndent(); } } // must be stateless - things change under us. private class NetworkStateTrackerHandler extends Handler { public NetworkStateTrackerHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { NetworkInfo info; switch (msg.what) { case NetworkStateTracker.EVENT_STATE_CHANGED: { info = (NetworkInfo) msg.obj; NetworkInfo.State state = info.getState(); if (VDBG || (state == NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED) || (state == NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTED)) { log("ConnectivityChange for " + info.getTypeName() + ": " + state + "/" + info.getDetailedState()); } // Since mobile has the notion of a network/apn that can be used for // provisioning we need to check every time we're connected as // CaptiveProtalTracker won't detected it because DCT doesn't report it // as connected as ACTION_ANY_DATA_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED instead its // reported as ACTION_DATA_CONNECTION_CONNECTED_TO_PROVISIONING_APN. Which // is received by MDST and sent here as EVENT_STATE_CHANGED. if (ConnectivityManager.isNetworkTypeMobile(info.getType()) && (0 != Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.DEVICE_PROVISIONED, 0)) && (state == NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED)) { checkMobileProvisioning(CheckMp.MAX_TIMEOUT_MS); } EventLogTags.writeConnectivityStateChanged( info.getType(), info.getSubtype(), info.getDetailedState().ordinal()); if (info.getDetailedState() == NetworkInfo.DetailedState.FAILED) { handleConnectionFailure(info); } else if (info.getDetailedState() == DetailedState.CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK) { handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck(info); } else if (info.getDetailedState() == DetailedState.CONNECTED_TO_PROVISIONING_NETWORK) { /** * TODO: Create ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_PROVISIONING * for now its an in between network, its a network that * is actually a default network but we don't want it to be * announced as such to keep background applications from * trying to use it. It turns out that some still try so we * take the additional step of clearing any default routes * to the link that may have incorrectly setup by the lower * levels. */ LinkProperties lp = getLinkProperties(info.getType()); if (DBG) { log("EVENT_STATE_CHANGED: connected to provisioning network, lp=" + lp); } // Clear any default routes setup by the radio so // any activity by applications trying to use this // connection will fail until the provisioning network // is enabled. for (RouteInfo r : lp.getRoutes()) { removeRoute(lp, r, TO_DEFAULT_TABLE); } } else if (state == NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTED) { handleDisconnect(info); } else if (state == NetworkInfo.State.SUSPENDED) { // TODO: need to think this over. // the logic here is, handle SUSPENDED the same as // DISCONNECTED. The only difference being we are // broadcasting an intent with NetworkInfo that's // suspended. This allows the applications an // opportunity to handle DISCONNECTED and SUSPENDED // differently, or not. handleDisconnect(info); } else if (state == NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED) { handleConnect(info); } if (mLockdownTracker != null) { mLockdownTracker.onNetworkInfoChanged(info); } break; } case NetworkStateTracker.EVENT_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED: { info = (NetworkInfo) msg.obj; // TODO: Temporary allowing network configuration // change not resetting sockets. // @see bug/4455071 handleConnectivityChange(info.getType(), false); break; } case NetworkStateTracker.EVENT_NETWORK_SUBTYPE_CHANGED: { info = (NetworkInfo) msg.obj; int type = info.getType(); updateNetworkSettings(mNetTrackers[type]); break; } } } } private class InternalHandler extends Handler { public InternalHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { NetworkInfo info; switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_CLEAR_NET_TRANSITION_WAKELOCK: String causedBy = null; synchronized (ConnectivityService.this) { if (msg.arg1 == mNetTransitionWakeLockSerialNumber && mNetTransitionWakeLock.isHeld()) { mNetTransitionWakeLock.release(); causedBy = mNetTransitionWakeLockCausedBy; } } if (causedBy != null) { log("NetTransition Wakelock for " + causedBy + " released by timeout"); } break; case EVENT_RESTORE_DEFAULT_NETWORK: FeatureUser u = (FeatureUser)msg.obj; u.expire(); break; case EVENT_INET_CONDITION_CHANGE: { int netType = msg.arg1; int condition = msg.arg2; handleInetConditionChange(netType, condition); break; } case EVENT_INET_CONDITION_HOLD_END: { int netType = msg.arg1; int sequence = msg.arg2; handleInetConditionHoldEnd(netType, sequence); break; } case EVENT_SET_NETWORK_PREFERENCE: { int preference = msg.arg1; handleSetNetworkPreference(preference); break; } case EVENT_SET_MOBILE_DATA: { boolean enabled = (msg.arg1 == ENABLED); handleSetMobileData(enabled); break; } case EVENT_APPLY_GLOBAL_HTTP_PROXY: { handleDeprecatedGlobalHttpProxy(); break; } case EVENT_SET_DEPENDENCY_MET: { boolean met = (msg.arg1 == ENABLED); handleSetDependencyMet(msg.arg2, met); break; } case EVENT_RESTORE_DNS: { if (mActiveDefaultNetwork != -1) { handleDnsConfigurationChange(mActiveDefaultNetwork); } break; } case EVENT_SEND_STICKY_BROADCAST_INTENT: { Intent intent = (Intent)msg.obj; sendStickyBroadcast(intent); break; } case EVENT_SET_POLICY_DATA_ENABLE: { final int networkType = msg.arg1; final boolean enabled = msg.arg2 == ENABLED; handleSetPolicyDataEnable(networkType, enabled); break; } case EVENT_VPN_STATE_CHANGED: { if (mLockdownTracker != null) { mLockdownTracker.onVpnStateChanged((NetworkInfo) msg.obj); } break; } case EVENT_ENABLE_FAIL_FAST_MOBILE_DATA: { int tag = mEnableFailFastMobileDataTag.get(); if (msg.arg1 == tag) { MobileDataStateTracker mobileDst = (MobileDataStateTracker) mNetTrackers[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE]; if (mobileDst != null) { mobileDst.setEnableFailFastMobileData(msg.arg2); } } else { log("EVENT_ENABLE_FAIL_FAST_MOBILE_DATA: stale arg1:" + msg.arg1 + " != tag:" + tag); } } } } } // javadoc from interface public int tether(String iface) { enforceTetherChangePermission(); if (isTetheringSupported()) { return mTethering.tether(iface); } else { return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } } // javadoc from interface public int untether(String iface) { enforceTetherChangePermission(); if (isTetheringSupported()) { return mTethering.untether(iface); } else { return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } } // javadoc from interface public int getLastTetherError(String iface) { enforceTetherAccessPermission(); if (isTetheringSupported()) { return mTethering.getLastTetherError(iface); } else { return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } } // TODO - proper iface API for selection by property, inspection, etc public String[] getTetherableUsbRegexs() { enforceTetherAccessPermission(); if (isTetheringSupported()) { return mTethering.getTetherableUsbRegexs(); } else { return new String[0]; } } public String[] getTetherableWifiRegexs() { enforceTetherAccessPermission(); if (isTetheringSupported()) { return mTethering.getTetherableWifiRegexs(); } else { return new String[0]; } } public String[] getTetherableBluetoothRegexs() { enforceTetherAccessPermission(); if (isTetheringSupported()) { return mTethering.getTetherableBluetoothRegexs(); } else { return new String[0]; } } public int setUsbTethering(boolean enable) { enforceTetherChangePermission(); if (isTetheringSupported()) { return mTethering.setUsbTethering(enable); } else { return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } } // TODO - move iface listing, queries, etc to new module // javadoc from interface public String[] getTetherableIfaces() { enforceTetherAccessPermission(); return mTethering.getTetherableIfaces(); } public String[] getTetheredIfaces() { enforceTetherAccessPermission(); return mTethering.getTetheredIfaces(); } @Override public String[] getTetheredIfacePairs() { enforceTetherAccessPermission(); return mTethering.getTetheredIfacePairs(); } public String[] getTetheringErroredIfaces() { enforceTetherAccessPermission(); return mTethering.getErroredIfaces(); } // if ro.tether.denied = true we default to no tethering // gservices could set the secure setting to 1 though to enable it on a build where it // had previously been turned off. public boolean isTetheringSupported() { enforceTetherAccessPermission(); int defaultVal = (SystemProperties.get("ro.tether.denied").equals("true") ? 0 : 1); boolean tetherEnabledInSettings = (Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.TETHER_SUPPORTED, defaultVal) != 0); return tetherEnabledInSettings && ((mTethering.getTetherableUsbRegexs().length != 0 || mTethering.getTetherableWifiRegexs().length != 0 || mTethering.getTetherableBluetoothRegexs().length != 0) && mTethering.getUpstreamIfaceTypes().length != 0); } // An API NetworkStateTrackers can call when they lose their network. // This will automatically be cleared after X seconds or a network becomes CONNECTED, // whichever happens first. The timer is started by the first caller and not // restarted by subsequent callers. public void requestNetworkTransitionWakelock(String forWhom) { enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); synchronized (this) { if (mNetTransitionWakeLock.isHeld()) return; mNetTransitionWakeLockSerialNumber++; mNetTransitionWakeLock.acquire(); mNetTransitionWakeLockCausedBy = forWhom; } mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler.obtainMessage( EVENT_CLEAR_NET_TRANSITION_WAKELOCK, mNetTransitionWakeLockSerialNumber, 0), mNetTransitionWakeLockTimeout); return; } // 100 percent is full good, 0 is full bad. public void reportInetCondition(int networkType, int percentage) { if (VDBG) log("reportNetworkCondition(" + networkType + ", " + percentage + ")"); mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission( android.Manifest.permission.STATUS_BAR, "ConnectivityService"); if (DBG) { int pid = getCallingPid(); int uid = getCallingUid(); String s = pid + "(" + uid + ") reports inet is " + (percentage > 50 ? "connected" : "disconnected") + " (" + percentage + ") on " + "network Type " + networkType + " at " + GregorianCalendar.getInstance().getTime(); mInetLog.add(s); while(mInetLog.size() > INET_CONDITION_LOG_MAX_SIZE) { mInetLog.remove(0); } } mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage( EVENT_INET_CONDITION_CHANGE, networkType, percentage)); } private void handleInetConditionChange(int netType, int condition) { if (mActiveDefaultNetwork == -1) { if (DBG) log("handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore"); return; } if (mActiveDefaultNetwork != netType) { if (DBG) log("handleInetConditionChange: net=" + netType + " != default=" + mActiveDefaultNetwork + " - ignore"); return; } if (VDBG) { log("handleInetConditionChange: net=" + netType + ", condition=" + condition + ",mActiveDefaultNetwork=" + mActiveDefaultNetwork); } mDefaultInetCondition = condition; int delay; if (mInetConditionChangeInFlight == false) { if (VDBG) log("handleInetConditionChange: starting a change hold"); // setup a new hold to debounce this if (mDefaultInetCondition > 50) { delay = Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.INET_CONDITION_DEBOUNCE_UP_DELAY, 500); } else { delay = Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.INET_CONDITION_DEBOUNCE_DOWN_DELAY, 3000); } mInetConditionChangeInFlight = true; mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_INET_CONDITION_HOLD_END, mActiveDefaultNetwork, mDefaultConnectionSequence), delay); } else { // we've set the new condition, when this hold ends that will get picked up if (VDBG) log("handleInetConditionChange: currently in hold - not setting new end evt"); } } private void handleInetConditionHoldEnd(int netType, int sequence) { if (DBG) { log("handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=" + netType + ", condition=" + mDefaultInetCondition + ", published condition=" + mDefaultInetConditionPublished); } mInetConditionChangeInFlight = false; if (mActiveDefaultNetwork == -1) { if (DBG) log("handleInetConditionHoldEnd: no active default network - ignoring"); return; } if (mDefaultConnectionSequence != sequence) { if (DBG) log("handleInetConditionHoldEnd: event hold for obsolete network - ignoring"); return; } // TODO: Figure out why this optimization sometimes causes a // change in mDefaultInetCondition to be missed and the // UI to not be updated. //if (mDefaultInetConditionPublished == mDefaultInetCondition) { // if (DBG) log("no change in condition - aborting"); // return; //} NetworkInfo networkInfo = mNetTrackers[mActiveDefaultNetwork].getNetworkInfo(); if (networkInfo.isConnected() == false) { if (DBG) log("handleInetConditionHoldEnd: default network not connected - ignoring"); return; } mDefaultInetConditionPublished = mDefaultInetCondition; sendInetConditionBroadcast(networkInfo); return; } public ProxyProperties getProxy() { // this information is already available as a world read/writable jvm property // so this API change wouldn't have a benifit. It also breaks the passing // of proxy info to all the JVMs. // enforceAccessPermission(); synchronized (mProxyLock) { if (mGlobalProxy != null) return mGlobalProxy; return (mDefaultProxyDisabled ? null : mDefaultProxy); } } public void setGlobalProxy(ProxyProperties proxyProperties) { enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); synchronized (mProxyLock) { if (proxyProperties == mGlobalProxy) return; if (proxyProperties != null && proxyProperties.equals(mGlobalProxy)) return; if (mGlobalProxy != null && mGlobalProxy.equals(proxyProperties)) return; String host = ""; int port = 0; String exclList = ""; if (proxyProperties != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(proxyProperties.getHost())) { mGlobalProxy = new ProxyProperties(proxyProperties); host = mGlobalProxy.getHost(); port = mGlobalProxy.getPort(); exclList = mGlobalProxy.getExclusionList(); } else { mGlobalProxy = null; } ContentResolver res = mContext.getContentResolver(); final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { Settings.Global.putString(res, Settings.Global.GLOBAL_HTTP_PROXY_HOST, host); Settings.Global.putInt(res, Settings.Global.GLOBAL_HTTP_PROXY_PORT, port); Settings.Global.putString(res, Settings.Global.GLOBAL_HTTP_PROXY_EXCLUSION_LIST, exclList); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token); } } if (mGlobalProxy == null) { proxyProperties = mDefaultProxy; } sendProxyBroadcast(proxyProperties); } private void loadGlobalProxy() { ContentResolver res = mContext.getContentResolver(); String host = Settings.Global.getString(res, Settings.Global.GLOBAL_HTTP_PROXY_HOST); int port = Settings.Global.getInt(res, Settings.Global.GLOBAL_HTTP_PROXY_PORT, 0); String exclList = Settings.Global.getString(res, Settings.Global.GLOBAL_HTTP_PROXY_EXCLUSION_LIST); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(host)) { ProxyProperties proxyProperties = new ProxyProperties(host, port, exclList); synchronized (mProxyLock) { mGlobalProxy = proxyProperties; } } } public ProxyProperties getGlobalProxy() { // this information is already available as a world read/writable jvm property // so this API change wouldn't have a benifit. It also breaks the passing // of proxy info to all the JVMs. // enforceAccessPermission(); synchronized (mProxyLock) { return mGlobalProxy; } } private void handleApplyDefaultProxy(ProxyProperties proxy) { if (proxy != null && TextUtils.isEmpty(proxy.getHost())) { proxy = null; } synchronized (mProxyLock) { if (mDefaultProxy != null && mDefaultProxy.equals(proxy)) return; if (mDefaultProxy == proxy) return; // catches repeated nulls mDefaultProxy = proxy; if (mGlobalProxy != null) return; if (!mDefaultProxyDisabled) { sendProxyBroadcast(proxy); } } } private void handleDeprecatedGlobalHttpProxy() { String proxy = Settings.Global.getString(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.HTTP_PROXY); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(proxy)) { String data[] = proxy.split(":"); String proxyHost = data[0]; int proxyPort = 8080; if (data.length > 1) { try { proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(data[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return; } } ProxyProperties p = new ProxyProperties(data[0], proxyPort, ""); setGlobalProxy(p); } } private void sendProxyBroadcast(ProxyProperties proxy) { if (proxy == null) proxy = new ProxyProperties("", 0, ""); if (DBG) log("sending Proxy Broadcast for " + proxy); Intent intent = new Intent(Proxy.PROXY_CHANGE_ACTION); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING | Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT); intent.putExtra(Proxy.EXTRA_PROXY_INFO, proxy); final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { mContext.sendStickyBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.ALL); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident); } } private static class SettingsObserver extends ContentObserver { private int mWhat; private Handler mHandler; SettingsObserver(Handler handler, int what) { super(handler); mHandler = handler; mWhat = what; } void observe(Context context) { ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver(); resolver.registerContentObserver(Settings.Global.getUriFor( Settings.Global.HTTP_PROXY), false, this); } @Override public void onChange(boolean selfChange) { mHandler.obtainMessage(mWhat).sendToTarget(); } } private static void log(String s) { Slog.d(TAG, s); } private static void loge(String s) { Slog.e(TAG, s); } int convertFeatureToNetworkType(int networkType, String feature) { int usedNetworkType = networkType; if(networkType == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) { if (TextUtils.equals(feature, Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_MMS)) { usedNetworkType = ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_MMS; } else if (TextUtils.equals(feature, Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_SUPL)) { usedNetworkType = ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_SUPL; } else if (TextUtils.equals(feature, Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_DUN) || TextUtils.equals(feature, Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_DUN_ALWAYS)) { usedNetworkType = ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_DUN; } else if (TextUtils.equals(feature, Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_HIPRI)) { usedNetworkType = ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI; } else if (TextUtils.equals(feature, Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_FOTA)) { usedNetworkType = ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_FOTA; } else if (TextUtils.equals(feature, Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_IMS)) { usedNetworkType = ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_IMS; } else if (TextUtils.equals(feature, Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_CBS)) { usedNetworkType = ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_CBS; } else { Slog.e(TAG, "Can't match any mobile netTracker!"); } } else if (networkType == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) { if (TextUtils.equals(feature, "p2p")) { usedNetworkType = ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI_P2P; } else { Slog.e(TAG, "Can't match any wifi netTracker!"); } } else { Slog.e(TAG, "Unexpected network type"); } return usedNetworkType; } private static T checkNotNull(T value, String message) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(message); } return value; } /** * Protect a socket from VPN routing rules. This method is used by * VpnBuilder and not available in ConnectivityManager. Permissions * are checked in Vpn class. * @hide */ @Override public boolean protectVpn(ParcelFileDescriptor socket) { throwIfLockdownEnabled(); try { int type = mActiveDefaultNetwork; if (ConnectivityManager.isNetworkTypeValid(type) && mNetTrackers[type] != null) { mVpn.protect(socket, mNetTrackers[type].getLinkProperties().getInterfaceName()); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } finally { try { socket.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } return false; } /** * Prepare for a VPN application. This method is used by VpnDialogs * and not available in ConnectivityManager. Permissions are checked * in Vpn class. * @hide */ @Override public boolean prepareVpn(String oldPackage, String newPackage) { throwIfLockdownEnabled(); return mVpn.prepare(oldPackage, newPackage); } /** * Configure a TUN interface and return its file descriptor. Parameters * are encoded and opaque to this class. This method is used by VpnBuilder * and not available in ConnectivityManager. Permissions are checked in * Vpn class. * @hide */ @Override public ParcelFileDescriptor establishVpn(VpnConfig config) { throwIfLockdownEnabled(); return mVpn.establish(config); } /** * Start legacy VPN, controlling native daemons as needed. Creates a * secondary thread to perform connection work, returning quickly. */ @Override public void startLegacyVpn(VpnProfile profile) { throwIfLockdownEnabled(); final LinkProperties egress = getActiveLinkProperties(); if (egress == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Missing active network connection"); } mVpn.startLegacyVpn(profile, mKeyStore, egress); } /** * Return the information of the ongoing legacy VPN. This method is used * by VpnSettings and not available in ConnectivityManager. Permissions * are checked in Vpn class. * @hide */ @Override public LegacyVpnInfo getLegacyVpnInfo() { throwIfLockdownEnabled(); return mVpn.getLegacyVpnInfo(); } /** * Callback for VPN subsystem. Currently VPN is not adapted to the service * through NetworkStateTracker since it works differently. For example, it * needs to override DNS servers but never takes the default routes. It * relies on another data network, and it could keep existing connections * alive after reconnecting, switching between networks, or even resuming * from deep sleep. Calls from applications should be done synchronously * to avoid race conditions. As these are all hidden APIs, refactoring can * be done whenever a better abstraction is developed. */ public class VpnCallback { private VpnCallback() { } public void onStateChanged(NetworkInfo info) { mHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_VPN_STATE_CHANGED, info).sendToTarget(); } public void override(List dnsServers, List searchDomains) { if (dnsServers == null) { restore(); return; } // Convert DNS servers into addresses. List addresses = new ArrayList(); for (String address : dnsServers) { // Double check the addresses and remove invalid ones. try { addresses.add(InetAddress.parseNumericAddress(address)); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } if (addresses.isEmpty()) { restore(); return; } // Concatenate search domains into a string. StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); if (searchDomains != null) { for (String domain : searchDomains) { buffer.append(domain).append(' '); } } String domains = buffer.toString().trim(); // Apply DNS changes. synchronized (mDnsLock) { updateDnsLocked("VPN", "VPN", addresses, domains); mDnsOverridden = true; } // Temporarily disable the default proxy (not global). synchronized (mProxyLock) { mDefaultProxyDisabled = true; if (mGlobalProxy == null && mDefaultProxy != null) { sendProxyBroadcast(null); } } // TODO: support proxy per network. } public void restore() { synchronized (mDnsLock) { if (mDnsOverridden) { mDnsOverridden = false; mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_RESTORE_DNS); } } synchronized (mProxyLock) { mDefaultProxyDisabled = false; if (mGlobalProxy == null && mDefaultProxy != null) { sendProxyBroadcast(mDefaultProxy); } } } } @Override public boolean updateLockdownVpn() { if (Binder.getCallingUid() != Process.SYSTEM_UID) { Slog.w(TAG, "Lockdown VPN only available to AID_SYSTEM"); return false; } // Tear down existing lockdown if profile was removed mLockdownEnabled = LockdownVpnTracker.isEnabled(); if (mLockdownEnabled) { if (!mKeyStore.isUnlocked()) { Slog.w(TAG, "KeyStore locked; unable to create LockdownTracker"); return false; } final String profileName = new String(mKeyStore.get(Credentials.LOCKDOWN_VPN)); final VpnProfile profile = VpnProfile.decode( profileName, mKeyStore.get(Credentials.VPN + profileName)); setLockdownTracker(new LockdownVpnTracker(mContext, mNetd, this, mVpn, profile)); } else { setLockdownTracker(null); } return true; } /** * Internally set new {@link LockdownVpnTracker}, shutting down any existing * {@link LockdownVpnTracker}. Can be {@code null} to disable lockdown. */ private void setLockdownTracker(LockdownVpnTracker tracker) { // Shutdown any existing tracker final LockdownVpnTracker existing = mLockdownTracker; mLockdownTracker = null; if (existing != null) { existing.shutdown(); } try { if (tracker != null) { mNetd.setFirewallEnabled(true); mNetd.setFirewallInterfaceRule("lo", true); mLockdownTracker = tracker; mLockdownTracker.init(); } else { mNetd.setFirewallEnabled(false); } } catch (RemoteException e) { // ignored; NMS lives inside system_server } } private void throwIfLockdownEnabled() { if (mLockdownEnabled) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unavailable in lockdown mode"); } } public void supplyMessenger(int networkType, Messenger messenger) { enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); if (isNetworkTypeValid(networkType) && mNetTrackers[networkType] != null) { mNetTrackers[networkType].supplyMessenger(messenger); } } public int findConnectionTypeForIface(String iface) { enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(iface)) return ConnectivityManager.TYPE_NONE; for (NetworkStateTracker tracker : mNetTrackers) { if (tracker != null) { LinkProperties lp = tracker.getLinkProperties(); if (lp != null && iface.equals(lp.getInterfaceName())) { return tracker.getNetworkInfo().getType(); } } } return ConnectivityManager.TYPE_NONE; } /** * Have mobile data fail fast if enabled. * * @param enabled DctConstants.ENABLED/DISABLED */ private void setEnableFailFastMobileData(int enabled) { int tag; if (enabled == DctConstants.ENABLED) { tag = mEnableFailFastMobileDataTag.incrementAndGet(); } else { tag = mEnableFailFastMobileDataTag.get(); } mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_ENABLE_FAIL_FAST_MOBILE_DATA, tag, enabled)); } private boolean isMobileDataStateTrackerReady() { MobileDataStateTracker mdst = (MobileDataStateTracker) mNetTrackers[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI]; return (mdst != null) && (mdst.isReady()); } /** * The ResultReceiver resultCode for checkMobileProvisioning (CMP_RESULT_CODE) */ /** * No connection was possible to the network. */ public static final int CMP_RESULT_CODE_NO_CONNECTION = 0; /** * A connection was made to the internet, all is well. */ public static final int CMP_RESULT_CODE_CONNECTABLE = 1; /** * A connection was made but there was a redirection, we appear to be in walled garden. * This is an indication of a warm sim on a mobile network. */ public static final int CMP_RESULT_CODE_REDIRECTED = 2; /** * A connection was made but no dns server was available to resolve a name to address. * This is an indication of a warm sim on a mobile network. */ public static final int CMP_RESULT_CODE_NO_DNS = 3; /** * A connection was made but could not open a TCP connection. * This is an indication of a warm sim on a mobile network. */ public static final int CMP_RESULT_CODE_NO_TCP_CONNECTION = 4; /** * The mobile network is a provisioning network. * This is an indication of a warm sim on a mobile network. */ public static final int CMP_RESULT_CODE_PROVISIONING_NETWORK = 5; AtomicBoolean mIsCheckingMobileProvisioning = new AtomicBoolean(false); @Override public int checkMobileProvisioning(int suggestedTimeOutMs) { int timeOutMs = -1; if (DBG) log("checkMobileProvisioning: E suggestedTimeOutMs=" + suggestedTimeOutMs); enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { timeOutMs = suggestedTimeOutMs; if (suggestedTimeOutMs > CheckMp.MAX_TIMEOUT_MS) { timeOutMs = CheckMp.MAX_TIMEOUT_MS; } // Check that mobile networks are supported if (!isNetworkSupported(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) || !isNetworkSupported(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI)) { if (DBG) log("checkMobileProvisioning: X no mobile network"); return timeOutMs; } // If we're already checking don't do it again // TODO: Add a queue of results... if (mIsCheckingMobileProvisioning.getAndSet(true)) { if (DBG) log("checkMobileProvisioning: X already checking ignore for the moment"); return timeOutMs; } // Start off with notification off setProvNotificationVisible(false, ConnectivityManager.TYPE_NONE, null, null); // See if we've alreadying determined if we've got a provsioning connection // if so we don't need to do anything active MobileDataStateTracker mdstDefault = (MobileDataStateTracker) mNetTrackers[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE]; boolean isDefaultProvisioning = mdstDefault.isProvisioningNetwork(); MobileDataStateTracker mdstHipri = (MobileDataStateTracker) mNetTrackers[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI]; boolean isHipriProvisioning = mdstHipri.isProvisioningNetwork(); if (isDefaultProvisioning || isHipriProvisioning) { if (mIsNotificationVisible) { if (DBG) { log("checkMobileProvisioning: provisioning-ignore notification is visible"); } } else { NetworkInfo ni = null; if (isDefaultProvisioning) { ni = mdstDefault.getNetworkInfo(); } if (isHipriProvisioning) { ni = mdstHipri.getNetworkInfo(); } String url = getMobileProvisioningUrl(); if ((ni != null) && (!TextUtils.isEmpty(url))) { setProvNotificationVisible(true, ni.getType(), ni.getExtraInfo(), url); } else { if (DBG) log("checkMobileProvisioning: provisioning but no url, ignore"); } } mIsCheckingMobileProvisioning.set(false); return timeOutMs; } CheckMp checkMp = new CheckMp(mContext, this); CheckMp.CallBack cb = new CheckMp.CallBack() { @Override void onComplete(Integer result) { if (DBG) log("CheckMp.onComplete: result=" + result); NetworkInfo ni = mNetTrackers[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI].getNetworkInfo(); switch(result) { case CMP_RESULT_CODE_CONNECTABLE: case CMP_RESULT_CODE_NO_CONNECTION: { if (DBG) log("CheckMp.onComplete: ignore, connected or no connection"); break; } case CMP_RESULT_CODE_REDIRECTED: { if (DBG) log("CheckMp.onComplete: warm sim"); String url = getMobileProvisioningUrl(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) { url = getMobileRedirectedProvisioningUrl(); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url) == false) { if (DBG) log("CheckMp.onComplete: warm (redirected), url=" + url); setProvNotificationVisible(true, ni.getType(), ni.getExtraInfo(), url); } else { if (DBG) log("CheckMp.onComplete: warm (redirected), no url"); } break; } case CMP_RESULT_CODE_NO_DNS: case CMP_RESULT_CODE_NO_TCP_CONNECTION: { String url = getMobileProvisioningUrl(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url) == false) { if (DBG) log("CheckMp.onComplete: warm (no dns/tcp), url=" + url); setProvNotificationVisible(true, ni.getType(), ni.getExtraInfo(), url); } else { if (DBG) log("CheckMp.onComplete: warm (no dns/tcp), no url"); } break; } default: { loge("CheckMp.onComplete: ignore unexpected result=" + result); break; } } mIsCheckingMobileProvisioning.set(false); } }; CheckMp.Params params = new CheckMp.Params(checkMp.getDefaultUrl(), timeOutMs, cb); if (DBG) log("checkMobileProvisioning: params=" + params); checkMp.execute(params); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token); if (DBG) log("checkMobileProvisioning: X"); } return timeOutMs; } static class CheckMp extends AsyncTask { private static final String CHECKMP_TAG = "CheckMp"; public static final int MAX_TIMEOUT_MS = 60000; private static final int SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS = 5000; private Context mContext; private ConnectivityService mCs; private TelephonyManager mTm; private Params mParams; /** * Parameters for AsyncTask.execute */ static class Params { private String mUrl; private long mTimeOutMs; private CallBack mCb; Params(String url, long timeOutMs, CallBack cb) { mUrl = url; mTimeOutMs = timeOutMs; mCb = cb; } @Override public String toString() { return "{" + " url=" + mUrl + " mTimeOutMs=" + mTimeOutMs + " mCb=" + mCb + "}"; } } /** * The call back object passed in Params. onComplete will be called * on the main thread. */ abstract static class CallBack { // Called on the main thread. abstract void onComplete(Integer result); } public CheckMp(Context context, ConnectivityService cs) { mContext = context; mCs = cs; // Setup access to TelephonyService we'll be using. mTm = (TelephonyManager) mContext.getSystemService( Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); } /** * Get the default url to use for the test. */ public String getDefaultUrl() { // See http://go/clientsdns for usage approval String server = Settings.Global.getString(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.CAPTIVE_PORTAL_SERVER); if (server == null) { server = "clients3.google.com"; } return "http://" + server + "/generate_204"; } /** * Detect if its possible to connect to the http url. DNS based detection techniques * do not work at all hotspots. The best way to check is to perform a request to * a known address that fetches the data we expect. */ private synchronized Integer isMobileOk(Params params) { Integer result = CMP_RESULT_CODE_NO_CONNECTION; Uri orgUri = Uri.parse(params.mUrl); Random rand = new Random(); mParams = params; if (mCs.isNetworkSupported(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) == false) { log("isMobileOk: not mobile capable"); result = CMP_RESULT_CODE_NO_CONNECTION; return result; } try { // Continue trying to connect until time has run out long endTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + params.mTimeOutMs; if (!mCs.isMobileDataStateTrackerReady()) { // Wait for MobileDataStateTracker to be ready. if (DBG) log("isMobileOk: mdst is not ready"); while(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() < endTime) { if (mCs.isMobileDataStateTrackerReady()) { // Enable fail fast as we'll do retries here and use a // hipri connection so the default connection stays active. if (DBG) log("isMobileOk: mdst ready, enable fail fast of mobile data"); mCs.setEnableFailFastMobileData(DctConstants.ENABLED); break; } sleep(1); } } log("isMobileOk: start hipri url=" + params.mUrl); // First wait until we can start using hipri Binder binder = new Binder(); while(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() < endTime) { int ret = mCs.startUsingNetworkFeature(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE, Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_HIPRI, binder); if ((ret == PhoneConstants.APN_ALREADY_ACTIVE) || (ret == PhoneConstants.APN_REQUEST_STARTED)) { log("isMobileOk: hipri started"); break; } if (VDBG) log("isMobileOk: hipri not started yet"); result = CMP_RESULT_CODE_NO_CONNECTION; sleep(1); } // Continue trying to connect until time has run out while(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() < endTime) { try { // Wait for hipri to connect. // TODO: Don't poll and handle situation where hipri fails // because default is retrying. See b/9569540 NetworkInfo.State state = mCs .getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI).getState(); if (state != NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED) { if (true/*VDBG*/) { log("isMobileOk: not connected ni=" + mCs.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI)); } sleep(1); result = CMP_RESULT_CODE_NO_CONNECTION; continue; } // Hipri has started check if this is a provisioning url MobileDataStateTracker mdst = (MobileDataStateTracker) mCs.mNetTrackers[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI]; if (mdst.isProvisioningNetwork()) { if (DBG) log("isMobileOk: isProvisioningNetwork is true, no TCP conn"); result = CMP_RESULT_CODE_NO_TCP_CONNECTION; return result; } else { if (DBG) log("isMobileOk: isProvisioningNetwork is false, continue"); } // Get of the addresses associated with the url host. We need to use the // address otherwise HttpURLConnection object will use the name to get // the addresses and is will try every address but that will bypass the // route to host we setup and the connection could succeed as the default // interface might be connected to the internet via wifi or other interface. InetAddress[] addresses; try { addresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(orgUri.getHost()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { log("isMobileOk: UnknownHostException"); result = CMP_RESULT_CODE_NO_DNS; return result; } log("isMobileOk: addresses=" + inetAddressesToString(addresses)); // Get the type of addresses supported by this link LinkProperties lp = mCs.getLinkProperties( ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI); boolean linkHasIpv4 = hasIPv4Address(lp); boolean linkHasIpv6 = hasIPv6Address(lp); log("isMobileOk: linkHasIpv4=" + linkHasIpv4 + " linkHasIpv6=" + linkHasIpv6); // Loop through at most 3 valid addresses or all of the address or until // we run out of time int loops = Math.min(3, addresses.length); for(int validAddr=0, addrTried=0; (validAddr < loops) && (addrTried < addresses.length) && (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() < endTime); addrTried ++) { // Choose the address at random but make sure its type is supported InetAddress hostAddr = addresses[rand.nextInt(addresses.length)]; if (((hostAddr instanceof Inet4Address) && linkHasIpv4) || ((hostAddr instanceof Inet6Address) && linkHasIpv6)) { // Valid address, so use it validAddr += 1; } else { // Invalid address so try next address continue; } // Make a route to host so we check the specific interface. if (mCs.requestRouteToHostAddress(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI, hostAddr.getAddress())) { // Wait a short time to be sure the route is established ?? log("isMobileOk:" + " wait to establish route to hostAddr=" + hostAddr); sleep(3); } else { log("isMobileOk:" + " could not establish route to hostAddr=" + hostAddr); continue; } // Rewrite the url to have numeric address to use the specific route. // I also set the "Connection" to "Close" as by default "Keep-Alive" // is used which is useless in this case. URL newUrl = new URL(orgUri.getScheme() + "://" + hostAddr.getHostAddress() + orgUri.getPath()); log("isMobileOk: newUrl=" + newUrl); HttpURLConnection urlConn = null; try { // Open the connection set the request header and get the response urlConn = (HttpURLConnection) newUrl.openConnection( java.net.Proxy.NO_PROXY); urlConn.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false); urlConn.setConnectTimeout(SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS); urlConn.setReadTimeout(SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS); urlConn.setUseCaches(false); urlConn.setAllowUserInteraction(false); urlConn.setRequestProperty("Connection", "close"); int responseCode = urlConn.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode == 204) { result = CMP_RESULT_CODE_CONNECTABLE; } else { result = CMP_RESULT_CODE_REDIRECTED; } log("isMobileOk: connected responseCode=" + responseCode); urlConn.disconnect(); urlConn = null; return result; } catch (Exception e) { log("isMobileOk: HttpURLConnection Exception e=" + e); if (urlConn != null) { urlConn.disconnect(); urlConn = null; } } } result = CMP_RESULT_CODE_NO_TCP_CONNECTION; log("isMobileOk: loops|timed out"); return result; } catch (Exception e) { log("isMobileOk: Exception e=" + e); continue; } } log("isMobileOk: timed out"); } finally { log("isMobileOk: F stop hipri"); mCs.setEnableFailFastMobileData(DctConstants.DISABLED); mCs.stopUsingNetworkFeature(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE, Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_HIPRI); // Wait for hipri to disconnect. long endTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + 5000; while(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() < endTime) { NetworkInfo.State state = mCs .getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI).getState(); if (state != NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTED) { if (VDBG) { log("isMobileOk: connected ni=" + mCs.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI)); } sleep(1); continue; } } log("isMobileOk: X result=" + result); } return result; } @Override protected Integer doInBackground(Params... params) { return isMobileOk(params[0]); } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Integer result) { log("onPostExecute: result=" + result); if ((mParams != null) && (mParams.mCb != null)) { mParams.mCb.onComplete(result); } } private String inetAddressesToString(InetAddress[] addresses) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); boolean firstTime = true; for(InetAddress addr : addresses) { if (firstTime) { firstTime = false; } else { sb.append(","); } sb.append(addr); } return sb.toString(); } private void printNetworkInfo() { boolean hasIccCard = mTm.hasIccCard(); int simState = mTm.getSimState(); log("hasIccCard=" + hasIccCard + " simState=" + simState); NetworkInfo[] ni = mCs.getAllNetworkInfo(); if (ni != null) { log("ni.length=" + ni.length); for (NetworkInfo netInfo: ni) { log("netInfo=" + netInfo.toString()); } } else { log("no network info ni=null"); } } /** * Sleep for a few seconds then return. * @param seconds */ private static void sleep(int seconds) { try { Thread.sleep(seconds * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean hasIPv4Address(LinkProperties lp) { return lp.hasIPv4Address(); } // Not implemented in LinkProperties, do it here. public boolean hasIPv6Address(LinkProperties lp) { for (LinkAddress address : lp.getLinkAddresses()) { if (address.getAddress() instanceof Inet6Address) { return true; } } return false; } private void log(String s) { Slog.d(ConnectivityService.TAG, "[" + CHECKMP_TAG + "] " + s); } } // TODO: Move to ConnectivityManager and make public? private static final String CONNECTED_TO_PROVISIONING_NETWORK_ACTION = "com.android.server.connectivityservice.CONNECTED_TO_PROVISIONING_NETWORK_ACTION"; private BroadcastReceiver mProvisioningReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent.getAction().equals(CONNECTED_TO_PROVISIONING_NETWORK_ACTION)) { handleMobileProvisioningAction(intent.getStringExtra("EXTRA_URL")); } } }; private void handleMobileProvisioningAction(String url) { // Notication mark notification as not visible setProvNotificationVisible(false, ConnectivityManager.TYPE_NONE, null, null); // If provisioning network handle as a special case, // otherwise launch browser with the intent directly. NetworkInfo ni = getProvisioningNetworkInfo(); if ((ni != null) && ni.getDetailedState() == NetworkInfo.DetailedState.CONNECTED_TO_PROVISIONING_NETWORK) { if (DBG) log("handleMobileProvisioningAction: on provisioning network"); MobileDataStateTracker mdst = (MobileDataStateTracker) mNetTrackers[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE]; mdst.enableMobileProvisioning(url); } else { if (DBG) log("handleMobileProvisioningAction: on default network"); Intent newIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url)); newIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); try { mContext.startActivity(newIntent); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { loge("handleMobileProvisioningAction: startActivity failed" + e); } } } private static final String NOTIFICATION_ID = "CaptivePortal.Notification"; private volatile boolean mIsNotificationVisible = false; private void setProvNotificationVisible(boolean visible, int networkType, String extraInfo, String url) { if (DBG) { log("setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=" + visible + " networkType=" + networkType + " extraInfo=" + extraInfo + " url=" + url); } Resources r = Resources.getSystem(); NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) mContext .getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); if (visible) { CharSequence title; CharSequence details; int icon; Intent intent; Notification notification = new Notification(); switch (networkType) { case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI: title = r.getString(R.string.wifi_available_sign_in, 0); details = r.getString(R.string.network_available_sign_in_detailed, extraInfo); icon = R.drawable.stat_notify_wifi_in_range; intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url)); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); notification.contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(mContext, 0, intent, 0); break; case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE: case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI: title = r.getString(R.string.network_available_sign_in, 0); // TODO: Change this to pull from NetworkInfo once a printable // name has been added to it details = mTelephonyManager.getNetworkOperatorName(); icon = R.drawable.stat_notify_rssi_in_range; intent = new Intent(CONNECTED_TO_PROVISIONING_NETWORK_ACTION); intent.putExtra("EXTRA_URL", url); intent.setFlags(0); notification.contentIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, 0, intent, 0); break; default: title = r.getString(R.string.network_available_sign_in, 0); details = r.getString(R.string.network_available_sign_in_detailed, extraInfo); icon = R.drawable.stat_notify_rssi_in_range; intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url)); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); notification.contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(mContext, 0, intent, 0); break; } notification.when = 0; notification.icon = icon; notification.flags = Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL; notification.tickerText = title; notification.setLatestEventInfo(mContext, title, details, notification.contentIntent); try { notificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, 1, notification); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { loge("setNotificaitionVisible: visible notificationManager npe=" + npe); npe.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { notificationManager.cancel(NOTIFICATION_ID, 1); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { loge("setNotificaitionVisible: cancel notificationManager npe=" + npe); npe.printStackTrace(); } } mIsNotificationVisible = visible; } /** Location to an updatable file listing carrier provisioning urls. * An example: * * * * http://myserver.com/foo?mdn=%3$s&iccid=%1$s&imei=%2$s * http://www.google.com * */ private static final String PROVISIONING_URL_PATH = "/data/misc/radio/provisioning_urls.xml"; private final File mProvisioningUrlFile = new File(PROVISIONING_URL_PATH); /** XML tag for root element. */ private static final String TAG_PROVISIONING_URLS = "provisioningUrls"; /** XML tag for individual url */ private static final String TAG_PROVISIONING_URL = "provisioningUrl"; /** XML tag for redirected url */ private static final String TAG_REDIRECTED_URL = "redirectedUrl"; /** XML attribute for mcc */ private static final String ATTR_MCC = "mcc"; /** XML attribute for mnc */ private static final String ATTR_MNC = "mnc"; private static final int REDIRECTED_PROVISIONING = 1; private static final int PROVISIONING = 2; private String getProvisioningUrlBaseFromFile(int type) { FileReader fileReader = null; XmlPullParser parser = null; Configuration config = mContext.getResources().getConfiguration(); String tagType; switch (type) { case PROVISIONING: tagType = TAG_PROVISIONING_URL; break; case REDIRECTED_PROVISIONING: tagType = TAG_REDIRECTED_URL; break; default: throw new RuntimeException("getProvisioningUrlBaseFromFile: Unexpected parameter " + type); } try { fileReader = new FileReader(mProvisioningUrlFile); parser = Xml.newPullParser(); parser.setInput(fileReader); XmlUtils.beginDocument(parser, TAG_PROVISIONING_URLS); while (true) { XmlUtils.nextElement(parser); String element = parser.getName(); if (element == null) break; if (element.equals(tagType)) { String mcc = parser.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_MCC); try { if (mcc != null && Integer.parseInt(mcc) == config.mcc) { String mnc = parser.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_MNC); if (mnc != null && Integer.parseInt(mnc) == config.mnc) { parser.next(); if (parser.getEventType() == XmlPullParser.TEXT) { return parser.getText(); } } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { loge("NumberFormatException in getProvisioningUrlBaseFromFile: " + e); } } } return null; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { loge("Carrier Provisioning Urls file not found"); } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { loge("Xml parser exception reading Carrier Provisioning Urls file: " + e); } catch (IOException e) { loge("I/O exception reading Carrier Provisioning Urls file: " + e); } finally { if (fileReader != null) { try { fileReader.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } } return null; } @Override public String getMobileRedirectedProvisioningUrl() { enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); String url = getProvisioningUrlBaseFromFile(REDIRECTED_PROVISIONING); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) { url = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.mobile_redirected_provisioning_url); } return url; } @Override public String getMobileProvisioningUrl() { enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); String url = getProvisioningUrlBaseFromFile(PROVISIONING); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) { url = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.mobile_provisioning_url); log("getMobileProvisioningUrl: mobile_provisioining_url from resource =" + url); } else { log("getMobileProvisioningUrl: mobile_provisioning_url from File =" + url); } // populate the iccid, imei and phone number in the provisioning url. if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) { String phoneNumber = mTelephonyManager.getLine1Number(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(phoneNumber)) { phoneNumber = "0000000000"; } url = String.format(url, mTelephonyManager.getSimSerialNumber() /* ICCID */, mTelephonyManager.getDeviceId() /* IMEI */, phoneNumber /* Phone numer */); } return url; } @Override public void setProvisioningNotificationVisible(boolean visible, int networkType, String extraInfo, String url) { enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); setProvNotificationVisible(visible, networkType, extraInfo, url); } }