/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "java/ProguardRules.h" #include #include #include "android-base/macros.h" #include "androidfw/StringPiece.h" #include "JavaClassGenerator.h" #include "ResourceUtils.h" #include "ValueVisitor.h" #include "text/Printer.h" #include "util/Util.h" #include "xml/XmlDom.h" using ::aapt::io::OutputStream; using ::aapt::text::Printer; namespace aapt { namespace proguard { class BaseVisitor : public xml::Visitor { public: using xml::Visitor::Visit; BaseVisitor(const ResourceFile& file, KeepSet* keep_set) : BaseVisitor(file, keep_set, "...") { } BaseVisitor(const ResourceFile& file, KeepSet* keep_set, const std::string& ctor_signature) : file_(file), keep_set_(keep_set), ctor_signature_(ctor_signature) { } void Visit(xml::Element* node) override { if (!node->namespace_uri.empty()) { Maybe maybe_package = xml::ExtractPackageFromNamespace(node->namespace_uri); if (maybe_package) { // This is a custom view, let's figure out the class name from this. std::string package = maybe_package.value().package + "." + node->name; if (util::IsJavaClassName(package)) { AddClass(node->line_number, package, ctor_signature_); } } } else if (util::IsJavaClassName(node->name)) { AddClass(node->line_number, node->name, ctor_signature_); } for (const auto& child : node->children) { child->Accept(this); } for (const auto& attr : node->attributes) { if (attr.compiled_value) { auto ref = ValueCast(attr.compiled_value.get()); if (ref) { AddReference(node->line_number, ref); } } } } protected: ResourceFile file_; KeepSet* keep_set_; std::string ctor_signature_; virtual void AddClass(size_t line_number, const std::string& class_name, const std::string& ctor_signature) { keep_set_->AddConditionalClass({file_.name, file_.source.WithLine(line_number)}, {class_name, ctor_signature}); } void AddMethod(size_t line_number, const std::string& method_name, const std::string& method_signature) { keep_set_->AddMethod({file_.name, file_.source.WithLine(line_number)}, {method_name, method_signature}); } void AddReference(size_t line_number, Reference* ref) { if (ref && ref->name) { ResourceName ref_name = ref->name.value(); if (ref_name.package.empty()) { ref_name = ResourceName(file_.name.package, ref_name.type, ref_name.entry); } keep_set_->AddReference({file_.name, file_.source.WithLine(line_number)}, ref_name); } } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BaseVisitor); }; class LayoutVisitor : public BaseVisitor { public: LayoutVisitor(const ResourceFile& file, KeepSet* keep_set) : BaseVisitor(file, keep_set, "android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet") { } void Visit(xml::Element* node) override { bool is_view = false; if (node->namespace_uri.empty()) { if (node->name == "view") { is_view = true; } } for (const auto& attr : node->attributes) { if (attr.namespace_uri.empty() && attr.name == "class") { if (util::IsJavaClassName(attr.value)) { if (is_view) { AddClass(node->line_number, attr.value, "android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet"); } else { AddClass(node->line_number, attr.value, ""); } } } else if (attr.namespace_uri == xml::kSchemaAndroid && attr.name == "name") { if (util::IsJavaClassName(attr.value)) { AddClass(node->line_number, attr.value, ""); } } else if (attr.namespace_uri == xml::kSchemaAndroid && attr.name == "onClick") { AddMethod(node->line_number, attr.value, "android.view.View"); } } BaseVisitor::Visit(node); } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LayoutVisitor); }; class MenuVisitor : public BaseVisitor { public: MenuVisitor(const ResourceFile& file, KeepSet* keep_set) : BaseVisitor(file, keep_set) { } void Visit(xml::Element* node) override { if (node->namespace_uri.empty() && node->name == "item") { for (const auto& attr : node->attributes) { if (attr.namespace_uri == xml::kSchemaAndroid) { if ((attr.name == "actionViewClass" || attr.name == "actionProviderClass") && util::IsJavaClassName(attr.value)) { AddClass(node->line_number, attr.value, "android.content.Context"); } else if (attr.name == "onClick") { AddMethod(node->line_number, attr.value, "android.view.MenuItem"); } } } } BaseVisitor::Visit(node); } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MenuVisitor); }; class XmlResourceVisitor : public BaseVisitor { public: XmlResourceVisitor(const ResourceFile& file, KeepSet* keep_set) : BaseVisitor(file, keep_set) { } void Visit(xml::Element* node) override { bool check_fragment = false; if (node->namespace_uri.empty()) { check_fragment = node->name == "PreferenceScreen" || node->name == "header"; } if (check_fragment) { xml::Attribute* attr = node->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "fragment"); if (attr && util::IsJavaClassName(attr->value)) { AddClass(node->line_number, attr->value, ""); } } BaseVisitor::Visit(node); } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(XmlResourceVisitor); }; class NavigationVisitor : public BaseVisitor { public: NavigationVisitor(const ResourceFile& file, KeepSet* keep_set, const std::string& package) : BaseVisitor(file, keep_set), package_(package) { } void Visit(xml::Element* node) override { const auto& attr = node->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "name"); if (attr != nullptr && !attr->value.empty()) { std::string name = (attr->value[0] == '.') ? package_ + attr->value : attr->value; if (util::IsJavaClassName(name)) { AddClass(node->line_number, name, "..."); } } BaseVisitor::Visit(node); } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NavigationVisitor); const std::string package_; }; class TransitionVisitor : public BaseVisitor { public: TransitionVisitor(const ResourceFile& file, KeepSet* keep_set) : BaseVisitor(file, keep_set) { } void Visit(xml::Element* node) override { bool check_class = node->namespace_uri.empty() && (node->name == "transition" || node->name == "pathMotion"); if (check_class) { xml::Attribute* attr = node->FindAttribute({}, "class"); if (attr && util::IsJavaClassName(attr->value)) { AddClass(node->line_number, attr->value, "android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet"); } } BaseVisitor::Visit(node); } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TransitionVisitor); }; class ManifestVisitor : public BaseVisitor { public: ManifestVisitor(const ResourceFile& file, KeepSet* keep_set, bool main_dex_only) : BaseVisitor(file, keep_set), main_dex_only_(main_dex_only) { } void Visit(xml::Element* node) override { if (node->namespace_uri.empty()) { bool get_name = false; if (node->name == "manifest") { xml::Attribute* attr = node->FindAttribute({}, "package"); if (attr) { package_ = attr->value; } } else if (node->name == "application") { get_name = true; xml::Attribute* attr = node->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "backupAgent"); if (attr) { Maybe result = util::GetFullyQualifiedClassName(package_, attr->value); if (result) { AddClass(node->line_number, result.value(), ""); } } attr = node->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "appComponentFactory"); if (attr) { Maybe result = util::GetFullyQualifiedClassName(package_, attr->value); if (result) { AddClass(node->line_number, result.value(), ""); } } attr = node->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "zygotePreloadName"); if (attr) { Maybe result = util::GetFullyQualifiedClassName(package_, attr->value); if (result) { AddClass(node->line_number, result.value(), ""); } } if (main_dex_only_) { xml::Attribute* default_process = node->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "process"); if (default_process) { default_process_ = default_process->value; } } } else if (node->name == "activity" || node->name == "service" || node->name == "receiver" || node->name == "provider") { get_name = true; if (main_dex_only_) { xml::Attribute* component_process = node->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "process"); const std::string& process = component_process ? component_process->value : default_process_; get_name = !process.empty() && process[0] != ':'; } } else if (node->name == "instrumentation") { get_name = true; } if (get_name) { xml::Attribute* attr = node->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "name"); get_name = attr != nullptr; if (get_name) { Maybe result = util::GetFullyQualifiedClassName(package_, attr->value); if (result) { AddClass(node->line_number, result.value(), ""); } } } } BaseVisitor::Visit(node); } virtual void AddClass(size_t line_number, const std::string& class_name, const std::string& ctor_signature) override { keep_set_->AddManifestClass({file_.name, file_.source.WithLine(line_number)}, class_name); } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ManifestVisitor); std::string package_; const bool main_dex_only_; std::string default_process_; }; bool CollectProguardRulesForManifest(xml::XmlResource* res, KeepSet* keep_set, bool main_dex_only) { ManifestVisitor visitor(res->file, keep_set, main_dex_only); if (res->root) { res->root->Accept(&visitor); return true; } return false; } bool CollectProguardRules(IAaptContext* context_, xml::XmlResource* res, KeepSet* keep_set) { if (!res->root) { return false; } switch (res->file.name.type) { case ResourceType::kLayout: { LayoutVisitor visitor(res->file, keep_set); res->root->Accept(&visitor); break; } case ResourceType::kXml: { XmlResourceVisitor visitor(res->file, keep_set); res->root->Accept(&visitor); break; } case ResourceType::kNavigation: { NavigationVisitor visitor(res->file, keep_set, context_->GetCompilationPackage()); res->root->Accept(&visitor); break; } case ResourceType::kTransition: { TransitionVisitor visitor(res->file, keep_set); res->root->Accept(&visitor); break; } case ResourceType::kMenu: { MenuVisitor visitor(res->file, keep_set); res->root->Accept(&visitor); break; } default: { BaseVisitor visitor(res->file, keep_set); res->root->Accept(&visitor); break; } } return true; } void WriteKeepSet(const KeepSet& keep_set, OutputStream* out, bool minimal_keep) { Printer printer(out); for (const auto& entry : keep_set.manifest_class_set_) { for (const UsageLocation& location : entry.second) { printer.Print("# Referenced at ").Println(location.source.to_string()); } printer.Print("-keep class ").Print(entry.first).Println(" { (); }"); } for (const auto& entry : keep_set.conditional_class_set_) { std::set locations; bool can_be_conditional = false; if (keep_set.conditional_keep_rules_) { can_be_conditional = true; for (const UsageLocation& location : entry.second) { can_be_conditional &= CollectLocations(location, keep_set, &locations); } } if (can_be_conditional) { for (const UsageLocation& location : locations) { printer.Print("# Referenced at ").Println(location.source.to_string()); printer.Print("-if class **.R$layout { int ") .Print(JavaClassGenerator::TransformToFieldName(location.name.entry)) .Println("; }"); printer.Print("-keep class ").Print(entry.first.name).Print(" { ("); printer.Print((minimal_keep) ? entry.first.signature : "..."); printer.Println("); }"); } } else { for (const UsageLocation& location : entry.second) { printer.Print("# Referenced at ").Println(location.source.to_string()); } printer.Print("-keep class ").Print(entry.first.name).Print(" { ("); printer.Print((minimal_keep) ? entry.first.signature : "..."); printer.Println("); }"); } printer.Println(); } for (const auto& entry : keep_set.method_set_) { for (const UsageLocation& location : entry.second) { printer.Print("# Referenced at ").Println(location.source.to_string()); } printer.Print("-keepclassmembers class * { *** ").Print(entry.first.name) .Print("(").Print(entry.first.signature).Println("); }"); printer.Println(); } } bool CollectLocations(const UsageLocation& location, const KeepSet& keep_set, std::set* locations) { locations->insert(location); // TODO: allow for more reference types if we can determine its safe. if (location.name.type != ResourceType::kLayout) { return false; } for (const auto& entry : keep_set.reference_set_) { if (entry.first == location.name) { for (auto& refLocation : entry.second) { // Don't get stuck in loops if (locations->find(refLocation) != locations->end()) { return false; } if (!CollectLocations(refLocation, keep_set, locations)) { return false; } } } } return true; } class ReferenceVisitor : public ValueVisitor { public: using ValueVisitor::Visit; ReferenceVisitor(aapt::IAaptContext* context, ResourceName from, KeepSet* keep_set) : context_(context), from_(from), keep_set_(keep_set) { } void Visit(Reference* reference) override { if (reference->name) { ResourceName reference_name = reference->name.value(); if (reference_name.package.empty()) { reference_name = ResourceName(context_->GetCompilationPackage(), reference_name.type, reference_name.entry); } keep_set_->AddReference({from_, reference->GetSource()}, reference_name); } } private: aapt::IAaptContext* context_; ResourceName from_; KeepSet* keep_set_; }; bool CollectResourceReferences(aapt::IAaptContext* context, ResourceTable* table, KeepSet* keep_set) { for (auto& pkg : table->packages) { for (auto& type : pkg->types) { for (auto& entry : type->entries) { for (auto& config_value : entry->values) { ResourceName from(pkg->name, type->type, entry->name); ReferenceVisitor visitor(context, from, keep_set); config_value->value->Accept(&visitor); } } } } return true; } } // namespace proguard } // namespace aapt