page.title=Providing Resources parent.title=Application Resources @jd:body
You should always externalize application resources such as images and strings from your code, so that you can maintain them independently. You can also provide alternative resources for specific device configurations, by grouping them in specially-named resource directories. Android will then automatically apply the appropriate resource based on the current configuration. For instance, you might want to provide a different UI layout depending on the screen size.
Once you save your resources external to your application code, you can access them using resource IDs that are generated in your project's {@code R} class. How to use resources in your application is discussed in Accessing Resources.
You should place each type of resource in a specific subdirectory of your project's {@code res/} directory. For example, here's the file hierarchy for a simple project:
MyProject/ src/ res/ drawable/ icon.png layout/ main.xml info.xml values/ strings.xml
The {@code res/} directory contains all the resources (in subdirectories): an image resource, two layout resources, and a string resource file. The resource directory names are important and are described in table 1.
Table 1. Resource directories supported inside project {@code res/} directory.
Directory | Resource Type |
anim/ |
XML files that define tween animations. See Animation Resources. |
color/ |
XML files that define a state list of colors. See Color State List Resource |
drawable/ |
Bitmap files ({@code .png}, {@code .9.png}, {@code .jpg}, {@code .gif}) or XML files that are compiled into the following drawable resource subtypes:
See Drawable Resources. |
layout/ |
XML files that define a user interface layout. See Layout Resource. |
menu/ |
XML files that define application menus, such as an Options Menu, Context Menu, or Sub Menu. See Menu Resource. |
raw/ |
Arbitrary files to save in their raw form. Files in here are not compressed by the system. To open these resources with a raw {@link}, call {@link android.content.res.Resources#openRawResource(int) Resources.openRawResource()} with the resource ID, which is {@code R.raw.filename}. However, if you need access to original file names and file hierarchy, you might consider saving some resources in the {@code assets/} directory (instead of {@code res/raw/}). Files in {@code assets/} are not given a resource ID, so you can read them only using {@link android.content.res.AssetManager}. |
values/ |
XML files that contain simple values, such as strings, integers, and colors. Whereas XML resource files in other {@code res/} subdirectories define a single resource based on the XML filename, files in the {@code values/} directory describe multiple resources. For a file in this directory, each child of the {@code <resources>} element defines a single resource. For example, a {@code <string>} element creates an {@code R.string} resource and a {@code <color>} element creates an {@code R.color} resource. Because each resource is defined with its own XML element, you can name the file whatever you want and place different resource types in one file. However, for clarity, you might want to place unique resource types in different files. For example, here are some filename conventions for resources you can create in this directory:
See String Resources, Style Resource, and More Resource Types. |
xml/ |
Arbitrary XML files that can be read at runtime by calling {@link android.content.res.Resources#getXml(int) Resources.getXML()}. Various XML configuration files must be saved here, such as a searchable configuration. |
Note: You should never save resource files directly inside the {@code res/} directory.
For more information about certain types of resources, see the Resource Types documentation.
How to access resources in the {@code res/} subdirectories is discussed in Accessing Resources.
Figure 1. Two device configurations, one using alternative resources.
Almost every application should provide alternative resources to support specific device configurations. For instance, you should include alternative drawable resources for different screen densities and alternative string resources for different languages. At runtime, Android automatically detects the current device configuration and loads the appropriate resources.
To specify configuration-specific alternatives for a set of resources:
You can append more than one {@code <config_qualifier>}. Separate each one with a dash.
For example, here are some default and alternative resources:
res/ drawable/ icon.png background.png drawable-hdpi/ icon.png background.png
The {@code hdpi} qualifier indicates that the resources in that directory are for devices with a high-density screen. While the images in each drawable directory are sized for a specific screen density, the filenames are the same. This way, the resource ID that you use to reference the {@code icon.png} or {@code background.png} image is always the same, but Android selects the version of that drawable that best matches the current device configuration.
Android supports several configuration qualifiers and you can add multiple qualifiers to one directory name, by separating each qualifier with a dash. Table 2 lists the valid configuration qualifiers, in order of precedence—if you use multiple qualifiers, they must be added to the directory name in the order they are listed in the table.
Table 2. Alternative resource qualifier names.
Qualifier | Values | Description |
MCC and MNC | Examples:mcc310
mcc208-mnc00 etc. |
The mobile country code (MCC), optionally followed by mobile network code (MNC)
from the SIM card in the device. For example, If the device uses a radio connection (GSM phone), the MCC comes from the SIM, and the MNC comes from the network to which the device is connected. You can also use the MCC alone (for example, to include country-specific legal resources in your application). If you need to specify based on the language only, then use the language and region qualifier instead (discussed next). If you decide to use the MCC and MNC qualifier, you should do so with care and test that it works as expected. Also see the configuration fields {@link android.content.res.Configuration#mcc}, and {@link android.content.res.Configuration#mnc}, which indicate the current mobile country code and mobile network code, respectively. |
Language and region | Examples:en fr en-rUS fr-rFR fr-rCA etc. |
The language is defined by a two-letter ISO 639-1 language code, optionally followed by a two letter ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 region code (preceded by lowercase "{@code r}"). The codes are not case-sensitive; the {@code r} prefix is used to distinguish the region portion. You cannot specify a region alone. This can change during the life of your application if the user changes his or her language in the system settings. See Handling Runtime Changes for information about how this can affect your application during runtime. See Localization for a complete guide to localizing your application for other langauges. Also see the {@link android.content.res.Configuration#locale} configuration field, which indicates the current locale. |
Screen size |
small normal large
See Supporting Multiple Screens for more information. Also see the {@link android.content.res.Configuration#screenLayout} configuration field, which indicates whether the screen is small, normal, or large. |
Wider/taller screens |
long notlong
This is based purely on the aspect ratio of the screen (a "long" screen is wider). This is not related to the screen orientation. Also see the {@link android.content.res.Configuration#screenLayout} configuration field, which indicates whether the screen is long. |
Screen orientation |
port land
This can change during the life of your application if the user rotates the screen. See Handling Runtime Changes for information about how this affects your application during runtime. Also see the {@link android.content.res.Configuration#orientation} configuration field, which indicates the current device orientation. |
Dock mode |
car desk
Added in API Level 8. This can change during the life of your application if the user places the device in a dock. You can eneable or disable this mode using {@link}. See Handling Runtime Changes for information about how this affects your application during runtime. |
Night mode |
night notnight
Added in API Level 8. This can change during the life of your application if night mode is left in auto mode (default), in which case the mode changes based on the time of day. You can eneable or disable this mode using {@link}. See Handling Runtime Changes for information about how this affects your application during runtime. |
Screen pixel density (dpi) |
ldpi mdpi hdpi nodpi
There is thus a 4:3 scaling factor between each density, so a 9x9 bitmap in ldpi is 12x12 in mdpi and 16x16 in hdpi. When Android selects which resource files to use, it handles screen density differently than the other qualifiers. In step 1 of How Android finds the best matching directory (below), screen density is always considered to be a match. In step 4, if the qualifier being considered is screen density, Android selects the best final match at that point, without any need to move on to step 5. See Supporting Multiple Screens for more information about how to handle screen sizes and how Android might scale your bitmaps. |
Touchscreen type |
notouch stylus finger
Also see the {@link android.content.res.Configuration#touchscreen} configuration field, which indicates the type of touchscreen on the device. |
Keyboard availability |
keysexposed keyssoft
If you provide This can change during the life of your application if the user opens a hardware keyboard. See Handling Runtime Changes for information about how this affects your application during runtime. Also see the configuration fields {@link android.content.res.Configuration#hardKeyboardHidden} and {@link android.content.res.Configuration#keyboardHidden}, which indicate the visibility of a hardware keyboard and and the visibility of any kind of keyboard (including software), respectively. |
Primary text input method |
nokeys qwerty 12key
Also see the {@link android.content.res.Configuration#keyboard} configuration field, which indicates the primary text input method available. |
Navigation key availability |
navexposed navhidden
This can change during the life of your application if the user reveals the navigation keys. See Handling Runtime Changes for information about how this affects your application during runtime. Also see the {@link android.content.res.Configuration#navigationHidden} configuration field, which indicates whether navigation keys are hidden. |
Primary non-touch navigation method |
nonav dpad trackball wheel
Also see the {@link android.content.res.Configuration#navigation} configuration field, which indicates the type of navigation method available. |
API Level | Examples:v4 v5 v6 v7 etc. |
The API Level supported by the device, for example |
Here are some rules about using resource qualifier names:
applies to US-English devices in landscape
. Instead you need two resource directories, such as
and drawable-rFR/
, which contain the appropriate files.
However, you are not required to actually duplicate the same files in both locations. Instead, you
can create an alias to a resource. See Creating
alias resources below.After you save alternative resources into directories named with these qualifiers, Android automatically applies the resources in your application based on the current device configuration. Each time a resource is requested, Android checks for alternative resource directories that contain the requested resource file, then finds the best-matching resource (discussed below).
When you have a resource that you'd like to use for more than one device configuration (but not for all configurations), you do not need to put the same resource in each alternative resource directory. Instead, you can (in some cases) create an alternative resource that acts as an alias for a resource saved in your default resource directory.
Note: Not all resources offer a mechanism by which you can create an alias to another resource. In particular, animation, menu, raw, and other unspecified resources in the {@code xml/} directory do not offer this feature.
For example, imagine you have an application icon, {@code icon.png}, and need unique version of it for different locales. However, two locales, English-Canadian and French-Canadian, need to use the same version. You might assume that you need to copy the same image into the resource directory for both English-Canadian and French-Canadian, but it's not true. Instead, you can save the image that's used for both as {@code icon_ca.png} (any name other than {@code icon.png}) and put it in the default {@code res/drawable/} directory. Then create an {@code icon.xml} file in {@code res/drawable-en-rCA/} and {@code res/drawable-fr-rCA/} that refers to the {@code icon_ca.png} resource using the {@code <bitmap>} element. This allows you to store just one version of the PNG file and two small XML files that point to it. (An example XML file is shown below.)
To create an alias to an existing drawable, use the {@code <bitmap>} element. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <bitmap xmlns:android="" android:src="@drawable/icon_ca" />
If you save this file as {@code icon.xml} (in an alternative resource directory, such as {@code res/drawable-en-rCA/}), it is compiled into a resource that you can reference as {@code R.drawable.icon}, but is actually an alias for the {@code R.drawable.icon_ca} resource (which is saved in {@code res/drawable/}).
To create an alias to an existing layout, use the {@code <include>} element, wrapped in a {@code <merge>}. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <merge> <include layout="@layout/main_ltr"/> </merge>
If you save this file as {@code main.xml}, it is compiled into a resource you can reference as {@code R.layout.main}, but is actually an alias for the {@code R.layout.main_ltr} resource.
To create an alias to an existing string, simply use the resource ID of the desired string as the value for the new string. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <string name="hello">Hello</string> <string name="hi">@string/hello</string> </resources>
The {@code R.string.hi} resource is now an alias for the {@code R.string.hello}.
Other simple values work the same way. For example, a color:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <color name="yellow">#f00</color> <color name="highlight">@color/red</color> </resources>
When you request a resource for which you provide alternatives, Android selects which alternative resource to use at runtime, depending on the current device configuration. To demonstrate how Android selects an alternative resource, assume the following drawable directories each contain different versions of the same images:
drawable/ drawable-en/ drawable-fr-rCA/ drawable-en-port/ drawable-en-notouch-12key/ drawable-port-ldpi/ drawable-port-notouch-12key/
And assume the following is the device configuration:
Locale = en-GB
Screen orientation = port
Screen pixel density = hdpi
Touchscreen type = notouch
Primary text input method = 12key
By comparing the device configuration to the available alternative resources, Android selects drawables from {@code drawable-en-port}. It arrives at this decision using the following logic:
Figure 2. Flowchart of how Android finds the best-matching resource.
The drawable-fr-rCA/
directory is eliminated, because it
contradicts the en-GB
drawable/ drawable-en/drawable-fr-rCA/drawable-en-port/ drawable-en-notouch-12key/ drawable-port-ldpi/ drawable-port-notouch-12key/
Exception: Screen pixel density is the one qualifier that is not
eliminated due to a contradiction. Even though the screen density of the device is mdpi,
is not eliminated because every screen density is
considered to be a match at this point. More information is available in the Supporting Multiple
Screens document.
drawable/drawable-en/ drawable-en-port/ drawable-en-notouch-12key/drawable-port-ldpi/drawable-port-notouch-12key/
Exception: If the qualifier in question is screen pixel density, Android selects the option that most closely matches the device, and the selection process is complete. In general, Android prefers scaling down a larger original image to scaling up a smaller original image. See Supporting Multiple Screens.
The remaining directory is {@code drawable-en-port}.
Though this procedure is executed for each resource requested, the system further optimizes some aspects. One such optimization is that once the device configuration is known, it might eliminate alternative resources that can never match. For example, if the configuration language is English ("en"), then any resource directory that has a language qualifier set to something other than English is never included in the pool of resources checked (though a resource directory without the language qualifier is still included).
Note: The precedence of the qualifier (in table 2) is more important
than the number of qualifiers that exactly match the device. For example, in step 4 above, the last
choice on the list includes three qualifiers that exactly match the device (orientation, touchscreen
type, and input method), while drawable-en
has only one parameter that matches
(language). However, language has a higher precedence than these other qualifiers, so
is out.
To learn more about how to use resources in your application, continue to Accessing Resources.