/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include "android-base/errors.h" #include "android-base/file.h" #include "androidfw/StringPiece.h" #include "google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h" #include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl_lite.h" #include "ConfigDescription.h" #include "Diagnostics.h" #include "Flags.h" #include "ResourceParser.h" #include "ResourceTable.h" #include "compile/IdAssigner.h" #include "compile/InlineXmlFormatParser.h" #include "compile/Png.h" #include "compile/PseudolocaleGenerator.h" #include "compile/XmlIdCollector.h" #include "flatten/Archive.h" #include "flatten/XmlFlattener.h" #include "io/BigBufferOutputStream.h" #include "io/Util.h" #include "proto/ProtoSerialize.h" #include "util/Files.h" #include "util/Maybe.h" #include "util/Util.h" #include "xml/XmlDom.h" #include "xml/XmlPullParser.h" using android::StringPiece; using google::protobuf::io::CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor; namespace aapt { struct ResourcePathData { Source source; std::string resource_dir; std::string name; std::string extension; // Original config str. We keep this because when we parse the config, we may // add on // version qualifiers. We want to preserve the original input so the output is // easily // computed before hand. std::string config_str; ConfigDescription config; }; /** * Resource file paths are expected to look like: * [--/res/]type[-config]/name */ static Maybe ExtractResourcePathData(const std::string& path, std::string* out_error) { std::vector parts = util::Split(path, file::sDirSep); if (parts.size() < 2) { if (out_error) *out_error = "bad resource path"; return {}; } std::string& dir = parts[parts.size() - 2]; StringPiece dir_str = dir; StringPiece config_str; ConfigDescription config; size_t dash_pos = dir.find('-'); if (dash_pos != std::string::npos) { config_str = dir_str.substr(dash_pos + 1, dir.size() - (dash_pos + 1)); if (!ConfigDescription::Parse(config_str, &config)) { if (out_error) { std::stringstream err_str; err_str << "invalid configuration '" << config_str << "'"; *out_error = err_str.str(); } return {}; } dir_str = dir_str.substr(0, dash_pos); } std::string& filename = parts[parts.size() - 1]; StringPiece name = filename; StringPiece extension; size_t dot_pos = filename.find('.'); if (dot_pos != std::string::npos) { extension = name.substr(dot_pos + 1, filename.size() - (dot_pos + 1)); name = name.substr(0, dot_pos); } return ResourcePathData{Source(path), dir_str.to_string(), name.to_string(), extension.to_string(), config_str.to_string(), config}; } struct CompileOptions { std::string output_path; Maybe res_dir; bool pseudolocalize = false; bool legacy_mode = false; bool verbose = false; }; static std::string BuildIntermediateFilename(const ResourcePathData& data) { std::stringstream name; name << data.resource_dir; if (!data.config_str.empty()) { name << "-" << data.config_str; } name << "_" << data.name; if (!data.extension.empty()) { name << "." << data.extension; } name << ".flat"; return name.str(); } static bool IsHidden(const StringPiece& filename) { return util::StartsWith(filename, "."); } /** * Walks the res directory structure, looking for resource files. */ static bool LoadInputFilesFromDir(IAaptContext* context, const CompileOptions& options, std::vector* out_path_data) { const std::string& root_dir = options.res_dir.value(); std::unique_ptr d(opendir(root_dir.data()), closedir); if (!d) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << android::base::SystemErrorCodeToString(errno)); return false; } while (struct dirent* entry = readdir(d.get())) { if (IsHidden(entry->d_name)) { continue; } std::string prefix_path = root_dir; file::AppendPath(&prefix_path, entry->d_name); if (file::GetFileType(prefix_path) != file::FileType::kDirectory) { continue; } std::unique_ptr subdir(opendir(prefix_path.data()), closedir); if (!subdir) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << android::base::SystemErrorCodeToString(errno)); return false; } while (struct dirent* leaf_entry = readdir(subdir.get())) { if (IsHidden(leaf_entry->d_name)) { continue; } std::string full_path = prefix_path; file::AppendPath(&full_path, leaf_entry->d_name); std::string err_str; Maybe path_data = ExtractResourcePathData(full_path, &err_str); if (!path_data) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << err_str); return false; } out_path_data->push_back(std::move(path_data.value())); } } return true; } static bool CompileTable(IAaptContext* context, const CompileOptions& options, const ResourcePathData& path_data, IArchiveWriter* writer, const std::string& output_path) { ResourceTable table; { std::ifstream fin(path_data.source.path, std::ifstream::binary); if (!fin) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(path_data.source) << android::base::SystemErrorCodeToString(errno)); return false; } // Parse the values file from XML. xml::XmlPullParser xml_parser(fin); ResourceParserOptions parser_options; parser_options.error_on_positional_arguments = !options.legacy_mode; // If the filename includes donottranslate, then the default translatable is // false. parser_options.translatable = path_data.name.find("donottranslate") == std::string::npos; ResourceParser res_parser(context->GetDiagnostics(), &table, path_data.source, path_data.config, parser_options); if (!res_parser.Parse(&xml_parser)) { return false; } fin.close(); } if (options.pseudolocalize) { // Generate pseudo-localized strings (en-XA and ar-XB). // These are created as weak symbols, and are only generated from default // configuration // strings and plurals. PseudolocaleGenerator pseudolocale_generator; if (!pseudolocale_generator.Consume(context, &table)) { return false; } } // Ensure we have the compilation package at least. table.CreatePackage(context->GetCompilationPackage()); // Assign an ID to any package that has resources. for (auto& pkg : table.packages) { if (!pkg->id) { // If no package ID was set while parsing (public identifiers), auto // assign an ID. pkg->id = context->GetPackageId(); } } // Create the file/zip entry. if (!writer->StartEntry(output_path, 0)) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(output_path) << "failed to open"); return false; } // Make sure CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor is deleted before we call // writer->FinishEntry(). { // Wrap our IArchiveWriter with an adaptor that implements the // ZeroCopyOutputStream interface. CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor copying_adaptor(writer); std::unique_ptr pb_table = SerializeTableToPb(&table); if (!pb_table->SerializeToZeroCopyStream(©ing_adaptor)) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(output_path) << "failed to write"); return false; } } if (!writer->FinishEntry()) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(output_path) << "failed to finish entry"); return false; } return true; } static bool WriteHeaderAndBufferToWriter(const StringPiece& output_path, const ResourceFile& file, const BigBuffer& buffer, IArchiveWriter* writer, IDiagnostics* diag) { // Start the entry so we can write the header. if (!writer->StartEntry(output_path, 0)) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(output_path) << "failed to open file"); return false; } // Make sure CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor is deleted before we call // writer->FinishEntry(). { // Wrap our IArchiveWriter with an adaptor that implements the // ZeroCopyOutputStream interface. CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor copying_adaptor(writer); CompiledFileOutputStream output_stream(©ing_adaptor); // Number of CompiledFiles. output_stream.WriteLittleEndian32(1); std::unique_ptr compiled_file = SerializeCompiledFileToPb(file); output_stream.WriteCompiledFile(compiled_file.get()); output_stream.WriteData(&buffer); if (output_stream.HadError()) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(output_path) << "failed to write data"); return false; } } if (!writer->FinishEntry()) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(output_path) << "failed to finish writing data"); return false; } return true; } static bool WriteHeaderAndMmapToWriter(const StringPiece& output_path, const ResourceFile& file, const android::FileMap& map, IArchiveWriter* writer, IDiagnostics* diag) { // Start the entry so we can write the header. if (!writer->StartEntry(output_path, 0)) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(output_path) << "failed to open file"); return false; } // Make sure CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor is deleted before we call // writer->FinishEntry(). { // Wrap our IArchiveWriter with an adaptor that implements the // ZeroCopyOutputStream interface. CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor copying_adaptor(writer); CompiledFileOutputStream output_stream(©ing_adaptor); // Number of CompiledFiles. output_stream.WriteLittleEndian32(1); std::unique_ptr compiled_file = SerializeCompiledFileToPb(file); output_stream.WriteCompiledFile(compiled_file.get()); output_stream.WriteData(map.getDataPtr(), map.getDataLength()); if (output_stream.HadError()) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(output_path) << "failed to write data"); return false; } } if (!writer->FinishEntry()) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(output_path) << "failed to finish writing data"); return false; } return true; } static bool FlattenXmlToOutStream(IAaptContext* context, const StringPiece& output_path, xml::XmlResource* xmlres, CompiledFileOutputStream* out) { BigBuffer buffer(1024); XmlFlattenerOptions xml_flattener_options; xml_flattener_options.keep_raw_values = true; XmlFlattener flattener(&buffer, xml_flattener_options); if (!flattener.Consume(context, xmlres)) { return false; } std::unique_ptr pb_compiled_file = SerializeCompiledFileToPb(xmlres->file); out->WriteCompiledFile(pb_compiled_file.get()); out->WriteData(&buffer); if (out->HadError()) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(output_path) << "failed to write data"); return false; } return true; } static bool CompileXml(IAaptContext* context, const CompileOptions& options, const ResourcePathData& path_data, IArchiveWriter* writer, const std::string& output_path) { if (context->IsVerbose()) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage(path_data.source) << "compiling XML"); } std::unique_ptr xmlres; { std::ifstream fin(path_data.source.path, std::ifstream::binary); if (!fin) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(path_data.source) << android::base::SystemErrorCodeToString(errno)); return false; } xmlres = xml::Inflate(&fin, context->GetDiagnostics(), path_data.source); fin.close(); } if (!xmlres) { return false; } xmlres->file.name = ResourceName({}, *ParseResourceType(path_data.resource_dir), path_data.name); xmlres->file.config = path_data.config; xmlres->file.source = path_data.source; // Collect IDs that are defined here. XmlIdCollector collector; if (!collector.Consume(context, xmlres.get())) { return false; } // Look for and process any tags and create sub-documents. InlineXmlFormatParser inline_xml_format_parser; if (!inline_xml_format_parser.Consume(context, xmlres.get())) { return false; } // Start the entry so we can write the header. if (!writer->StartEntry(output_path, 0)) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(output_path) << "failed to open file"); return false; } // Make sure CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor is deleted before we call // writer->FinishEntry(). { // Wrap our IArchiveWriter with an adaptor that implements the // ZeroCopyOutputStream // interface. CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor copying_adaptor(writer); CompiledFileOutputStream output_stream(©ing_adaptor); std::vector>& inline_documents = inline_xml_format_parser.GetExtractedInlineXmlDocuments(); // Number of CompiledFiles. output_stream.WriteLittleEndian32(1 + inline_documents.size()); if (!FlattenXmlToOutStream(context, output_path, xmlres.get(), &output_stream)) { return false; } for (auto& inline_xml_doc : inline_documents) { if (!FlattenXmlToOutStream(context, output_path, inline_xml_doc.get(), &output_stream)) { return false; } } } if (!writer->FinishEntry()) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(output_path) << "failed to finish writing data"); return false; } return true; } static bool CompilePng(IAaptContext* context, const CompileOptions& options, const ResourcePathData& path_data, IArchiveWriter* writer, const std::string& output_path) { if (context->IsVerbose()) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage(path_data.source) << "compiling PNG"); } BigBuffer buffer(4096); ResourceFile res_file; res_file.name = ResourceName({}, *ParseResourceType(path_data.resource_dir), path_data.name); res_file.config = path_data.config; res_file.source = path_data.source; { std::string content; if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(path_data.source.path, &content)) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(path_data.source) << android::base::SystemErrorCodeToString(errno)); return false; } BigBuffer crunched_png_buffer(4096); io::BigBufferOutputStream crunched_png_buffer_out(&crunched_png_buffer); // Ensure that we only keep the chunks we care about if we end up // using the original PNG instead of the crunched one. PngChunkFilter png_chunk_filter(content); std::unique_ptr image = ReadPng(context, &png_chunk_filter); if (!image) { return false; } std::unique_ptr nine_patch; if (path_data.extension == "9.png") { std::string err; nine_patch = NinePatch::Create(image->rows.get(), image->width, image->height, &err); if (!nine_patch) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << err); return false; } // Remove the 1px border around the NinePatch. // Basically the row array is shifted up by 1, and the length is treated // as height - 2. // For each row, shift the array to the left by 1, and treat the length as // width - 2. image->width -= 2; image->height -= 2; memmove(image->rows.get(), image->rows.get() + 1, image->height * sizeof(uint8_t**)); for (int32_t h = 0; h < image->height; h++) { memmove(image->rows[h], image->rows[h] + 4, image->width * 4); } if (context->IsVerbose()) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage(path_data.source) << "9-patch: " << *nine_patch); } } // Write the crunched PNG. if (!WritePng(context, image.get(), nine_patch.get(), &crunched_png_buffer_out, {})) { return false; } if (nine_patch != nullptr || crunched_png_buffer_out.ByteCount() <= png_chunk_filter.ByteCount()) { // No matter what, we must use the re-encoded PNG, even if it is larger. // 9-patch images must be re-encoded since their borders are stripped. buffer.AppendBuffer(std::move(crunched_png_buffer)); } else { // The re-encoded PNG is larger than the original, and there is // no mandatory transformation. Use the original. if (context->IsVerbose()) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage(path_data.source) << "original PNG is smaller than crunched PNG" << ", using original"); } png_chunk_filter.Rewind(); BigBuffer filtered_png_buffer(4096); io::BigBufferOutputStream filtered_png_buffer_out(&filtered_png_buffer); io::Copy(&filtered_png_buffer_out, &png_chunk_filter); buffer.AppendBuffer(std::move(filtered_png_buffer)); } if (context->IsVerbose()) { // For debugging only, use the legacy PNG cruncher and compare the resulting file sizes. // This will help catch exotic cases where the new code may generate larger PNGs. std::stringstream legacy_stream(content); BigBuffer legacy_buffer(4096); Png png(context->GetDiagnostics()); if (!png.process(path_data.source, &legacy_stream, &legacy_buffer, {})) { return false; } context->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage(path_data.source) << "legacy=" << legacy_buffer.size() << " new=" << buffer.size()); } } if (!WriteHeaderAndBufferToWriter(output_path, res_file, buffer, writer, context->GetDiagnostics())) { return false; } return true; } static bool CompileFile(IAaptContext* context, const CompileOptions& options, const ResourcePathData& path_data, IArchiveWriter* writer, const std::string& output_path) { if (context->IsVerbose()) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage(path_data.source) << "compiling file"); } BigBuffer buffer(256); ResourceFile res_file; res_file.name = ResourceName({}, *ParseResourceType(path_data.resource_dir), path_data.name); res_file.config = path_data.config; res_file.source = path_data.source; std::string error_str; Maybe f = file::MmapPath(path_data.source.path, &error_str); if (!f) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(path_data.source) << error_str); return false; } if (!WriteHeaderAndMmapToWriter(output_path, res_file, f.value(), writer, context->GetDiagnostics())) { return false; } return true; } class CompileContext : public IAaptContext { public: void SetVerbose(bool val) { verbose_ = val; } bool IsVerbose() override { return verbose_; } IDiagnostics* GetDiagnostics() override { return &diagnostics_; } NameMangler* GetNameMangler() override { abort(); return nullptr; } const std::string& GetCompilationPackage() override { static std::string empty; return empty; } uint8_t GetPackageId() override { return 0x0; } SymbolTable* GetExternalSymbols() override { abort(); return nullptr; } int GetMinSdkVersion() override { return 0; } private: StdErrDiagnostics diagnostics_; bool verbose_ = false; }; /** * Entry point for compilation phase. Parses arguments and dispatches to the * correct steps. */ int Compile(const std::vector& args) { CompileContext context; CompileOptions options; bool verbose = false; Flags flags = Flags() .RequiredFlag("-o", "Output path", &options.output_path) .OptionalFlag("--dir", "Directory to scan for resources", &options.res_dir) .OptionalSwitch("--pseudo-localize", "Generate resources for pseudo-locales " "(en-XA and ar-XB)", &options.pseudolocalize) .OptionalSwitch("--legacy", "Treat errors that used to be valid in AAPT as warnings", &options.legacy_mode) .OptionalSwitch("-v", "Enables verbose logging", &verbose); if (!flags.Parse("aapt2 compile", args, &std::cerr)) { return 1; } context.SetVerbose(verbose); std::unique_ptr archive_writer; std::vector input_data; if (options.res_dir) { if (!flags.GetArgs().empty()) { // Can't have both files and a resource directory. context.GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "files given but --dir specified"); flags.Usage("aapt2 compile", &std::cerr); return 1; } if (!LoadInputFilesFromDir(&context, options, &input_data)) { return 1; } archive_writer = CreateZipFileArchiveWriter(context.GetDiagnostics(), options.output_path); } else { input_data.reserve(flags.GetArgs().size()); // Collect data from the path for each input file. for (const std::string& arg : flags.GetArgs()) { std::string error_str; if (Maybe path_data = ExtractResourcePathData(arg, &error_str)) { input_data.push_back(std::move(path_data.value())); } else { context.GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << error_str << " (" << arg << ")"); return 1; } } archive_writer = CreateDirectoryArchiveWriter(context.GetDiagnostics(), options.output_path); } if (!archive_writer) { return 1; } bool error = false; for (ResourcePathData& path_data : input_data) { if (options.verbose) { context.GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage(path_data.source) << "processing"); } if (path_data.resource_dir == "values") { // Overwrite the extension. path_data.extension = "arsc"; const std::string output_filename = BuildIntermediateFilename(path_data); if (!CompileTable(&context, options, path_data, archive_writer.get(), output_filename)) { error = true; } } else { const std::string output_filename = BuildIntermediateFilename(path_data); if (const ResourceType* type = ParseResourceType(path_data.resource_dir)) { if (*type != ResourceType::kRaw) { if (path_data.extension == "xml") { if (!CompileXml(&context, options, path_data, archive_writer.get(), output_filename)) { error = true; } } else if (path_data.extension == "png" || path_data.extension == "9.png") { if (!CompilePng(&context, options, path_data, archive_writer.get(), output_filename)) { error = true; } } else { if (!CompileFile(&context, options, path_data, archive_writer.get(), output_filename)) { error = true; } } } else { if (!CompileFile(&context, options, path_data, archive_writer.get(), output_filename)) { error = true; } } } else { context.GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "invalid file path '" << path_data.source << "'"); error = true; } } } if (error) { return 1; } return 0; } } // namespace aapt