/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.renderscript; import android.util.Config; import android.util.Log; /** * @hide * **/ public class ProgramFragment extends Program { public static final int MAX_SLOT = 2; public enum EnvMode { REPLACE (0), MODULATE (1), DECAL (2); int mID; EnvMode(int id) { mID = id; } } ProgramFragment(int id, RenderScript rs) { super(id, rs); } public void bindTexture(Allocation va, int slot) throws IllegalArgumentException { mRS.validate(); if((slot < 0) || (slot >= MAX_SLOT)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Slot ID out of range."); } mRS.nProgramFragmentBindTexture(mID, slot, va.mID); } public void bindSampler(Sampler vs, int slot) throws IllegalArgumentException { mRS.validate(); if((slot < 0) || (slot >= MAX_SLOT)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Slot ID out of range."); } mRS.nProgramFragmentBindSampler(mID, slot, vs.mID); } public static class ShaderBuilder extends BaseProgramBuilder { public ShaderBuilder(RenderScript rs) { super(rs); } public ProgramFragment create() { mRS.validate(); int[] tmp = new int[(mInputCount + mOutputCount + mConstantCount + 1) * 2]; int idx = 0; for (int i=0; i < mInputCount; i++) { tmp[idx++] = 0; tmp[idx++] = mInputs[i].mID; } for (int i=0; i < mOutputCount; i++) { tmp[idx++] = 1; tmp[idx++] = mOutputs[i].mID; } for (int i=0; i < mConstantCount; i++) { tmp[idx++] = 2; tmp[idx++] = mConstants[i].mID; } tmp[idx++] = 3; tmp[idx++] = mTextureCount; int id = mRS.nProgramFragmentCreate2(mShader, tmp); ProgramFragment pf = new ProgramFragment(id, mRS); initProgram(pf); return pf; } } public static class Builder { RenderScript mRS; Element mIn; Element mOut; boolean mPointSpriteEnable; String mShader; private class Slot { Type mType; EnvMode mEnv; boolean mTexEnable; Slot() { mTexEnable = false; } } Slot[] mSlots; public Builder(RenderScript rs, Element in, Element out) { mRS = rs; mIn = in; mOut = out; mSlots = new Slot[MAX_SLOT]; mPointSpriteEnable = false; for(int ct=0; ct < MAX_SLOT; ct++) { mSlots[ct] = new Slot(); } } public void setShader(String s) { mShader = s; } public void setType(int slot, Type t) throws IllegalArgumentException { if((slot < 0) || (slot >= MAX_SLOT)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Slot ID out of range."); } mSlots[slot].mType = t; } public void setTexEnable(boolean enable, int slot) throws IllegalArgumentException { if((slot < 0) || (slot >= MAX_SLOT)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Slot ID out of range."); } mSlots[slot].mTexEnable = enable; } public void setTexEnvMode(EnvMode env, int slot) throws IllegalArgumentException { if((slot < 0) || (slot >= MAX_SLOT)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Slot ID out of range."); } mSlots[slot].mEnv = env; } public void setPointSpriteTexCoordinateReplacement(boolean enable) { mPointSpriteEnable = enable; } static synchronized ProgramFragment internalCreate(RenderScript rs, Builder b) { int inID = 0; int outID = 0; if (b.mIn != null) { inID = b.mIn.mID; } if (b.mOut != null) { outID = b.mOut.mID; } rs.nProgramFragmentBegin(inID, outID, b.mPointSpriteEnable); for(int ct=0; ct < MAX_SLOT; ct++) { if(b.mSlots[ct].mTexEnable) { Slot s = b.mSlots[ct]; int typeID = 0; if(s.mType != null) { typeID = s.mType.mID; } rs.nProgramFragmentSetSlot(ct, true, s.mEnv.mID, typeID); } } if (b.mShader != null) { rs.nProgramFragmentSetShader(b.mShader); } int id = rs.nProgramFragmentCreate(); return new ProgramFragment(id, rs); } public ProgramFragment create() { mRS.validate(); return internalCreate(mRS, this); } } }