/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_HWUI_PROPERTIES_H #define ANDROID_HWUI_PROPERTIES_H #include /** * This file contains the list of system properties used to configure libhwui. */ namespace android { namespace uirenderer { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Compile-time properties /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Textures used by layers must have dimensions multiples of this number #define LAYER_SIZE 64 // Defines the size in bits of the stencil buffer for the framebuffer // Note: Only 1 bit is required for clipping but more bits are required // to properly implement overdraw debugging #define STENCIL_BUFFER_SIZE 8 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Debug properties /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Debug level for app developers. The value is a numeric value defined * by the DebugLevel enum below. */ #define PROPERTY_DEBUG "debug.hwui.level" /** * Debug levels. Debug levels are used as flags. */ enum DebugLevel { kDebugDisabled = 0, kDebugMemory = 1, kDebugCaches = 2, kDebugMoreCaches = kDebugMemory | kDebugCaches }; /** * Used to enable/disable layers update debugging. The accepted values are * "true" and "false". The default value is "false". */ #define PROPERTY_DEBUG_LAYERS_UPDATES "debug.hwui.show_layers_updates" /** * Used to enable/disable overdraw debugging. * * The accepted values are * "show", to show overdraw * "show_deuteranomaly", to show overdraw if you suffer from Deuteranomaly * "count", to show an overdraw counter * "false", to disable overdraw debugging * * The default value is "false". */ #define PROPERTY_DEBUG_OVERDRAW "debug.hwui.overdraw" /** * System property used to enable or disable hardware rendering profiling. * The default value of this property is assumed to be false. * * When profiling is enabled, the adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo command will * output extra information about the time taken to execute by the last * frames. * * Possible values: * "true", to enable profiling * "visual_bars", to enable profiling and visualize the results on screen * "false", to disable profiling */ #define PROPERTY_PROFILE "debug.hwui.profile" #define PROPERTY_PROFILE_VISUALIZE_BARS "visual_bars" /** * Turn on to draw dirty regions every other frame. * * Possible values: * "true", to enable dirty regions debugging * "false", to disable dirty regions debugging */ #define PROPERTY_DEBUG_SHOW_DIRTY_REGIONS "debug.hwui.show_dirty_regions" /** * Setting this property will enable or disable the dropping of frames with * empty damage. Default is "true". */ #define PROPERTY_SKIP_EMPTY_DAMAGE "debug.hwui.skip_empty_damage" /** * Controls whether or not HWUI will use the EGL_EXT_buffer_age extension * to do partial invalidates. Setting this to "false" will fall back to * using BUFFER_PRESERVED instead * Default is "true" */ #define PROPERTY_USE_BUFFER_AGE "debug.hwui.use_buffer_age" /** * Setting this to "false" will force HWUI to always do full-redraws of the surface. * This will disable the use of EGL_EXT_buffer_age and BUFFER_PRESERVED. * Default is "true" */ #define PROPERTY_ENABLE_PARTIAL_UPDATES "debug.hwui.use_partial_updates" #define PROPERTY_FILTER_TEST_OVERHEAD "debug.hwui.filter_test_overhead" /** * Indicates whether PBOs can be used to back pixel buffers. * Accepted values are "true" and "false". Default is true. */ #define PROPERTY_ENABLE_GPU_PIXEL_BUFFERS "debug.hwui.use_gpu_pixel_buffers" /** * Allows to set rendering pipeline mode to OpenGL (default), Skia OpenGL * or Vulkan. */ #define PROPERTY_RENDERER "debug.hwui.renderer" /** * Allows to collect a recording of Skia drawing commands. */ #define PROPERTY_CAPTURE_SKP_ENABLED "debug.hwui.capture_skp_enabled" /** * Allows to record Skia drawing commands with systrace. */ #define PROPERTY_SKIA_ATRACE_ENABLED "debug.hwui.skia_atrace_enabled" /** * Defines how many frames in a sequence to capture. */ #define PROPERTY_CAPTURE_SKP_FRAMES "debug.hwui.capture_skp_frames" /** * File name and location, where a SKP recording will be saved. */ #define PROPERTY_CAPTURE_SKP_FILENAME "debug.hwui.skp_filename" /** * Property for whether this is running in the emulator. */ #define PROPERTY_QEMU_KERNEL "ro.kernel.qemu" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Misc /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Converts a number of mega-bytes into bytes #define MB(s) ((s)*1024 * 1024) // Converts a number of kilo-bytes into bytes #define KB(s) ((s)*1024) enum class ProfileType { None, Console, Bars }; enum class OverdrawColorSet { Default = 0, Deuteranomaly }; enum class RenderPipelineType { SkiaGL, SkiaVulkan, NotInitialized = 128 }; /** * Renderthread-only singleton which manages several static rendering properties. Most of these * are driven by system properties which are queried once at initialization, and again if init() * is called. */ class Properties { public: static bool load(); static bool debugLayersUpdates; static bool debugOverdraw; static bool showDirtyRegions; // TODO: Remove after stabilization period static bool skipEmptyFrames; static bool useBufferAge; static bool enablePartialUpdates; // TODO: Move somewhere else? static constexpr float textGamma = 1.45f; static DebugLevel debugLevel; static OverdrawColorSet overdrawColorSet; // Override the value for a subset of properties in this class static void overrideProperty(const char* name, const char* value); static float overrideLightRadius; static float overrideLightPosY; static float overrideLightPosZ; static float overrideAmbientRatio; static int overrideAmbientShadowStrength; static int overrideSpotShadowStrength; static ProfileType getProfileType(); static RenderPipelineType peekRenderPipelineType(); static RenderPipelineType getRenderPipelineType(); static bool enableHighContrastText; // Should be used only by test apps static bool waitForGpuCompletion; static bool forceDrawFrame; // Should only be set by automated tests to try and filter out // any overhead they add static bool filterOutTestOverhead; // Workaround a device lockup in edge cases by switching to async mode // instead of the default vsync (b/38372997). Only system_server should hit this. // Any existing RenderProxy & Surface combination will be unaffected, only things // created after changing this. static bool disableVsync; static bool skpCaptureEnabled; // For experimentation b/68769804 static bool enableRTAnimations; // Used for testing only to change the render pipeline. static void overrideRenderPipelineType(RenderPipelineType, bool inUnitTest = false); static bool runningInEmulator; static bool debuggingEnabled; static bool isolatedProcess; static int contextPriority; static float defaultSdrWhitePoint; private: static ProfileType sProfileType; static bool sDisableProfileBars; static RenderPipelineType sRenderPipelineType; }; // class Caches } // namespace uirenderer } // namespace android #endif // ANDROID_HWUI_PROPERTIES_H