/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "Debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "android-base/logging.h" #include "android-base/stringprintf.h" #include "ResourceTable.h" #include "ResourceValues.h" #include "ValueVisitor.h" #include "text/Printer.h" #include "util/Util.h" using ::aapt::text::Printer; using ::android::StringPiece; using ::android::base::StringPrintf; namespace aapt { namespace { class ValueHeadlinePrinter : public ConstValueVisitor { public: using ConstValueVisitor::Visit; explicit ValueHeadlinePrinter(const std::string& package, Printer* printer) : package_(package), printer_(printer) { } void Visit(const Attribute* attr) override { printer_->Print("(attr) type="); printer_->Print(attr->MaskString()); if (!attr->symbols.empty()) { printer_->Print(StringPrintf(" size=%zd", attr->symbols.size())); } } void Visit(const Style* style) override { printer_->Print(StringPrintf("(style) size=%zd", style->entries.size())); if (style->parent) { printer_->Print(" parent="); const Reference& parent_ref = style->parent.value(); if (parent_ref.name) { if (parent_ref.private_reference) { printer_->Print("*"); } const ResourceName& parent_name = parent_ref.name.value(); if (package_ != parent_name.package) { printer_->Print(parent_name.package); printer_->Print(":"); } printer_->Print(to_string(parent_name.type)); printer_->Print("/"); printer_->Print(parent_name.entry); if (parent_ref.id) { printer_->Print(" ("); printer_->Print(parent_ref.id.value().to_string()); printer_->Print(")"); } } else if (parent_ref.id) { printer_->Print(parent_ref.id.value().to_string()); } else { printer_->Print("???"); } } } void Visit(const Array* array) override { printer_->Print(StringPrintf("(array) size=%zd", array->elements.size())); } void Visit(const Plural* plural) override { size_t count = std::count_if(plural->values.begin(), plural->values.end(), [](const std::unique_ptr& v) { return v != nullptr; }); printer_->Print(StringPrintf("(plurals) size=%zd", count)); } void Visit(const Styleable* styleable) override { printer_->Println(StringPrintf("(styleable) size=%zd", styleable->entries.size())); } void VisitItem(const Item* item) override { // Pretty much guaranteed to be one line. if (const Reference* ref = ValueCast(item)) { // Special case Reference so that we can print local resources without a package name. ref->PrettyPrint(package_, printer_); } else { item->PrettyPrint(printer_); } } private: std::string package_; Printer* printer_; }; class ValueBodyPrinter : public ConstValueVisitor { public: using ConstValueVisitor::Visit; explicit ValueBodyPrinter(const std::string& package, Printer* printer) : package_(package), printer_(printer) { } void Visit(const Attribute* attr) override { constexpr uint32_t kMask = android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM | android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FLAGS; if (attr->type_mask & kMask) { for (const auto& symbol : attr->symbols) { if (symbol.symbol.name) { printer_->Print(symbol.symbol.name.value().entry); if (symbol.symbol.id) { printer_->Print("("); printer_->Print(symbol.symbol.id.value().to_string()); printer_->Print(")"); } } else if (symbol.symbol.id) { printer_->Print(symbol.symbol.id.value().to_string()); } else { printer_->Print("???"); } printer_->Println(StringPrintf("=0x%08x", symbol.value)); } } } void Visit(const Style* style) override { for (const auto& entry : style->entries) { if (entry.key.name) { const ResourceName& name = entry.key.name.value(); if (!name.package.empty() && name.package != package_) { printer_->Print(name.package); printer_->Print(":"); } printer_->Print(name.entry); if (entry.key.id) { printer_->Print("("); printer_->Print(entry.key.id.value().to_string()); printer_->Print(")"); } } else if (entry.key.id) { printer_->Print(entry.key.id.value().to_string()); } else { printer_->Print("???"); } printer_->Print("="); PrintItem(*entry.value); printer_->Println(); } } void Visit(const Array* array) override { const size_t count = array->elements.size(); printer_->Print("["); for (size_t i = 0u; i < count; i++) { if (i != 0u && i % 4u == 0u) { printer_->Println(); printer_->Print(" "); } PrintItem(*array->elements[i]); if (i != count - 1) { printer_->Print(", "); } } printer_->Println("]"); } void Visit(const Plural* plural) override { constexpr std::array kPluralNames = { {"zero", "one", "two", "few", "many", "other"}}; for (size_t i = 0; i < Plural::Count; i++) { if (plural->values[i] != nullptr) { printer_->Print(StringPrintf("%s=", kPluralNames[i])); PrintItem(*plural->values[i]); printer_->Println(); } } } void Visit(const Styleable* styleable) override { for (const auto& attr : styleable->entries) { if (attr.name) { const ResourceName& name = attr.name.value(); if (!name.package.empty() && name.package != package_) { printer_->Print(name.package); printer_->Print(":"); } printer_->Print(name.entry); if (attr.id) { printer_->Print("("); printer_->Print(attr.id.value().to_string()); printer_->Print(")"); } } if (attr.id) { printer_->Print(attr.id.value().to_string()); } printer_->Println(); } } void VisitItem(const Item* item) override { // Intentionally left empty, we already printed the Items. } private: void PrintItem(const Item& item) { if (const Reference* ref = ValueCast(&item)) { // Special case Reference so that we can print local resources without a package name. ref->PrettyPrint(package_, printer_); } else { item.PrettyPrint(printer_); } } std::string package_; Printer* printer_; }; std::string OverlayablePoliciesToString(OverlayableItem::PolicyFlags policies) { static const std::map kFlagToString = { {OverlayableItem::kPublic, "public"}, {OverlayableItem::kSystem, "system"}, {OverlayableItem::kVendor, "vendor"}, {OverlayableItem::kProduct, "product"}, {OverlayableItem::kSignature, "signature"}, {OverlayableItem::kOdm, "odm"}, {OverlayableItem::kOem, "oem"}, }; std::string str; for (auto const& policy : kFlagToString) { if ((policies & policy.first) != policy.first) { continue; } if (!str.empty()) { str.append("|"); } str.append(policy.second); policies &= ~policy.first; } if (policies != 0) { if (!str.empty()) { str.append("|"); } str.append(StringPrintf("0x%08x", policies)); } return !str.empty() ? str : "none"; } } // namespace void Debug::PrintTable(const ResourceTable& table, const DebugPrintTableOptions& options, Printer* printer) { for (const auto& package : table.packages) { ValueHeadlinePrinter headline_printer(package->name, printer); ValueBodyPrinter body_printer(package->name, printer); printer->Print("Package name="); printer->Print(package->name); if (package->id) { printer->Print(StringPrintf(" id=%02x", package->id.value())); } printer->Println(); printer->Indent(); for (const auto& type : package->types) { printer->Print("type "); printer->Print(to_string(type->type)); if (type->id) { printer->Print(StringPrintf(" id=%02x", type->id.value())); } printer->Println(StringPrintf(" entryCount=%zd", type->entries.size())); std::vector sorted_entries; for (const auto& entry : type->entries) { auto iter = std::lower_bound( sorted_entries.begin(), sorted_entries.end(), entry.get(), [](const ResourceEntry* a, const ResourceEntry* b) -> bool { if (a->id && b->id) { return a->id.value() < b->id.value(); } else if (a->id) { return true; } else { return false; } }); sorted_entries.insert(iter, entry.get()); } printer->Indent(); for (const ResourceEntry* entry : sorted_entries) { const ResourceId id(package->id.value_or_default(0), type->id.value_or_default(0), entry->id.value_or_default(0)); printer->Print("resource "); printer->Print(id.to_string()); printer->Print(" "); // Write the name without the package (this is obvious and too verbose). printer->Print(to_string(type->type)); printer->Print("/"); printer->Print(entry->name); switch (entry->visibility.level) { case Visibility::Level::kPublic: printer->Print(" PUBLIC"); break; case Visibility::Level::kPrivate: printer->Print(" _PRIVATE_"); break; case Visibility::Level::kUndefined: // Print nothing. break; } if (entry->overlayable_item) { printer->Print(" OVERLAYABLE"); } printer->Println(); if (options.show_values) { printer->Indent(); for (const auto& value : entry->values) { printer->Print("("); printer->Print(value->config.to_string()); printer->Print(") "); value->value->Accept(&headline_printer); if (options.show_sources && !value->value->GetSource().path.empty()) { printer->Print(" src="); printer->Print(value->value->GetSource().to_string()); } printer->Println(); printer->Indent(); value->value->Accept(&body_printer); printer->Undent(); } printer->Undent(); } } printer->Undent(); } printer->Undent(); } } static size_t GetNodeIndex(const std::vector& names, const ResourceName& name) { auto iter = std::lower_bound(names.begin(), names.end(), name); CHECK(iter != names.end()); CHECK(*iter == name); return std::distance(names.begin(), iter); } void Debug::PrintStyleGraph(ResourceTable* table, const ResourceName& target_style) { std::map> graph; std::queue styles_to_visit; styles_to_visit.push(target_style); for (; !styles_to_visit.empty(); styles_to_visit.pop()) { const ResourceName& style_name = styles_to_visit.front(); std::set& parents = graph[style_name]; if (!parents.empty()) { // We've already visited this style. continue; } Maybe result = table->FindResource(style_name); if (result) { ResourceEntry* entry = result.value().entry; for (const auto& value : entry->values) { if (Style* style = ValueCast