#include "aidl_language.h" #include "options.h" #include "search_path.h" #include "Type.h" #include "generate_java.h" #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <map> #ifdef HAVE_MS_C_RUNTIME #include <io.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #endif #ifndef O_BINARY # define O_BINARY 0 #endif // The following are gotten as the offset from the allowable id's between // android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION=1 and // android.os.IBinder.LAST_CALL_TRANSACTION=16777215 #define MIN_USER_SET_METHOD_ID 0 #define MAX_USER_SET_METHOD_ID 16777214 using namespace std; static void test_document(document_item_type* d) { while (d) { if (d->item_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_BINDER) { interface_type* c = (interface_type*)d; printf("interface %s %s {\n", c->package, c->name.data); interface_item_type *q = (interface_item_type*)c->interface_items; while (q) { if (q->item_type == METHOD_TYPE) { method_type *m = (method_type*)q; printf(" %s %s(", m->type.type.data, m->name.data); arg_type *p = m->args; while (p) { printf("%s %s",p->type.type.data,p->name.data); if (p->next) printf(", "); p=p->next; } printf(")"); printf(";\n"); } q=q->next; } printf("}\n"); } else if (d->item_type == USER_DATA_TYPE) { user_data_type* b = (user_data_type*)d; if ((b->flattening_methods & PARCELABLE_DATA) != 0) { printf("parcelable %s %s;\n", b->package, b->name.data); } if ((b->flattening_methods & RPC_DATA) != 0) { printf("flattenable %s %s;\n", b->package, b->name.data); } } else { printf("UNKNOWN d=0x%08lx d->item_type=%d\n", (long)d, d->item_type); } d = d->next; } } // ========================================================== int convert_direction(const char* direction) { if (direction == NULL) { return IN_PARAMETER; } if (0 == strcmp(direction, "in")) { return IN_PARAMETER; } if (0 == strcmp(direction, "out")) { return OUT_PARAMETER; } return INOUT_PARAMETER; } // ========================================================== struct import_info { const char* from; const char* filename; buffer_type statement; const char* neededClass; document_item_type* doc; struct import_info* next; }; document_item_type* g_document = NULL; import_info* g_imports = NULL; static void main_document_parsed(document_item_type* d) { g_document = d; } static void main_import_parsed(buffer_type* statement) { import_info* import = (import_info*)malloc(sizeof(import_info)); memset(import, 0, sizeof(import_info)); import->from = strdup(g_currentFilename); import->statement.lineno = statement->lineno; import->statement.data = strdup(statement->data); import->statement.extra = NULL; import->next = g_imports; import->neededClass = parse_import_statement(statement->data); g_imports = import; } static ParserCallbacks g_mainCallbacks = { &main_document_parsed, &main_import_parsed }; char* parse_import_statement(const char* text) { const char* end; int len; while (isspace(*text)) { text++; } while (!isspace(*text)) { text++; } while (isspace(*text)) { text++; } end = text; while (!isspace(*end) && *end != ';') { end++; } len = end-text; char* rv = (char*)malloc(len+1); memcpy(rv, text, len); rv[len] = '\0'; return rv; } // ========================================================== static void import_import_parsed(buffer_type* statement) { } static ParserCallbacks g_importCallbacks = { &main_document_parsed, &import_import_parsed }; // ========================================================== static int check_filename(const char* filename, const char* package, buffer_type* name) { const char* p; string expected; string fn; size_t len; char cwd[MAXPATHLEN]; bool valid = false; #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_PATHS if (isalpha(filename[0]) && filename[1] == ':' && filename[2] == OS_PATH_SEPARATOR) { #else if (filename[0] == OS_PATH_SEPARATOR) { #endif fn = filename; } else { fn = getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)); len = fn.length(); if (fn[len-1] != OS_PATH_SEPARATOR) { fn += OS_PATH_SEPARATOR; } fn += filename; } if (package) { expected = package; expected += '.'; } len = expected.length(); for (size_t i=0; i<len; i++) { if (expected[i] == '.') { expected[i] = OS_PATH_SEPARATOR; } } p = strchr(name->data, '.'); len = p ? p-name->data : strlen(name->data); expected.append(name->data, len); expected += ".aidl"; len = fn.length(); valid = (len >= expected.length()); if (valid) { p = fn.c_str() + (len - expected.length()); #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_PATHS if (OS_PATH_SEPARATOR != '/') { // Input filename under cygwin most likely has / separators // whereas the expected string uses \\ separators. Adjust // them accordingly. for (char *c = const_cast<char *>(p); *c; ++c) { if (*c == '/') *c = OS_PATH_SEPARATOR; } } #endif #ifdef OS_CASE_SENSITIVE valid = (expected == p); #else valid = !strcasecmp(expected.c_str(), p); #endif } if (!valid) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d interface %s should be declared in a file" " called %s.\n", filename, name->lineno, name->data, expected.c_str()); return 1; } return 0; } static int check_filenames(const char* filename, document_item_type* items) { int err = 0; while (items) { if (items->item_type == USER_DATA_TYPE) { user_data_type* p = (user_data_type*)items; err |= check_filename(filename, p->package, &p->name); } else if (items->item_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_BINDER || items->item_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_RPC) { interface_type* c = (interface_type*)items; err |= check_filename(filename, c->package, &c->name); } else { fprintf(stderr, "aidl: internal error unkown document type %d.\n", items->item_type); return 1; } items = items->next; } return err; } // ========================================================== static const char* kind_to_string(int kind) { switch (kind) { case Type::INTERFACE: return "an interface"; case Type::USERDATA: return "a user data"; default: return "ERROR"; } } static char* rfind(char* str, char c) { char* p = str + strlen(str) - 1; while (p >= str) { if (*p == c) { return p; } p--; } return NULL; } static int gather_types(const char* filename, document_item_type* items) { int err = 0; while (items) { Type* type; if (items->item_type == USER_DATA_TYPE) { user_data_type* p = (user_data_type*)items; type = new UserDataType(p->package ? p->package : "", p->name.data, false, ((p->flattening_methods & PARCELABLE_DATA) != 0), ((p->flattening_methods & RPC_DATA) != 0), filename, p->name.lineno); } else if (items->item_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_BINDER || items->item_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_RPC) { interface_type* c = (interface_type*)items; type = new InterfaceType(c->package ? c->package : "", c->name.data, false, c->oneway, filename, c->name.lineno); } else { fprintf(stderr, "aidl: internal error %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return 1; } Type* old = NAMES.Find(type->QualifiedName()); if (old == NULL) { NAMES.Add(type); if (items->item_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_BINDER) { // for interfaces, also add the stub and proxy types, we don't // bother checking these for duplicates, because the parser // won't let us do it. interface_type* c = (interface_type*)items; string name = c->name.data; name += ".Stub"; Type* stub = new Type(c->package ? c->package : "", name, Type::GENERATED, false, false, false, filename, c->name.lineno); NAMES.Add(stub); name = c->name.data; name += ".Stub.Proxy"; Type* proxy = new Type(c->package ? c->package : "", name, Type::GENERATED, false, false, false, filename, c->name.lineno); NAMES.Add(proxy); } else if (items->item_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_RPC) { // for interfaces, also add the service base type, we don't // bother checking these for duplicates, because the parser // won't let us do it. interface_type* c = (interface_type*)items; string name = c->name.data; name += ".ServiceBase"; Type* base = new Type(c->package ? c->package : "", name, Type::GENERATED, false, false, false, filename, c->name.lineno); NAMES.Add(base); } } else { if (old->Kind() == Type::BUILT_IN) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d attempt to redefine built in class %s\n", filename, type->DeclLine(), type->QualifiedName().c_str()); err = 1; } else if (type->Kind() != old->Kind()) { const char* oldKind = kind_to_string(old->Kind()); const char* newKind = kind_to_string(type->Kind()); fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d attempt to redefine %s as %s,\n", filename, type->DeclLine(), type->QualifiedName().c_str(), newKind); fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d previously defined here as %s.\n", old->DeclFile().c_str(), old->DeclLine(), oldKind); err = 1; } } items = items->next; } return err; } // ========================================================== static bool matches_keyword(const char* str) { static const char* KEYWORDS[] = { "abstract", "assert", "boolean", "break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "class", "const", "continue", "default", "do", "double", "else", "enum", "extends", "final", "finally", "float", "for", "goto", "if", "implements", "import", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "long", "native", "new", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "short", "static", "strictfp", "super", "switch", "synchronized", "this", "throw", "throws", "transient", "try", "void", "volatile", "while", "true", "false", "null", NULL }; const char** k = KEYWORDS; while (*k) { if (0 == strcmp(str, *k)) { return true; } k++; } return false; } static int check_method(const char* filename, int kind, method_type* m) { int err = 0; // return type Type* returnType = NAMES.Search(m->type.type.data); if (returnType == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d unknown return type %s\n", filename, m->type.type.lineno, m->type.type.data); err = 1; return err; } if (returnType == EVENT_FAKE_TYPE) { if (kind != INTERFACE_TYPE_RPC) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d event methods only supported for rpc interfaces\n", filename, m->type.type.lineno); err = 1; } } else { if (!(kind == INTERFACE_TYPE_BINDER ? returnType->CanWriteToParcel() : returnType->CanWriteToRpcData())) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d return type %s can't be marshalled.\n", filename, m->type.type.lineno, m->type.type.data); err = 1; } } if (m->type.dimension > 0 && !returnType->CanBeArray()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d return type %s%s can't be an array.\n", filename, m->type.array_token.lineno, m->type.type.data, m->type.array_token.data); err = 1; } if (m->type.dimension > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d return type %s%s only one" " dimensional arrays are supported\n", filename, m->type.array_token.lineno, m->type.type.data, m->type.array_token.data); err = 1; } int index = 1; arg_type* arg = m->args; while (arg) { Type* t = NAMES.Search(arg->type.type.data); // check the arg type if (t == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d parameter %s (%d) unknown type %s\n", filename, m->type.type.lineno, arg->name.data, index, arg->type.type.data); err = 1; goto next; } if (t == EVENT_FAKE_TYPE) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d parameter %s (%d) event can not be used as a parameter %s\n", filename, m->type.type.lineno, arg->name.data, index, arg->type.type.data); err = 1; goto next; } if (!(kind == INTERFACE_TYPE_BINDER ? t->CanWriteToParcel() : t->CanWriteToRpcData())) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d parameter %d: '%s %s' can't be marshalled.\n", filename, m->type.type.lineno, index, arg->type.type.data, arg->name.data); err = 1; } if (returnType == EVENT_FAKE_TYPE && convert_direction(arg->direction.data) != IN_PARAMETER) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d parameter %d: '%s %s' All paremeters on events must be 'in'.\n", filename, m->type.type.lineno, index, arg->type.type.data, arg->name.data); err = 1; goto next; } if (arg->direction.data == NULL && (arg->type.dimension != 0 || t->CanBeOutParameter())) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d parameter %d: '%s %s' can be an out" " parameter, so you must declare it as in," " out or inout.\n", filename, m->type.type.lineno, index, arg->type.type.data, arg->name.data); err = 1; } if (convert_direction(arg->direction.data) != IN_PARAMETER && !t->CanBeOutParameter() && arg->type.dimension == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d parameter %d: '%s %s %s' can only be an in" " parameter.\n", filename, m->type.type.lineno, index, arg->direction.data, arg->type.type.data, arg->name.data); err = 1; } if (arg->type.dimension > 0 && !t->CanBeArray()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d parameter %d: '%s %s%s %s' can't be an" " array.\n", filename, m->type.array_token.lineno, index, arg->direction.data, arg->type.type.data, arg->type.array_token.data, arg->name.data); err = 1; } if (arg->type.dimension > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d parameter %d: '%s %s%s %s' only one" " dimensional arrays are supported\n", filename, m->type.array_token.lineno, index, arg->direction.data, arg->type.type.data, arg->type.array_token.data, arg->name.data); err = 1; } // check that the name doesn't match a keyword if (matches_keyword(arg->name.data)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d parameter %d %s is named the same as a" " Java or aidl keyword\n", filename, m->name.lineno, index, arg->name.data); err = 1; } next: index++; arg = arg->next; } return err; } static int check_types(const char* filename, document_item_type* items) { int err = 0; while (items) { // (nothing to check for USER_DATA_TYPE) if (items->item_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_BINDER || items->item_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_RPC) { map<string,method_type*> methodNames; interface_type* c = (interface_type*)items; interface_item_type* member = c->interface_items; while (member) { if (member->item_type == METHOD_TYPE) { method_type* m = (method_type*)member; err |= check_method(filename, items->item_type, m); // prevent duplicate methods if (methodNames.find(m->name.data) == methodNames.end()) { methodNames[m->name.data] = m; } else { fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d attempt to redefine method %s,\n", filename, m->name.lineno, m->name.data); method_type* old = methodNames[m->name.data]; fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d previously defined here.\n", filename, old->name.lineno); err = 1; } } member = member->next; } } items = items->next; } return err; } // ========================================================== static int exactly_one_interface(const char* filename, const document_item_type* items, const Options& options, bool* onlyParcelable) { if (items == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: file does not contain any interfaces\n", filename); return 1; } const document_item_type* next = items->next; // Allow parcelables to skip the "one-only" rule. if (items->next != NULL && next->item_type != USER_DATA_TYPE) { int lineno = -1; if (next->item_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_BINDER) { lineno = ((interface_type*)next)->interface_token.lineno; } else if (next->item_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_RPC) { lineno = ((interface_type*)next)->interface_token.lineno; } fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d aidl can only handle one interface per file\n", filename, lineno); return 1; } if (items->item_type == USER_DATA_TYPE) { *onlyParcelable = true; if (options.failOnParcelable) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d aidl can only generate code for interfaces, not" " parcelables or flattenables,\n", filename, ((user_data_type*)items)->keyword_token.lineno); fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d .aidl files that only declare parcelables or flattenables" "may not go in the Makefile.\n", filename, ((user_data_type*)items)->keyword_token.lineno); return 1; } } else { *onlyParcelable = false; } return 0; } // ========================================================== void generate_dep_file(const Options& options, const document_item_type* items) { /* we open the file in binary mode to ensure that the same output is * generated on all platforms !! */ FILE* to = NULL; if (options.autoDepFile) { string fileName = options.outputFileName + ".d"; to = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "wb"); } else { to = fopen(options.depFileName.c_str(), "wb"); } if (to == NULL) { return; } const char* slash = "\\"; import_info* import = g_imports; if (import == NULL) { slash = ""; } if (items->item_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_BINDER || items->item_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_RPC) { fprintf(to, "%s: \\\n", options.outputFileName.c_str()); } else { // parcelable: there's no output file. fprintf(to, " : \\\n"); } fprintf(to, " %s %s\n", options.inputFileName.c_str(), slash); while (import) { if (import->next == NULL) { slash = ""; } if (import->filename) { fprintf(to, " %s %s\n", import->filename, slash); } import = import->next; } fprintf(to, "\n"); // Output "<imported_file>: " so make won't fail if the imported file has // been deleted, moved or renamed in incremental build. import = g_imports; while (import) { if (import->filename) { fprintf(to, "%s :\n", import->filename); } import = import->next; } fclose(to); } // ========================================================== static string generate_outputFileName2(const Options& options, const buffer_type& name, const char* package) { string result; // create the path to the destination folder based on the // interface package name result = options.outputBaseFolder; result += OS_PATH_SEPARATOR; string packageStr = package; size_t len = packageStr.length(); for (size_t i=0; i<len; i++) { if (packageStr[i] == '.') { packageStr[i] = OS_PATH_SEPARATOR; } } result += packageStr; // add the filename by replacing the .aidl extension to .java const char* p = strchr(name.data, '.'); len = p ? p-name.data : strlen(name.data); result += OS_PATH_SEPARATOR; result.append(name.data, len); result += ".java"; return result; } // ========================================================== static string generate_outputFileName(const Options& options, const document_item_type* items) { // items has already been checked to have only one interface. if (items->item_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_BINDER || items->item_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_RPC) { interface_type* type = (interface_type*)items; return generate_outputFileName2(options, type->name, type->package); } else if (items->item_type == USER_DATA_TYPE) { user_data_type* type = (user_data_type*)items; return generate_outputFileName2(options, type->name, type->package); } // I don't think we can come here, but safer than returning NULL. string result; return result; } // ========================================================== static void check_outputFilePath(const string& path) { size_t len = path.length(); for (size_t i=0; i<len ; i++) { if (path[i] == OS_PATH_SEPARATOR) { string p = path.substr(0, i); if (access(path.data(), F_OK) != 0) { #ifdef HAVE_MS_C_RUNTIME _mkdir(p.data()); #else mkdir(p.data(), S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IXUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP); #endif } } } } // ========================================================== static int parse_preprocessed_file(const string& filename) { int err; FILE* f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb"); if (f == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "aidl: can't open preprocessed file: %s\n", filename.c_str()); return 1; } int lineno = 1; char line[1024]; char type[1024]; char fullname[1024]; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) { // skip comments and empty lines if (!line[0] || strncmp(line, "//", 2) == 0) { continue; } sscanf(line, "%s %[^; \r\n\t];", type, fullname); char* packagename; char* classname = rfind(fullname, '.'); if (classname != NULL) { *classname = '\0'; classname++; packagename = fullname; } else { classname = fullname; packagename = NULL; } //printf("%s:%d:...%s...%s...%s...\n", filename.c_str(), lineno, // type, packagename, classname); document_item_type* doc; if (0 == strcmp("parcelable", type)) { user_data_type* parcl = (user_data_type*)malloc( sizeof(user_data_type)); memset(parcl, 0, sizeof(user_data_type)); parcl->document_item.item_type = USER_DATA_TYPE; parcl->keyword_token.lineno = lineno; parcl->keyword_token.data = strdup(type); parcl->package = packagename ? strdup(packagename) : NULL; parcl->name.lineno = lineno; parcl->name.data = strdup(classname); parcl->semicolon_token.lineno = lineno; parcl->semicolon_token.data = strdup(";"); parcl->flattening_methods = PARCELABLE_DATA; doc = (document_item_type*)parcl; } else if (0 == strcmp("flattenable", type)) { user_data_type* parcl = (user_data_type*)malloc( sizeof(user_data_type)); memset(parcl, 0, sizeof(user_data_type)); parcl->document_item.item_type = USER_DATA_TYPE; parcl->keyword_token.lineno = lineno; parcl->keyword_token.data = strdup(type); parcl->package = packagename ? strdup(packagename) : NULL; parcl->name.lineno = lineno; parcl->name.data = strdup(classname); parcl->semicolon_token.lineno = lineno; parcl->semicolon_token.data = strdup(";"); parcl->flattening_methods = RPC_DATA; doc = (document_item_type*)parcl; } else if (0 == strcmp("interface", type)) { interface_type* iface = (interface_type*)malloc( sizeof(interface_type)); memset(iface, 0, sizeof(interface_type)); iface->document_item.item_type = INTERFACE_TYPE_BINDER; iface->interface_token.lineno = lineno; iface->interface_token.data = strdup(type); iface->package = packagename ? strdup(packagename) : NULL; iface->name.lineno = lineno; iface->name.data = strdup(classname); iface->open_brace_token.lineno = lineno; iface->open_brace_token.data = strdup("{"); iface->close_brace_token.lineno = lineno; iface->close_brace_token.data = strdup("}"); doc = (document_item_type*)iface; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: bad type in line: %s\n", filename.c_str(), lineno, line); fclose(f); return 1; } err = gather_types(filename.c_str(), doc); lineno++; } if (!feof(f)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: error reading file, line to long.\n", filename.c_str(), lineno); return 1; } fclose(f); return 0; } static int check_and_assign_method_ids(const char * filename, interface_item_type* first_item) { // Check whether there are any methods with manually assigned id's and any that are not. // Either all method id's must be manually assigned or all of them must not. // Also, check for duplicates of user set id's and that the id's are within the proper bounds. set<int> usedIds; interface_item_type* item = first_item; bool hasUnassignedIds = false; bool hasAssignedIds = false; while (item != NULL) { if (item->item_type == METHOD_TYPE) { method_type* method_item = (method_type*)item; if (method_item->hasId) { hasAssignedIds = true; method_item->assigned_id = atoi(method_item->id.data); // Ensure that the user set id is not duplicated. if (usedIds.find(method_item->assigned_id) != usedIds.end()) { // We found a duplicate id, so throw an error. fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d Found duplicate method id (%d) for method: %s\n", filename, method_item->id.lineno, method_item->assigned_id, method_item->name.data); return 1; } // Ensure that the user set id is within the appropriate limits if (method_item->assigned_id < MIN_USER_SET_METHOD_ID || method_item->assigned_id > MAX_USER_SET_METHOD_ID) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d Found out of bounds id (%d) for method: %s\n", filename, method_item->id.lineno, method_item->assigned_id, method_item->name.data); fprintf(stderr, " Value for id must be between %d and %d inclusive.\n", MIN_USER_SET_METHOD_ID, MAX_USER_SET_METHOD_ID); return 1; } usedIds.insert(method_item->assigned_id); } else { hasUnassignedIds = true; } if (hasAssignedIds && hasUnassignedIds) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: You must either assign id's to all methods or to none of them.\n", filename); return 1; } } item = item->next; } // In the case that all methods have unassigned id's, set a unique id for them. if (hasUnassignedIds) { int newId = 0; item = first_item; while (item != NULL) { if (item->item_type == METHOD_TYPE) { method_type* method_item = (method_type*)item; method_item->assigned_id = newId++; } item = item->next; } } // success return 0; } // ========================================================== static int compile_aidl(Options& options) { int err = 0, N; set_import_paths(options.importPaths); register_base_types(); // import the preprocessed file N = options.preprocessedFiles.size(); for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { const string& s = options.preprocessedFiles[i]; err |= parse_preprocessed_file(s); } if (err != 0) { return err; } // parse the main file g_callbacks = &g_mainCallbacks; err = parse_aidl(options.inputFileName.c_str()); document_item_type* mainDoc = g_document; g_document = NULL; // parse the imports g_callbacks = &g_mainCallbacks; import_info* import = g_imports; while (import) { if (NAMES.Find(import->neededClass) == NULL) { import->filename = find_import_file(import->neededClass); if (!import->filename) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: couldn't find import for class %s\n", import->from, import->statement.lineno, import->neededClass); err |= 1; } else { err |= parse_aidl(import->filename); import->doc = g_document; if (import->doc == NULL) { err |= 1; } } } import = import->next; } // bail out now if parsing wasn't successful if (err != 0 || mainDoc == NULL) { //fprintf(stderr, "aidl: parsing failed, stopping.\n"); return 1; } // complain about ones that aren't in the right files err |= check_filenames(options.inputFileName.c_str(), mainDoc); import = g_imports; while (import) { err |= check_filenames(import->filename, import->doc); import = import->next; } // gather the types that have been declared err |= gather_types(options.inputFileName.c_str(), mainDoc); import = g_imports; while (import) { err |= gather_types(import->filename, import->doc); import = import->next; } #if 0 printf("---- main doc ----\n"); test_document(mainDoc); import = g_imports; while (import) { printf("---- import doc ----\n"); test_document(import->doc); import = import->next; } NAMES.Dump(); #endif // check the referenced types in mainDoc to make sure we've imported them err |= check_types(options.inputFileName.c_str(), mainDoc); // finally, there really only needs to be one thing in mainDoc, and it // needs to be an interface. bool onlyParcelable = false; err |= exactly_one_interface(options.inputFileName.c_str(), mainDoc, options, &onlyParcelable); // If this includes an interface definition, then assign method ids and validate. if (!onlyParcelable) { err |= check_and_assign_method_ids(options.inputFileName.c_str(), ((interface_type*)mainDoc)->interface_items); } // after this, there shouldn't be any more errors because of the // input. if (err != 0 || mainDoc == NULL) { return 1; } // if needed, generate the outputFileName from the outputBaseFolder if (options.outputFileName.length() == 0 && options.outputBaseFolder.length() > 0) { options.outputFileName = generate_outputFileName(options, mainDoc); } // if we were asked to, generate a make dependency file // unless it's a parcelable *and* it's supposed to fail on parcelable if ((options.autoDepFile || options.depFileName != "") && !(onlyParcelable && options.failOnParcelable)) { // make sure the folders of the output file all exists check_outputFilePath(options.outputFileName); generate_dep_file(options, mainDoc); } // they didn't ask to fail on parcelables, so just exit quietly. if (onlyParcelable && !options.failOnParcelable) { return 0; } // make sure the folders of the output file all exists check_outputFilePath(options.outputFileName); err = generate_java(options.outputFileName, options.inputFileName.c_str(), (interface_type*)mainDoc); return err; } static int preprocess_aidl(const Options& options) { vector<string> lines; int err; // read files int N = options.filesToPreprocess.size(); for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { g_callbacks = &g_mainCallbacks; err = parse_aidl(options.filesToPreprocess[i].c_str()); if (err != 0) { return err; } document_item_type* doc = g_document; string line; if (doc->item_type == USER_DATA_TYPE) { user_data_type* parcelable = (user_data_type*)doc; if ((parcelable->flattening_methods & PARCELABLE_DATA) != 0) { line = "parcelable "; } if ((parcelable->flattening_methods & RPC_DATA) != 0) { line = "flattenable "; } if (parcelable->package) { line += parcelable->package; line += '.'; } line += parcelable->name.data; } else { line = "interface "; interface_type* iface = (interface_type*)doc; if (iface->package) { line += iface->package; line += '.'; } line += iface->name.data; } line += ";\n"; lines.push_back(line); } // write preprocessed file int fd = open( options.outputFileName.c_str(), O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_BINARY, #ifdef HAVE_MS_C_RUNTIME _S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE); #else S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP); #endif if (fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "aidl: could not open file for write: %s\n", options.outputFileName.c_str()); return 1; } N = lines.size(); for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { const string& s = lines[i]; int len = s.length(); if (len != write(fd, s.c_str(), len)) { fprintf(stderr, "aidl: error writing to file %s\n", options.outputFileName.c_str()); close(fd); unlink(options.outputFileName.c_str()); return 1; } } close(fd); return 0; } // ========================================================== int main(int argc, const char **argv) { Options options; int result = parse_options(argc, argv, &options); if (result) { return result; } switch (options.task) { case COMPILE_AIDL: return compile_aidl(options); case PREPROCESS_AIDL: return preprocess_aidl(options); } fprintf(stderr, "aidl: internal error\n"); return 1; }