/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "MouseCursorController" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 // Log debug messages about pointer updates #define DEBUG_MOUSE_CURSOR_UPDATES 0 #include "MouseCursorController.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { // Time to spend fading out the pointer completely. const nsecs_t POINTER_FADE_DURATION = 500 * 1000000LL; // 500 ms } // namespace namespace android { // --- MouseCursorController --- MouseCursorController::MouseCursorController(PointerControllerContext& context) : mContext(context) { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); mLocked.animationFrameIndex = 0; mLocked.lastFrameUpdatedTime = 0; mLocked.pointerFadeDirection = 0; mLocked.pointerX = 0; mLocked.pointerY = 0; mLocked.pointerAlpha = 0.0f; // pointer is initially faded mLocked.pointerSprite = mContext.getSpriteController()->createSprite(); mLocked.updatePointerIcon = false; mLocked.requestedPointerType = mContext.getPolicy()->getDefaultPointerIconId(); mLocked.resourcesLoaded = false; mLocked.buttonState = 0; } MouseCursorController::~MouseCursorController() { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); mLocked.pointerSprite.clear(); } bool MouseCursorController::getBounds(float* outMinX, float* outMinY, float* outMaxX, float* outMaxY) const { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); return getBoundsLocked(outMinX, outMinY, outMaxX, outMaxY); } bool MouseCursorController::getBoundsLocked(float* outMinX, float* outMinY, float* outMaxX, float* outMaxY) const REQUIRES(mLock) { if (!mLocked.viewport.isValid()) { return false; } *outMinX = mLocked.viewport.logicalLeft; *outMinY = mLocked.viewport.logicalTop; *outMaxX = mLocked.viewport.logicalRight - 1; *outMaxY = mLocked.viewport.logicalBottom - 1; return true; } void MouseCursorController::move(float deltaX, float deltaY) { #if DEBUG_MOUSE_CURSOR_UPDATES ALOGD("Move pointer by deltaX=%0.3f, deltaY=%0.3f", deltaX, deltaY); #endif if (deltaX == 0.0f && deltaY == 0.0f) { return; } std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); setPositionLocked(mLocked.pointerX + deltaX, mLocked.pointerY + deltaY); } void MouseCursorController::setButtonState(int32_t buttonState) { #if DEBUG_MOUSE_CURSOR_UPDATES ALOGD("Set button state 0x%08x", buttonState); #endif std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); if (mLocked.buttonState != buttonState) { mLocked.buttonState = buttonState; } } int32_t MouseCursorController::getButtonState() const { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); return mLocked.buttonState; } void MouseCursorController::setPosition(float x, float y) { #if DEBUG_MOUSE_CURSOR_UPDATES ALOGD("Set pointer position to x=%0.3f, y=%0.3f", x, y); #endif std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); setPositionLocked(x, y); } void MouseCursorController::setPositionLocked(float x, float y) REQUIRES(mLock) { float minX, minY, maxX, maxY; if (getBoundsLocked(&minX, &minY, &maxX, &maxY)) { if (x <= minX) { mLocked.pointerX = minX; } else if (x >= maxX) { mLocked.pointerX = maxX; } else { mLocked.pointerX = x; } if (y <= minY) { mLocked.pointerY = minY; } else if (y >= maxY) { mLocked.pointerY = maxY; } else { mLocked.pointerY = y; } updatePointerLocked(); } } void MouseCursorController::getPosition(float* outX, float* outY) const { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); *outX = mLocked.pointerX; *outY = mLocked.pointerY; } int32_t MouseCursorController::getDisplayId() const { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); return mLocked.viewport.displayId; } void MouseCursorController::fade(PointerControllerInterface::Transition transition) { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); // Remove the inactivity timeout, since we are fading now. mContext.removeInactivityTimeout(); // Start fading. if (transition == PointerControllerInterface::Transition::IMMEDIATE) { mLocked.pointerFadeDirection = 0; mLocked.pointerAlpha = 0.0f; updatePointerLocked(); } else { mLocked.pointerFadeDirection = -1; startAnimationLocked(); } } void MouseCursorController::unfade(PointerControllerInterface::Transition transition) { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); // Always reset the inactivity timer. mContext.resetInactivityTimeout(); // Start unfading. if (transition == PointerControllerInterface::Transition::IMMEDIATE) { mLocked.pointerFadeDirection = 0; mLocked.pointerAlpha = 1.0f; updatePointerLocked(); } else { mLocked.pointerFadeDirection = 1; startAnimationLocked(); } } void MouseCursorController::reloadPointerResources(bool getAdditionalMouseResources) { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); loadResourcesLocked(getAdditionalMouseResources); updatePointerLocked(); } /** * The viewport values for deviceHeight and deviceWidth have already been adjusted for rotation, * so here we are getting the dimensions in the original, unrotated orientation (orientation 0). */ static void getNonRotatedSize(const DisplayViewport& viewport, int32_t& width, int32_t& height) { width = viewport.deviceWidth; height = viewport.deviceHeight; if (viewport.orientation == DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_90 || viewport.orientation == DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_270) { std::swap(width, height); } } void MouseCursorController::setDisplayViewport(const DisplayViewport& viewport, bool getAdditionalMouseResources) { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); if (viewport == mLocked.viewport) { return; } const DisplayViewport oldViewport = mLocked.viewport; mLocked.viewport = viewport; int32_t oldDisplayWidth, oldDisplayHeight; getNonRotatedSize(oldViewport, oldDisplayWidth, oldDisplayHeight); int32_t newDisplayWidth, newDisplayHeight; getNonRotatedSize(viewport, newDisplayWidth, newDisplayHeight); // Reset cursor position to center if size or display changed. if (oldViewport.displayId != viewport.displayId || oldDisplayWidth != newDisplayWidth || oldDisplayHeight != newDisplayHeight) { float minX, minY, maxX, maxY; if (getBoundsLocked(&minX, &minY, &maxX, &maxY)) { mLocked.pointerX = (minX + maxX) * 0.5f; mLocked.pointerY = (minY + maxY) * 0.5f; // Reload icon resources for density may be changed. loadResourcesLocked(getAdditionalMouseResources); } else { mLocked.pointerX = 0; mLocked.pointerY = 0; } } else if (oldViewport.orientation != viewport.orientation) { // Apply offsets to convert from the pixel top-left corner position to the pixel center. // This creates an invariant frame of reference that we can easily rotate when // taking into account that the pointer may be located at fractional pixel offsets. float x = mLocked.pointerX + 0.5f; float y = mLocked.pointerY + 0.5f; float temp; // Undo the previous rotation. switch (oldViewport.orientation) { case DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_90: temp = x; x = oldViewport.deviceHeight - y; y = temp; break; case DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_180: x = oldViewport.deviceWidth - x; y = oldViewport.deviceHeight - y; break; case DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_270: temp = x; x = y; y = oldViewport.deviceWidth - temp; break; } // Perform the new rotation. switch (viewport.orientation) { case DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_90: temp = x; x = y; y = viewport.deviceHeight - temp; break; case DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_180: x = viewport.deviceWidth - x; y = viewport.deviceHeight - y; break; case DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_270: temp = x; x = viewport.deviceWidth - y; y = temp; break; } // Apply offsets to convert from the pixel center to the pixel top-left corner position // and save the results. mLocked.pointerX = x - 0.5f; mLocked.pointerY = y - 0.5f; } updatePointerLocked(); } void MouseCursorController::updatePointerIcon(int32_t iconId) { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); if (mLocked.requestedPointerType != iconId) { mLocked.requestedPointerType = iconId; mLocked.updatePointerIcon = true; updatePointerLocked(); } } void MouseCursorController::setCustomPointerIcon(const SpriteIcon& icon) { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); const int32_t iconId = mContext.getPolicy()->getCustomPointerIconId(); mLocked.additionalMouseResources[iconId] = icon; mLocked.requestedPointerType = iconId; mLocked.updatePointerIcon = true; updatePointerLocked(); } bool MouseCursorController::doFadingAnimationLocked(nsecs_t timestamp) REQUIRES(mLock) { nsecs_t frameDelay = timestamp - mContext.getAnimationTime(); bool keepAnimating = false; // Animate pointer fade. if (mLocked.pointerFadeDirection < 0) { mLocked.pointerAlpha -= float(frameDelay) / POINTER_FADE_DURATION; if (mLocked.pointerAlpha <= 0.0f) { mLocked.pointerAlpha = 0.0f; mLocked.pointerFadeDirection = 0; } else { keepAnimating = true; } updatePointerLocked(); } else if (mLocked.pointerFadeDirection > 0) { mLocked.pointerAlpha += float(frameDelay) / POINTER_FADE_DURATION; if (mLocked.pointerAlpha >= 1.0f) { mLocked.pointerAlpha = 1.0f; mLocked.pointerFadeDirection = 0; } else { keepAnimating = true; } updatePointerLocked(); } return keepAnimating; } bool MouseCursorController::doBitmapAnimationLocked(nsecs_t timestamp) REQUIRES(mLock) { std::map::const_iterator iter = mLocked.animationResources.find(mLocked.requestedPointerType); if (iter == mLocked.animationResources.end()) { return false; } if (timestamp - mLocked.lastFrameUpdatedTime > iter->second.durationPerFrame) { sp spriteController = mContext.getSpriteController(); spriteController->openTransaction(); int incr = (timestamp - mLocked.lastFrameUpdatedTime) / iter->second.durationPerFrame; mLocked.animationFrameIndex += incr; mLocked.lastFrameUpdatedTime += iter->second.durationPerFrame * incr; while (mLocked.animationFrameIndex >= iter->second.animationFrames.size()) { mLocked.animationFrameIndex -= iter->second.animationFrames.size(); } mLocked.pointerSprite->setIcon(iter->second.animationFrames[mLocked.animationFrameIndex]); spriteController->closeTransaction(); } // Keep animating. return true; } void MouseCursorController::updatePointerLocked() REQUIRES(mLock) { if (!mLocked.viewport.isValid()) { return; } sp spriteController = mContext.getSpriteController(); spriteController->openTransaction(); mLocked.pointerSprite->setLayer(Sprite::BASE_LAYER_POINTER); mLocked.pointerSprite->setPosition(mLocked.pointerX, mLocked.pointerY); mLocked.pointerSprite->setDisplayId(mLocked.viewport.displayId); if (mLocked.pointerAlpha > 0) { mLocked.pointerSprite->setAlpha(mLocked.pointerAlpha); mLocked.pointerSprite->setVisible(true); } else { mLocked.pointerSprite->setVisible(false); } if (mLocked.updatePointerIcon) { if (mLocked.requestedPointerType == mContext.getPolicy()->getDefaultPointerIconId()) { mLocked.pointerSprite->setIcon(mLocked.pointerIcon); } else { std::map::const_iterator iter = mLocked.additionalMouseResources.find(mLocked.requestedPointerType); if (iter != mLocked.additionalMouseResources.end()) { std::map::const_iterator anim_iter = mLocked.animationResources.find(mLocked.requestedPointerType); if (anim_iter != mLocked.animationResources.end()) { mLocked.animationFrameIndex = 0; mLocked.lastFrameUpdatedTime = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); startAnimationLocked(); } mLocked.pointerSprite->setIcon(iter->second); } else { ALOGW("Can't find the resource for icon id %d", mLocked.requestedPointerType); mLocked.pointerSprite->setIcon(mLocked.pointerIcon); } } mLocked.updatePointerIcon = false; } spriteController->closeTransaction(); } void MouseCursorController::loadResourcesLocked(bool getAdditionalMouseResources) REQUIRES(mLock) { if (!mLocked.viewport.isValid()) { return; } if (!mLocked.resourcesLoaded) mLocked.resourcesLoaded = true; sp policy = mContext.getPolicy(); policy->loadPointerResources(&mResources, mLocked.viewport.displayId); policy->loadPointerIcon(&mLocked.pointerIcon, mLocked.viewport.displayId); mLocked.additionalMouseResources.clear(); mLocked.animationResources.clear(); if (getAdditionalMouseResources) { policy->loadAdditionalMouseResources(&mLocked.additionalMouseResources, &mLocked.animationResources, mLocked.viewport.displayId); } mLocked.updatePointerIcon = true; } bool MouseCursorController::isViewportValid() { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); return mLocked.viewport.isValid(); } void MouseCursorController::getAdditionalMouseResources() { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); if (mLocked.additionalMouseResources.empty()) { mContext.getPolicy()->loadAdditionalMouseResources(&mLocked.additionalMouseResources, &mLocked.animationResources, mLocked.viewport.displayId); } mLocked.updatePointerIcon = true; updatePointerLocked(); } bool MouseCursorController::resourcesLoaded() { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); return mLocked.resourcesLoaded; } bool MouseCursorController::doAnimations(nsecs_t timestamp) { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); bool keepFading = doFadingAnimationLocked(timestamp); bool keepBitmap = doBitmapAnimationLocked(timestamp); bool keepAnimating = keepFading || keepBitmap; if (!keepAnimating) { /* * We know that this callback will be removed before another * is added. mLock in PointerAnimator will not be released * until after this is removed, and adding another callback * requires that lock. Thus it's safe to set mLocked.animating * here. */ mLocked.animating = false; } return keepAnimating; } void MouseCursorController::startAnimationLocked() REQUIRES(mLock) { using namespace std::placeholders; if (mLocked.animating) { return; } mLocked.animating = true; std::function func = std::bind(&MouseCursorController::doAnimations, this, _1); /* * Using -1 for displayId here to avoid removing the callback * if a TouchSpotController with the same display is removed. */ mContext.addAnimationCallback(-1, func); } } // namespace android