/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "Region" #include <limits.h> #include <utils/Log.h> #include <utils/String8.h> #include <ui/Rect.h> #include <ui/Region.h> #include <ui/Point.h> #include <private/ui/RegionHelper.h> // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define VALIDATE_REGIONS (false) #define VALIDATE_WITH_CORECG (false) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if VALIDATE_WITH_CORECG #include <core/SkRegion.h> #endif namespace android { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum { op_nand = region_operator<Rect>::op_nand, op_and = region_operator<Rect>::op_and, op_or = region_operator<Rect>::op_or, op_xor = region_operator<Rect>::op_xor }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region::Region() : mBounds(0,0) { } Region::Region(const Region& rhs) : mBounds(rhs.mBounds), mStorage(rhs.mStorage) { #if VALIDATE_REGIONS validate(rhs, "rhs copy-ctor"); #endif } Region::Region(const Rect& rhs) : mBounds(rhs) { } Region::Region(const void* buffer) { status_t err = read(buffer); LOGE_IF(err<0, "error %s reading Region from buffer", strerror(err)); } Region::~Region() { } Region& Region::operator = (const Region& rhs) { #if VALIDATE_REGIONS validate(*this, "this->operator="); validate(rhs, "rhs.operator="); #endif mBounds = rhs.mBounds; mStorage = rhs.mStorage; return *this; } Region& Region::makeBoundsSelf() { mStorage.clear(); return *this; } void Region::clear() { mBounds.clear(); mStorage.clear(); } void Region::set(const Rect& r) { mBounds = r; mStorage.clear(); } void Region::set(uint32_t w, uint32_t h) { mBounds = Rect(int(w), int(h)); mStorage.clear(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Region::addRectUnchecked(int l, int t, int r, int b) { mStorage.add(Rect(l,t,r,b)); #if VALIDATE_REGIONS validate(*this, "addRectUnchecked"); #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region& Region::orSelf(const Rect& r) { return operationSelf(r, op_or); } Region& Region::andSelf(const Rect& r) { return operationSelf(r, op_and); } Region& Region::subtractSelf(const Rect& r) { return operationSelf(r, op_nand); } Region& Region::operationSelf(const Rect& r, int op) { Region lhs(*this); boolean_operation(op, *this, lhs, r); return *this; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region& Region::orSelf(const Region& rhs) { return operationSelf(rhs, op_or); } Region& Region::andSelf(const Region& rhs) { return operationSelf(rhs, op_and); } Region& Region::subtractSelf(const Region& rhs) { return operationSelf(rhs, op_nand); } Region& Region::operationSelf(const Region& rhs, int op) { Region lhs(*this); boolean_operation(op, *this, lhs, rhs); return *this; } Region& Region::translateSelf(int x, int y) { if (x|y) translate(*this, x, y); return *this; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Region Region::merge(const Rect& rhs) const { return operation(rhs, op_or); } const Region Region::intersect(const Rect& rhs) const { return operation(rhs, op_and); } const Region Region::subtract(const Rect& rhs) const { return operation(rhs, op_nand); } const Region Region::operation(const Rect& rhs, int op) const { Region result; boolean_operation(op, result, *this, rhs); return result; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Region Region::merge(const Region& rhs) const { return operation(rhs, op_or); } const Region Region::intersect(const Region& rhs) const { return operation(rhs, op_and); } const Region Region::subtract(const Region& rhs) const { return operation(rhs, op_nand); } const Region Region::operation(const Region& rhs, int op) const { Region result; boolean_operation(op, result, *this, rhs); return result; } const Region Region::translate(int x, int y) const { Region result; translate(result, *this, x, y); return result; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region& Region::orSelf(const Region& rhs, int dx, int dy) { return operationSelf(rhs, dx, dy, op_or); } Region& Region::andSelf(const Region& rhs, int dx, int dy) { return operationSelf(rhs, dx, dy, op_and); } Region& Region::subtractSelf(const Region& rhs, int dx, int dy) { return operationSelf(rhs, dx, dy, op_nand); } Region& Region::operationSelf(const Region& rhs, int dx, int dy, int op) { Region lhs(*this); boolean_operation(op, *this, lhs, rhs, dx, dy); return *this; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Region Region::merge(const Region& rhs, int dx, int dy) const { return operation(rhs, dx, dy, op_or); } const Region Region::intersect(const Region& rhs, int dx, int dy) const { return operation(rhs, dx, dy, op_and); } const Region Region::subtract(const Region& rhs, int dx, int dy) const { return operation(rhs, dx, dy, op_nand); } const Region Region::operation(const Region& rhs, int dx, int dy, int op) const { Region result; boolean_operation(op, result, *this, rhs, dx, dy); return result; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is our region rasterizer, which merges rects and spans together // to obtain an optimal region. class Region::rasterizer : public region_operator<Rect>::region_rasterizer { Rect& bounds; Vector<Rect>& storage; Rect* head; Rect* tail; Vector<Rect> span; Rect* cur; public: rasterizer(Region& reg) : bounds(reg.mBounds), storage(reg.mStorage), head(), tail(), cur() { bounds.top = bounds.bottom = 0; bounds.left = INT_MAX; bounds.right = INT_MIN; storage.clear(); } ~rasterizer() { if (span.size()) { flushSpan(); } if (storage.size()) { bounds.top = storage.itemAt(0).top; bounds.bottom = storage.top().bottom; if (storage.size() == 1) { storage.clear(); } } else { bounds.left = 0; bounds.right = 0; } } virtual void operator()(const Rect& rect) { //LOGD(">>> %3d, %3d, %3d, %3d", // rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom); if (span.size()) { if (cur->top != rect.top) { flushSpan(); } else if (cur->right == rect.left) { cur->right = rect.right; return; } } span.add(rect); cur = span.editArray() + (span.size() - 1); } private: template<typename T> static inline T min(T rhs, T lhs) { return rhs < lhs ? rhs : lhs; } template<typename T> static inline T max(T rhs, T lhs) { return rhs > lhs ? rhs : lhs; } void flushSpan() { bool merge = false; if (tail-head == ssize_t(span.size())) { Rect const* p = span.editArray(); Rect const* q = head; if (p->top == q->bottom) { merge = true; while (q != tail) { if ((p->left != q->left) || (p->right != q->right)) { merge = false; break; } p++, q++; } } } if (merge) { const int bottom = span[0].bottom; Rect* r = head; while (r != tail) { r->bottom = bottom; r++; } } else { bounds.left = min(span.itemAt(0).left, bounds.left); bounds.right = max(span.top().right, bounds.right); storage.appendVector(span); tail = storage.editArray() + storage.size(); head = tail - span.size(); } span.clear(); } }; bool Region::validate(const Region& reg, const char* name) { bool result = true; const_iterator cur = reg.begin(); const_iterator const tail = reg.end(); const_iterator prev = cur++; Rect b(*prev); while (cur != tail) { b.left = b.left < cur->left ? b.left : cur->left; b.top = b.top < cur->top ? b.top : cur->top; b.right = b.right > cur->right ? b.right : cur->right; b.bottom = b.bottom > cur->bottom ? b.bottom : cur->bottom; if (cur->top == prev->top) { if (cur->bottom != prev->bottom) { LOGE("%s: invalid span %p", name, cur); result = false; } else if (cur->left < prev->right) { LOGE("%s: spans overlap horizontally prev=%p, cur=%p", name, prev, cur); result = false; } } else if (cur->top < prev->bottom) { LOGE("%s: spans overlap vertically prev=%p, cur=%p", name, prev, cur); result = false; } prev = cur; cur++; } if (b != reg.getBounds()) { result = false; LOGE("%s: invalid bounds [%d,%d,%d,%d] vs. [%d,%d,%d,%d]", name, b.left, b.top, b.right, b.bottom, reg.getBounds().left, reg.getBounds().top, reg.getBounds().right, reg.getBounds().bottom); } if (result == false) { reg.dump(name); } return result; } void Region::boolean_operation(int op, Region& dst, const Region& lhs, const Region& rhs, int dx, int dy) { #if VALIDATE_REGIONS validate(lhs, "boolean_operation (before): lhs"); validate(rhs, "boolean_operation (before): rhs"); validate(dst, "boolean_operation (before): dst"); #endif size_t lhs_count; Rect const * const lhs_rects = lhs.getArray(&lhs_count); size_t rhs_count; Rect const * const rhs_rects = rhs.getArray(&rhs_count); region_operator<Rect>::region lhs_region(lhs_rects, lhs_count); region_operator<Rect>::region rhs_region(rhs_rects, rhs_count, dx, dy); region_operator<Rect> operation(op, lhs_region, rhs_region); { // scope for rasterizer (dtor has side effects) rasterizer r(dst); operation(r); } #if VALIDATE_REGIONS validate(lhs, "boolean_operation: lhs"); validate(rhs, "boolean_operation: rhs"); validate(dst, "boolean_operation: dst"); #endif #if VALIDATE_WITH_CORECG SkRegion sk_lhs; SkRegion sk_rhs; SkRegion sk_dst; for (size_t i=0 ; i<lhs_count ; i++) sk_lhs.op( lhs_rects[i].left + dx, lhs_rects[i].top + dy, lhs_rects[i].right + dx, lhs_rects[i].bottom + dy, SkRegion::kUnion_Op); for (size_t i=0 ; i<rhs_count ; i++) sk_rhs.op( rhs_rects[i].left + dx, rhs_rects[i].top + dy, rhs_rects[i].right + dx, rhs_rects[i].bottom + dy, SkRegion::kUnion_Op); const char* name = "---"; SkRegion::Op sk_op; switch (op) { case op_or: sk_op = SkRegion::kUnion_Op; name="OR"; break; case op_and: sk_op = SkRegion::kIntersect_Op; name="AND"; break; case op_nand: sk_op = SkRegion::kDifference_Op; name="NAND"; break; } sk_dst.op(sk_lhs, sk_rhs, sk_op); if (sk_dst.isEmpty() && dst.isEmpty()) return; bool same = true; Region::const_iterator head = dst.begin(); Region::const_iterator const tail = dst.end(); SkRegion::Iterator it(sk_dst); while (!it.done()) { if (head != tail) { if ( head->left != it.rect().fLeft || head->top != it.rect().fTop || head->right != it.rect().fRight || head->bottom != it.rect().fBottom ) { same = false; break; } } else { same = false; break; } head++; it.next(); } if (head != tail) { same = false; } if(!same) { LOGD("---\nregion boolean %s failed", name); lhs.dump("lhs"); rhs.dump("rhs"); dst.dump("dst"); LOGD("should be"); SkRegion::Iterator it(sk_dst); while (!it.done()) { LOGD(" [%3d, %3d, %3d, %3d]", it.rect().fLeft, it.rect().fTop, it.rect().fRight, it.rect().fBottom); it.next(); } } #endif } void Region::boolean_operation(int op, Region& dst, const Region& lhs, const Rect& rhs, int dx, int dy) { #if VALIDATE_WITH_CORECG || VALIDATE_REGIONS boolean_operation(op, dst, lhs, Region(rhs), dx, dy); #else size_t lhs_count; Rect const * const lhs_rects = lhs.getArray(&lhs_count); region_operator<Rect>::region lhs_region(lhs_rects, lhs_count); region_operator<Rect>::region rhs_region(&rhs, 1, dx, dy); region_operator<Rect> operation(op, lhs_region, rhs_region); { // scope for rasterizer (dtor has side effects) rasterizer r(dst); operation(r); } #endif } void Region::boolean_operation(int op, Region& dst, const Region& lhs, const Region& rhs) { boolean_operation(op, dst, lhs, rhs, 0, 0); } void Region::boolean_operation(int op, Region& dst, const Region& lhs, const Rect& rhs) { boolean_operation(op, dst, lhs, rhs, 0, 0); } void Region::translate(Region& reg, int dx, int dy) { if (!reg.isEmpty()) { #if VALIDATE_REGIONS validate(reg, "translate (before)"); #endif reg.mBounds.translate(dx, dy); size_t count = reg.mStorage.size(); Rect* rects = reg.mStorage.editArray(); while (count) { rects->translate(dx, dy); rects++; count--; } #if VALIDATE_REGIONS validate(reg, "translate (after)"); #endif } } void Region::translate(Region& dst, const Region& reg, int dx, int dy) { dst = reg; translate(dst, dx, dy); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ssize_t Region::write(void* buffer, size_t size) const { #if VALIDATE_REGIONS validate(*this, "write(buffer)"); #endif const size_t count = mStorage.size(); const size_t sizeNeeded = sizeof(int32_t) + (1+count)*sizeof(Rect); if (buffer != NULL) { if (sizeNeeded > size) return NO_MEMORY; int32_t* const p = static_cast<int32_t*>(buffer); *p = count; memcpy(p+1, &mBounds, sizeof(Rect)); if (count) { memcpy(p+5, mStorage.array(), count*sizeof(Rect)); } } return ssize_t(sizeNeeded); } ssize_t Region::read(const void* buffer) { int32_t const* const p = static_cast<int32_t const*>(buffer); const size_t count = *p; memcpy(&mBounds, p+1, sizeof(Rect)); mStorage.clear(); if (count) { mStorage.insertAt(0, count); memcpy(mStorage.editArray(), p+5, count*sizeof(Rect)); } #if VALIDATE_REGIONS validate(*this, "read(buffer)"); #endif return ssize_t(sizeof(int32_t) + (1+count)*sizeof(Rect)); } ssize_t Region::writeEmpty(void* buffer, size_t size) { const size_t sizeNeeded = sizeof(int32_t) + sizeof(Rect); if (sizeNeeded > size) return NO_MEMORY; int32_t* const p = static_cast<int32_t*>(buffer); memset(p, 0, sizeNeeded); return ssize_t(sizeNeeded); } bool Region::isEmpty(void* buffer) { int32_t const* const p = static_cast<int32_t const*>(buffer); Rect const* const b = reinterpret_cast<Rect const *>(p+1); return b->isEmpty(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region::const_iterator Region::begin() const { return isRect() ? &mBounds : mStorage.array(); } Region::const_iterator Region::end() const { return isRect() ? ((&mBounds) + 1) : (mStorage.array() + mStorage.size()); } Rect const* Region::getArray(size_t* count) const { const_iterator const b(begin()); const_iterator const e(end()); if (count) *count = e-b; return b; } size_t Region::getRects(Vector<Rect>& rectList) const { rectList = mStorage; if (rectList.isEmpty()) { rectList.clear(); rectList.add(mBounds); } return rectList.size(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Region::dump(String8& out, const char* what, uint32_t flags) const { (void)flags; const_iterator head = begin(); const_iterator const tail = end(); size_t SIZE = 256; char buffer[SIZE]; snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " Region %s (this=%p, count=%d)\n", what, this, tail-head); out.append(buffer); while (head != tail) { snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " [%3d, %3d, %3d, %3d]\n", head->left, head->top, head->right, head->bottom); out.append(buffer); head++; } } void Region::dump(const char* what, uint32_t flags) const { (void)flags; const_iterator head = begin(); const_iterator const tail = end(); LOGD(" Region %s (this=%p, count=%d)\n", what, this, tail-head); while (head != tail) { LOGD(" [%3d, %3d, %3d, %3d]\n", head->left, head->top, head->right, head->bottom); head++; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }; // namespace android