/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "rsObjectBase.h" #include "rsContext.h" using namespace android; using namespace android::renderscript; ObjectBase::ObjectBase(Context *rsc) { mUserRefCount = 0; mSysRefCount = 0; mName = NULL; mRSC = NULL; mNext = NULL; mPrev = NULL; mAllocFile = __FILE__; mAllocLine = __LINE__; setContext(rsc); } ObjectBase::~ObjectBase() { //LOGV("~ObjectBase %p ref %i,%i", this, mUserRefCount, mSysRefCount); rsAssert(!mUserRefCount); rsAssert(!mSysRefCount); remove(); delete[] mName; } void ObjectBase::dumpLOGV(const char *op) const { if (mName) { LOGV("%s RSobj %p, name %s, refs %i,%i from %s,%i links %p,%p,%p", op, this, mName, mUserRefCount, mSysRefCount, mAllocFile, mAllocLine, mNext, mPrev, mRSC); } else { LOGV("%s RSobj %p, no-name, refs %i,%i from %s,%i links %p,%p,%p", op, this, mUserRefCount, mSysRefCount, mAllocFile, mAllocLine, mNext, mPrev, mRSC); } } void ObjectBase::setContext(Context *rsc) { if (mRSC) { remove(); } mRSC = rsc; if (rsc) { add(); } } void ObjectBase::incUserRef() const { mUserRefCount ++; //LOGV("ObjectBase %p inc ref %i", this, mRefCount); } void ObjectBase::incSysRef() const { mSysRefCount ++; //LOGV("ObjectBase %p inc ref %i", this, mRefCount); } bool ObjectBase::checkDelete() const { if (!(mSysRefCount | mUserRefCount)) { if (mRSC && mRSC->props.mLogObjects) { dumpLOGV("checkDelete"); } delete this; return true; } return false; } bool ObjectBase::decUserRef() const { rsAssert(mUserRefCount > 0); mUserRefCount --; //dumpObj("decUserRef"); return checkDelete(); } bool ObjectBase::zeroUserRef() const { mUserRefCount = 0; //dumpObj("zeroUserRef"); return checkDelete(); } bool ObjectBase::decSysRef() const { rsAssert(mSysRefCount > 0); mSysRefCount --; //dumpObj("decSysRef"); return checkDelete(); } void ObjectBase::setName(const char *name) { setName(name, strlen(name)); } void ObjectBase::setName(const char *name, uint32_t len) { delete mName; mName = NULL; if (name) { mName = new char[len + 1]; memcpy(mName, name, len); mName[len] = 0; } } void ObjectBase::add() const { rsAssert(!mNext); rsAssert(!mPrev); //LOGV("calling add rsc %p", mRSC); mNext = mRSC->mObjHead; if (mRSC->mObjHead) { mRSC->mObjHead->mPrev = this; } mRSC->mObjHead = this; } void ObjectBase::remove() const { //LOGV("calling remove rsc %p", mRSC); if (!mRSC) { rsAssert(!mPrev); rsAssert(!mNext); return; } if (mRSC->mObjHead == this) { mRSC->mObjHead = mNext; } if (mPrev) { mPrev->mNext = mNext; } if (mNext) { mNext->mPrev = mPrev; } mPrev = NULL; mNext = NULL; } void ObjectBase::zeroAllUserRef(Context *rsc) { if (rsc->props.mLogObjects) { LOGV("Forcing release of all outstanding user refs."); } // This operation can be slow, only to be called during context cleanup. const ObjectBase * o = rsc->mObjHead; while (o) { //LOGE("o %p", o); if (o->zeroUserRef()) { // deleted the object and possibly others, restart from head. o = rsc->mObjHead; //LOGE("o head %p", o); } else { o = o->mNext; //LOGE("o next %p", o); } } if (rsc->props.mLogObjects) { LOGV("Objects remaining."); o = rsc->mObjHead; while (o) { o->dumpLOGV(" "); o = o->mNext; } } }