/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.telecom; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.media.ToneGenerator; import android.text.TextUtils; import java.util.Objects; /** * Describes the cause of a disconnected call. This always includes a code describing the generic * cause of the disconnect. Optionally, it may include a label and/or description to display to the * user. It is the responsibility of the {@link ConnectionService} to provide localized versions of * the label and description. It also may contain a reason for the disconnect, which is intended for * logging and not for display to the user. */ public final class DisconnectCause implements Parcelable { /** Disconnected because of an unknown or unspecified reason. */ public static final int UNKNOWN = 0; /** Disconnected because there was an error, such as a problem with the network. */ public static final int ERROR = 1; /** Disconnected because of a local user-initiated action, such as hanging up. */ public static final int LOCAL = 2; /** * Disconnected because of a remote user-initiated action, such as the other party hanging up * up. */ public static final int REMOTE = 3; /** Disconnected because it has been canceled. */ public static final int CANCELED = 4; /** Disconnected because there was no response to an incoming call. */ public static final int MISSED = 5; /** Disconnected because the user rejected an incoming call. */ public static final int REJECTED = 6; /** Disconnected because the other party was busy. */ public static final int BUSY = 7; /** * Disconnected because of a restriction on placing the call, such as dialing in airplane * mode. */ public static final int RESTRICTED = 8; /** Disconnected for reason not described by other disconnect codes. */ public static final int OTHER = 9; /** * Disconnected because the connection manager did not support the call. The call will be tried * again without a connection manager. See {@link PhoneAccount#CAPABILITY_CONNECTION_MANAGER}. */ public static final int CONNECTION_MANAGER_NOT_SUPPORTED = 10; /** * Disconnected because the user did not locally answer the incoming call, but it was answered * on another device where the call was ringing. */ public static final int ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE = 11; /** * Disconnected because the call was pulled from the current device to another device. */ public static final int CALL_PULLED = 12; private int mDisconnectCode; private CharSequence mDisconnectLabel; private CharSequence mDisconnectDescription; private String mDisconnectReason; private int mToneToPlay; /** * Creates a new DisconnectCause. * * @param code The code for the disconnect cause. */ public DisconnectCause(int code) { this(code, null, null, null, ToneGenerator.TONE_UNKNOWN); } /** * Creates a new DisconnectCause. * * @param code The code for the disconnect cause. * @param reason The reason for the disconnect. */ public DisconnectCause(int code, String reason) { this(code, null, null, reason, ToneGenerator.TONE_UNKNOWN); } /** * Creates a new DisconnectCause. * * @param code The code for the disconnect cause. * @param label The localized label to show to the user to explain the disconnect. * @param description The localized description to show to the user to explain the disconnect. * @param reason The reason for the disconnect. */ public DisconnectCause(int code, CharSequence label, CharSequence description, String reason) { this(code, label, description, reason, ToneGenerator.TONE_UNKNOWN); } /** * Creates a new DisconnectCause. * * @param code The code for the disconnect cause. * @param label The localized label to show to the user to explain the disconnect. * @param description The localized description to show to the user to explain the disconnect. * @param reason The reason for the disconnect. * @param toneToPlay The tone to play on disconnect, as defined in {@link ToneGenerator}. */ public DisconnectCause(int code, CharSequence label, CharSequence description, String reason, int toneToPlay) { mDisconnectCode = code; mDisconnectLabel = label; mDisconnectDescription = description; mDisconnectReason = reason; mToneToPlay = toneToPlay; } /** * Returns the code for the reason for this disconnect. * * @return The disconnect code. */ public int getCode() { return mDisconnectCode; } /** * Returns a short label which explains the reason for the disconnect cause and is for display * in the user interface. If not null, it is expected that the In-Call UI should display this * text where it would normally display the call state ("Dialing", "Disconnected") and is * therefore expected to be relatively small. The {@link ConnectionService } is responsible for * providing and localizing this label. If there is no string provided, returns null. * * @return The disconnect label. */ public CharSequence getLabel() { return mDisconnectLabel; } /** * Returns a description which explains the reason for the disconnect cause and is for display * in the user interface. This optional text is generally a longer and more descriptive version * of {@link #getLabel}, however it can exist even if {@link #getLabel} is empty. The In-Call UI * should display this relatively prominently; the traditional implementation displays this as * an alert dialog. The {@link ConnectionService} is responsible for providing and localizing * this message. If there is no string provided, returns null. * * @return The disconnect description. */ public CharSequence getDescription() { return mDisconnectDescription; } /** * Returns an explanation of the reason for the disconnect. This is not intended for display to * the user and is used mainly for logging. * * @return The disconnect reason. */ public String getReason() { return mDisconnectReason; } /** * Returns the tone to play when disconnected. * * @return the tone as defined in {@link ToneGenerator} to play when disconnected. */ public int getTone() { return mToneToPlay; } public static final Creator CREATOR = new Creator() { @Override public DisconnectCause createFromParcel(Parcel source) { int code = source.readInt(); CharSequence label = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(source); CharSequence description = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(source); String reason = source.readString(); int tone = source.readInt(); return new DisconnectCause(code, label, description, reason, tone); } @Override public DisconnectCause[] newArray(int size) { return new DisconnectCause[size]; } }; @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel destination, int flags) { destination.writeInt(mDisconnectCode); TextUtils.writeToParcel(mDisconnectLabel, destination, flags); TextUtils.writeToParcel(mDisconnectDescription, destination, flags); destination.writeString(mDisconnectReason); destination.writeInt(mToneToPlay); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(mDisconnectCode) + Objects.hashCode(mDisconnectLabel) + Objects.hashCode(mDisconnectDescription) + Objects.hashCode(mDisconnectReason) + Objects.hashCode(mToneToPlay); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof DisconnectCause) { DisconnectCause d = (DisconnectCause) o; return Objects.equals(mDisconnectCode, d.getCode()) && Objects.equals(mDisconnectLabel, d.getLabel()) && Objects.equals(mDisconnectDescription, d.getDescription()) && Objects.equals(mDisconnectReason, d.getReason()) && Objects.equals(mToneToPlay, d.getTone()); } return false; } @Override public String toString() { String code = ""; switch (mDisconnectCode) { case UNKNOWN: code = "UNKNOWN"; break; case ERROR: code = "ERROR"; break; case LOCAL: code = "LOCAL"; break; case REMOTE: code = "REMOTE"; break; case CANCELED: code = "CANCELED"; break; case MISSED: code = "MISSED"; break; case REJECTED: code = "REJECTED"; break; case BUSY: code = "BUSY"; break; case RESTRICTED: code = "RESTRICTED"; break; case OTHER: code = "OTHER"; break; case CONNECTION_MANAGER_NOT_SUPPORTED: code = "CONNECTION_MANAGER_NOT_SUPPORTED"; break; case CALL_PULLED: code = "CALL_PULLED"; break; case ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE: code = "ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE"; break; default: code = "invalid code: " + mDisconnectCode; break; } String label = mDisconnectLabel == null ? "" : mDisconnectLabel.toString(); String description = mDisconnectDescription == null ? "" : mDisconnectDescription.toString(); String reason = mDisconnectReason == null ? "" : mDisconnectReason; return "DisconnectCause [ Code: (" + code + ")" + " Label: (" + label + ")" + " Description: (" + description + ")" + " Reason: (" + reason + ")" + " Tone: (" + mToneToPlay + ") ]"; } }