/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "NAsset" #include <utils/Log.h> #include <android/asset_manager_jni.h> #include <androidfw/Asset.h> #include <androidfw/AssetDir.h> #include <androidfw/AssetManager.h> #include <utils/threads.h> #include "jni.h" #include "JNIHelp.h" using namespace android; // -------------------- Backing implementation of the public API -------------------- // AAssetManager is actually a secret typedef for an empty base class of AssetManager, // but AAssetDir and AAsset are actual wrappers for isolation. // ----- struct AAssetDir { AssetDir* mAssetDir; size_t mCurFileIndex; String8 mCachedFileName; AAssetDir(AssetDir* dir) : mAssetDir(dir), mCurFileIndex(0) { } ~AAssetDir() { delete mAssetDir; } }; // ----- struct AAsset { Asset* mAsset; AAsset(Asset* asset) : mAsset(asset) { } ~AAsset() { delete mAsset; } }; // -------------------- Public native C API -------------------- /** * Supporting information */ static struct assetmanager_offsets_t { jfieldID mObject; } gAssetManagerOffsets; static volatile bool gJNIConfigured = false; static Mutex gMutex; /** * Asset Manager functionality */ AAssetManager* AAssetManager_fromJava(JNIEnv* env, jobject assetManager) { { Mutex::Autolock _l(gMutex); if (gJNIConfigured == false) { jclass amClass = env->FindClass("android/content/res/AssetManager"); gAssetManagerOffsets.mObject = env->GetFieldID(amClass, "mObject", "I"); gJNIConfigured = true; } } return (AAssetManager*) env->GetIntField(assetManager, gAssetManagerOffsets.mObject); } AAsset* AAssetManager_open(AAssetManager* amgr, const char* filename, int mode) { Asset::AccessMode amMode; switch (mode) { case AASSET_MODE_UNKNOWN: amMode = Asset::ACCESS_UNKNOWN; break; case AASSET_MODE_RANDOM: amMode = Asset::ACCESS_RANDOM; break; case AASSET_MODE_STREAMING: amMode = Asset::ACCESS_STREAMING; break; case AASSET_MODE_BUFFER: amMode = Asset::ACCESS_BUFFER; break; default: return NULL; } AssetManager* mgr = static_cast<AssetManager*>(amgr); Asset* asset = mgr->open(filename, amMode); if (asset == NULL) { return NULL; } return new AAsset(asset); } AAssetDir* AAssetManager_openDir(AAssetManager* amgr, const char* dirName) { AssetManager* mgr = static_cast<AssetManager*>(amgr); return new AAssetDir(mgr->openDir(dirName)); } /** * AssetDir functionality */ const char* AAssetDir_getNextFileName(AAssetDir* assetDir) { const char* returnName = NULL; size_t index = assetDir->mCurFileIndex; const size_t max = assetDir->mAssetDir->getFileCount(); // Find the next regular file; explicitly don't report directories even if the // underlying implementation changes to report them. At that point we can add // a more general iterator to this native interface set if appropriate. while ((index < max) && (assetDir->mAssetDir->getFileType(index) != kFileTypeRegular)) { index++; } // still in bounds? then the one at 'index' is the next to be reported; generate // the string to return and advance the iterator for next time. if (index < max) { assetDir->mCachedFileName = assetDir->mAssetDir->getFileName(index); returnName = assetDir->mCachedFileName.string(); index++; } assetDir->mCurFileIndex = index; return returnName; } void AAssetDir_rewind(AAssetDir* assetDir) { assetDir->mCurFileIndex = 0; } const char* AAssetDir_getFileName(AAssetDir* assetDir, int index) { assetDir->mCachedFileName = assetDir->mAssetDir->getFileName(index); return assetDir->mCachedFileName.string(); } void AAssetDir_close(AAssetDir* assetDir) { delete assetDir; } /** * Asset functionality */ int AAsset_read(AAsset* asset, void* buf, size_t count) { return asset->mAsset->read(buf, (size_t)count); } off_t AAsset_seek(AAsset* asset, off_t offset, int whence) { return asset->mAsset->seek(offset, whence); } off64_t AAsset_seek64(AAsset* asset, off64_t offset, int whence) { return asset->mAsset->seek(offset, whence); } void AAsset_close(AAsset* asset) { asset->mAsset->close(); delete asset; } const void* AAsset_getBuffer(AAsset* asset) { return asset->mAsset->getBuffer(false); } off_t AAsset_getLength(AAsset* asset) { return asset->mAsset->getLength(); } off64_t AAsset_getLength64(AAsset* asset) { return asset->mAsset->getLength(); } off_t AAsset_getRemainingLength(AAsset* asset) { return asset->mAsset->getRemainingLength(); } off64_t AAsset_getRemainingLength64(AAsset* asset) { return asset->mAsset->getRemainingLength(); } int AAsset_openFileDescriptor(AAsset* asset, off_t* outStart, off_t* outLength) { off64_t outStart64, outLength64; int ret = asset->mAsset->openFileDescriptor(&outStart64, &outLength64); *outStart = off_t(outStart64); *outLength = off_t(outLength64); return ret; } int AAsset_openFileDescriptor64(AAsset* asset, off64_t* outStart, off64_t* outLength) { return asset->mAsset->openFileDescriptor(outStart, outLength); } int AAsset_isAllocated(AAsset* asset) { return asset->mAsset->isAllocated() ? 1 : 0; }