/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __PLUGIN_MANAGER_H__ #define __PLUGIN_MANAGER_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { const char* const PLUGIN_MANAGER_CREATE = "create"; const char* const PLUGIN_MANAGER_DESTROY = "destroy"; const char* const PLUGIN_EXTENSION = ".so"; /** * This is the template class for Plugin manager. * * The DrmManager uses this class to handle the plugins. * */ template class TPlugInManager { private: typedef void* HANDLE; typedef Type* create_t(void); typedef void destroy_t(Type*); typedef create_t* FPCREATE; typedef destroy_t* FPDESTORY; typedef struct _PlugInContainer { String8 sPath; HANDLE hHandle; FPCREATE fpCreate; FPDESTORY fpDestory; Type* pInstance; _PlugInContainer(): sPath("") ,hHandle(NULL) ,fpCreate(NULL) ,fpDestory(NULL) ,pInstance(NULL) {} } PlugInContainer; typedef KeyedVector PlugInMap; PlugInMap m_plugInMap; typedef Vector PlugInIdList; PlugInIdList m_plugInIdList; public: /** * Load all the plug-ins in the specified directory * * @param[in] rsPlugInDirPath * Directory path which plug-ins (dynamic library) are stored * @note Plug-ins should be implemented according to the specification */ void loadPlugIns(const String8& rsPlugInDirPath) { Vector plugInFileList = getPlugInPathList(rsPlugInDirPath); if (!plugInFileList.isEmpty()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < plugInFileList.size(); ++i) { loadPlugIn(plugInFileList[i]); } } } /** * Unload all the plug-ins * */ void unloadPlugIns() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_plugInIdList.size(); ++i) { unloadPlugIn(m_plugInIdList[i]); } m_plugInIdList.clear(); } /** * Get all the IDs of available plug-ins * * @return[in] plugInIdList * String type Vector in which all plug-in IDs are stored */ Vector getPlugInIdList() const { return m_plugInIdList; } /** * Get a plug-in reference of specified ID * * @param[in] rsPlugInId * Plug-in ID to be used * @return plugIn * Reference of specified plug-in instance */ Type& getPlugIn(const String8& rsPlugInId) { if (!contains(rsPlugInId)) { // This error case never happens } return *(m_plugInMap.valueFor(rsPlugInId)->pInstance); } public: /** * Load a plug-in stored in the specified path * * @param[in] rsPlugInPath * Plug-in (dynamic library) file path * @note Plug-in should be implemented according to the specification */ void loadPlugIn(const String8& rsPlugInPath) { if (contains(rsPlugInPath)) { return; } PlugInContainer* pPlugInContainer = new PlugInContainer(); pPlugInContainer->hHandle = dlopen(rsPlugInPath.string(), RTLD_LAZY); if (NULL == pPlugInContainer->hHandle) { delete pPlugInContainer; pPlugInContainer = NULL; return; } pPlugInContainer->sPath = rsPlugInPath; pPlugInContainer->fpCreate = (FPCREATE)dlsym(pPlugInContainer->hHandle, PLUGIN_MANAGER_CREATE); pPlugInContainer->fpDestory = (FPDESTORY)dlsym(pPlugInContainer->hHandle, PLUGIN_MANAGER_DESTROY); if (NULL != pPlugInContainer->fpCreate && NULL != pPlugInContainer->fpDestory) { pPlugInContainer->pInstance = (Type*)pPlugInContainer->fpCreate(); m_plugInIdList.add(rsPlugInPath); m_plugInMap.add(rsPlugInPath, pPlugInContainer); } else { dlclose(pPlugInContainer->hHandle); delete pPlugInContainer; pPlugInContainer = NULL; return; } } /** * Unload a plug-in stored in the specified path * * @param[in] rsPlugInPath * Plug-in (dynamic library) file path */ void unloadPlugIn(const String8& rsPlugInPath) { if (!contains(rsPlugInPath)) { return; } PlugInContainer* pPlugInContainer = m_plugInMap.valueFor(rsPlugInPath); pPlugInContainer->fpDestory(pPlugInContainer->pInstance); dlclose(pPlugInContainer->hHandle); m_plugInMap.removeItem(rsPlugInPath); delete pPlugInContainer; pPlugInContainer = NULL; } private: /** * True if TPlugInManager contains rsPlugInId */ bool contains(const String8& rsPlugInId) { return m_plugInMap.indexOfKey(rsPlugInId) != NAME_NOT_FOUND; } /** * Return file path list of plug-ins stored in the specified directory * * @param[in] rsDirPath * Directory path in which plug-ins are stored * @return plugInFileList * String type Vector in which file path of plug-ins are stored */ Vector getPlugInPathList(const String8& rsDirPath) { Vector fileList; DIR* pDir = opendir(rsDirPath.string()); struct dirent* pEntry = new dirent(); while (NULL != pDir && NULL != (pEntry = readdir(pDir))) { if (!isPlugIn(pEntry)) { continue; } String8 plugInPath; plugInPath += rsDirPath; plugInPath += "/"; plugInPath += pEntry->d_name; fileList.add(plugInPath); } if (NULL != pDir) { closedir(pDir); } delete pEntry; pEntry = NULL; return fileList; } /** * True if the input name denotes plug-in */ bool isPlugIn(const struct dirent* pEntry) const { String8 sName(pEntry->d_name); int extentionPos = sName.size() - String8(PLUGIN_EXTENSION).size(); if (extentionPos < 0) { return false; } return extentionPos == (int)sName.find(PLUGIN_EXTENSION); } /** * True if the input entry is "." or ".." */ bool isDotOrDDot(const struct dirent* pEntry) const { String8 sName(pEntry->d_name); return "." == sName || ".." == sName; } /** * True if input entry is directory */ bool isDirectory(const struct dirent* pEntry) const { return DT_DIR == pEntry->d_type; } /** * True if input entry is regular file */ bool isRegularFile(const struct dirent* pEntry) const { return DT_REG == pEntry->d_type; } /** * True if input entry is link */ bool isLink(const struct dirent* pEntry) const { return DT_LNK == pEntry->d_type; } }; }; #endif /* __PLUGIN_MANAGER_H__ */