page.title=ndk-build @jd:body

On this page

  1. Internals
  2. Invoking from the Command Line
  3. 64-Bit and 32-Bit Toolchains
  4. Requirements

The {@code ndk-build} file is a shell script introduced in Android NDK r4. Its purpose is to invoke the right NDK build script.


Running the {@code ndk-build} script is equivalent to running the following command:

$GNUMAKE -f <ndk>/build/core/

$GNUMAKE points to GNU Make 3.81 or later, and <ndk> points to your NDK installation directory. You can use this information to invoke ndk-build from other shell scripts, or even your own make files.

Invoking from the Command Line

The {@code ndk-build} file lives in the top level the NDK installation directory. To run it from the command line, invoke it while in or under your application project directory. For example:

cd <project>
$ <ndk>/ndk-build

In this example, <project> points to your project’s root directory, and <ndk> is the directory where you installed the NDK.


All parameters to ndk-build are passed directly to the underlying GNU {@code make} command that runs the NDK build scripts. Combine ndk-build and options in the form ndk-build <option>. For example:

$ ndk-build clean

The following options are available:

{@code clean}
Remove any previously generated binaries.
{@code V=1}
Launch build, and display build commands.
{@code -B}
Force a complete rebuild.
{@code -B V=1}
Force a complete rebuild, and display build commands.
{@code NDK_LOG=1}
Display internal NDK log messages (used for debugging the NDK itself).
{@code NDK_DEBUG=1}
Force a debuggable build (see Table 1).
{@code NDK_DEBUG=0}
Force a release build (see Table 1).
{@code NDK_HOST_32BIT=1}
Always use the toolchain in 32-bit mode (see 64-bit and 32-bit Toolchains).
{@code NDK_APPLICATION_MK=<file>}
Build, using a specific file pointed to by the {@code NDK_APPLICATION_MK} variable.
{@code -C <project>}
Build the native code for the project path located at {@code <project>}. Useful if you don't want to {@code cd} to it in your terminal.

Debuggable versus Release builds

Use the NDK_DEBUG option and, in certain cases, {@code AndroidManifest.xml} to specify debug or release build, optimization-related behavior, and inclusion of symbols. Table 1 shows the results of each possible combination of settings.

Table 1. Results of NDK_DEBUG (command line) and android:debuggable (manifest) combinations.

android:debuggble="true" Debug; Symbols; Optimized*1 Debug; Symbols; Not optimized*2 (same as NDK_DEBUG=1)
android:debuggable="false"Release; Symbols; Optimized Release; Symbols; Not optimizedRelease; No symbols; Optimized*3
*1: Useful for profiling.
*2: Default for running {@code ndk-gdb}.
*3: Default mode.

Note: {@code NDK_DEBUG=0} is the equivalent of {@code APP_OPTIM=release}, and complies with the GCC {@code -O2} option. {@code NDK_DEBUG=1} is the equivalent of {@code APP_OPTIM=debug} in {@code}, and complies with the GCC {@code -O0} option. For more information about {@code APP_OPTIM}, see

The syntax on the command line is, for example:

$ ndk-build NDK_DEBUG=1

If you are using build tools from prior to SDK r8, you must also modify your {@code AndroidManifest.xml} file to specify debug mode. The syntax for doing so resembles the following:

<application android:label="@string/app_name"
From SDK r8 onward, you do not need to touch {@code AndroidManifest.xml}. Building a debug package (e.g. with ant debug or the corresponding option of the ADT plugin) causes the tool automatically to pick the native debug files generated with {@code NDK_DEBUG=1}.

64-Bit and 32-Bit Toolchains

Some toolchains come with both 64-bit and 32-bit versions. For example, directories {@code <ndk>/toolchain/<name>/prebuilt/} and {@code <ndk>/prebuilt/} may contain both {@code linux-x86} and {@code linux-x86_64} folders for Linux tools in 32-bit and 64-bit modes, respectively. The ndk-build script automatically chooses a 64-bit version of the toolchain if the host OS supports it. You can force the use of a 32-bit toolchain by using {@code NDK_HOST_32BIT=1} either in your environment or on the ndk-build command line.

Note that 64-bit tools utilize host resources better (for instance, they are faster, and handle larger programs), and they can still generate 32-bit binaries for Android.


You need GNU Make 3.81 or later to use ndk-build or the NDK in general. The build scripts will detect a non-compliant Make tool, and generate an error message.

If you have GNU Make 3.81 installed, but the default make command doesn’t launch it, define {@code GNUMAKE} in your environment to point to it before launching ndk-build. For example:

$ export GNUMAKE=/usr/local/bin/gmake
$ ndk-build

You can override other host prebuilt tools in {@code $NDK/prebuilt/<OS>/bin/} with the following environment variables:

$ export NDK_HOST_AWK=<path-to-awk>
$ export NDK_HOST_ECHO=<path-to-echo>
$ export NDK_HOST_CMP=<path-to-cmp>