/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "cmd/Util.h" #include #include "android-base/logging.h" #include "ConfigDescription.h" #include "Locale.h" #include "ResourceUtils.h" #include "ValueVisitor.h" #include "split/TableSplitter.h" #include "util/Maybe.h" #include "util/Util.h" using android::StringPiece; namespace aapt { Maybe ParseTargetDensityParameter(const StringPiece& arg, IDiagnostics* diag) { ConfigDescription preferred_density_config; if (!ConfigDescription::Parse(arg, &preferred_density_config)) { diag->Error(DiagMessage() << "invalid density '" << arg << "' for --preferred-density option"); return {}; } // Clear the version that can be automatically added. preferred_density_config.sdkVersion = 0; if (preferred_density_config.diff(ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig()) != ConfigDescription::CONFIG_DENSITY) { diag->Error(DiagMessage() << "invalid preferred density '" << arg << "'. " << "Preferred density must only be a density value"); return {}; } return preferred_density_config.density; } bool ParseSplitParameter(const StringPiece& arg, IDiagnostics* diag, std::string* out_path, SplitConstraints* out_split) { CHECK(diag != nullptr); CHECK(out_path != nullptr); CHECK(out_split != nullptr); #ifdef _WIN32 const char sSeparator = ';'; #else const char sSeparator = ':'; #endif std::vector parts = util::Split(arg, sSeparator); if (parts.size() != 2) { diag->Error(DiagMessage() << "invalid split parameter '" << arg << "'"); diag->Note(DiagMessage() << "should be --split path/to/output.apk" << sSeparator << "[,...]."); return false; } *out_path = parts[0]; std::vector configs; for (const StringPiece& config_str : util::Tokenize(parts[1], ',')) { ConfigDescription config; if (!ConfigDescription::Parse(config_str, &config)) { diag->Error(DiagMessage() << "invalid config '" << config_str << "' in split parameter '" << arg << "'"); return false; } out_split->configs.insert(config); } return true; } std::unique_ptr ParseConfigFilterParameters(const std::vector& args, IDiagnostics* diag) { std::unique_ptr filter = util::make_unique(); for (const std::string& config_arg : args) { for (const StringPiece& config_str : util::Tokenize(config_arg, ',')) { ConfigDescription config; LocaleValue lv; if (lv.InitFromFilterString(config_str)) { lv.WriteTo(&config); } else if (!ConfigDescription::Parse(config_str, &config)) { diag->Error(DiagMessage() << "invalid config '" << config_str << "' for -c option"); return {}; } if (config.density != 0) { diag->Warn(DiagMessage() << "ignoring density '" << config << "' for -c option"); } else { filter->AddConfig(config); } } } return std::move(filter); } // Adjust the SplitConstraints so that their SDK version is stripped if it // is less than or equal to the minSdk. Otherwise the resources that have had // their SDK version stripped due to minSdk won't ever match. std::vector AdjustSplitConstraintsForMinSdk( int min_sdk, const std::vector& split_constraints) { std::vector adjusted_constraints; adjusted_constraints.reserve(split_constraints.size()); for (const SplitConstraints& constraints : split_constraints) { SplitConstraints constraint; for (const ConfigDescription& config : constraints.configs) { if (config.sdkVersion <= min_sdk) { constraint.configs.insert(config.CopyWithoutSdkVersion()); } else { constraint.configs.insert(config); } } adjusted_constraints.push_back(std::move(constraint)); } return adjusted_constraints; } static xml::AaptAttribute CreateAttributeWithId(const ResourceId& id) { return xml::AaptAttribute{id, Attribute(true)}; } std::unique_ptr GenerateSplitManifest(const AppInfo& app_info, const SplitConstraints& constraints) { const ResourceId kVersionCode(0x0101021b); const ResourceId kRevisionCode(0x010104d5); const ResourceId kHasCode(0x0101000c); std::unique_ptr doc = util::make_unique(); std::unique_ptr namespace_android = util::make_unique(); namespace_android->namespace_uri = xml::kSchemaAndroid; namespace_android->namespace_prefix = "android"; std::unique_ptr manifest_el = util::make_unique(); manifest_el->name = "manifest"; manifest_el->attributes.push_back(xml::Attribute{"", "package", app_info.package}); if (app_info.version_code) { const uint32_t version_code = app_info.version_code.value(); manifest_el->attributes.push_back(xml::Attribute{ xml::kSchemaAndroid, "versionCode", std::to_string(version_code), CreateAttributeWithId(kVersionCode), util::make_unique(android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_DEC, version_code)}); } if (app_info.revision_code) { const uint32_t revision_code = app_info.revision_code.value(); manifest_el->attributes.push_back(xml::Attribute{ xml::kSchemaAndroid, "revisionCode", std::to_string(revision_code), CreateAttributeWithId(kRevisionCode), util::make_unique(android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_DEC, revision_code)}); } std::stringstream split_name; if (app_info.split_name) { split_name << app_info.split_name.value() << "."; } split_name << "config." << util::Joiner(constraints.configs, "_"); manifest_el->attributes.push_back(xml::Attribute{"", "split", split_name.str()}); if (app_info.split_name) { manifest_el->attributes.push_back( xml::Attribute{"", "configForSplit", app_info.split_name.value()}); } std::unique_ptr application_el = util::make_unique(); application_el->name = "application"; application_el->attributes.push_back( xml::Attribute{xml::kSchemaAndroid, "hasCode", "false", CreateAttributeWithId(kHasCode), util::make_unique(android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_BOOLEAN, 0u)}); manifest_el->AppendChild(std::move(application_el)); namespace_android->AppendChild(std::move(manifest_el)); doc->root = std::move(namespace_android); return doc; } static Maybe ExtractCompiledString(xml::Attribute* attr, std::string* out_error) { if (attr->compiled_value != nullptr) { String* compiled_str = ValueCast(attr->compiled_value.get()); if (compiled_str != nullptr) { if (!compiled_str->value->empty()) { return *compiled_str->value; } else { *out_error = "compiled value is an empty string"; return {}; } } *out_error = "compiled value is not a string"; return {}; } // Fallback to the plain text value if there is one. if (!attr->value.empty()) { return attr->value; } *out_error = "value is an empty string"; return {}; } static Maybe ExtractCompiledInt(xml::Attribute* attr, std::string* out_error) { if (attr->compiled_value != nullptr) { BinaryPrimitive* compiled_prim = ValueCast(attr->compiled_value.get()); if (compiled_prim != nullptr) { if (compiled_prim->value.dataType >= android::Res_value::TYPE_FIRST_INT && compiled_prim->value.dataType <= android::Res_value::TYPE_LAST_INT) { return compiled_prim->value.data; } } *out_error = "compiled value is not an integer"; return {}; } // Fallback to the plain text value if there is one. Maybe integer = ResourceUtils::ParseInt(attr->value); if (integer) { return integer; } std::stringstream error_msg; error_msg << "'" << attr->value << "' is not a valid integer"; *out_error = error_msg.str(); return {}; } static Maybe ExtractSdkVersion(xml::Attribute* attr, std::string* out_error) { if (attr->compiled_value != nullptr) { BinaryPrimitive* compiled_prim = ValueCast(attr->compiled_value.get()); if (compiled_prim != nullptr) { if (compiled_prim->value.dataType >= android::Res_value::TYPE_FIRST_INT && compiled_prim->value.dataType <= android::Res_value::TYPE_LAST_INT) { return compiled_prim->value.data; } *out_error = "compiled value is not an integer or string"; return {}; } String* compiled_str = ValueCast(attr->compiled_value.get()); if (compiled_str != nullptr) { Maybe sdk_version = ResourceUtils::ParseSdkVersion(*compiled_str->value); if (sdk_version) { return sdk_version; } *out_error = "compiled string value is not a valid SDK version"; return {}; } *out_error = "compiled value is not an integer or string"; return {}; } // Fallback to the plain text value if there is one. Maybe sdk_version = ResourceUtils::ParseSdkVersion(attr->value); if (sdk_version) { return sdk_version; } std::stringstream error_msg; error_msg << "'" << attr->value << "' is not a valid SDK version"; *out_error = error_msg.str(); return {}; } Maybe ExtractAppInfoFromBinaryManifest(xml::XmlResource* xml_res, IDiagnostics* diag) { // Make sure the first element is with package attribute. xml::Element* manifest_el = xml::FindRootElement(xml_res->root.get()); if (manifest_el == nullptr) { return {}; } AppInfo app_info; if (!manifest_el->namespace_uri.empty() || manifest_el->name != "manifest") { diag->Error(DiagMessage(xml_res->file.source) << "root tag must be "); return {}; } xml::Attribute* package_attr = manifest_el->FindAttribute({}, "package"); if (!package_attr) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(xml_res->file.source) << " must have a 'package' attribute"); return {}; } std::string error_msg; Maybe maybe_package = ExtractCompiledString(package_attr, &error_msg); if (!maybe_package) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(xml_res->file.source.WithLine(manifest_el->line_number)) << "invalid package name: " << error_msg); return {}; } app_info.package = maybe_package.value(); if (xml::Attribute* version_code_attr = manifest_el->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "versionCode")) { Maybe maybe_code = ExtractCompiledInt(version_code_attr, &error_msg); if (!maybe_code) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(xml_res->file.source.WithLine(manifest_el->line_number)) << "invalid android:versionCode: " << error_msg); return {}; } app_info.version_code = maybe_code.value(); } if (xml::Attribute* revision_code_attr = manifest_el->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "revisionCode")) { Maybe maybe_code = ExtractCompiledInt(revision_code_attr, &error_msg); if (!maybe_code) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(xml_res->file.source.WithLine(manifest_el->line_number)) << "invalid android:revisionCode: " << error_msg); return {}; } app_info.revision_code = maybe_code.value(); } if (xml::Attribute* split_name_attr = manifest_el->FindAttribute({}, "split")) { Maybe maybe_split_name = ExtractCompiledString(split_name_attr, &error_msg); if (!maybe_split_name) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(xml_res->file.source.WithLine(manifest_el->line_number)) << "invalid split name: " << error_msg); return {}; } app_info.split_name = maybe_split_name.value(); } if (xml::Element* uses_sdk_el = manifest_el->FindChild({}, "uses-sdk")) { if (xml::Attribute* min_sdk = uses_sdk_el->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "minSdkVersion")) { Maybe maybe_sdk = ExtractSdkVersion(min_sdk, &error_msg); if (!maybe_sdk) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(xml_res->file.source.WithLine(uses_sdk_el->line_number)) << "invalid android:minSdkVersion: " << error_msg); return {}; } app_info.min_sdk_version = maybe_sdk.value(); } } return app_info; } } // namespace aapt