/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_RS_CONTEXT_H #define ANDROID_RS_CONTEXT_H #include "rsUtils.h" #include "rsType.h" #include "rsAllocation.h" #include "rsMesh.h" #include "rs_hal.h" #ifndef ANDROID_RS_SERIALIZE #include "rsMutex.h" #include "rsThreadIO.h" #include "rsMatrix4x4.h" #include "rsDevice.h" #include "rsScriptC.h" #include "rsAdapter.h" #include "rsSampler.h" #include "rsFont.h" #include "rsProgramFragment.h" #include "rsProgramStore.h" #include "rsProgramRaster.h" #include "rsProgramVertex.h" #include "rsShaderCache.h" #include "rsFBOCache.h" #include "rsVertexArray.h" #include "rsgApiStructs.h" #include "rsLocklessFifo.h" #include #endif // ANDROID_RS_SERIALIZE // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace android { namespace renderscript { #if 0 #define CHECK_OBJ(o) { \ GET_TLS(); \ if (!ObjectBase::isValid(rsc, (const ObjectBase *)o)) { \ LOGE("Bad object %p at %s, %i", o, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ } \ } #define CHECK_OBJ_OR_NULL(o) { \ GET_TLS(); \ if (o && !ObjectBase::isValid(rsc, (const ObjectBase *)o)) { \ LOGE("Bad object %p at %s, %i", o, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ } \ } #else #define CHECK_OBJ(o) #define CHECK_OBJ_OR_NULL(o) #endif #ifndef ANDROID_RS_SERIALIZE class Context { public: struct Hal { void * drv; RsdHalFunctions funcs; }; Hal mHal; static Context * createContext(Device *, const RsSurfaceConfig *sc); ~Context(); static pthread_key_t gThreadTLSKey; static uint32_t gThreadTLSKeyCount; static uint32_t gGLContextCount; static pthread_mutex_t gInitMutex; // Library mutex (for providing thread-safe calls from the runtime) static pthread_mutex_t gLibMutex; class PushState { public: PushState(Context *); ~PushState(); private: ObjectBaseRef mFragment; ObjectBaseRef mVertex; ObjectBaseRef mStore; ObjectBaseRef mRaster; ObjectBaseRef mFont; Context *mRsc; }; ScriptTLSStruct *mTlsStruct; RsSurfaceConfig mUserSurfaceConfig; ElementState mStateElement; TypeState mStateType; SamplerState mStateSampler; ProgramFragmentState mStateFragment; ProgramStoreState mStateFragmentStore; ProgramRasterState mStateRaster; ProgramVertexState mStateVertex; VertexArrayState mStateVertexArray; FontState mStateFont; ScriptCState mScriptC; ShaderCache mShaderCache; FBOCache mFBOCache; void swapBuffers(); void setRootScript(Script *); void setProgramRaster(ProgramRaster *); void setProgramVertex(ProgramVertex *); void setProgramFragment(ProgramFragment *); void setProgramStore(ProgramStore *); void setFont(Font *); void updateSurface(void *sur); ProgramFragment * getProgramFragment() {return mFragment.get();} ProgramStore * getProgramStore() {return mFragmentStore.get();} ProgramRaster * getProgramRaster() {return mRaster.get();} ProgramVertex * getProgramVertex() {return mVertex.get();} Font * getFont() {return mFont.get();} bool setupCheck(); void setupProgramStore(); void pause(); void resume(); void setSurface(uint32_t w, uint32_t h, ANativeWindow *sur); void setPriority(int32_t p); void destroyWorkerThreadResources(); void assignName(ObjectBase *obj, const char *name, uint32_t len); void removeName(ObjectBase *obj); RsMessageToClientType peekMessageToClient(size_t *receiveLen, uint32_t *subID, bool wait); RsMessageToClientType getMessageToClient(void *data, size_t *receiveLen, uint32_t *subID, size_t bufferLen, bool wait); bool sendMessageToClient(const void *data, RsMessageToClientType cmdID, uint32_t subID, size_t len, bool waitForSpace) const; uint32_t runScript(Script *s); void initToClient(); void deinitToClient(); ProgramFragment * getDefaultProgramFragment() const { return mStateFragment.mDefault.get(); } ProgramVertex * getDefaultProgramVertex() const { return mStateVertex.mDefault.get(); } ProgramStore * getDefaultProgramStore() const { return mStateFragmentStore.mDefault.get(); } ProgramRaster * getDefaultProgramRaster() const { return mStateRaster.mDefault.get(); } Font* getDefaultFont() const { return mStateFont.mDefault.get(); } uint32_t getWidth() const {return mWidth;} uint32_t getHeight() const {return mHeight;} mutable ThreadIO mIO; // Timers enum Timers { RS_TIMER_IDLE, RS_TIMER_INTERNAL, RS_TIMER_SCRIPT, RS_TIMER_CLEAR_SWAP, _RS_TIMER_TOTAL }; uint64_t getTime() const; void timerInit(); void timerReset(); void timerSet(Timers); void timerPrint(); void timerFrame(); struct { bool mLogTimes; bool mLogScripts; bool mLogObjects; bool mLogShaders; bool mLogShadersAttr; bool mLogShadersUniforms; bool mLogVisual; } props; void dumpDebug() const; void checkError(const char *, bool isFatal = false) const; void setError(RsError e, const char *msg = NULL) const; mutable const ObjectBase * mObjHead; bool ext_OES_texture_npot() const {return mGL.OES_texture_npot;} bool ext_GL_IMG_texture_npot() const {return mGL.GL_IMG_texture_npot;} bool ext_GL_NV_texture_npot_2D_mipmap() const {return mGL.GL_NV_texture_npot_2D_mipmap;} float ext_texture_max_aniso() const {return mGL.EXT_texture_max_aniso; } uint32_t getMaxFragmentTextures() const {return mGL.mMaxFragmentTextureImageUnits;} uint32_t getMaxFragmentUniformVectors() const {return mGL.mMaxFragmentUniformVectors;} uint32_t getMaxVertexUniformVectors() const {return mGL.mMaxVertexUniformVectors;} uint32_t getMaxVertexAttributes() const {return mGL.mMaxVertexAttribs;} uint32_t getDPI() const {return mDPI;} void setDPI(uint32_t dpi) {mDPI = dpi;} Device *mDev; protected: struct { int32_t mMaxVaryingVectors; int32_t mMaxTextureImageUnits; int32_t mMaxFragmentTextureImageUnits; int32_t mMaxFragmentUniformVectors; int32_t mMaxVertexAttribs; int32_t mMaxVertexUniformVectors; int32_t mMaxVertexTextureUnits; bool OES_texture_npot; bool GL_IMG_texture_npot; bool GL_NV_texture_npot_2D_mipmap; float EXT_texture_max_aniso; } mGL; uint32_t mDPI; uint32_t mWidth; uint32_t mHeight; int32_t mThreadPriority; bool mIsGraphicsContext; bool mRunning; bool mExit; bool mPaused; mutable RsError mError; pthread_t mThreadId; pid_t mNativeThreadId; ObjectBaseRef