If you've encountered bugs or have feedback about the L Developer Preview,
create an issue on
our issue tracker.
For more support,
the L Developer Preview Google+ community to discuss your development experiences.
Release Notes
June 25, 2014 - Initial Release of the L Developer Preview
User interface
- If your app launches an activity with
{@link startActivity()}
and an {@link android.content.Intent} set to
{@link android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET}, the
activity shows up as a separate task in the Recent apps screen. This is the
same behavior as though your app used {@code Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT}
(see Concurrent
documents and activities in the Recents screen). If you want your activity
to remain in the same task that launched it, use
startActivityForResult()} instead.
- System-rendered shadows for user interface (UI) elements in views may
appear with visible spiky edges. To avoid this visual artifact, use a higher
- On very tall or wide views, view shadows may appear with additional rough
visual artifacts around the view edges. To minimize this, avoid using view
shadows with very narrow views.
- The {@code} class does not
respond to pointer location changes, except when the drawable is set as a
{@link android.view.View} background.
- The System UI may crash unexpectedly while the device is charging, if
the locale is set to {@code fr} (FRENCH).
Wireless and Connectivity
- The {@code android.bluetooth.le} APIs are supported only on Nexus 5
- You might encounter these issues while using Bluetooth LE scanning:
- Settings does not show all Bluetooth LE devices when a scan
filter is set.
- System returns non-intuitive error messages during a Bluetooth LE scan,
when Bluetooth is off.
- The {@code BluetoothLeScanner.startScan()} method starts failing after
six concurrent scans with different callbacks.
- You might encounter these issues while using Bluetooth LE advertising:
- The device MAC address does not change for multiple advertising
when the application processor is asleep.
- The TX Power Level is always 0 in advertising packets.
- The device may crash unexpectedly in these situations when using
Android work functionality:
- The user attempts to share a web page (via Menu > Share)
from a non-Android work Chrome app to a Android work profile Gmail app.
- The user attempts to share a web page via Bluetooth from a
Android work profile
Chrome app.
- The user attempts to share a web page via Android Beam from a
Android work profile Chrome app.
- Deleting a Android work profile may take several minutes to complete. You
cannot create a new Android work profile until the deletion operation is over.
64-bit support
If you are using the NDK to compile apps for 32- or 64-bit systems and
want to use the features provided in the L Developer Preview, download the
{@code android-ndk64-r10} package for your target platform from the
Android NDK page. The
{@code android-ndk64-r10} package contains the L Developer Preview API
library (located under the {@code platforms/android-L/} API directory) for both
32- and 64-bit systems. The package also includes the {@code gcc-4.9} compiler
for both 32- and 64-bit apps.