Scanning\u2026 Connecting\u2026 Authenticating\u2026 Obtaining IP address\u2026 Connected Suspended Disconnecting\u2026 Disconnected Unsuccessful Blocked Temporarily avoiding poor connection Scanning\u2026 Connecting to %1$s\u2026 Authenticating with %1$s\u2026 Obtaining IP address from %1$s\u2026 Connected to %1$s Suspended Disconnecting from %1$s\u2026 Disconnected Unsuccessful Blocked Temporarily avoiding poor connection Never check Check for DRM content only Always check never drm-only always Never use HDCP checking Use HDCP checking for DRM content only Always use HDCP checking Off 64K 256K 1M 4M 16M Off 64K 256K 1M 32768 65536 262144 1048576 4194304 16777216 Off 64K per log buffer 256K per log buffer 1M per log buffer 4M per log buffer 16M per log buffer all default,security,kernel Off All All but radio Off All log buffers All but radio log buffers Animation off Animation scale .5x Animation scale 1x Animation scale 1.5x Animation scale 2x Animation scale 5x Animation scale 10x 0 .5 1 1.5 2 5 10 Animation off Animation scale .5x Animation scale 1x Animation scale 1.5x Animation scale 2x Animation scale 5x Animation scale 10x 0 .5 1 1.5 2 5 10 Animation off Animation scale .5x Animation scale 1x Animation scale 1.5x Animation scale 2x Animation scale 5x Animation scale 10x 0 .5 1 1.5 2 5 10 None 480p 480p (secure) 720p 720p (secure) 1080p 1080p (secure) 4K 4K (secure) 4K (upscaled) 4K (upscaled, secure) 720p, 1080p (dual screen) 720x480/142 720x480/142,secure 1280x720/213 1280x720/213,secure 1920x1080/320 1920x1080/320,secure 3840x2160/320 3840x2160/320,secure 1920x1080/320|3840x2160/640 1920x1080/320|3840x2160/640,secure 1280x720/213;1920x1080/320 None Logcat Systrace (Graphics) Call stack on glGetError 0 1 systrace error Off Draw non-rectangular clip region in blue Highlight tested drawing commands in green hide region highlight Off On screen as bars In adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo false visual_bars true Off Show overdraw areas Show areas for Deuteranomaly false show show_deuteranomaly Standard limit No background processes At most 1 process At most 2 processes At most 3 processes At most 4 processes -1 0 1 2 3 4 Charging MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) RNDIS (USB Ethernet) Audio Source MIDI none mtp ptp rndis audio_source midi @string/daltonizer_mode_disabled @string/daltonizer_mode_monochromacy @string/daltonizer_mode_deuteranomaly @string/daltonizer_mode_protanomaly @string/daltonizer_mode_tritanomaly -1 0 2 1 3