/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "XmlDom.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "android-base/logging.h" #include "ResourceUtils.h" #include "trace/TraceBuffer.h" #include "XmlPullParser.h" #include "util/Util.h" using ::aapt::io::InputStream; using ::android::StringPiece; using ::android::StringPiece16; namespace aapt { namespace xml { constexpr char kXmlNamespaceSep = 1; struct Stack { std::unique_ptr root; std::stack node_stack; std::unique_ptr pending_element; std::string pending_comment; std::unique_ptr last_text_node; }; // Extracts the namespace and name of an expanded element or attribute name. static void SplitName(const char* name, std::string* out_ns, std::string* out_name) { const char* p = name; while (*p != 0 && *p != kXmlNamespaceSep) { p++; } if (*p == 0) { out_ns->clear(); out_name->assign(name); } else { out_ns->assign(name, (p - name)); out_name->assign(p + 1); } } static void FinishPendingText(Stack* stack) { if (stack->last_text_node != nullptr) { if (!stack->last_text_node->text.empty()) { CHECK(!stack->node_stack.empty()); stack->node_stack.top()->AppendChild(std::move(stack->last_text_node)); } else { // Drop an empty text node. } stack->last_text_node = nullptr; } } static void XMLCALL StartNamespaceHandler(void* user_data, const char* prefix, const char* uri) { XML_Parser parser = reinterpret_cast(user_data); Stack* stack = reinterpret_cast(XML_GetUserData(parser)); FinishPendingText(stack); NamespaceDecl decl; decl.line_number = XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser); decl.column_number = XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(parser); decl.prefix = prefix ? prefix : ""; decl.uri = uri ? uri : ""; if (stack->pending_element == nullptr) { stack->pending_element = util::make_unique(); } stack->pending_element->namespace_decls.push_back(std::move(decl)); } static void XMLCALL EndNamespaceHandler(void* user_data, const char* /*prefix*/) { XML_Parser parser = reinterpret_cast(user_data); Stack* stack = reinterpret_cast(XML_GetUserData(parser)); FinishPendingText(stack); } static bool less_attribute(const Attribute& lhs, const Attribute& rhs) { return std::tie(lhs.namespace_uri, lhs.name, lhs.value) < std::tie(rhs.namespace_uri, rhs.name, rhs.value); } static void XMLCALL StartElementHandler(void* user_data, const char* name, const char** attrs) { XML_Parser parser = reinterpret_cast(user_data); Stack* stack = reinterpret_cast(XML_GetUserData(parser)); FinishPendingText(stack); std::unique_ptr el; if (stack->pending_element != nullptr) { el = std::move(stack->pending_element); } else { el = util::make_unique(); } el->line_number = XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser); el->column_number = XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(parser); el->comment = std::move(stack->pending_comment); SplitName(name, &el->namespace_uri, &el->name); while (*attrs) { Attribute attribute; SplitName(*attrs++, &attribute.namespace_uri, &attribute.name); attribute.value = *attrs++; el->attributes.push_back(std::move(attribute)); } // Sort the attributes. std::sort(el->attributes.begin(), el->attributes.end(), less_attribute); // Add to the stack. Element* this_el = el.get(); if (!stack->node_stack.empty()) { stack->node_stack.top()->AppendChild(std::move(el)); } else { stack->root = std::move(el); } stack->node_stack.push(this_el); } static void XMLCALL EndElementHandler(void* user_data, const char* name) { XML_Parser parser = reinterpret_cast(user_data); Stack* stack = reinterpret_cast(XML_GetUserData(parser)); FinishPendingText(stack); CHECK(!stack->node_stack.empty()); // stack->nodeStack.top()->comment = std::move(stack->pendingComment); stack->node_stack.pop(); } static void XMLCALL CharacterDataHandler(void* user_data, const char* s, int len) { XML_Parser parser = reinterpret_cast(user_data); Stack* stack = reinterpret_cast(XML_GetUserData(parser)); const StringPiece str(s, len); if (str.empty()) { return; } // See if we can just append the text to a previous text node. if (stack->last_text_node != nullptr) { stack->last_text_node->text.append(str.data(), str.size()); return; } stack->last_text_node = util::make_unique(); stack->last_text_node->line_number = XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser); stack->last_text_node->column_number = XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(parser); stack->last_text_node->text = str.to_string(); } static void XMLCALL CommentDataHandler(void* user_data, const char* comment) { XML_Parser parser = reinterpret_cast(user_data); Stack* stack = reinterpret_cast(XML_GetUserData(parser)); FinishPendingText(stack); if (!stack->pending_comment.empty()) { stack->pending_comment += '\n'; } stack->pending_comment += comment; } std::unique_ptr Inflate(InputStream* in, IDiagnostics* diag, const Source& source) { Stack stack; std::unique_ptr::type, decltype(XML_ParserFree)*> parser = { XML_ParserCreateNS(nullptr, kXmlNamespaceSep), XML_ParserFree}; XML_SetUserData(parser.get(), &stack); XML_UseParserAsHandlerArg(parser.get()); XML_SetElementHandler(parser.get(), StartElementHandler, EndElementHandler); XML_SetNamespaceDeclHandler(parser.get(), StartNamespaceHandler, EndNamespaceHandler); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser.get(), CharacterDataHandler); XML_SetCommentHandler(parser.get(), CommentDataHandler); const char* buffer = nullptr; size_t buffer_size = 0; while (in->Next(reinterpret_cast(&buffer), &buffer_size)) { if (XML_Parse(parser.get(), buffer, buffer_size, false) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(source.WithLine(XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser.get()))) << XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(parser.get()))); return {}; } } if (in->HadError()) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(source) << in->GetError()); return {}; } else { // Finish off the parsing. if (XML_Parse(parser.get(), nullptr, 0u, true) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(source.WithLine(XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser.get()))) << XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(parser.get()))); return {}; } } return util::make_unique(ResourceFile{{}, {}, ResourceFile::Type::kUnknown, source}, StringPool{}, std::move(stack.root)); } static void CopyAttributes(Element* el, android::ResXMLParser* parser, StringPool* out_pool) { const size_t attr_count = parser->getAttributeCount(); if (attr_count > 0) { el->attributes.reserve(attr_count); for (size_t i = 0; i < attr_count; i++) { Attribute attr; size_t len; const char16_t* str16 = parser->getAttributeNamespace(i, &len); if (str16) { attr.namespace_uri = util::Utf16ToUtf8(StringPiece16(str16, len)); } str16 = parser->getAttributeName(i, &len); if (str16) { attr.name = util::Utf16ToUtf8(StringPiece16(str16, len)); } uint32_t res_id = parser->getAttributeNameResID(i); if (res_id > 0) { attr.compiled_attribute = AaptAttribute(::aapt::Attribute(), {res_id}); } str16 = parser->getAttributeStringValue(i, &len); if (str16) { attr.value = util::Utf16ToUtf8(StringPiece16(str16, len)); } android::Res_value res_value; if (parser->getAttributeValue(i, &res_value) > 0) { // Only compile the value if it is not a string, or it is a string that differs from // the raw attribute value. int32_t raw_value_idx = parser->getAttributeValueStringID(i); if (res_value.dataType != android::Res_value::TYPE_STRING || raw_value_idx < 0 || static_cast(raw_value_idx) != res_value.data) { attr.compiled_value = ResourceUtils::ParseBinaryResValue( ResourceType::kAnim, {}, parser->getStrings(), res_value, out_pool); } } el->attributes.push_back(std::move(attr)); } } } std::unique_ptr Inflate(const void* data, size_t len, std::string* out_error) { TRACE_CALL(); // We import the android namespace because on Windows NO_ERROR is a macro, not // an enum, which causes errors when qualifying it with android:: using namespace android; std::unique_ptr xml_resource = util::make_unique(); std::stack node_stack; std::unique_ptr pending_element; ResXMLTree tree; if (tree.setTo(data, len) != NO_ERROR) { if (out_error != nullptr) { *out_error = "failed to initialize ResXMLTree"; } return {}; } ResXMLParser::event_code_t code; while ((code = tree.next()) != ResXMLParser::BAD_DOCUMENT && code != ResXMLParser::END_DOCUMENT) { std::unique_ptr new_node; switch (code) { case ResXMLParser::START_NAMESPACE: { NamespaceDecl decl; decl.line_number = tree.getLineNumber(); size_t len; const char16_t* str16 = tree.getNamespacePrefix(&len); if (str16) { decl.prefix = util::Utf16ToUtf8(StringPiece16(str16, len)); } str16 = tree.getNamespaceUri(&len); if (str16) { decl.uri = util::Utf16ToUtf8(StringPiece16(str16, len)); } if (pending_element == nullptr) { pending_element = util::make_unique(); } // pending_element is not nullptr // NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-use-after-move) pending_element->namespace_decls.push_back(std::move(decl)); break; } case ResXMLParser::START_TAG: { std::unique_ptr el; if (pending_element != nullptr) { el = std::move(pending_element); } else { el = util::make_unique(); } el->line_number = tree.getLineNumber(); size_t len; const char16_t* str16 = tree.getElementNamespace(&len); if (str16) { el->namespace_uri = util::Utf16ToUtf8(StringPiece16(str16, len)); } str16 = tree.getElementName(&len); if (str16) { el->name = util::Utf16ToUtf8(StringPiece16(str16, len)); } Element* this_el = el.get(); CopyAttributes(el.get(), &tree, &xml_resource->string_pool); if (!node_stack.empty()) { node_stack.top()->AppendChild(std::move(el)); } else { xml_resource->root = std::move(el); } node_stack.push(this_el); break; } case ResXMLParser::TEXT: { std::unique_ptr text = util::make_unique(); text->line_number = tree.getLineNumber(); size_t len; const char16_t* str16 = tree.getText(&len); if (str16) { text->text = util::Utf16ToUtf8(StringPiece16(str16, len)); } CHECK(!node_stack.empty()); node_stack.top()->AppendChild(std::move(text)); break; } case ResXMLParser::END_NAMESPACE: break; case ResXMLParser::END_TAG: CHECK(!node_stack.empty()); node_stack.pop(); break; default: LOG(FATAL) << "unhandled XML chunk type"; break; } } return xml_resource; } std::unique_ptr XmlResource::Clone() const { std::unique_ptr cloned = util::make_unique(file); if (root != nullptr) { cloned->root = root->CloneElement([&](const xml::Element& src, xml::Element* dst) { dst->attributes.reserve(src.attributes.size()); for (const xml::Attribute& attr : src.attributes) { xml::Attribute cloned_attr; cloned_attr.name = attr.name; cloned_attr.namespace_uri = attr.namespace_uri; cloned_attr.value = attr.value; cloned_attr.compiled_attribute = attr.compiled_attribute; if (attr.compiled_value != nullptr) { cloned_attr.compiled_value.reset(attr.compiled_value->Clone(&cloned->string_pool)); } dst->attributes.push_back(std::move(cloned_attr)); } }); } return cloned; } Element* FindRootElement(Node* node) { if (node == nullptr) { return nullptr; } while (node->parent != nullptr) { node = node->parent; } return NodeCast(node); } void Element::AppendChild(std::unique_ptr child) { child->parent = this; children.push_back(std::move(child)); } void Element::InsertChild(size_t index, std::unique_ptr child) { child->parent = this; children.insert(children.begin() + index, std::move(child)); } Attribute* Element::FindAttribute(const StringPiece& ns, const StringPiece& name) { return const_cast(static_cast(this)->FindAttribute(ns, name)); } const Attribute* Element::FindAttribute(const StringPiece& ns, const StringPiece& name) const { for (const auto& attr : attributes) { if (ns == attr.namespace_uri && name == attr.name) { return &attr; } } return nullptr; } void Element::RemoveAttribute(const StringPiece& ns, const StringPiece& name) { auto new_attr_end = std::remove_if(attributes.begin(), attributes.end(), [&](const Attribute& attr) -> bool { return ns == attr.namespace_uri && name == attr.name; }); attributes.erase(new_attr_end, attributes.end()); } Attribute* Element::FindOrCreateAttribute(const StringPiece& ns, const StringPiece& name) { Attribute* attr = FindAttribute(ns, name); if (attr == nullptr) { attributes.push_back(Attribute{ns.to_string(), name.to_string()}); attr = &attributes.back(); } return attr; } Element* Element::FindChild(const StringPiece& ns, const StringPiece& name) { return FindChildWithAttribute(ns, name, {}, {}, {}); } const Element* Element::FindChild(const StringPiece& ns, const StringPiece& name) const { return FindChildWithAttribute(ns, name, {}, {}, {}); } Element* Element::FindChildWithAttribute(const StringPiece& ns, const StringPiece& name, const StringPiece& attr_ns, const StringPiece& attr_name, const StringPiece& attr_value) { return const_cast(static_cast(this)->FindChildWithAttribute( ns, name, attr_ns, attr_name, attr_value)); } const Element* Element::FindChildWithAttribute(const StringPiece& ns, const StringPiece& name, const StringPiece& attr_ns, const StringPiece& attr_name, const StringPiece& attr_value) const { for (const auto& child : children) { if (const Element* el = NodeCast(child.get())) { if (ns == el->namespace_uri && name == el->name) { if (attr_ns.empty() && attr_name.empty()) { return el; } const Attribute* attr = el->FindAttribute(attr_ns, attr_name); if (attr && attr_value == attr->value) { return el; } } } } return nullptr; } std::vector Element::GetChildElements() { std::vector elements; for (auto& child_node : children) { if (Element* child = NodeCast(child_node.get())) { elements.push_back(child); } } return elements; } std::unique_ptr Element::Clone(const ElementCloneFunc& el_cloner) const { auto el = util::make_unique(); el->namespace_decls = namespace_decls; el->comment = comment; el->line_number = line_number; el->column_number = column_number; el->name = name; el->namespace_uri = namespace_uri; el->attributes.reserve(attributes.size()); el_cloner(*this, el.get()); el->children.reserve(children.size()); for (const std::unique_ptr& child : children) { el->AppendChild(child->Clone(el_cloner)); } return std::move(el); } std::unique_ptr Element::CloneElement(const ElementCloneFunc& el_cloner) const { return std::unique_ptr(static_cast(Clone(el_cloner).release())); } void Element::Accept(Visitor* visitor) { visitor->BeforeVisitElement(this); visitor->Visit(this); visitor->AfterVisitElement(this); } void Element::Accept(ConstVisitor* visitor) const { visitor->BeforeVisitElement(this); visitor->Visit(this); visitor->AfterVisitElement(this); } std::unique_ptr Text::Clone(const ElementCloneFunc&) const { auto t = util::make_unique(); t->comment = comment; t->line_number = line_number; t->column_number = column_number; t->text = text; return std::move(t); } void Text::Accept(Visitor* visitor) { visitor->Visit(this); } void Text::Accept(ConstVisitor* visitor) const { visitor->Visit(this); } void PackageAwareVisitor::BeforeVisitElement(Element* el) { std::vector decls; for (const NamespaceDecl& decl : el->namespace_decls) { if (Maybe maybe_package = ExtractPackageFromNamespace(decl.uri)) { decls.push_back(PackageDecl{decl.prefix, std::move(maybe_package.value())}); } } package_decls_.push_back(std::move(decls)); } void PackageAwareVisitor::AfterVisitElement(Element* el) { package_decls_.pop_back(); } Maybe PackageAwareVisitor::TransformPackageAlias(const StringPiece& alias) const { if (alias.empty()) { return ExtractedPackage{{}, false /*private*/}; } const auto rend = package_decls_.rend(); for (auto iter = package_decls_.rbegin(); iter != rend; ++iter) { const std::vector& decls = *iter; const auto rend2 = decls.rend(); for (auto iter2 = decls.rbegin(); iter2 != rend2; ++iter2) { const PackageDecl& decl = *iter2; if (alias == decl.prefix) { if (decl.package.package.empty()) { return ExtractedPackage{{}, decl.package.private_namespace}; } return decl.package; } } } return {}; } } // namespace xml } // namespace aapt