/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "AnimatorManager.h" #include #include "Animator.h" #include "AnimationContext.h" #include "DamageAccumulator.h" #include "RenderNode.h" namespace android { namespace uirenderer { using namespace std; static void detach(sp& animator) { animator->detach(); } AnimatorManager::AnimatorManager(RenderNode& parent) : mParent(parent) , mAnimationHandle(nullptr) { } AnimatorManager::~AnimatorManager() { for_each(mNewAnimators.begin(), mNewAnimators.end(), detach); for_each(mAnimators.begin(), mAnimators.end(), detach); } void AnimatorManager::addAnimator(const sp& animator) { RenderNode* stagingTarget = animator->stagingTarget(); if (stagingTarget == &mParent) { return; } mNewAnimators.emplace_back(animator.get()); // If the animator is already attached to other RenderNode, remove it from that RenderNode's // new animator list. This ensures one animator only ends up in one newAnimatorList during one // frame, even when it's added multiple times to multiple targets. if (stagingTarget) { stagingTarget->removeAnimator(animator); } animator->attach(&mParent); } void AnimatorManager::removeAnimator(const sp& animator) { mNewAnimators.erase(std::remove(mNewAnimators.begin(), mNewAnimators.end(), animator), mNewAnimators.end()); } void AnimatorManager::setAnimationHandle(AnimationHandle* handle) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mAnimationHandle && handle, "Already have an AnimationHandle!"); mAnimationHandle = handle; LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!mAnimationHandle && mAnimators.size(), "Lost animation handle on %p (%s) with outstanding animators!", &mParent, mParent.getName()); } void AnimatorManager::pushStaging() { if (mNewAnimators.size()) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!mAnimationHandle, "Trying to start new animators on %p (%s) without an animation handle!", &mParent, mParent.getName()); // Only add new animators that are not already in the mAnimators list for (auto& anim : mNewAnimators) { if (anim->target() != &mParent) { mAnimators.push_back(std::move(anim)); } } mNewAnimators.clear(); } for (auto& animator : mAnimators) { animator->pushStaging(mAnimationHandle->context()); } } void AnimatorManager::onAnimatorTargetChanged(BaseRenderNodeAnimator* animator) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(animator->target() == &mParent, "Target has not been changed"); mAnimators.erase(std::remove(mAnimators.begin(), mAnimators.end(), animator), mAnimators.end()); } class AnimateFunctor { public: AnimateFunctor(TreeInfo& info, AnimationContext& context, uint32_t* outDirtyMask) : mInfo(info), mContext(context), mDirtyMask(outDirtyMask) {} bool operator() (sp& animator) { *mDirtyMask |= animator->dirtyMask(); bool remove = animator->animate(mContext); if (remove) { animator->detach(); } else { if (animator->isRunning()) { mInfo.out.hasAnimations = true; } if (CC_UNLIKELY(!animator->mayRunAsync())) { mInfo.out.requiresUiRedraw = true; } } return remove; } private: TreeInfo& mInfo; AnimationContext& mContext; uint32_t* mDirtyMask; }; uint32_t AnimatorManager::animate(TreeInfo& info) { if (!mAnimators.size()) return 0; // TODO: Can we target this better? For now treat it like any other staging // property push and just damage self before and after animators are run mParent.damageSelf(info); info.damageAccumulator->popTransform(); uint32_t dirty = animateCommon(info); info.damageAccumulator->pushTransform(&mParent); mParent.damageSelf(info); return dirty; } void AnimatorManager::animateNoDamage(TreeInfo& info) { animateCommon(info); } uint32_t AnimatorManager::animateCommon(TreeInfo& info) { uint32_t dirtyMask; AnimateFunctor functor(info, mAnimationHandle->context(), &dirtyMask); auto newEnd = std::remove_if(mAnimators.begin(), mAnimators.end(), functor); mAnimators.erase(newEnd, mAnimators.end()); mAnimationHandle->notifyAnimationsRan(); mParent.mProperties.updateMatrix(); return dirtyMask; } static void endStagingAnimator(sp& animator) { animator->cancel(); if (animator->listener()) { animator->listener()->onAnimationFinished(animator.get()); } } void AnimatorManager::endAllStagingAnimators() { ALOGD("endAllStagingAnimators on %p (%s)", &mParent, mParent.getName()); // This works because this state can only happen on the UI thread, // which means we're already on the right thread to invoke listeners for_each(mNewAnimators.begin(), mNewAnimators.end(), endStagingAnimator); mNewAnimators.clear(); } class EndActiveAnimatorsFunctor { public: explicit EndActiveAnimatorsFunctor(AnimationContext& context) : mContext(context) {} void operator() (sp& animator) { animator->forceEndNow(mContext); } private: AnimationContext& mContext; }; void AnimatorManager::endAllActiveAnimators() { ALOGD("endAllActiveAnimators on %p (%s) with handle %p", &mParent, mParent.getName(), mAnimationHandle); EndActiveAnimatorsFunctor functor(mAnimationHandle->context()); for_each(mAnimators.begin(), mAnimators.end(), functor); mAnimators.clear(); mAnimationHandle->release(); } } /* namespace uirenderer */ } /* namespace android */