/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "compile/Pseudolocalizer.h" #include "test/Test.h" #include "util/Util.h" using android::StringPiece; namespace aapt { // In this context, 'Axis' represents a particular field in the configuration, // such as language or density. static ::testing::AssertionResult SimpleHelper(const char* input, const char* expected, Pseudolocalizer::Method method) { Pseudolocalizer pseudo(method); std::string result = pseudo.Start() + pseudo.Text(input) + pseudo.End(); if (result != expected) { return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << expected << " != " << result; } return ::testing::AssertionSuccess(); } static ::testing::AssertionResult CompoundHelper( const char* in1, const char* in2, const char* in3, const char* expected, Pseudolocalizer::Method method) { Pseudolocalizer pseudo(method); std::string result = pseudo.Start() + pseudo.Text(in1) + pseudo.Text(in2) + pseudo.Text(in3) + pseudo.End(); if (result != expected) { return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << expected << " != " << result; } return ::testing::AssertionSuccess(); } TEST(PseudolocalizerTest, NoPseudolocalization) { EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper("", "", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kNone)); EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper("Hello, world", "Hello, world", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kNone)); EXPECT_TRUE(CompoundHelper("Hello,", " world", "", "Hello, world", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kNone)); } TEST(PseudolocalizerTest, PlaintextAccent) { EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper("", "[]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper("Hello, world", "[Ĥéļļö, ŵöŕļð one two]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper("Hello, %1d", "[Ĥéļļö, »%1d« one two]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper("Battery %1d%%", "[βåţţéŕý »%1d«%% one two]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); EXPECT_TRUE( SimpleHelper("^1 %", "[^1 % one]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); EXPECT_TRUE( CompoundHelper("", "", "", "[]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); EXPECT_TRUE(CompoundHelper("Hello,", " world", "", "[Ĥéļļö, ŵöŕļð one two]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); } TEST(PseudolocalizerTest, PlaintextBidi) { EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper("", "", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kBidi)); EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper( "word", "\xe2\x80\x8f\xE2\x80\xaeword\xE2\x80\xac\xe2\x80\x8f", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kBidi)); EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper( " word ", " \xe2\x80\x8f\xE2\x80\xaeword\xE2\x80\xac\xe2\x80\x8f ", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kBidi)); EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper( " word ", " \xe2\x80\x8f\xE2\x80\xaeword\xE2\x80\xac\xe2\x80\x8f ", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kBidi)); EXPECT_TRUE( SimpleHelper("hello\n world\n", "\xe2\x80\x8f\xE2\x80\xaehello\xE2\x80\xac\xe2\x80\x8f\n" " \xe2\x80\x8f\xE2\x80\xaeworld\xE2\x80\xac\xe2\x80\x8f\n", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kBidi)); EXPECT_TRUE(CompoundHelper( "hello", "\n ", " world\n", "\xe2\x80\x8f\xE2\x80\xaehello\xE2\x80\xac\xe2\x80\x8f\n" " \xe2\x80\x8f\xE2\x80\xaeworld\xE2\x80\xac\xe2\x80\x8f\n", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kBidi)); } TEST(PseudolocalizerTest, SimpleICU) { // Single-fragment messages EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper("{placeholder}", "[»{placeholder}«]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper("{USER} is offline", "[»{USER}« îš öƒƒļîñé one two]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper("Copy from {path1} to {path2}", "[Çöþý ƒŕöḿ »{path1}« ţö »{path2}« one two three]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper("Today is {1,date} {1,time}", "[Ţöðåý îš »{1,date}« »{1,time}« one two]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); // Multi-fragment messages EXPECT_TRUE(CompoundHelper("{USER}", " ", "is offline", "[»{USER}« îš öƒƒļîñé one two]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); EXPECT_TRUE(CompoundHelper("Copy from ", "{path1}", " to {path2}", "[Çöþý ƒŕöḿ »{path1}« ţö »{path2}« one two three]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); } TEST(PseudolocalizerTest, ICUBidi) { // Single-fragment messages EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper( "{placeholder}", "\xe2\x80\x8f\xE2\x80\xae{placeholder}\xE2\x80\xac\xe2\x80\x8f", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kBidi)); EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper( "{COUNT, plural, one {one} other {other}}", "{COUNT, plural, " "one {\xe2\x80\x8f\xE2\x80\xaeone\xE2\x80\xac\xe2\x80\x8f} " "other {\xe2\x80\x8f\xE2\x80\xaeother\xE2\x80\xac\xe2\x80\x8f}}", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kBidi)); } TEST(PseudolocalizerTest, Escaping) { // Single-fragment messages EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper("'{USER'} is offline", "['{ÛŠÉŔ'} îš öƒƒļîñé one two three]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); // Multi-fragment messages EXPECT_TRUE(CompoundHelper("'{USER}", " ", "''is offline", "['{ÛŠÉŔ} ''îš öƒƒļîñé one two three]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); } TEST(PseudolocalizerTest, PluralsAndSelects) { EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper( "{COUNT, plural, one {Delete a file} other {Delete {COUNT} files}}", "[{COUNT, plural, one {Ðéļéţé å ƒîļé one two} " "other {Ðéļéţé »{COUNT}« ƒîļéš one two}}]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); EXPECT_TRUE( SimpleHelper("Distance is {COUNT, plural, one {# mile} other {# miles}}", "[Ðîšţåñçé îš {COUNT, plural, one {# ḿîļé one two} " "other {# ḿîļéš one two}}]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); EXPECT_TRUE(SimpleHelper( "{1, select, female {{1} added you} " "male {{1} added you} other {{1} added you}}", "[{1, select, female {»{1}« åððéð ýöû one two} " "male {»{1}« åððéð ýöû one two} other {»{1}« åððéð ýöû one two}}]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); EXPECT_TRUE( CompoundHelper("{COUNT, plural, one {Delete a file} " "other {Delete ", "{COUNT}", " files}}", "[{COUNT, plural, one {Ðéļéţé å ƒîļé one two} " "other {Ðéļéţé »{COUNT}« ƒîļéš one two}}]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); } TEST(PseudolocalizerTest, NestedICU) { EXPECT_TRUE( SimpleHelper("{person, select, " "female {" "{num_circles, plural," "=0{{person} didn't add you to any of her circles.}" "=1{{person} added you to one of her circles.}" "other{{person} added you to her # circles.}}}" "male {" "{num_circles, plural," "=0{{person} didn't add you to any of his circles.}" "=1{{person} added you to one of his circles.}" "other{{person} added you to his # circles.}}}" "other {" "{num_circles, plural," "=0{{person} didn't add you to any of their circles.}" "=1{{person} added you to one of their circles.}" "other{{person} added you to their # circles.}}}}", "[{person, select, " "female {" "{num_circles, plural," "=0{»{person}« ðîðñ'ţ åðð ýöû ţö åñý öƒ ĥéŕ çîŕçļéš." " one two three four five}" "=1{»{person}« åððéð ýöû ţö öñé öƒ ĥéŕ çîŕçļéš." " one two three four}" "other{»{person}« åððéð ýöû ţö ĥéŕ # çîŕçļéš." " one two three four}}}" "male {" "{num_circles, plural," "=0{»{person}« ðîðñ'ţ åðð ýöû ţö åñý öƒ ĥîš çîŕçļéš." " one two three four five}" "=1{»{person}« åððéð ýöû ţö öñé öƒ ĥîš çîŕçļéš." " one two three four}" "other{»{person}« åððéð ýöû ţö ĥîš # çîŕçļéš." " one two three four}}}" "other {{num_circles, plural," "=0{»{person}« ðîðñ'ţ åðð ýöû ţö åñý öƒ ţĥéîŕ çîŕçļéš." " one two three four five}" "=1{»{person}« åððéð ýöû ţö öñé öƒ ţĥéîŕ çîŕçļéš." " one two three four}" "other{»{person}« åððéð ýöû ţö ţĥéîŕ # çîŕçļéš." " one two three four}}}}]", Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent)); } TEST(PseudolocalizerTest, RedefineMethod) { Pseudolocalizer pseudo(Pseudolocalizer::Method::kAccent); std::string result = pseudo.Text("Hello, "); pseudo.SetMethod(Pseudolocalizer::Method::kNone); result += pseudo.Text("world!"); ASSERT_EQ(StringPiece("Ĥéļļö, world!"), result); } } // namespace aapt