/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "rsContext.h" using namespace android; using namespace android::renderscript; Adapter1D::Adapter1D() { reset(); } Adapter1D::Adapter1D(Allocation *a) { reset(); setAllocation(a); } void Adapter1D::reset() { mY = 0; mZ = 0; mLOD = 0; mFace = 0; } void * Adapter1D::getElement(uint32_t x) { rsAssert(mAllocation.get()); rsAssert(mAllocation->getPtr()); rsAssert(mAllocation->getType()); uint8_t * ptr = static_cast(mAllocation->getPtr()); ptr += mAllocation->getType()->getLODOffset(mLOD, x, mY); return ptr; } void Adapter1D::subData(uint32_t xoff, uint32_t count, const void *data) { if (mAllocation.get() && mAllocation.get()->getType()) { void *ptr = getElement(xoff); count *= mAllocation.get()->getType()->getElementSizeBytes(); memcpy(ptr, data, count); } } void Adapter1D::data(const void *data) { memcpy(getElement(0), data, mAllocation.get()->getType()->getSizeBytes()); } namespace android { namespace renderscript { RsAdapter1D rsi_Adapter1DCreate(Context *rsc) { Adapter1D *a = new Adapter1D(); a->incRef(); return a; } void rsi_Adapter1DDestroy(Context *rsc, RsAdapter1D va) { Adapter1D * a = static_cast(va); a->decRef(); } void rsi_Adapter1DBindAllocation(Context *rsc, RsAdapter1D va, RsAllocation valloc) { Adapter1D * a = static_cast(va); Allocation * alloc = static_cast(valloc); a->setAllocation(alloc); } void rsi_Adapter1DSetConstraint(Context *rsc, RsAdapter1D va, RsDimension dim, uint32_t value) { Adapter1D * a = static_cast(va); switch(dim) { case RS_DIMENSION_X: rsAssert(!"Cannot contrain X in an 1D adapter"); return; case RS_DIMENSION_Y: a->setY(value); break; case RS_DIMENSION_Z: a->setZ(value); break; case RS_DIMENSION_LOD: a->setLOD(value); break; case RS_DIMENSION_FACE: a->setFace(value); break; default: rsAssert(!"Unimplemented constraint"); return; } } void rsi_Adapter1DSubData(Context *rsc, RsAdapter1D va, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t count, const void *data) { Adapter1D * a = static_cast(va); a->subData(xoff, count, data); } void rsi_Adapter1DData(Context *rsc, RsAdapter1D va, const void *data) { Adapter1D * a = static_cast(va); a->data(data); } } } ////////////////////////// Adapter2D::Adapter2D() { reset(); } Adapter2D::Adapter2D(Allocation *a) { reset(); setAllocation(a); } void Adapter2D::reset() { mZ = 0; mLOD = 0; mFace = 0; } void * Adapter2D::getElement(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) const { rsAssert(mAllocation.get()); rsAssert(mAllocation->getPtr()); rsAssert(mAllocation->getType()); uint8_t * ptr = static_cast(mAllocation->getPtr()); ptr += mAllocation->getType()->getLODOffset(mLOD, x, y); return ptr; } void Adapter2D::subData(uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, const void *data) { rsAssert(mAllocation.get()); rsAssert(mAllocation->getPtr()); rsAssert(mAllocation->getType()); uint32_t eSize = mAllocation.get()->getType()->getElementSizeBytes(); uint32_t lineSize = eSize * w; uint32_t destW = getDimX(); const uint8_t *src = static_cast(data); for (uint32_t line=yoff; line < (yoff+h); line++) { memcpy(getElement(xoff, line), src, lineSize); src += lineSize; } } void Adapter2D::data(const void *data) { memcpy(getElement(0,0), data, mAllocation.get()->getType()->getSizeBytes()); } namespace android { namespace renderscript { RsAdapter2D rsi_Adapter2DCreate(Context *rsc) { Adapter2D *a = new Adapter2D(); a->incRef(); return a; } void rsi_Adapter2DDestroy(Context *rsc, RsAdapter2D va) { Adapter2D * a = static_cast(va); a->decRef(); } void rsi_Adapter2DBindAllocation(Context *rsc, RsAdapter2D va, RsAllocation valloc) { Adapter2D * a = static_cast(va); Allocation * alloc = static_cast(valloc); a->setAllocation(alloc); } void rsi_Adapter2DSetConstraint(Context *rsc, RsAdapter2D va, RsDimension dim, uint32_t value) { Adapter2D * a = static_cast(va); switch(dim) { case RS_DIMENSION_X: rsAssert(!"Cannot contrain X in an 2D adapter"); return; case RS_DIMENSION_Y: rsAssert(!"Cannot contrain Y in an 2D adapter"); break; case RS_DIMENSION_Z: a->setZ(value); break; case RS_DIMENSION_LOD: a->setLOD(value); break; case RS_DIMENSION_FACE: a->setFace(value); break; default: rsAssert(!"Unimplemented constraint"); return; } } void rsi_Adapter2DData(Context *rsc, RsAdapter2D va, const void *data) { Adapter2D * a = static_cast(va); a->data(data); } void rsi_Adapter2DSubData(Context *rsc, RsAdapter2D va, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, const void *data) { Adapter2D * a = static_cast(va); a->subData(xoff, yoff, w, h, data); } } }