/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.security; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.cert.Certificate; import java.security.cert.CertificateException; import java.security.KeyStoreException; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.security.Keystore; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; /** * The CertTool class provides the functions to list the certs/keys, * generate the certificate request(csr) and store the certificate into * keystore. * * {@hide} */ public class CertTool { static { System.loadLibrary("certtool_jni"); } public static final String ACTION_ADD_CREDENTIAL = "android.security.ADD_CREDENTIAL"; public static final String KEY_TYPE_NAME = "typeName"; public static final String KEY_ITEM = "item"; public static final String KEY_NAMESPACE = "namespace"; public static final String KEY_DESCRIPTION = "description"; public static final String TITLE_CA_CERT = "CA Certificate"; public static final String TITLE_USER_CERT = "User Certificate"; public static final String TITLE_PKCS12_KEYSTORE = "PKCS12 Keystore"; public static final String TITLE_PRIVATE_KEY = "Private Key"; public static final int INCORRECT_PKCS12_PASSPHRASE = -100; private static final String TAG = "CertTool"; private static final String UNKNOWN = "Unknown"; private static final String ISSUER_NAME = "Issuer Name:"; private static final String DISTINCT_NAME = "Distinct Name:"; private static final String CA_CERTIFICATE = "CACERT"; private static final String USER_CERTIFICATE = "USRCERT"; private static final String USER_KEY = "USRKEY"; private static final String KEYNAME_DELIMITER = "_"; private static final Keystore sKeystore = Keystore.getInstance(); private native int getPkcs12Handle(byte[] data, String password); private native String getPkcs12Certificate(int handle); private native String getPkcs12PrivateKey(int handle); private native String popPkcs12CertificateStack(int handle); private native void freePkcs12Handle(int handle); private native String generateCertificateRequest(int bits, String challenge); private native boolean isPkcs12Keystore(byte[] data); private native int generateX509Certificate(byte[] data); private native boolean isCaCertificate(int handle); private native String getIssuerDN(int handle); private native String getCertificateDN(int handle); private native String getPrivateKeyPEM(int handle); private native void freeX509Certificate(int handle); private static CertTool singleton = null; private CertTool() { } public static final CertTool getInstance() { if (singleton == null) { singleton = new CertTool(); } return singleton; } public String getUserPrivateKey(String key) { return USER_KEY + KEYNAME_DELIMITER + key; } public String getUserCertificate(String key) { return USER_CERTIFICATE + KEYNAME_DELIMITER + key; } public String getCaCertificate(String key) { return CA_CERTIFICATE + KEYNAME_DELIMITER + key; } public String[] getAllUserCertificateKeys() { return sKeystore.listKeys(USER_KEY); } public String[] getAllCaCertificateKeys() { return sKeystore.listKeys(CA_CERTIFICATE); } public String[] getSupportedKeyStrenghs() { return new String[] {"High Grade", "Medium Grade"}; } private int getKeyLength(int index) { if (index == 0) return 2048; return 1024; } public String generateKeyPair(int keyStrengthIndex, String challenge, String dirName) { return generateCertificateRequest(getKeyLength(keyStrengthIndex), challenge); } private Intent prepareIntent(String title, byte[] data, String namespace, String issuer, String distinctName) { Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_ADD_CREDENTIAL); intent.putExtra(KEY_TYPE_NAME, title); intent.putExtra(KEY_ITEM + "0", data); intent.putExtra(KEY_NAMESPACE + "0", namespace); intent.putExtra(KEY_DESCRIPTION + "0", ISSUER_NAME + issuer); intent.putExtra(KEY_DESCRIPTION + "1", DISTINCT_NAME + distinctName); return intent; } private void addExtraIntentInfo(Intent intent, String namespace, String data) { intent.putExtra(KEY_ITEM + "1", data.getBytes()); intent.putExtra(KEY_NAMESPACE + "1", namespace); } private int extractAndStoreKeysFromPkcs12(int handle, String keyname) { int ret, i = 0; String pemData; if ((pemData = getPkcs12Certificate(handle)) != null) { if ((ret = sKeystore.put(USER_CERTIFICATE, keyname, pemData)) != 0) { return ret; } } if ((pemData = getPkcs12PrivateKey(handle)) != null) { if ((ret = sKeystore.put(USER_KEY, keyname, pemData)) != 0) { return ret; } } while ((pemData = this.popPkcs12CertificateStack(handle)) != null) { if (i++ > 0) { if ((ret = sKeystore.put(CA_CERTIFICATE, keyname + i, pemData)) != 0) { return ret; } } else { if ((ret = sKeystore.put(CA_CERTIFICATE, keyname, pemData)) != 0) { return ret; } } } return 0; } public int addPkcs12Keystore(byte[] p12Data, String password, String keyname) { int handle, ret; Log.i("CertTool", "addPkcs12Keystore()"); if ((handle = getPkcs12Handle(p12Data, password)) == 0) { return INCORRECT_PKCS12_PASSPHRASE; } ret = extractAndStoreKeysFromPkcs12(handle, keyname); freePkcs12Handle(handle); return ret; } public synchronized void addCertificate(byte[] data, Context context) { int handle; Intent intent = null; Log.i("CertTool", "addCertificate()"); if (isPkcs12Keystore(data)) { intent = prepareIntent(TITLE_PKCS12_KEYSTORE, data, USER_KEY, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN); } else if ((handle = generateX509Certificate(data)) != 0) { String issuer = getIssuerDN(handle); String distinctName = getCertificateDN(handle); String privateKeyPEM = getPrivateKeyPEM(handle); if (isCaCertificate(handle)) { intent = prepareIntent(TITLE_CA_CERT, data, CA_CERTIFICATE, issuer, distinctName); } else { intent = prepareIntent(TITLE_USER_CERT, data, USER_CERTIFICATE, issuer, distinctName); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(privateKeyPEM)) { addExtraIntentInfo(intent, USER_KEY, privateKeyPEM); } } freeX509Certificate(handle); } if (intent != null) { context.startActivity(intent); } else { Log.w("CertTool", "incorrect data for addCertificate()"); } } }