/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "aapt.h" #include "adb.h" #include "make.h" #include "print.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; /** * An entry from the command line for something that will be built, installed, * and/or tested. */ struct Target { bool build; bool install; bool test; string pattern; string name; vector actions; Module module; int testActionCount; int testPassCount; int testFailCount; bool actionsWithNoTests; Target(bool b, bool i, bool t, const string& p); }; Target::Target(bool b, bool i, bool t, const string& p) :build(b), install(i), test(t), pattern(p), testActionCount(0), testPassCount(0), testFailCount(0), actionsWithNoTests(false) { } /** * Command line options. */ struct Options { // For help bool runHelp; // For tab completion bool runTab; string tabPattern; // For build/install/test bool noRestart; bool reboot; vector targets; Options(); ~Options(); }; Options::Options() :runHelp(false), runTab(false), noRestart(false), reboot(false), targets() { } Options::~Options() { } struct InstallApk { TrackedFile file; bool alwaysInstall; bool installed; InstallApk(); InstallApk(const InstallApk& that); InstallApk(const string& filename, bool always); ~InstallApk() {}; }; InstallApk::InstallApk() { } InstallApk::InstallApk(const InstallApk& that) :file(that.file), alwaysInstall(that.alwaysInstall), installed(that.installed) { } InstallApk::InstallApk(const string& filename, bool always) :file(filename), alwaysInstall(always), installed(false) { } /** * Record for an test that is going to be launched. */ struct TestAction { TestAction(); // The package name from the apk string packageName; // The test runner class string runner; // The test class, or none if all tests should be run string className; // The original target that requested this action Target* target; // The number of tests that passed int passCount; // The number of tests that failed int failCount; }; TestAction::TestAction() :passCount(0), failCount(0) { } /** * Record for an activity that is going to be launched. */ struct ActivityAction { // The package name from the apk string packageName; // The test class, or none if all tests should be run string className; }; /** * Callback class for the am instrument command. */ class TestResults: public InstrumentationCallbacks { public: virtual void OnTestStatus(TestStatus& status); virtual void OnSessionStatus(SessionStatus& status); /** * Set the TestAction that the tests are for. * It will be updated with statistics as the tests run. */ void SetCurrentAction(TestAction* action); private: TestAction* m_currentAction; }; void TestResults::OnTestStatus(TestStatus& status) { bool found; // printf("OnTestStatus\n"); // status.PrintDebugString(); int32_t resultCode = status.has_results() ? status.result_code() : 0; if (!status.has_results()) { return; } const ResultsBundle &results = status.results(); int32_t currentTestNum = get_bundle_int(results, &found, "current", NULL); if (!found) { currentTestNum = -1; } int32_t testCount = get_bundle_int(results, &found, "numtests", NULL); if (!found) { testCount = -1; } string className = get_bundle_string(results, &found, "class", NULL); if (!found) { return; } string testName = get_bundle_string(results, &found, "test", NULL); if (!found) { return; } if (resultCode == 0) { // test passed m_currentAction->passCount++; m_currentAction->target->testPassCount++; } else if (resultCode == 1) { // test starting ostringstream line; line << "Running"; if (currentTestNum > 0) { line << ": " << currentTestNum; if (testCount > 0) { line << " of " << testCount; } } line << ": " << m_currentAction->target->name << ':' << className << "\\#" << testName; print_one_line("%s", line.str().c_str()); } else if (resultCode == -2) { // test failed m_currentAction->failCount++; m_currentAction->target->testFailCount++; printf("%s\n%sFailed: %s:%s\\#%s%s\n", g_escapeClearLine, g_escapeRedBold, m_currentAction->target->name.c_str(), className.c_str(), testName.c_str(), g_escapeEndColor); string stack = get_bundle_string(results, &found, "stack", NULL); if (found) { printf("%s\n", stack.c_str()); } } } void TestResults::OnSessionStatus(SessionStatus& /*status*/) { //status.PrintDebugString(); } void TestResults::SetCurrentAction(TestAction* action) { m_currentAction = action; } /** * Prints the usage statement / help text. */ static void print_usage(FILE* out) { fprintf(out, "usage: bit OPTIONS PATTERN\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " Build, sync and test android code.\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " The -b -i and -t options allow you to specify which phases\n"); fprintf(out, " you want to run. If none of those options are given, then\n"); fprintf(out, " all phases are run. If any of these options are provided\n"); fprintf(out, " then only the listed phases are run.\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " OPTIONS\n"); fprintf(out, " -b Run a build\n"); fprintf(out, " -i Install the targets\n"); fprintf(out, " -t Run the tests\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " -n Don't reboot or restart\n"); fprintf(out, " -r If the runtime needs to be restarted, do a full reboot\n"); fprintf(out, " instead\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " PATTERN\n"); fprintf(out, " One or more targets to build, install and test. The target\n"); fprintf(out, " names are the names that appear in the LOCAL_MODULE or\n"); fprintf(out, " LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME variables in Android.mk or Android.bp files.\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " Building and installing\n"); fprintf(out, " -----------------------\n"); fprintf(out, " The modules specified will be built and then installed. If the\n"); fprintf(out, " files are on the system partition, they will be synced and the\n"); fprintf(out, " attached device rebooted. If they are APKs that aren't on the\n"); fprintf(out, " system partition they are installed with adb install.\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " For example:\n"); fprintf(out, " bit framework\n"); fprintf(out, " Builds framework.jar, syncs the system partition and reboots.\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " bit SystemUI\n"); fprintf(out, " Builds SystemUI.apk, syncs the system partition and reboots.\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " bit CtsProtoTestCases\n"); fprintf(out, " Builds this CTS apk, adb installs it, but does not run any\n"); fprintf(out, " tests.\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " Running Unit Tests\n"); fprintf(out, " ------------------\n"); fprintf(out, " To run a unit test, list the test class names and optionally the\n"); fprintf(out, " test method after the module.\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " For example:\n"); fprintf(out, " bit CtsProtoTestCases:*\n"); fprintf(out, " Builds this CTS apk, adb installs it, and runs all the tests\n"); fprintf(out, " contained in that apk.\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " bit framework CtsProtoTestCases:*\n"); fprintf(out, " Builds the framework and the apk, syncs and reboots, then\n"); fprintf(out, " adb installs CtsProtoTestCases.apk, and runs all tests \n"); fprintf(out, " contained in that apk.\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " bit CtsProtoTestCases:.ProtoOutputStreamBoolTest\n"); fprintf(out, " bit CtsProtoTestCases:android.util.proto.cts.ProtoOutputStreamBoolTest\n"); fprintf(out, " Builds and installs CtsProtoTestCases.apk, and runs all the\n"); fprintf(out, " tests in the ProtoOutputStreamBoolTest class.\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " bit CtsProtoTestCases:.ProtoOutputStreamBoolTest\\#testWrite\n"); fprintf(out, " Builds and installs CtsProtoTestCases.apk, and runs the testWrite\n"); fprintf(out, " test method on that class.\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " bit CtsProtoTestCases:.ProtoOutputStreamBoolTest\\#testWrite,.ProtoOutputStreamBoolTest\\#testRepeated\n"); fprintf(out, " Builds and installs CtsProtoTestCases.apk, and runs the testWrite\n"); fprintf(out, " and testRepeated test methods on that class.\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " Launching an Activity\n"); fprintf(out, " ---------------------\n"); fprintf(out, " To launch an activity, specify the activity class name after\n"); fprintf(out, " the module name.\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " For example:\n"); fprintf(out, " bit StatusBarTest:NotificationBuilderTest\n"); fprintf(out, " bit StatusBarTest:.NotificationBuilderTest\n"); fprintf(out, " bit StatusBarTest:com.android.statusbartest.NotificationBuilderTest\n"); fprintf(out, " Builds and installs StatusBarTest.apk, launches the\n"); fprintf(out, " com.android.statusbartest/.NotificationBuilderTest activity.\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "usage: bit --tab ...\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " Lists the targets in a format for tab completion. To get tab\n"); fprintf(out, " completion, add this to your bash environment:\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " complete -C \"bit --tab\" bit\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " Sourcing android's build/envsetup.sh will do this for you\n"); fprintf(out, " automatically.\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "usage: bit --help\n"); fprintf(out, "usage: bit -h\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " Print this help message\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); } /** * Sets the appropriate flag* variables. If there is a problem with the * commandline arguments, prints the help message and exits with an error. */ static void parse_args(Options* options, int argc, const char** argv) { // Help if (argc == 2 && (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)) { options->runHelp = true; return; } // Tab if (argc >= 4 && strcmp(argv[1], "--tab") == 0) { options->runTab = true; options->tabPattern = argv[3]; return; } // Normal usage bool anyPhases = false; bool gotPattern = false; bool flagBuild = false; bool flagInstall = false; bool flagTest = false; for (int i=1; i < argc; i++) { string arg(argv[i]); if (arg[0] == '-') { for (size_t j=1; jnoRestart = true; break; case 'r': options->reboot = true; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized option '%c'\n", arg[j]); print_usage(stderr); exit(1); break; } } } else { Target* target = new Target(flagBuild || !anyPhases, flagInstall || !anyPhases, flagTest || !anyPhases, arg); size_t colonPos = arg.find(':'); if (colonPos == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Test / activity supplied without a module to build: %s\n", arg.c_str()); print_usage(stderr); exit(1); } else if (colonPos == string::npos) { target->name = arg; } else { target->name.assign(arg, 0, colonPos); size_t beginPos = colonPos+1; size_t commaPos; while (true) { commaPos = arg.find(',', beginPos); if (commaPos == string::npos) { if (beginPos != arg.size()) { target->actions.push_back(string(arg, beginPos, commaPos)); } break; } else { if (commaPos != beginPos) { target->actions.push_back(string(arg, beginPos, commaPos-beginPos)); } beginPos = commaPos+1; } } } options->targets.push_back(target); gotPattern = true; } } // If no pattern was supplied, give an error if (options->targets.size() == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No PATTERN supplied.\n\n"); print_usage(stderr); exit(1); } } /** * Get an environment variable. * Exits with an error if it is unset or the empty string. */ static string get_required_env(const char* name, bool quiet) { const char* value = getenv(name); if (value == NULL || value[0] == '\0') { if (!quiet) { fprintf(stderr, "%s not set. Did you source build/envsetup.sh," " run lunch and do a build?\n", name); } exit(1); } return string(value); } /** * Get the out directory. * * This duplicates the logic in build/make/core/envsetup.mk (which hasn't changed since 2011) * so that we don't have to wait for get_build_var make invocation. */ string get_out_dir() { const char* out_dir = getenv("OUT_DIR"); if (out_dir == NULL || out_dir[0] == '\0') { const char* common_base = getenv("OUT_DIR_COMMON_BASE"); if (common_base == NULL || common_base[0] == '\0') { // We don't prefix with buildTop because we cd there and it // makes all the filenames long when being pretty printed. return "out"; } else { char pwd[PATH_MAX]; if (getcwd(pwd, PATH_MAX) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Your pwd is too long.\n"); exit(1); } const char* slash = strrchr(pwd, '/'); if (slash == NULL) { slash = ""; } string result(common_base); result += slash; return result; } } return string(out_dir); } /** * Check that a system property on the device matches the expected value. * Exits with an error if they don't. */ static void check_device_property(const string& property, const string& expected) { int err; string deviceValue = get_system_property(property, &err); check_error(err); if (deviceValue != expected) { print_error("There is a mismatch between the build you just did and the device you"); print_error("are trying to sync it to in the %s system property", property.c_str()); print_error(" build: %s", expected.c_str()); print_error(" device: %s", deviceValue.c_str()); exit(1); } } /** * Run the build, install, and test actions. */ void run_phases(vector targets, const Options& options) { int err = 0; // // Initialization // print_status("Initializing"); const string buildTop = get_required_env("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP", false); const string buildProduct = get_required_env("TARGET_PRODUCT", false); const string buildVariant = get_required_env("TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT", false); const string buildType = get_required_env("TARGET_BUILD_TYPE", false); const string buildDevice = get_build_var(buildTop, "TARGET_DEVICE", false); const string buildId = get_build_var(buildTop, "BUILD_ID", false); const string buildOut = get_out_dir(); // TODO: print_command("cd", buildTop.c_str()); chdir(buildTop.c_str()); // Get the modules for the targets map modules; read_modules(buildOut, buildDevice, &modules, false); for (size_t i=0; i::iterator mod = modules.find(target->name); if (mod != modules.end()) { target->module = mod->second; } else { print_error("Error: Could not find module: %s", target->name.c_str()); err = 1; } } if (err != 0) { exit(1); } // Choose the goals vector goals; for (size_t i=0; ibuild) { goals.push_back(target->name); } } // Figure out whether we need to sync the system and which apks to install string systemPath = buildOut + "/target/product/" + buildDevice + "/system/"; string dataPath = buildOut + "/target/product/" + buildDevice + "/data/"; bool syncSystem = false; bool alwaysSyncSystem = false; vector installApks; for (size_t i=0; iinstall) { for (size_t j=0; jmodule.installed.size(); j++) { const string& file = target->module.installed[j]; // System partition if (starts_with(file, systemPath)) { syncSystem = true; if (!target->build) { // If a system partition target didn't get built then // it won't change we will always need to do adb sync alwaysSyncSystem = true; } continue; } // Apk in the data partition if (starts_with(file, dataPath) && ends_with(file, ".apk")) { // Always install it if we didn't build it because otherwise // it will never have changed. installApks.push_back(InstallApk(file, !target->build)); continue; } } } } map systemFilesBefore; if (syncSystem && !alwaysSyncSystem) { get_directory_contents(systemPath, &systemFilesBefore); } // // Build // // Run the build if (goals.size() > 0) { print_status("Building"); err = build_goals(goals); check_error(err); } // // Install // // Sync the system partition and reboot bool skipSync = false; if (syncSystem) { print_status("Syncing /system"); if (!alwaysSyncSystem) { // If nothing changed and we weren't forced to sync, skip the reboot for speed. map systemFilesAfter; get_directory_contents(systemPath, &systemFilesAfter); skipSync = !directory_contents_differ(systemFilesBefore, systemFilesAfter); } if (skipSync) { printf("Skipping sync because no files changed.\n"); } else { // Do some sanity checks check_device_property("ro.build.product", buildProduct); check_device_property("ro.build.type", buildVariant); check_device_property("ro.build.id", buildId); // Stop & Sync if (!options.noRestart) { err = run_adb("shell", "stop", NULL); check_error(err); } err = run_adb("remount", NULL); check_error(err); err = run_adb("sync", "system", NULL); check_error(err); if (!options.noRestart) { if (options.reboot) { print_status("Rebooting"); err = run_adb("reboot", NULL); check_error(err); err = run_adb("wait-for-device", NULL); check_error(err); } else { print_status("Restarting the runtime"); err = run_adb("shell", "setprop", "sys.boot_completed", "0", NULL); check_error(err); err = run_adb("shell", "start", NULL); check_error(err); } while (true) { string completed = get_system_property("sys.boot_completed", &err); check_error(err); if (completed == "1") { break; } sleep(2); } sleep(1); err = run_adb("shell", "wm", "dismiss-keyguard", NULL); check_error(err); } } } // Install APKs if (installApks.size() > 0) { print_status("Installing APKs"); for (size_t i=0; i testActions; vector activityActions; for (size_t i=0; itest) { for (size_t j=0; jmodule.installed.size(); j++) { string filename = target->module.installed[j]; if (!ends_with(filename, ".apk")) { continue; } if (!printedInspecting) { printedInspecting = true; print_status("Inspecting APKs"); } Apk apk; err = inspect_apk(&apk, filename); check_error(err); for (size_t k=0; kactions.size(); k++) { string actionString = target->actions[k]; if (actionString == "*") { if (apk.runner.length() == 0) { print_error("Error: Test requested for apk that doesn't" " have an tag: %s\n", target->module.name.c_str()); exit(1); } TestAction action; action.packageName = apk.package; action.runner = apk.runner; action.target = target; testActions.push_back(action); target->testActionCount++; } else if (apk.HasActivity(actionString)) { ActivityAction action; action.packageName = apk.package; action.className = full_class_name(apk.package, actionString); activityActions.push_back(action); } else { if (apk.runner.length() == 0) { print_error("Error: Test requested for apk that doesn't" " have an tag: %s\n", target->module.name.c_str()); exit(1); } TestAction action; action.packageName = apk.package; action.runner = apk.runner; action.className = full_class_name(apk.package, actionString); action.target = target; testActions.push_back(action); target->testActionCount++; } } } } } // Run the instrumentation tests TestResults testResults; if (testActions.size() > 0) { print_status("Running tests"); for (size_t i=0; iactionsWithNoTests = true; } int total = action.passCount + action.failCount; printf("%sRan %d test%s for %s. ", g_escapeClearLine, total, total > 1 ? "s" : "", action.target->name.c_str()); if (action.passCount == 0 && action.failCount == 0) { printf("%s%d passed, %d failed%s\n", g_escapeYellowBold, action.passCount, action.failCount, g_escapeEndColor); } else if (action.failCount > 0) { printf("%d passed, %s%d failed%s\n", action.passCount, g_escapeRedBold, action.failCount, g_escapeEndColor); } else { printf("%s%d passed%s, %d failed\n", g_escapeGreenBold, action.passCount, g_escapeEndColor, action.failCount); } } } // Launch the activity if (activityActions.size() > 0) { print_status("Starting activity"); if (activityActions.size() > 1) { print_warning("Multiple activities specified. Will only start the first one:"); for (size_t i=0; i 0) { printf("%sBuilt:%s\n", g_escapeBold, g_escapeEndColor); for (size_t i=0; i 0) { bool printedTitle = false; for (size_t i=0; i 0) { printf("%sRan tests:%s\n", g_escapeBold, g_escapeEndColor); size_t maxNameLength = 0; for (size_t i=0; itest) { size_t len = target->name.length(); if (len > maxNameLength) { maxNameLength = len; } } } string padding(maxNameLength, ' '); for (size_t i=0; itestActionCount > 0) { printf(" %s%s", target->name.c_str(), padding.c_str() + target->name.length()); if (target->actionsWithNoTests) { printf(" %s%d passed, %d failed%s\n", g_escapeYellowBold, target->testPassCount, target->testFailCount, g_escapeEndColor); } else if (target->testFailCount > 0) { printf(" %d passed, %s%d failed%s\n", target->testPassCount, g_escapeRedBold, target->testFailCount, g_escapeEndColor); } else { printf(" %s%d passed%s, %d failed\n", g_escapeGreenBold, target->testPassCount, g_escapeEndColor, target->testFailCount); } } } } if (activityActions.size() > 1) { printf("%sStarted Activity:%s\n", g_escapeBold, g_escapeEndColor); const ActivityAction& action = activityActions[0]; printf(" %s\n", pretty_component_name(action.packageName, action.className).c_str()); } printf("%s--------------------------------------------%s\n", g_escapeBold, g_escapeEndColor); } /** * Implement tab completion of the target names from the all modules file. */ void run_tab_completion(const string& word) { const string buildTop = get_required_env("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP", true); const string buildProduct = get_required_env("TARGET_PRODUCT", false); const string buildOut = get_out_dir(); chdir(buildTop.c_str()); string buildDevice = sniff_device_name(buildOut, buildProduct); map modules; read_modules(buildOut, buildDevice, &modules, true); for (map::const_iterator it = modules.begin(); it != modules.end(); it++) { if (starts_with(it->first, word)) { printf("%s\n", it->first.c_str()); } } } /** * Main entry point. */ int main(int argc, const char** argv) { GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERIFY_VERSION; init_print(); Options options; parse_args(&options, argc, argv); if (options.runHelp) { // Help print_usage(stdout); exit(0); } else if (options.runTab) { run_tab_completion(options.tabPattern); exit(0); } else { // Normal run run_phases(options.targets, options); } return 0; }