/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.renderscript; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.util.Log; import android.util.TypedValue; /** * **/ public class AllocationAdapter extends Allocation { private int mSelectedDimX; private int mSelectedDimY; private int mSelectedCount; private Allocation mAlloc; private int mSelectedLOD = 0; private Type.CubemapFace mSelectedFace = Type.CubemapFace.POSITVE_X;; AllocationAdapter(int id, RenderScript rs, Allocation alloc) { super(id, rs, null, alloc.mUsage); Type t = alloc.getType(); mSelectedDimX = t.getX(); mSelectedDimY = t.getY(); mSelectedCount = t.getCount(); } public void copyFrom(BaseObj[] d) { mRS.validate(); if (d.length != mSelectedCount) { throw new RSIllegalArgumentException("Array size mismatch, allocation size = " + mSelectedCount + ", array length = " + d.length); } int i[] = new int[d.length]; for (int ct=0; ct < d.length; ct++) { i[ct] = d[ct].getID(); } subData1D(0, mType.getCount(), i); } void validateBitmap(Bitmap b) { mRS.validate(); if(mSelectedDimX != b.getWidth() || mSelectedDimY != b.getHeight()) { throw new RSIllegalArgumentException("Cannot update allocation from bitmap, sizes mismatch"); } } public void copyFrom(int[] d) { mRS.validate(); subData1D(0, mSelectedCount, d); } public void copyFrom(short[] d) { mRS.validate(); subData1D(0, mSelectedCount, d); } public void copyFrom(byte[] d) { mRS.validate(); subData1D(0, mSelectedCount, d); } public void copyFrom(float[] d) { mRS.validate(); subData1D(0, mSelectedCount, d); } public void copyFrom(Bitmap b) { validateBitmap(b); mRS.nAllocationCopyFromBitmap(getID(), b); } public void copyTo(Bitmap b) { validateBitmap(b); mRS.nAllocationCopyToBitmap(getID(), b); } public void subData(int xoff, FieldPacker fp) { int eSize = mType.mElement.getSizeBytes(); final byte[] data = fp.getData(); int count = data.length / eSize; if ((eSize * count) != data.length) { throw new RSIllegalArgumentException("Field packer length " + data.length + " not divisible by element size " + eSize + "."); } data1DChecks(xoff, count, data.length, data.length); mRS.nAllocationData1D(getID(), xoff, mSelectedLOD, count, data, data.length); } public void subElementData(int xoff, int component_number, FieldPacker fp) { if (component_number >= mType.mElement.mElements.length) { throw new RSIllegalArgumentException("Component_number " + component_number + " out of range."); } if(xoff < 0) { throw new RSIllegalArgumentException("Offset must be >= 0."); } final byte[] data = fp.getData(); int eSize = mType.mElement.mElements[component_number].getSizeBytes(); if (data.length != eSize) { throw new RSIllegalArgumentException("Field packer sizelength " + data.length + " does not match component size " + eSize + "."); } mRS.nAllocationElementData1D(getID(), xoff, mSelectedLOD, component_number, data, data.length); } void data1DChecks(int off, int count, int len, int dataSize) { mRS.validate(); if(off < 0) { throw new RSIllegalArgumentException("Offset must be >= 0."); } if(count < 1) { throw new RSIllegalArgumentException("Count must be >= 1."); } if((off + count) > mSelectedDimX * mSelectedDimY) { throw new RSIllegalArgumentException("Overflow, Available count " + mType.getCount() + ", got " + count + " at offset " + off + "."); } if((len) < dataSize) { throw new RSIllegalArgumentException("Array too small for allocation type."); } } public void subData1D(int off, int count, int[] d) { int dataSize = mAlloc.mType.mElement.getSizeBytes() * count; data1DChecks(off, count, d.length * 4, dataSize); mRS.nAllocationData1D(getID(), off, mSelectedLOD, count, d, dataSize); } public void subData1D(int off, int count, short[] d) { int dataSize = mAlloc.mType.mElement.getSizeBytes() * count; data1DChecks(off, count, d.length * 2, dataSize); mRS.nAllocationData1D(getID(), off, mSelectedLOD, count, d, dataSize); } public void subData1D(int off, int count, byte[] d) { int dataSize = mAlloc.mType.mElement.getSizeBytes() * count; data1DChecks(off, count, d.length, dataSize); mRS.nAllocationData1D(getID(), off, mSelectedLOD, count, d, dataSize); } public void subData1D(int off, int count, float[] d) { int dataSize = mAlloc.mType.mElement.getSizeBytes() * count; data1DChecks(off, count, d.length * 4, dataSize); mRS.nAllocationData1D(getID(), off, mSelectedLOD, count, d, dataSize); } public void subData2D(int xoff, int yoff, int w, int h, int[] d) { mRS.validate(); mRS.nAllocationData2D(getID(), xoff, yoff, mSelectedLOD, mSelectedFace.mID, w, h, d, d.length * 4); } public void subData2D(int xoff, int yoff, int w, int h, float[] d) { mRS.validate(); mRS.nAllocationData2D(getID(), xoff, yoff, mSelectedLOD, mSelectedFace.mID, w, h, d, d.length * 4); } public void readData(int[] d) { mRS.validate(); mRS.nAllocationRead(getID(), d); } public void readData(float[] d) { mRS.validate(); mRS.nAllocationRead(getID(), d); } public void setLOD(int lod) { } public void setFace(Type.CubemapFace cf) { } public void setY(int y) { } public void setZ(int z) { } // creation //static public AllocationAdapter create1D(RenderScript rs, Allocation a) { //} static public AllocationAdapter create2D(RenderScript rs, Allocation a) { rs.validate(); AllocationAdapter aa = new AllocationAdapter(0, rs, a); return aa; } }