/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_RS_BUILD_FOR_HOST #include "rsContext.h" #include #include #include #else #include "rsContextHostStub.h" #include #include #endif #include "utils/StopWatch.h" using namespace android; using namespace android::renderscript; Allocation::Allocation(Context *rsc, const Type *type, uint32_t usages) : ObjectBase(rsc) { init(rsc, type); mUsageFlags = usages; mPtr = malloc(mType->getSizeBytes()); if (mType->getElement()->getHasReferences()) { memset(mPtr, 0, mType->getSizeBytes()); } if (!mPtr) { LOGE("Allocation::Allocation, alloc failure"); } } Allocation::Allocation(Context *rsc, const Type *type, void *bmp, void *callbackData, RsBitmapCallback_t callback) : ObjectBase(rsc) { init(rsc, type); mUsageFlags = RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_SCRIPT | RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_GRAPHICS_TEXTURE; mPtr = bmp; mUserBitmapCallback = callback; mUserBitmapCallbackData = callbackData; } void Allocation::init(Context *rsc, const Type *type) { mPtr = NULL; mCpuWrite = false; mCpuRead = false; mGpuWrite = false; mGpuRead = false; mReadWriteRatio = 0; mUpdateSize = 0; mIsTexture = false; mTextureID = 0; mIsVertexBuffer = false; mBufferID = 0; mUploadDefered = false; mUserBitmapCallback = NULL; mUserBitmapCallbackData = NULL; mType.set(type); rsAssert(type); mPtr = NULL; } Allocation::~Allocation() { if (mUserBitmapCallback != NULL) { mUserBitmapCallback(mUserBitmapCallbackData); } else { free(mPtr); } mPtr = NULL; if (mBufferID) { // Causes a SW crash.... //LOGV(" mBufferID %i", mBufferID); //glDeleteBuffers(1, &mBufferID); //mBufferID = 0; } if (mTextureID) { glDeleteTextures(1, &mTextureID); mTextureID = 0; } } void Allocation::setCpuWritable(bool) { } void Allocation::setGpuWritable(bool) { } void Allocation::setCpuReadable(bool) { } void Allocation::setGpuReadable(bool) { } bool Allocation::fixAllocation() { return false; } void Allocation::deferedUploadToTexture(const Context *rsc, bool genMipmap, uint32_t lodOffset) { rsAssert(lodOffset < mType->getLODCount()); mIsTexture = true; mTextureLOD = lodOffset; mUploadDefered = true; mTextureGenMipmap = !mType->getDimLOD() && genMipmap; } uint32_t Allocation::getGLTarget() const { if (mIsTexture) { if (mType->getDimFaces()) { return GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP; } else { return GL_TEXTURE_2D; } } if (mIsVertexBuffer) { return GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; } return 0; } void Allocation::syncAll(Context *rsc, RsAllocationUsageType src) { rsAssert(src == RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_SCRIPT); if (mIsTexture) { uploadToTexture(rsc); } if (mIsVertexBuffer) { uploadToBufferObject(rsc); } mUploadDefered = false; } void Allocation::uploadToTexture(const Context *rsc) { mIsTexture = true; GLenum type = mType->getElement()->getComponent().getGLType(); GLenum format = mType->getElement()->getComponent().getGLFormat(); if (!type || !format) { return; } bool isFirstUpload = false; if (!mTextureID) { glGenTextures(1, &mTextureID); if (!mTextureID) { // This should not happen, however, its likely the cause of the // white sqare bug. // Force a crash to 1: restart the app, 2: make sure we get a bugreport. LOGE("Upload to texture failed to gen mTextureID"); rsc->dumpDebug(); mUploadDefered = true; return; } isFirstUpload = true; } GLenum target = (GLenum)getGLTarget(); glBindTexture(target, mTextureID); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); if (target == GL_TEXTURE_2D) { upload2DTexture(isFirstUpload); } else if (target == GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) { uploadCubeTexture(isFirstUpload); } if (mTextureGenMipmap) { #ifndef ANDROID_RS_BUILD_FOR_HOST glGenerateMipmap(target); #endif //ANDROID_RS_BUILD_FOR_HOST } rsc->checkError("Allocation::uploadToTexture"); } void Allocation::upload2DTexture(bool isFirstUpload) { GLenum type = mType->getElement()->getComponent().getGLType(); GLenum format = mType->getElement()->getComponent().getGLFormat(); Adapter2D adapt(getContext(), this); for (uint32_t lod = 0; (lod + mTextureLOD) < mType->getLODCount(); lod++) { adapt.setLOD(lod+mTextureLOD); uint16_t * ptr = static_cast(adapt.getElement(0,0)); if (isFirstUpload) { glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, lod, format, adapt.getDimX(), adapt.getDimY(), 0, format, type, ptr); } else { glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, lod, 0, 0, adapt.getDimX(), adapt.getDimY(), format, type, ptr); } } } void Allocation::uploadCubeTexture(bool isFirstUpload) { GLenum type = mType->getElement()->getComponent().getGLType(); GLenum format = mType->getElement()->getComponent().getGLFormat(); GLenum faceOrder[] = { GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z }; Adapter2D adapt(getContext(), this); for (uint32_t face = 0; face < 6; face ++) { adapt.setFace(face); for (uint32_t lod = 0; (lod + mTextureLOD) < mType->getLODCount(); lod++) { adapt.setLOD(lod+mTextureLOD); uint16_t * ptr = static_cast(adapt.getElement(0,0)); if (isFirstUpload) { glTexImage2D(faceOrder[face], lod, format, adapt.getDimX(), adapt.getDimY(), 0, format, type, ptr); } else { glTexSubImage2D(faceOrder[face], lod, 0, 0, adapt.getDimX(), adapt.getDimY(), format, type, ptr); } } } } void Allocation::deferedUploadToBufferObject(const Context *rsc) { mIsVertexBuffer = true; mUploadDefered = true; } void Allocation::uploadToBufferObject(const Context *rsc) { rsAssert(!mType->getDimY()); rsAssert(!mType->getDimZ()); mIsVertexBuffer = true; if (!mBufferID) { glGenBuffers(1, &mBufferID); } if (!mBufferID) { LOGE("Upload to buffer object failed"); mUploadDefered = true; return; } GLenum target = (GLenum)getGLTarget(); glBindBuffer(target, mBufferID); glBufferData(target, mType->getSizeBytes(), getPtr(), GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); glBindBuffer(target, 0); rsc->checkError("Allocation::uploadToBufferObject"); } void Allocation::uploadCheck(Context *rsc) { if (mUploadDefered) { syncAll(rsc, RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_SCRIPT); } } void Allocation::data(Context *rsc, const void *data, uint32_t sizeBytes) { uint32_t size = mType->getSizeBytes(); if (size != sizeBytes) { LOGE("Allocation::data called with mismatched size expected %i, got %i", size, sizeBytes); return; } if (mType->getElement()->getHasReferences()) { incRefs(data, sizeBytes / mType->getElement()->getSizeBytes()); decRefs(mPtr, sizeBytes / mType->getElement()->getSizeBytes()); } memcpy(mPtr, data, size); sendDirty(); mUploadDefered = true; } void Allocation::read(void *data) { memcpy(data, mPtr, mType->getSizeBytes()); } void Allocation::subData(Context *rsc, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t count, const void *data, uint32_t sizeBytes) { uint32_t eSize = mType->getElementSizeBytes(); uint8_t * ptr = static_cast(mPtr); ptr += eSize * xoff; uint32_t size = count * eSize; if (size != sizeBytes) { LOGE("Allocation::subData called with mismatched size expected %i, got %i", size, sizeBytes); mType->dumpLOGV("type info"); return; } if (mType->getElement()->getHasReferences()) { incRefs(data, count); decRefs(ptr, count); } memcpy(ptr, data, size); sendDirty(); mUploadDefered = true; } void Allocation::subData(Context *rsc, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, const void *data, uint32_t sizeBytes) { uint32_t eSize = mType->getElementSizeBytes(); uint32_t lineSize = eSize * w; uint32_t destW = mType->getDimX(); const uint8_t *src = static_cast(data); uint8_t *dst = static_cast(mPtr); dst += eSize * (xoff + yoff * destW); if ((lineSize * eSize * h) != sizeBytes) { rsAssert(!"Allocation::subData called with mismatched size"); return; } for (uint32_t line=yoff; line < (yoff+h); line++) { if (mType->getElement()->getHasReferences()) { incRefs(src, w); decRefs(dst, w); } memcpy(dst, src, lineSize); src += lineSize; dst += destW * eSize; } sendDirty(); mUploadDefered = true; } void Allocation::subData(Context *rsc, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t zoff, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t d, const void *data, uint32_t sizeBytes) { } void Allocation::subElementData(Context *rsc, uint32_t x, const void *data, uint32_t cIdx, uint32_t sizeBytes) { uint32_t eSize = mType->getElementSizeBytes(); uint8_t * ptr = static_cast(mPtr); ptr += eSize * x; if (cIdx >= mType->getElement()->getFieldCount()) { LOGE("Error Allocation::subElementData component %i out of range.", cIdx); rsc->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_VALUE, "subElementData component out of range."); return; } if (x >= mType->getDimX()) { LOGE("Error Allocation::subElementData X offset %i out of range.", x); rsc->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_VALUE, "subElementData X offset out of range."); return; } const Element * e = mType->getElement()->getField(cIdx); ptr += mType->getElement()->getFieldOffsetBytes(cIdx); if (sizeBytes != e->getSizeBytes()) { LOGE("Error Allocation::subElementData data size %i does not match field size %i.", sizeBytes, e->getSizeBytes()); rsc->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_VALUE, "subElementData bad size."); return; } if (e->getHasReferences()) { e->incRefs(data); e->decRefs(ptr); } memcpy(ptr, data, sizeBytes); sendDirty(); mUploadDefered = true; } void Allocation::subElementData(Context *rsc, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, const void *data, uint32_t cIdx, uint32_t sizeBytes) { uint32_t eSize = mType->getElementSizeBytes(); uint8_t * ptr = static_cast(mPtr); ptr += eSize * (x + y * mType->getDimX()); if (x >= mType->getDimX()) { LOGE("Error Allocation::subElementData X offset %i out of range.", x); rsc->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_VALUE, "subElementData X offset out of range."); return; } if (y >= mType->getDimY()) { LOGE("Error Allocation::subElementData X offset %i out of range.", x); rsc->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_VALUE, "subElementData X offset out of range."); return; } if (cIdx >= mType->getElement()->getFieldCount()) { LOGE("Error Allocation::subElementData component %i out of range.", cIdx); rsc->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_VALUE, "subElementData component out of range."); return; } const Element * e = mType->getElement()->getField(cIdx); ptr += mType->getElement()->getFieldOffsetBytes(cIdx); if (sizeBytes != e->getSizeBytes()) { LOGE("Error Allocation::subElementData data size %i does not match field size %i.", sizeBytes, e->getSizeBytes()); rsc->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_VALUE, "subElementData bad size."); return; } if (e->getHasReferences()) { e->incRefs(data); e->decRefs(ptr); } memcpy(ptr, data, sizeBytes); sendDirty(); mUploadDefered = true; } void Allocation::addProgramToDirty(const Program *p) { mToDirtyList.push(p); } void Allocation::removeProgramToDirty(const Program *p) { for (size_t ct=0; ct < mToDirtyList.size(); ct++) { if (mToDirtyList[ct] == p) { mToDirtyList.removeAt(ct); return; } } rsAssert(0); } void Allocation::dumpLOGV(const char *prefix) const { ObjectBase::dumpLOGV(prefix); String8 s(prefix); s.append(" type "); if (mType.get()) { mType->dumpLOGV(s.string()); } LOGV("%s allocation ptr=%p mCpuWrite=%i, mCpuRead=%i, mGpuWrite=%i, mGpuRead=%i", prefix, mPtr, mCpuWrite, mCpuRead, mGpuWrite, mGpuRead); LOGV("%s allocation mIsTexture=%i mTextureID=%i, mIsVertexBuffer=%i, mBufferID=%i", prefix, mIsTexture, mTextureID, mIsVertexBuffer, mBufferID); } void Allocation::serialize(OStream *stream) const { // Need to identify ourselves stream->addU32((uint32_t)getClassId()); String8 name(getName()); stream->addString(&name); // First thing we need to serialize is the type object since it will be needed // to initialize the class mType->serialize(stream); uint32_t dataSize = mType->getSizeBytes(); // Write how much data we are storing stream->addU32(dataSize); // Now write the data stream->addByteArray(mPtr, dataSize); } Allocation *Allocation::createFromStream(Context *rsc, IStream *stream) { // First make sure we are reading the correct object RsA3DClassID classID = (RsA3DClassID)stream->loadU32(); if (classID != RS_A3D_CLASS_ID_ALLOCATION) { LOGE("allocation loading skipped due to invalid class id\n"); return NULL; } String8 name; stream->loadString(&name); Type *type = Type::createFromStream(rsc, stream); if (!type) { return NULL; } type->compute(); // Number of bytes we wrote out for this allocation uint32_t dataSize = stream->loadU32(); if (dataSize != type->getSizeBytes()) { LOGE("failed to read allocation because numbytes written is not the same loaded type wants\n"); ObjectBase::checkDelete(type); return NULL; } Allocation *alloc = new Allocation(rsc, type, RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_ALL); alloc->setName(name.string(), name.size()); // Read in all of our allocation data alloc->data(rsc, stream->getPtr() + stream->getPos(), dataSize); stream->reset(stream->getPos() + dataSize); return alloc; } void Allocation::sendDirty() const { for (size_t ct=0; ct < mToDirtyList.size(); ct++) { mToDirtyList[ct]->forceDirty(); } } void Allocation::incRefs(const void *ptr, size_t ct, size_t startOff) const { const uint8_t *p = static_cast(ptr); const Element *e = mType->getElement(); uint32_t stride = e->getSizeBytes(); p += stride * startOff; while (ct > 0) { e->incRefs(p); ct --; p += stride; } } void Allocation::decRefs(const void *ptr, size_t ct, size_t startOff) const { const uint8_t *p = static_cast(ptr); const Element *e = mType->getElement(); uint32_t stride = e->getSizeBytes(); p += stride * startOff; while (ct > 0) { e->decRefs(p); ct --; p += stride; } } void Allocation::copyRange1D(Context *rsc, const Allocation *src, int32_t srcOff, int32_t destOff, int32_t len) { } void Allocation::resize1D(Context *rsc, uint32_t dimX) { Type *t = mType->cloneAndResize1D(rsc, dimX); uint32_t oldDimX = mType->getDimX(); if (dimX == oldDimX) { return; } if (dimX < oldDimX) { decRefs(mPtr, oldDimX - dimX, dimX); } mPtr = realloc(mPtr, t->getSizeBytes()); if (dimX > oldDimX) { const Element *e = mType->getElement(); uint32_t stride = e->getSizeBytes(); memset(((uint8_t *)mPtr) + stride * oldDimX, 0, stride * (dimX - oldDimX)); } mType.set(t); } void Allocation::resize2D(Context *rsc, uint32_t dimX, uint32_t dimY) { LOGE("not implemented"); } ///////////////// // namespace android { namespace renderscript { void rsi_AllocationUploadToTexture(Context *rsc, RsAllocation va, bool genmip, uint32_t baseMipLevel) { Allocation *alloc = static_cast(va); alloc->deferedUploadToTexture(rsc, genmip, baseMipLevel); } void rsi_AllocationUploadToBufferObject(Context *rsc, RsAllocation va) { Allocation *alloc = static_cast(va); alloc->deferedUploadToBufferObject(rsc); } static void mip565(const Adapter2D &out, const Adapter2D &in) { uint32_t w = out.getDimX(); uint32_t h = out.getDimY(); for (uint32_t y=0; y < h; y++) { uint16_t *oPtr = static_cast(out.getElement(0, y)); const uint16_t *i1 = static_cast(in.getElement(0, y*2)); const uint16_t *i2 = static_cast(in.getElement(0, y*2+1)); for (uint32_t x=0; x < w; x++) { *oPtr = rsBoxFilter565(i1[0], i1[1], i2[0], i2[1]); oPtr ++; i1 += 2; i2 += 2; } } } static void mip8888(const Adapter2D &out, const Adapter2D &in) { uint32_t w = out.getDimX(); uint32_t h = out.getDimY(); for (uint32_t y=0; y < h; y++) { uint32_t *oPtr = static_cast(out.getElement(0, y)); const uint32_t *i1 = static_cast(in.getElement(0, y*2)); const uint32_t *i2 = static_cast(in.getElement(0, y*2+1)); for (uint32_t x=0; x < w; x++) { *oPtr = rsBoxFilter8888(i1[0], i1[1], i2[0], i2[1]); oPtr ++; i1 += 2; i2 += 2; } } } static void mip8(const Adapter2D &out, const Adapter2D &in) { uint32_t w = out.getDimX(); uint32_t h = out.getDimY(); for (uint32_t y=0; y < h; y++) { uint8_t *oPtr = static_cast(out.getElement(0, y)); const uint8_t *i1 = static_cast(in.getElement(0, y*2)); const uint8_t *i2 = static_cast(in.getElement(0, y*2+1)); for (uint32_t x=0; x < w; x++) { *oPtr = (uint8_t)(((uint32_t)i1[0] + i1[1] + i2[0] + i2[1]) * 0.25f); oPtr ++; i1 += 2; i2 += 2; } } } static void mip(const Adapter2D &out, const Adapter2D &in) { switch (out.getBaseType()->getElement()->getSizeBits()) { case 32: mip8888(out, in); break; case 16: mip565(out, in); break; case 8: mip8(out, in); break; } } typedef void (*ElementConverter_t)(void *dst, const void *src, uint32_t count); static void elementConverter_cpy_16(void *dst, const void *src, uint32_t count) { memcpy(dst, src, count * 2); } static void elementConverter_cpy_8(void *dst, const void *src, uint32_t count) { memcpy(dst, src, count); } static void elementConverter_cpy_32(void *dst, const void *src, uint32_t count) { memcpy(dst, src, count * 4); } static void elementConverter_888_to_565(void *dst, const void *src, uint32_t count) { uint16_t *d = static_cast(dst); const uint8_t *s = static_cast(src); while (count--) { *d = rs888to565(s[0], s[1], s[2]); d++; s+= 3; } } static void elementConverter_8888_to_565(void *dst, const void *src, uint32_t count) { uint16_t *d = static_cast(dst); const uint8_t *s = static_cast(src); while (count--) { *d = rs888to565(s[0], s[1], s[2]); d++; s+= 4; } } static ElementConverter_t pickConverter(const Element *dst, const Element *src) { GLenum srcGLType = src->getComponent().getGLType(); GLenum srcGLFmt = src->getComponent().getGLFormat(); GLenum dstGLType = dst->getComponent().getGLType(); GLenum dstGLFmt = dst->getComponent().getGLFormat(); if (srcGLFmt == dstGLFmt && srcGLType == dstGLType) { switch (dst->getSizeBytes()) { case 4: return elementConverter_cpy_32; case 2: return elementConverter_cpy_16; case 1: return elementConverter_cpy_8; } } if (srcGLType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE && srcGLFmt == GL_RGB && dstGLType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 && dstGLFmt == GL_RGB) { return elementConverter_888_to_565; } if (srcGLType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE && srcGLFmt == GL_RGBA && dstGLType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 && dstGLFmt == GL_RGB) { return elementConverter_8888_to_565; } LOGE("pickConverter, unsuported combo, src %p, dst %p", src, dst); LOGE("pickConverter, srcGLType = %x, srcGLFmt = %x", srcGLType, srcGLFmt); LOGE("pickConverter, dstGLType = %x, dstGLFmt = %x", dstGLType, dstGLFmt); src->dumpLOGV("SRC "); dst->dumpLOGV("DST "); return 0; } #ifndef ANDROID_RS_BUILD_FOR_HOST void rsi_AllocationSyncAll(Context *rsc, RsAllocation va, RsAllocationUsageType src) { Allocation *a = static_cast(va); a->syncAll(rsc, src); } RsAllocation rsi_AllocationCreateBitmapRef(Context *rsc, RsType vtype, void *bmp, void *callbackData, RsBitmapCallback_t callback) { const Type * type = static_cast(vtype); Allocation * alloc = new Allocation(rsc, type, bmp, callbackData, callback); alloc->incUserRef(); return alloc; } void rsi_AllocationCopyFromBitmap(Context *rsc, RsAllocation va, const void *data, size_t dataLen) { Allocation *texAlloc = static_cast(va); const Type * t = texAlloc->getType(); uint32_t w = t->getDimX(); uint32_t h = t->getDimY(); bool genMips = t->getDimLOD(); size_t s = w * h * t->getElementSizeBytes(); if (s != dataLen) { rsc->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_VALUE, "Bitmap size didn't match allocation size"); return; } memcpy(texAlloc->getPtr(), data, s); if (genMips) { Adapter2D adapt(rsc, texAlloc); Adapter2D adapt2(rsc, texAlloc); for (uint32_t lod=0; lod < (texAlloc->getType()->getLODCount() -1); lod++) { adapt.setLOD(lod); adapt2.setLOD(lod + 1); mip(adapt2, adapt); } } } void rsi_AllocationCopyToBitmap(Context *rsc, RsAllocation va, void *data, size_t dataLen) { Allocation *texAlloc = static_cast(va); const Type * t = texAlloc->getType(); size_t s = t->getDimX() * t->getDimY() * t->getElementSizeBytes(); if (s != dataLen) { rsc->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_VALUE, "Bitmap size didn't match allocation size"); return; } memcpy(data, texAlloc->getPtr(), s); } void rsi_AllocationData(Context *rsc, RsAllocation va, const void *data, uint32_t sizeBytes) { Allocation *a = static_cast(va); a->data(rsc, data, sizeBytes); } void rsi_Allocation1DSubData(Context *rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t count, const void *data, uint32_t sizeBytes) { Allocation *a = static_cast(va); a->subData(rsc, xoff, count, data, sizeBytes); } void rsi_Allocation2DSubElementData(Context *rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, const void *data, uint32_t eoff, uint32_t sizeBytes) { Allocation *a = static_cast(va); a->subElementData(rsc, x, y, data, eoff, sizeBytes); } void rsi_Allocation1DSubElementData(Context *rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t x, const void *data, uint32_t eoff, uint32_t sizeBytes) { Allocation *a = static_cast(va); a->subElementData(rsc, x, data, eoff, sizeBytes); } void rsi_Allocation2DSubData(Context *rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, const void *data, uint32_t sizeBytes) { Allocation *a = static_cast(va); a->subData(rsc, xoff, yoff, w, h, data, sizeBytes); } void rsi_AllocationRead(Context *rsc, RsAllocation va, void *data) { Allocation *a = static_cast(va); a->read(data); } void rsi_AllocationResize1D(Context *rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t dimX) { Allocation *a = static_cast(va); a->resize1D(rsc, dimX); } void rsi_AllocationResize2D(Context *rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t dimX, uint32_t dimY) { Allocation *a = static_cast(va); a->resize2D(rsc, dimX, dimY); } #endif //ANDROID_RS_BUILD_FOR_HOST } } const void * rsaAllocationGetType(RsContext con, RsAllocation va) { Allocation *a = static_cast(va); a->getType()->incUserRef(); return a->getType(); } RsAllocation rsaAllocationCreateTyped(RsContext con, RsType vtype, RsAllocationMipmapGenerationControl mips, uint32_t usages) { Context *rsc = static_cast(con); Allocation * alloc = new Allocation(rsc, static_cast(vtype), usages); alloc->incUserRef(); return alloc; } RsAllocation rsaAllocationCreateFromBitmap(RsContext con, RsType vtype, RsAllocationMipmapGenerationControl mips, const void *data, uint32_t usages) { Context *rsc = static_cast(con); Type *t = static_cast(vtype); RsAllocation vTexAlloc = rsaAllocationCreateTyped(rsc, vtype, mips, usages); Allocation *texAlloc = static_cast(vTexAlloc); if (texAlloc == NULL) { LOGE("Memory allocation failure"); return NULL; } memcpy(texAlloc->getPtr(), data, t->getDimX() * t->getDimY() * t->getElementSizeBytes()); if (mips == RS_MIPMAP_FULL) { Adapter2D adapt(rsc, texAlloc); Adapter2D adapt2(rsc, texAlloc); for (uint32_t lod=0; lod < (texAlloc->getType()->getLODCount() -1); lod++) { adapt.setLOD(lod); adapt2.setLOD(lod + 1); mip(adapt2, adapt); } } return texAlloc; } RsAllocation rsaAllocationCubeCreateFromBitmap(RsContext con, RsType vtype, RsAllocationMipmapGenerationControl mips, const void *data, uint32_t usages) { Context *rsc = static_cast(con); Type *t = static_cast(vtype); // Cubemap allocation's faces should be Width by Width each. // Source data should have 6 * Width by Width pixels // Error checking is done in the java layer RsAllocation vTexAlloc = rsaAllocationCreateTyped(rsc, t, mips, usages); Allocation *texAlloc = static_cast(vTexAlloc); if (texAlloc == NULL) { LOGE("Memory allocation failure"); return NULL; } uint8_t *sourcePtr = (uint8_t*)data; for (uint32_t face = 0; face < 6; face ++) { Adapter2D faceAdapter(rsc, texAlloc); faceAdapter.setFace(face); size_t cpySize = t->getDimX() * t->getDimX() * t->getElementSizeBytes(); memcpy(faceAdapter.getElement(0, 0), sourcePtr, cpySize); // Move the data pointer to the next cube face sourcePtr += cpySize; if (mips == RS_MIPMAP_FULL) { Adapter2D adapt(rsc, texAlloc); Adapter2D adapt2(rsc, texAlloc); adapt.setFace(face); adapt2.setFace(face); for (uint32_t lod=0; lod < (texAlloc->getType()->getLODCount() -1); lod++) { adapt.setLOD(lod); adapt2.setLOD(lod + 1); mip(adapt2, adapt); } } } return texAlloc; }