page.title=ADT Plugin for Eclipse sdk.preview=0 @jd:body
Android Development Tools (ADT) is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE that is designed to give you a powerful, integrated environment in which to build Android applications.
ADT extends the capabilities of Eclipse to let you quickly set up new Android projects, create an application UI, add components based on the Android Framework API, debug your applications using the Android SDK tools, and even export signed (or unsigned) APKs in order to distribute your application.
Developing in Eclipse with ADT is highly recommended and is the fastest way to get started. With the guided project setup it provides, as well as tools integration, custom XML editors, and debug ouput pane, ADT gives you an incredible boost in developing Android applications.
This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to download the ADT plugin and install it into your Eclipse development environment. Note that before you can install or use ADT, you must have compatible versions of both the Eclipse IDE and the Android SDK installed. For details, make sure to read Installing the ADT Plugin, below.
If you are already using ADT, this document also provides instructions on how to update ADT to the latest version or how to uninstall it, if necessary.
The sections below provide notes about successive releases of the ADT Plugin, as denoted by revision number.
ADT 8.0.0 is designed for use with SDK Tools r8. If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r8 into your SDK, use the Android SDK and AVD Manager to do so.
attribute in the Android Manifest.
Incremental builds automatically insert debuggable="true"
, but if you perform
"export signed/unsigned application package", ADT does not insert it.
If you manually set debuggable="true"
in the manifest file, then release builds will
actually create a debug build (it does not remove it if you placed it there).
property in the
file that points to a proguard config
source and javadoc location can now be configured.ADT 0.9.9 replaces ADT 0.9.8 and is designed for use with SDK Tools r7 and later. ADT 0.9.9 includes the ADT 0.9.8 features as well as an important bugfix, so we recommend that you upgrade as soon as possible. If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r7 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to do so.
ADT 0.9.8 is now deprecated. Please use ADT 0.9.9 instead.
. There is now support for any number of source folders,
with no name restriction. They can even be in subfolder such as
. If you are already working with library projects created
in ADT 0.9.7, see Migrating
library projects to ADT 0.9.8 for important information about moving
to the new ADT
, night
.The ADT Plugin now supports the use of library projects during development, a capability that lets you store shared Android application code and resources in a separate development project. You can then reference the library project from other Android projects and, at build time, the tools compile the shared code and resources as part of the dependent applications. More information about this feature is available in the Developing in Eclipse with ADT document.
If you are not developing in Eclipse, SDK Tools r6 provides the equivalent library project support through the Ant build system.
ADT 0.9.6 is designed for use with SDK Tools r5 and later. Before updating to ADT 0.9.6, we highly recommend that you use the Android SDK and AVD Manager to install SDK Tools r5 into your SDK.
outside of Eclipse will now
automatically update the project.ADT 0.9.5 requires features provided in SDK Tools r4 or higher. If you install ADT 0.9.5, which is highly recommended, you should use the Android SDK and AVD Manager to download thye latest SDK Tools into your SDK. For more information, see Adding SDK Components.
ADT 0.9.4 requires features provided in SDK Tools r3 or higher. If you install ADT 0.9.4, which is highly recommended, you should use the Android SDK and AVD Manager to download the latest SDK Tools into your SDK. For more information, see Adding SDK Components.
The sections below provide instructions on how to download and install ADT into your Eclipse environment. If you encounter problems, see the Troubleshooting section.
ADT is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE. Before you can install or use ADT, you must have a compatible version of Eclipse installed on your development computer.
For Eclipse 3.5 or newer, the "Eclipse Classic" version is recommended. Otherwise, a Java or RCP version of Eclipse is recommended.
Additionally, before you can configure or use ADT, you must install the Android SDK starter package, as described in Downloading the SDK Starter Package. Specifically, you need to install a compatible version of the Android SDK Tools and at least one development platform. To simplify ADT setup, we recommend installing the Android SDK prior to installing ADT.
When your Eclipse and Android SDK environments are ready, continue with the ADT installation as described in the steps below.
Use Update Manager feature of your Eclipse installation to install the latest revision of ADT on your development computer.
Assuming that you have a compatible version of the Eclipse IDE installed, as described in Preparing for Installation, above, follow these steps to download the ADT plugin and install it in your Eclipse environment.
Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo) and 3.6 (Helios) | Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) |
Once you've successfully downloaded ADT as described above, the next step is to modify your ADT preferences in Eclipse to point to the Android SDK directory:
Done! If you haven't encountered any problems, then the installation is complete. If you're installing the Android SDK for the first time, return to Installing the SDK to complete your setup.
If you are having trouble downloading the ADT plugin after following the steps above, here are some suggestions:
If you are still unable to use Eclipse to download the ADT plugin as a remote update site, you can download the ADT zip file to your local machine and manually install it:
Name | Package | Size | MD5 Checksum |
ADT {@adtZipVersion} | {@adtZipDownload} | {@adtZipBytes} bytes | {@adtZipChecksum} |
To update your plugin once you've installed using the zip file, you will have to follow these steps again instead of the default update instructions.
Note that there are features of ADT that require some optional Eclipse components (for example, WST). If you encounter an error when installing ADT, your Eclipse installion might not include these components. For information about how to quickly add the necessary components to your Eclipse installation, see the troubleshooting topic ADT Installation Error: "requires plug-in org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui".
If you encounter this error when installing the ADT Plugin for Eclipse:
An error occurred during provisioning. Cannot connect to keystore. JKS
...then your development machine lacks a suitable Java VM. Installing Sun Java 6 will resolve this issue and you can then reinstall the ADT Plugin.
From time to time, a new revision of the ADT Plugin becomes available, with new features and bug fixes. Generally, when a new revision of ADT is available, you should update to it as soon as convenient.
In some cases, a new revision of ADT will have a dependency on a specific revision of the Android SDK Tools. If such dependencies exist, you will need to update the SDK Tools component of the SDK after installing the new revision of ADT. To update the SDK Tools component, use the Android SDK and AVD Manager, as described in Adding SDK Components.
To learn about new features of each ADT revision and also any dependencies on the SDK Tools, see the listings in the Revisions section. To determine the version currently installed, open the Eclipse Installed Software window using Help > Software Updates and refer to the version listed for "Android Development Tools".
Follow the steps below to check whether an update is available and, if so, to install it.
Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo) and 3.6 (Helios) | Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) |
If you encounter problems during the update, remove the existing ADT plugin from Eclipse, then perform a fresh installation, using the instructions for Installing the ADT Plugin.