/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_RENDERSCRIPT_H #define ANDROID_RENDERSCRIPT_H #include #include #include #include "rs.h" class Element; class Type; class Allocation; class RenderScript { friend class BaseObj; friend class Allocation; friend class Element; friend class Type; friend class Script; friend class ScriptC; public: RenderScript(); virtual ~RenderScript(); typedef void (*ErrorHandlerFunc_t)(uint32_t errorNum, const char *errorText); typedef void (*MessageHandlerFunc_t)(uint32_t msgNum, const void *msgData, size_t msgLen); void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandlerFunc_t func); ErrorHandlerFunc_t getErrorHandler() {return mErrorFunc;} void setMessageHandler(MessageHandlerFunc_t func); MessageHandlerFunc_t getMessageHandler() {return mMessageFunc;} bool init(int targetApi); void contextDump(); void finish(); private: static bool gInitialized; static pthread_mutex_t gInitMutex; pthread_t mMessageThreadId; pid_t mNativeMessageThreadId; bool mMessageRun; RsDevice mDev; RsContext mContext; ErrorHandlerFunc_t mErrorFunc; MessageHandlerFunc_t mMessageFunc; struct { Element *U8; Element *I8; Element *U16; Element *I16; Element *U32; Element *I32; Element *U64; Element *I64; Element *F32; Element *F64; Element *BOOLEAN; Element *ELEMENT; Element *TYPE; Element *ALLOCATION; Element *SAMPLER; Element *SCRIPT; Element *MESH; Element *PROGRAM_FRAGMENT; Element *PROGRAM_VERTEX; Element *PROGRAM_RASTER; Element *PROGRAM_STORE; Element *A_8; Element *RGB_565; Element *RGB_888; Element *RGBA_5551; Element *RGBA_4444; Element *RGBA_8888; Element *FLOAT_2; Element *FLOAT_3; Element *FLOAT_4; Element *DOUBLE_2; Element *DOUBLE_3; Element *DOUBLE_4; Element *UCHAR_2; Element *UCHAR_3; Element *UCHAR_4; Element *CHAR_2; Element *CHAR_3; Element *CHAR_4; Element *USHORT_2; Element *USHORT_3; Element *USHORT_4; Element *SHORT_2; Element *SHORT_3; Element *SHORT_4; Element *UINT_2; Element *UINT_3; Element *UINT_4; Element *INT_2; Element *INT_3; Element *INT_4; Element *ULONG_2; Element *ULONG_3; Element *ULONG_4; Element *LONG_2; Element *LONG_3; Element *LONG_4; Element *MATRIX_4X4; Element *MATRIX_3X3; Element *MATRIX_2X2; } mElements; void throwError(const char *err) const; static void * threadProc(void *); }; #endif