Merge commit '6342d3936ad8c9e6cf5bba1fc88c4e9338391bb4'
* commit '6342d3936ad8c9e6cf5bba1fc88c4e9338391bb4':
Change _TOKENIZE tests to test the new token_index column
Merge commit 'e85bb9ebcce85b8c7a0e0ccb5116cd25bf684727'
* commit 'e85bb9ebcce85b8c7a0e0ccb5116cd25bf684727':
Add the backup data file writer C++ class.
commit db1a75ffc2d5a811a8d983289dd4d0d9f2eeba5c
Author: Yang Li <>
Date: Fri May 1 17:49:29 2009 -0700
Fixed a few more styles issues and made some methods package private
commit f9735c3f1bbe6183337df226aa730b4be1225d55
Author: Yang Li <>
Date: Fri May 1 16:38:16 2009 -0700
- Refactored the code for Android coding styles and performance
- Renamed GesturePad to GestureOverlay
- Added GestureAdapter for default touch-through interactions of GestureOverlay
- Added a new exmaple, ContactListGestureOverlay, to show how to gesture over an arbitary view
commit 31050183c6d85091612f53155126c2488b920e32
Author: Yang Li <>
Date: Wed Apr 29 18:41:54 2009 -0700
Refactored the Gesture Library (An initial check-in).
Merge commit '4535e40544aeb957d44fad75fbe5676effe03689'
* commit '4535e40544aeb957d44fad75fbe5676effe03689':
Implement the C++ class to write the backed up file data.
The SQLite _TOKENIZE function has been changed to use a third
column, token_index. This commit adds tests for the
_TOKENIZE token_index column, and for the source column,
which was previously untested.
Merge commit 'aa642c0cc20293137376d44f8221876c121e5be9'
* commit 'aa642c0cc20293137376d44f8221876c121e5be9':
Get the backup calling through to the file backup helper.
Fix typos.
Add a new feature to android.os.Debug to add the ability to inject only specific fields when calling setFieldsOn().
Fixes#1836075. Adds consistency checks for the View hierarchy. To enable them, you need a debug build and ViewDebug.sConsistencyCheckEnabled set to true in debug.prop. This change also lets you easily enable drawing and layout profiling in ViewRoot by setting ViewRoot.sProfileDrawing, ViewRoot.sProfileLayout and ViewRoot.sShowFps in debug.prop with a debug build.
Merge commit '8ad028117d4b99883bbc52b29f097b2fb1d9b0c2'
* commit '8ad028117d4b99883bbc52b29f097b2fb1d9b0c2':
With this, the BackupService onBackup method is called.
Merge commit 'b4735b6c04c6bca3219115395748a1b5ef02ff6c'
* commit 'b4735b6c04c6bca3219115395748a1b5ef02ff6c':
AI 148665: Disabling a test that does not work as
Merge commit '25f963753ea762c12c74c0dcb861b023ac92177a' into donut
* commit '25f963753ea762c12c74c0dcb861b023ac92177a':
AI 148665: Disabling a test that does not work as
- Removes the mSearchable field which was only
for communication between the constructor and
- Removes the badge and query rewriting fields,
since their values can be efficiently computed
on the fly.
- Makes all the other public fields private and adds getters
for them.
- Makes all fields final, except mActionKeys.
I don't see why we would every want that, and it
complicated making the fields final.
- Makes all fields in ActionKeyInfo final.
- Makes all fields in ActionKeyInfo private and adds getters.
- Removes the use of ActioKeyInfo.mKeyCode for failure
signalling. Uses IllegalArgumentException instead.
- Replaces the ad hoc linked list for looking up
action keys by a HashMap. This is needed to
make the fields in ActionkeyInfo final, and also avoids O(N)
lookup in the (unlikely) case that an activity
has lots of action keys.
- Don't throw exceptions when reading searchable
meta-data, since that could crash SearchManagerService.
- Adds debug logging.
Merge commit '4488b11c51ad8f5b8330279a9405e5a0f8586aa4'
* commit '4488b11c51ad8f5b8330279a9405e5a0f8586aa4':
Add some C++ code to do raw files for backup